Arizona Heat (6 page)

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Authors: Ellie J. LaBelle

BOOK: Arizona Heat
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“Are you sure?”

“Don’t make me ask twice,

he smirks and I feel my heart race. Can I really go on a road trip with him? Logistically it makes sense for him to drop me off since we’re going to the same place, right? I was searching for the unexpected and this sure as shit wasn't how I expected my trip to go. But there are so many reasons I should say no, namely this little thing called a fianc
that I have. Simon would never go for this and I can’t go without telling him. My mind is already filled with guilt for not telling him about the trip to the Grand Canyon. Well, I told him where I was going, but failed to mention who it was with. Why did I not tell him? It’s not as if I was doing anything wrong and it is not as if I intended to share a motel room with Reagan. So why did I keep it from him? Reagan looks at me and it’s nearly impossible not to say yes, but I can’t.

“Can I think about it?”

I’m only human, it was impossible to say no too.

Chapter Twelve


“Stop overreacting,

I huff, swinging on a hammock in the back yard.

“You spent the night with another man and you think I’m overreacting?”

“I drove into a freaking ditch. I almost died.”

“I don’t care if you drove off a cliff, you don't spend the night with some random guy.”

“Fuck you Simon.”

“I sit around waiting for you to call, worried about you, and find out you lied to me on the phone. How did you expect me to feel? You didn’t even think to mention that you crashed the rental car when we spoke that night.”

“Oh, so now you care that I almost died,

I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

“You didn’t almost die,

he huffs.

“I never exaggerate. If I say that I almost died then I really mean that I almost died. I’m being honest with you now, doesn't that count for something? And I didn’t even do anything wrong. I didn't cheat on you, I was just hanging out with a, uh, friend. I didn't tell you immediately because I knew you would overreact, just like you are doing.”

“So this Reagan asshole, the rock star, didn’t try anything? You expect me to fucking believe that?”

“Yes. I do. Because I told you the truth.”

“Whatever, I don’t care.

Oh you don’t fucking care
. My heart pounds out of my chest with rage.

“Great, so you won’t care if I go on a road trip with him to New York. He has a meeting with his record label in two weeks and wants me to go with him. What do you say to that?

Ha! That’ll piss him off.

“Go ahead,

he says, no hint of emotion in his voice.

“You were all mad a minute ago about us sharing a motel room because we were stuck in the middle of a monsoon and now you don't care if I go on a voluntary road trip with him?

I ask, awestruck.


he says simply.

“Fine then. I’m going.”

“Have fun.

He cannot be serious.

“I’m going to call you later when you’ve calmed down.”

“Look Josie, I believe that you didn't do anything with that Reagan guy. I’m frustrated you never mentioned him before now, but if he is just your friend then I trust you. It’ll be nice for you to have more time away from New York than you expected anyway. You deserve a break.”

What the

“I gotta go, I’m going out with the guys tonight,

he says.

He’s going out?

“Uh, okay,

I stutter.

“I love you,

he says.

“I love you to.”

What the hell just happened? One minute he’s screaming at me like a jealous boyfriend and the next he’s seriously okay with me spending two weeks alone with another man and sharing an RV with said man? My woman’s intuition kicks in on overdrive and I’m overwhelmed with suspicion. Since when is he going out and doing things? I’ve watched that man become one with the couch for nearly two years and he now decides to become a social human being as soon as I leave? I need to confide in someone. Francesca’s number is on speed dial and it only takes two rings for her to answer.

“Where the hell have you been? I’m dying of anticipation over here!”

I let out a very long sigh, trying to decide where to start. I fill her in on everything that happened, starting with the monsoon and ending with my conversation with Simon. She stays silent for an unusual amount of time, taking in my words.

“That bastard,

she finally says.


“Freaking Simon.”

“Why is Simon a bastard? Wait. Stupid question. What did he say this time that makes him a bastard?”

“You leave town and all of a sudden he’s getting mad at you about seeing another man? He says he doesn't care about you but turns around and says you deserve a break and should take your time getting home? I don't like it, Josie. I don't like it at all.”

“And he said he’s going out tonight.”


she gasps.

“Yeah, he said he’s going out with the guys.”

“Oh hell no. He does not get to do this to you. Not after how you’ve stood by him all this time.”

“What do you mean?”

“I know you probably don't want to hear this Josie…

Please don't say it out loud. My stomach drops with the knowing anticipation of what she is about to suggest.

“Please don't say that,

I whisper, tears forming in the corner of my eyes.

“I’m going to keep an eye on him,

she says firmly.


I say, knowing better than to argue with her.

“Call Reagan and tell him you are going with him.”

“I can’t actually do that,

I sigh.

“Yes, you really can. If for no other reason than Simon is being a dick. You said it yourself that you thought making him jealous would get him off his ass. I’m not saying sleep with the guy, you know, unless you want to. I won’t judge. Just might kill you in your sleep from a fit of jealousy.”

I let out a small laugh through my tears. She has an uncanny way of making me smile when the entire world feels like it’s collapsing on me.

