Arizona Heat (20 page)

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Authors: Ellie J. LaBelle

BOOK: Arizona Heat
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First and foremost, thank you to all the readers out there who made it this far. I hope you enjoyed Josie and Reagan’s story as much as I loved creating it.


Thank you to all of my friends and family for offering much needed support in my creative career. When I often felt the crippling self-doubt that I wasn't good enough, you were there to help me believe in myself. A special thanks to Sam and Martha for being my first readers. It felt like I was giving a huge piece of myself to you guys and your connection with the story means the world to me. Thank you Ryan for your friendly advice and for explaining things to me that make no sense to most of the world.


To my parents, I would not have been able to achieve a single thing in my life if it weren't for you. You never stopped believing in me, even when you didn't understand why I needed to do something. Not many people can say they have parents who support them no matter what their endeavor and I’m forever grateful that mine push me to believe that I can do anything and be anything I want to be.


Finally, to my someday husband Jimmy, thank you for sitting with me while I completely ignored you for hours so I could write just one more sentence. Thank you for realizing when I’d had enough, even when I couldn't see it myself, and forcing me to put my computer down. You put up with my random mood swings when I wasn't able to write for a few days and every day you remind me why I write the things I do.


About the Author


Graphic designer by day, author by night, Ellie J. LaBelle is a born and raised Western New Yorker. She never fancied herself a writer until conquering the grueling task of her undergraduate thesis paper. While reading and interoperating film theory articles, she needed a break from the dense material and thus, a fiction author was born.


I have had a love of romance ever since I was a small child. I’m sure everyone assumed I would grow out of it by the time I reached adulthood but at twenty-two, I’m still obsessed with love. I started writing about young lovers after the incoherent thoughts and ideas roaming abound in my brain became stories. As soon as I began forming sentences to my thoughts, they just kept on rolling until I was left with my first novel.


I have always felt that there is something immensely profound about two people, in a world of hate and destruction, finding happiness with one another. I’m a sucker for a good story and I love feeling a part of the character’s romance.


I hope my readers have as much fun reading my novels as I had writing them!


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