Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 (3 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Around the World in 80 Men

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35
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this a friend of yers?” Finlay's headed nodded in Carlos'
direction as he spoke. Mendez stepped back and shook his head.

Fuck no. We' associates.” Finlay nodded and looked
toward Carlos, then back. “I don't know what you two have going
on here, but I just want my fucking money.” His accent was
thick, and his speech unrefined. Finlay knew for certain that Mendez
was probably one of the best in his business. Heartless. soulless.
Skilled. Finlay walked to the bed and reached under at the small bag
that had been at his feet.

much does he owe ye?” He reached inside and grabbed a large
envelope. Mendez watched his hands and stepped forward.

think another ten thousand should make us even.” It was, he
thought, the least that Carlos could pay him in all the extra work
he'd done in the past week. Finlay laughed and removed ten thousand

The money was handed over, and Mendez nodded as he turned to leave
the men to their own affairs. “One more thing.” Mendez
turned again, and Carlos began to sit up to plead his case against
his tracker. It wasn't going as planned, and he had to do something.
“Sit the fook down!” Finlay stood over Carlos and his
eyes dared him to move. Once back in place, Finlay got back to
business. “How much?” Mendez looked at Finlay, wondering
which job he was asking about. “To make someone.... disappear.”
Mendez began to relax, business talk always had a way of changing a
mood. He walked over to the bed and sat on the corner. Anthony fought
a smile, knowing that Carlos had dug his own grave.

depends.” He pulled a cigar from his shirt pocket and offered
one to Finlay. The large Scot took it, and allowed Mendez to light
the end. Carlos stared in disbelief at what was going on. “Disappear
for a week? A month? A few years?” Mendez crossed one leg over
the other and enjoyed a long drag from his smoke. Finlay did the
same, then answered.

Mendez nodded. Those were his favorite jobs, and Finlay could see it
in his eyes.

I can do... dead.” He took another drag and looked back at
Finlay. “How do you want it done? Quick?” Finlay couldn't
believe that it was an option, but he thought for a few seconds
before responding.

Not quick.” Torture, that's what he wanted to say, but the word
was unspoken and understood. Mendez coughed loudly, and stood.

hundred thousand. Not a penny less.” Finlay nodded, and reached
out for the man's hand. Mendez gladly took it, and the men quietly
arranged their details when Mendez would get his payment. “Very
good. Now, all I need to know is who I'm...taking care of.”
Mendez was satisfied with the details, he just needed his mark.
Finlay walked across the room and stood over Carlos.

He pointed down and almost smiled when Mendez began to laugh. The
irony was too much for him, not to mention the pleasure of dealing
with someone that he already didn't like.

see. Yes... I'll take care of it as soon as you give me the word.”
Finlay turned and shook his hand again, then looked back at Carlos.
He leaned down on his knee and whispered into the Carlos' ear.

be dead soon. Morgan will be alive and in my arms. Ye'll be nothing
but a sad memory, to be forgotten. Nothing more.” Carlos began
to move, to fight, to get away from both men. “No, lad. Ye'll
stay here until I get the money fer my new friend.” Finlay
stood and walked to the front of Carlos' legs that were stretched out
in front of him. With one swift move, Finlay's boot landed in the
sweet spot of the middle of his ankle. Carlos screamed in pain, and
grabbed his foot. Another kick landed on his face, right below the
eye, and it bled instantly. One hand went to his eye, and the other
was still on his foot. The pain shot through Carlos like fire, and he
began to beg for Finlay to stop.

ye stop for Morgan? Did ye?” Another kick to the head, and a
very large fist to the face, made Carlos cry out for mercy. Finlay
wanted to kill him, that's all he'd wanted to do since finding him
that morning, but he knew that he couldn't put that knowledge on
Morgan's shoulders. Nor did he want her to see him as a ruthless
killer, and no better than Carlos. Another fist to the face, and then
Finlay finally ended it with a kick that was mustered with all his
might. A kick right to the damaged knee that had caused Carlos so
much pain. It was instantly shattered, and Carlos lost consciousness
within seconds. He stood, heaving with fury, and looked back at
Mendez who watched the scene with no expression. Anthony also
watched, then stood. He walked to Finlay's side and nodded down at
Carlos. Finlay agreed with wave of his hand, and Anthony's boot
connected hard with the side of the Carlos' head. Once more, and
Anthony was done. Finlay looked back at Mendez. “There's a shed
behind this place. Take him there and and.... do what ye will.”
Mendez nodded, and nudged Carlos' lifeless leg. A smile spread across
his face, and Finlay knew that the hit man was already thinking of
the torture that was in store for Carlos.

me something to eat, if you wouldn't mind.” Finlay nodded, and
told him that a meal and his payment would arrive shortly. “Very
good. The job will be done as soon as I'm paid. I'll send you a text
stating that
a storm is
brewing. Do not reply. The meaning is
that....,” he smiled widely, “the fun has begun.”
Finlay nodded, understanding that the torture that Carlos was in for
would start at the mention of the storm, and gave the man his number.
“When he's dead, I will text one last time.
The skies are
Only then, will you know that the job is done.”