“All I’m saying is this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and if Reagan isn't a total jerk, then you might have a good time with him. Maybe you’ll become best friends and you can bring him home to me so I can have him if you decide you don't want him.”

“I can’t want him. I’m engaged, remember?”

“Yeah let’s see what your doting fianc
is doing while you are away and then we’ll see if you can’t want him,

she mumbles.


I scold.


“Goodbye, Francesca,

I say before she can suggest any more absurdities.

Wiping the tears from my eyes, I storm into the house before I change my mind. My dad sits in his chair by the TV, glancing briefly at my shadow as I march into the kitchen. I pick up the rolodex next to the landline, because, you know, they're old school like that and find the number for the Lewis household. It feels like I’m fourteen again with butterflies forming in my stomach as the phone rings.


a tired voice says from the other line. I glance at the microwave clock and realize it’s ten o’clock.

“Shoot, I’m sorry Mr. Lewis. Did I wake you?”

“Josie, is that you?

he asks, his voice perking up.

“Yes, it’s me. I wanted to talk to Reagan if he is awake.”

“Hold on one-second and I’ll check.

There is some rustling in the background before I hear faint mumbling.


His tired voice sounds like heaven through the phone. Every time he speaks it sounds like a song and to hear my name in the words is a whole other experience.


I squeak. I cannot believe how nervous I feel.

“How are you?

he asks and the butterflies amplify.

“Fine, how are you?

I smile.


he says and I giggle. There is a silence between us and I bite my thumb as I listen to the static. “You called?

he eventually asks. Right, I called. What was it about? Oh yes, to accept his invitation. The thought occurs to me that he might have changed his mind. If I say yes now and he tells me he doesn't want me to come anymore then I’ll look like a total idiot.


“If your offer is still on the table, my answer is yes.

The words stumble out before I can take them back.


he sounds surprised.

“If you still want me to,

I say.

“Of course,

he answers and my heart flutters. This trip probably isn't a good idea.


I smile and hug myself.

“What about the fiancé?”

“I talked to him. We fought a bit but he said he didn't care so…yeah.”


he says, skepticism clear in his voice.

“What time should I be ready?”

“I’ll come by tomorrow afternoon and we’ll head out. It’s probably best if I drive.

I can hear the amusement in his voice and roll my eyes dramatically even though he can’t see me. So I guess we are really doing this. I had no idea, even three days ago, that this is where I would be. I left Simon and my responsibilities in New York to live spontaneously for a while and I find myself in the company of a rock star who wants to road trip with me. A guy who actually wants to spend time with me. I know I shouldn't compare the two but when Reagan is being so sweet and Simon is being so not, it’s hard not to.

Chapter Thirteen


“You keep my baby safe,

my dad warns as I step out onto the porch.

“She couldn’t be in better hands, sir,

Reagan assures.

I give Holly a big hug and she gives me a sad smile. I hate to leave them so soon but I’m excited for the adventures ahead. What those adventures are, I have no idea. I turn to my dad and give him a big squeeze, missing him already. Finally, I turn to Reagan, offering a curt nod and walk toward the RV. In a gentlemanly fashion, he lifts my suitcase inside, securing it so it won’t slide around and opens my door. I hop into the passenger seat and hang my head out the window as I wave my final goodbyes and promise to return soon. The entire summer is ahead of me and I know Francesca would love to come visit. We pull onto the dirt road and I sigh, suppressing the tears in my eyes. I was never good at goodbyes, even temporary ones.

“So where to first?

I ask, settling into my seat.


he says casually.


I gawk.

“I’ve been there a handful of times for concerts but never actually seen the city.”

“Oh, come on. A big rock star in the city of sin and you didn't even, like, find a prostitute or something?”

“It’s not as glamorous as it might seem,

he laughs.

“I’ve seen the VH1 specials they do on bands. I know what you guys do after concerts. All those groupies hanging around just waiting for one of you to notice them. Don’t tell me one never caught your eye.”

“I have no idea where any of them have been. It’s kind of gross if you think about it. I’ve never seen the allure in one night stands anyway. It gets lonely sometimes but never that lonely, at least not for me.”


I nod. He shakes his head with a smirk and I smile to myself.

We sit in a comfortable silence for the next few hours as I put my feet up on the dash and dive into a book. I wasn't expecting to be with Reagan in an RV for two weeks so my choice of books might be considered questionable. In my head I would have been sun bathing on the hammock by myself so my choice of raunchy harlequin novels is not optimal for sitting in an RV with Reagan. I’m thankful the cover doesn't have a hunky set of abs on it so I can be a little inconspicuous about my book choice. I lose myself in the story and as I get to the sexier parts I pull my knees to my chest and bite my thumb to conceal a private smile.

“Good book?

Reagan asks. I glance up at him with wide eyes.

“Huh, oh, yeah,

I stutter.

“What’s it about?”

“It’s a romance,

I say, not wanting to explain further.

“Oh yeah? The sappy kind?”

“You could say that,

I shrug nonchalantly.

“Read some of it to me.”

“I don’t think so,

I laugh nervously.

“Why not?

he asks with a curious brow.

“I don’t think you’d like it,

I say.

