Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (94 page)

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And more.” Morgan's fingers brushed across her nipples and
the sound that came from his chest kept her going. She squeezed the
pink area gently and she closed her eyes. “The game is over.”
He dropped his cards on the ground and scooted to sit next to her.
Morgan laughed and opened her eyes.

a chance! I could still win. Deal the cards.” He shook his
head again, and reminded her that he's won every hand. “I
don't” She wouldn't just give up, even if she
knew that she was going to lose. He took his place across from her
and did as she said.

about,” his eyes sparkled in the night as his idea surfaced,
“we bet something more.” The way he offered his idea
left no room for the imagination. He wanted to bet sexual favors,
and Morgan agreed instantly.

do you want?” She tucked one leg under the other and waited.
Eryk chuckled and looked down, then unzipped his jeans. His large,
and very aroused part protruded from the opening with very little
coaxing. He slowly ran his finger from the base to the tip.

tongue, right here.” Morgan wet her lips, and nodded slowly.

take that bet. And if I win.... I want,” she unzipped her
jeans and pulled them down, removing them and her panties all at
once, “your tongue,” she spread her legs in front of him,
exposing herself completely, and leaned back, “here.”
One finger parted her pretty lips and slid to her awaiting bud.

watched Eryk's tongue trace his bottom lip, then he nodded slowly,
just as she had done. “And I'll gladly take that bet.” He
reached for his beer and took a long swig, then grabbed the cards and
dealt them each their share. They took their turns, and Morgan
announced her cards, placing them on the grass in front of her. Three
sevens, a king and a five. Eryk looked down at his hand and smiled.

His hand moved to his shaft, and his fingers encircled the base, then
slid to the top. Morgan narrowed her eyes at the man in defeat,
unconvinced that she had just lost.

“What did you get! Come on, I got a...three of a kind...and
there was a King. That counts for something, right?” She put
her legs back under her ass and sat up, putting her hand out,
demanding to see the evidence.

“I'm sorry to tell you,” he smiled wider, and let go of
his cock, then leaned back onto his elbows, getting into position.
“Damn.” She actually had a glimmer of hope that she would

actually I was going to tell you that I'm sorry, because you'll have
to wait until later to taste me.” He set his full house, face
down, on the grass beside him and winked at Morgan. Eryk won, fairly,
but he had been tempted too badly, and he needed to feel her squirm
under his hot tongue. “I lost, Morgan.” Her face went
from confusion to complete understanding. Eryk sat up, then moved his
body forward, crawling over Morgan until he had her on her back.

you really lose?”

“Yes,” he spoke against the soft skin of her stomach, his
voice vibrating against her bare flesh. “Now spread your legs.”
Morgan did as she was told, and Eryk moved his body lower until she
could feel his warm breath at her center. He spread her swollen lips
with his thumbs and gave her throbbing core one long stroke of his
tongue. “Don't tease me,” Morgan moaned through her
teeth as her fingers entangled in his long hair. She raised her hips
and spread her legs further apart, urging him to continue.

“Like this?” He found her needy bud and he sucked it
softly between his lips, flicking it gently with his tongue.
Morgan's answer was more of an affirmation of moaning, but it was
more than enough. “And this?” His lips moved against
her as he spoke, and his hand moved up and rested on her inner thigh.
In one swift movement, Morgan felt him enter her deeply. The
combination of his finger and tongue made her body jerk with need,
and she pushed his head firmly against her.

her head pushed against the cool grass as she tried to stop her body
from the threatening explosion.

go, Morgan. Let me have you.” His tongue danced in place and
she felt his mouth curve into a smile when the tremors began.

legs tightened around his neck as her back arched high to meet his
every move. Morgan's body tensed, and Eryk held her thighs against
his face as he enjoyed every tremor that he brought through her body.
Her loud moans filled the night air, but all he could hear was the
slight whimper of pleasure when his mouth and hand finally moved from
her body.

turn, little one.” Slowly, like a large cat in a predatory
state, Eryk moved up her body. He stopped to press his lips against
her sweat-dampened neck, then continued until his cock was almost
over her head. “Open your mouth, Morgan.” She looked up
at him, still flat on the ground, her eyes still heavily glazed in

this?” She smiled and raised slightly, just enough to take his
thick tip between her lips. Eryk's head titled as he watched her,
and smiled wickedly as the jolts of pleasure began to course through
his body.

like that.” Morgan sat up even more and wrapped her hand
around the base, moving slowly to create a sweet rhythm with the
movement of her mouth.