At the bar, Finlay paid enough for several meals to be taken to the
room. He sat at a small table in the corner, next to the window, and
made a few calls. The money would be delivered that day, and it would
be handled discreetly. Finlay knew enough people to make almost
anything happen, and for that, he was most grateful. The only time he
looked up was to watch Mendez carry Carlos down the stairs, and to
the shed. Anthony had left Finlay alone at the table to conduct his
affairs in private, but he was just as satisfied as the Scot that the
situation was being handled perfectly.

was hired, the money was on the way, and with that... Finlay Campbell
finally left the Purple Peacock.


fucker!” It was no language for a lady, and her outburst had
gathered the attention of everyone in the room, but she couldn't help
it, and nobody judged her. Morgan had a dream she was falling, and
her involuntary twitch sent a wave of pain through her body she
wasn't ready for.

okay, Stick. I'm here, baby. I'm here.” Angel grabbed Morgan's
hand, giving her something to squeeze while she got more comfortable.

She closed her eyes, and opened them again slowly. The room was dark
with the curtains pulled shut, with the exception of a dimly lit lamp
in the corner, and she couldn't focus on anything in particular.

here,” his soft hand came down on hers.

She asked again, the medicine in her system working against her
desire to keep her eyes open. “Why...” Why was she there?
Where was she? Why was Angel there? She was too tired to recall
anything, and the last thing she remembered was being in the car with
Elena and then... “Carlos.” A few of the details began to
come back to her. The shed, the foul odor, the pain... “Fin.”
She winced as she spoke, the pain in her ribs surging through her
body with every breath.The details of
clear, she didn't even know how long she had been asleep. Hours,
days? She didn't know how Carlos had captured her, or what he had
done to her, she didn't know where she was or how they found her.
Even her call to Rudy was a memory she couldn't recall.

love. I'm here.” He walked in the room upon hearing her curse,
and watched as Angel consoled her. He'd been there for several hours,
in and out of the room, pacing down the hallway. “I promised.”
He walked to her side, and took his place in the chair across from
Angel. Morgan closed her eyes at his touch on her hand, and Finlay
and Angel exchanged a quick glance with one another, wondering if she
had lost the battle of the magical drug in her IV.

you,” Morgan whispered. She wasn't asleep yet, but that's all
she could think to say. She closed her fingers around both of their
hands as a tear escaped her swollen eye. Not a tear of pain, but one
of thankfulness.

you just rest. We're here. You don't need to speak.” Angel
grabbed for a bottle of water on the small table beside her bed.
“Here,” he brought it up to her lips, and Morgan took
several small sips. She felt the cold liquid passing through her
throat and down her body, it was soothing in a way.

closed her eyes again, and that time, she did not open them for
several hours. Her body was perfectly numb as she slept, and her mind
free of dreams or even memories. It was nearly eight o'clock when she
awoke, and that time, more people were there to greet her.

Anthony, Rudy, Finlay, and Angel were around her.
first wondered if she were dreaming, then she tried to bring her
hands up to cover her face from them all.
I look hideous. I
haven't even put makeup on.
Her arm hurt too badly and she cried
out in pain.
I'm not dreaming.

she swallowed hard as she tried to make sense of all of the people in
her room. “so many people.” There were a few quiet laughs
among the group, and she felt a few hands on her legs and arms.
Visiting hours had ended already for the other patients, but
Anthony's return to the hospital got the group special privilege to
stay with Morgan. Bouquets of flowers lined the window, along with
various chocolate treats and stuffed animals. If Morgan hadn't been
so concerned with nature's call, she would have noticed them, but
only one thing was on her mind. “I have to pee.” Her mind
tried to work through the fog, but she was sure to embarrass herself
if she didn't prioritize her needs.

few more giggles erupted from the group, and Angel was the first one
to help her to an upright position. “Let's get you to the potty
then.” Elena stepped forward and gave Angel a look, one that he
didn't agree with, but understood. A woman should be the one to help
her to the bathroom, and she wasn't taking
for an answer.

was helped to her feet and Elena held the back of her gown as Anthony
grabbed a walker for her to hold onto. “I can walk...shit!”
She grabbed both handles of the walker, and sat down in the small
seat it offered. She had a moment where she thought the pain might
not be too bad. The pain that seemed to reside in every inch of her
body quickly reminded her it was
bad. At the moment of
standing, her ankle screamed at her louder than the rest of the
injuries. “Okay,” Morgan agreed as Elena turned the
walker around to face the bathroom. Angel followed closely behind
with her IV, but allowed the two women to enter the bathroom alone.
“Elena?” Morgan asked as they shut the door behind them.

dear?” Elena made sure Morgan was able to make it onto the
toilet alright, then turned her back to Morgan to give her privacy.

happened?” It's all Morgan could say. She was quickly becoming
coherent enough to ask, and she wanted to hear it from someone who
wouldn't have too many feelings involved in it. Angel would add drama
to everything, and Finlay would only tell her what she wanted to

took a deep breath and shook her head slowly. She turned back around
when she heard the toilet flush, and helped Morgan back to the chair.
“I'm not sure you're...”

can handle it. Please.” She needed to know. At the very least,
she had to know why two of the people she loved most were in her
room. Morgan was pushed to the sink to wash her hands, and Elena
instantly tried to turn her around. It didn't occur to her that
Morgan would see the mirror, and it was too late. Morgan stopped
moving. The face that stared back at her was unrecognizable. Her
mouth opened in horror, but no sound could be heard.

reflection was terrifying, and hot tears immediately stung her eyes.
“Oh. My. God.” Words finally found their way from her
battered lips, and Elena's head dropped as she listened to Morgan's

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