“Let me be the judge of that,

he says, grabbing the book from my hands. Crap. Crap. Crap.

“Give it back! You’re going to crash,

I say, trying to pry the book from his hands. He places a palm on my chest and I’m pretty sure my heart stops as he stiff arms me and balances the book on the sterling wheel. I lean back in my seat and curl into a ball, wishing I could die for a second. He places a hand on the wheel and holds the book up by the windshield, dangerously I might add, and starts reading.

“Natasha looked into his blue eyes as his arms traveled from the nape of her neck, down to the small of her back. She moaned as Lars hiked up the hem of her dress and trailed his finger between her thighs…

he looks at me with wide eyes and I groan. “Lars suddenly lifted her off the ground and her legs wrapped around his waist. He kissed her passionately before laying her naked form on the plush bed, eyeing her body with hungry desire. Natasha moaned as Lars placed soft kisses up her toned thigh and stuck his finger

Finger where?

He bursts into laughter as I cradle my head in my palms. Can death please come? Swiftly, if at all possible. This is the most embarrassing moment of my life. There is no way I can come back from this. I’ll have to go live with the mole people.

I feel a hand grab my chin and I’m forced to face Reagan. The mortification in my face must be obvious because he laughs again when he sees my expression.

“Kill me please,

I whisper.

“Why are you embarrassed?

he smiles, handing the book back to me.

“I don’t know, because nobody wants to get caught reading smut.”

“Those books do so well for a reason. You’re not the only person reading them. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.

I relax a little at his understanding. He could have just as easily looked at me like a freak.


I say, putting the book back into my bag.

“I just wouldn't have pegged you for the type of girl to read things like that,

he says.

“What’s that supposed to mean?

I ask a little defensively.

“You just seem like more of a
Pride and Prejudic
kind of girl.”

I don’t bother arguing with him. Partially because I am embarrassed but also because I have read
Pride and Prejudic
more times that I care to admit to him. I’m a romance junkie, what can I say? Every true hopeless romantic fell in love with Fitzwilliam Darcy harder than any other character. You can take that to the bank.

We cross over the border to Nevada and I am thankful we are almost there. I can’t look at Reagan’s smug grin for another minute. Granted, it’s an adorably smug grin, which makes me hate it even more. The late afternoon air is refreshing against my face as I lay my head on the window, watching the pink and orange hues cast shadows on the rock. Reagan lets out a loud sigh and I turn to see what he is looking at.

The massive cluster of bright lights, which I can only assume is the city of Las Vegas, causes me to absentmindedly lean toward the windshield to get a better view of the surprisingly massive skyscrapers. New York has some impressively tall buildings but none of them illuminate the night sky like this. The sun is on its final decent toward the horizon and I glance at Reagan whose profile basks in the orange glow of the setting sun. His features are accentuated as the shadows draw attention to his strong jaw and tan skin. I would photograph him in this moment if I could.

“What are you looking at?

he asks without turning his head toward me.


I blush.

“We will probably have to splurge on a hotel because I doubt there is anywhere convenient to park this thing. I have leftover points if we can find a Marriott or Renaissance.”

“Don’t you make, like, buckets of money?

I ask and immediately regret as it slips out of my mouth.
. You aren't supposed to ask people how much money they make. “Sorry, don’t answer that,

I add, my blush deepening.

“It’s okay,

he laughs. “Most of the money we make goes right back to the label in tour costs and royalties, you know, stuff like that.”

“That hardly seems fair,

I say.

“That is just the way it is,

he shrugs.

“Why don’t you release your albums independently?”

“If that didn't work for Radiohead, I don’t think it will work for us,

he laughs.

“Just a suggestion,

I mumble.

“A good suggestion if you could sustain sales without a label,

he offers with a grin that I can’t stay mad at.

We pull into the parking lot of a Renaissance and I am in awe of the massive glass structure before me. The lobby is something straight out of a Pier 1 catalog and I feel severely underdressed. My ripped shorts and t-shirt are not really up to par with everyone else.

Reagan takes care of the room with his points and I thank him before following him to the elevator with my suitcase. The room is very modern with a purple and silver theme that matches the rest of the hotel. I’m surprised by a pang of disappointment when I see two beds. I realize how ridiculous these emotions are but I enjoyed our first night together, even if it was literally just sleeping.

Nevertheless, I fling my body onto the plush comforter and sigh with happiness. I pull my phone out of my back pocket and notice a few new text messages. One from my dad checking in, three from Francesca begging for details, and nothing from Simon.

“Can you be ready in ten minutes?

Reagan asks, throwing his suitcase on the bed.


I say, snuggling further into the covers.

“You don’t look like you're getting up anytime soon. I know how you females are when it comes to getting ready.”

“Excuse me,

I scoff. “Don’t group me with all the little floozies you hang out with after your concerts.”

“Floozies? Did you time travel here from the 20s?”

“Don’t you worry your pretty little face. I’ll be ready in ten minutes.

I drag my suitcase to the bathroom and shoot him an exaggerated glare over my shoulder. I’ll show him how a real lady does it.

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