He had wanted her mouth around him since they'd met, and it was an
intense moment that he knew would pass all too soon if he didn't slow
her down. “Slow down, baby.” He tried to move away, but
her grip was too tight, and her mouth too delicious. He felt her
shake her head slightly as she continued to bring him pleasure.
“Morgan...slow down.” He couldn't stop her, all he could
do was hope that she would.

felt empowered during those moments, letting him know that she was in
charge, and the feeling was intense enough to make her sit up even
more and finish the act of giving him what he had already given her.
She wanted to tell him to let go, to just feel, as he had done with
her, but when his body tensed and she heard his deep intake of
breath, she knew she didn't have to. Eryk pulled away and Morgan
sighed through her smile as she watched the result of the pleasure
that he felt. The sight of his beautiful cock, violently releasing
his pent up passion, was something that she very much enjoyed
woman. I've never come that fast from..well....” He wanted to
say he'd never had an orgasm so quickly from a woman's lips around
him, but he didn't have to finish his sentence. Morgan simply smiled,
and fell to the grass beside him.

welcome.” She placed a hand under her head, and took a swig of
warm beer with the other. She hadn't taken a drink since her boots
had come off, but it was still beer, cold or not. The two enjoyed a
few moments of silence under the night sky. The stars were amazing,
and Morgan couldn't remember the last time she had seen a sky so

silence was eventually broken, but it was the sound of Eryk's phone
that did it. It was lying in the pile of his clothing next to her and
he reached across her naked body to get it, but stopped and gave her
a quick kiss before answering. She turned to her side to watch the
handsome man in the moonlight.

Baran, speaking,” he introduced himself, then said something
else in Polish, then continued in English. “Yeah, I'll have
that to you on Monday. I'm..” his eyes moved to Morgan, “on
holiday.” She smiled and pressed a kiss to his muscular
shoulder, then got to her feet. It was starting to get chilly, and a
hot bath with her client sounded wonderful. Morgan gathered up the
pile of clothing in her arms, just as he was ending the call.

dropped his phone on top of the pile of clothes she was holding, then
picked Morgan up, holding her in his arms and carried her toward the
house. “So strong!” Morgan giggled as his hand squeezed
one of her bare ass cheeks.

they crossed through the sliding-glass door, Eryk's phone rang again.
Morgan grabbed it off of the top of the pile. Through more giggles,
and even as Eryk set her on the couch, she answered for him.

“Eryk Baran's phone, this is Morgan Holland.”

a few moments, the other line was silent. Morgan was about to speak
again, when the person spoke up.

What? I...fuck.” The line went silent again, followed by the
sound of a disconnected call. Even though the person didn't say much,
Morgan knew the voice anywhere.

was it?” Eryk was cracking open another beer as he walked his
beautiful naked glory over to the couch.

eyes were still staring at the blank screen on the phone when she
answered. “Tanner.”


grabbed another handful of popcorn before attempting to fix the
television. The color was fading, and it had been on its last leg for
a while, but it seemed like it was finally going to die. He gave the
beast a firm slap on the top and the picture went clear for a second,
then back to static. “Piece of shit.” He shoved more
popcorn in his mouth and fell back to the couch.

His bowl of popcorn, which also happened to be his lunch, was hurled
across the living room when his front door flew open.

look what you did?” Julius shook his head, but laughed, as he
started picking the little white puffs off of the floor. “What
brings you here, anyway?” He didn't mind when his half-brother
stopped by, but it was unlike him to visit without warning. In fact,
they weren't even
speak to one another.

quite a warm welcome, little bro.” Manuel gave him a pat on his
back, then fell to the old couch and leaned back. “I have good
news. Great news.”

going to fix my TV? Oh, you're going to fix my car? I know,”
Julius finished picking up the mess and sat down next to Manuel,
“you're sending me on an all-inclusive trip to...”


don't even know where you were sending me on a trip to.” Julius
took a drink of his cola and gave Manuel a look that said

were picked.” Manuel smiled and nodded, then gave his brother
another congratulatory pat on the shoulder.

for what?”

about two months ago when we were drunk and...” Manuel sat up a
bit, beginning to tell his story.

the fucking tequila! I kind of remember,” Julius laughed,
recalling a very, very drunk night.

Thanks for interrupting,” Manuel picked. The two were always
arguing and insulting one another, but that was their way of getting
along. Ever since their parents had divorced, Julius had become the
black sheep of the family, and Manuel's mother didn't approve of her
precious son, hanging out with the likes of Julius. It was rare that
the two got together, but the night they had drank had been even more
rare, and neither of them were likely to forget it for a while.
“Anyway, that night you told me something...”

told you a lot of things.” Julius replied.



done?” Manuel asked.

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30
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