Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (98 page)

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30
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I'm not jealous. I want you to be happy, and if a woman can do that
for you right now, then so be it.” It was the truth, and it was
all she had to give him. A long sigh on the other end told her that
he wasn't happy with her answer.

ya love me?”

suddenly felt over-rated. Morgan swallowed hard, and cleared her
throat. Tanner pressed the phone hard against his ear as he waited.
Finally, after moments of deafening silence, Morgan decided to remain
on the honesty train.


it, Morgan. Say... I love you, Tanner.” Morgan shook her head
and closed her eyes, willing the conversation to be over. It didn't
work. “Please. For the love of Christ, just say it!”
Morgan's eyes burned with tears that flowed freely down her face.
She quickly wiped her cheeks and sniffed loudly. She couldn't help
Tanner right then, and she knew that he was beyond being rational, so
she did the only thing she could in the situation.

not doing this right now, Tanner. You've been drinking, and we're
both hurting over the situation with Eryk. Again, I'm sorry, I didn't
know. Call me in a few days if you'd like.” Morgan didn't wait
for a response, she hung up and tossed her phone into her bag, then
finally made her way to the bathroom to change for the night.


my God!” Without intending to, Morgan hit Sean, right in his
face, with the back of her fist. “I'm sorry, I just...”
She had just woken up, and the first thing she saw was a pair of
bright blue eyes, staring at her. The eyes belonged to another
life-sized sheep, but the one that occupied the spot right next to
Sean's bed was more life like and couldn't withstand the elements of
Ireland's weather.

yeah, ye got me good. Shit.” Sean sat up, favoring his eye.
“What are ye flailing all about? That fookin' hurt.”

har...” Morgan began, as she turned to face
Sean, and saw that his cheekbone was already beginning to bruise.
“Oh, shit. Sean, I'm sorry! It was this...this....sheep! It
scared me! Look at those eyes!” Morgan pointed at the wool
animal, then placed her hand, gently on Sean's cheek. “Okay,
I'm going to go find you some ice.”

tried to tell her that he didn't need anything, but she was already
leaving the room before she could argue. In less than two minutes,
she returned with a shopping bag, filled with ice. “Hey, it was
either this or a bag of mixed vegetables. Just put it on your...yeah,
there ya go.” Morgan made him lay back down, and she guided his
hand back to the sore spot on his face. “That's probably going
to leave a nice mark.”

fookin' sheep need tae go. Today. Gone.” That was one of the
only times Morgan had ever heard Sean with a serious tone in his
voice. On one hand, she understood. Having your home infested with
sheep, real or not, was probably getting old, but on the other hand,
Morgan's heart broke for Gael. What would she do if she weren't able
to collect them? “Don't give me that look, Morgan Holland. This
is beyond a cute lil collection she's got goin' on. This is fookin'

know, it's...well...” Morgan looked around the room. Truth was,
it was out of control. It had been dark when the two of them had
climbed into bed the night prior, so Morgan hadn't been able to see
how bad it really was. Every surface of his bedroom was covered in
sheep, even his ceiling fan had tiny sheep hanging from the strings.
“Well, I know it's a bit much,” she finally finished.

sat up and threw the bag of ice aside. “Yesterday, I got out of
bed and ye know what I did?” Morgan shook her head and Sean got
up and walked over to his closet. After a moment of searching, he
produced a small wooden sheep, with wheels in the place of their
hooves and a string attached to its neck. Sean set the sheep on the
ground and gave it a little pull and the thing produced a very loud
. “I fell on a goddamn baa-ing sheep....with wheels!
A sheep with wheels, Morgan!”

response was not what he was looking for, but he had almost expected
the loud series of giggles that followed. Morgan covered her mouth in
an attempt to stifle herself, but she failed and fell to her side in
uncontrollable laughter. “It's
not....funny.....I'm sorry!”

needs to be done.” Sean threw the sheep back into the closet,
and it produced another sound when it hit the ground, that threw
Morgan over the edge.

Morgan tried to talk, but could barely breathe through her own
laughter, “we can....” There was no use. She couldn't get
her words out.

goin' to go take an aspirin and start breakfast.” He hit Morgan
with a pillow and left her alone to her laughter.

stretched as she laughed and wiped the tears from her eyes. It was
good to be back in Ireland, and it was perfect to spend time with
Sean again. Their friendship hadn't skipped a beat, and she was
grateful for the lack of drama and ease of just caring for someone.
Yes, she thought, Sean was one in a million.

free. I'll take it.” She got up quickly and shook her head at
Gael's vast collection as she made her way to the bathroom. The call
between she and Tanner was pushed to the back burner, and she was
once again feeling free of all conflict, and ready to enjoy a few
days with her favorite Irishman.

later, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee brought her to the kitchen
where Sean was already enjoying his second cup. “Toast?”
He waved a stiff slice of bread in her direction and she grabbed it
from his hand. “I know you'd rather have one of those muffins
that you love, but it's the best I can do right now.” She
smiled, loving that he remembered something so small.

is perfect. But lunch is on me.” She shoved a bite of the
bare bread in her mouth and washed it down with a perfectly brewed
cup of coffee. Still chewing, “ya know,” she took
another sip, “I'm really happy I'm here.” She wiped her
mouth with the back of her hand and Sean sat back in his chair and
simply took her in. She was exactly as he'd remembered, and that was
a very good thing in his world. Also, a very dangerous one. His
feelings for Morgan had never changed, and he knew the more time he
spent with her, the more dangerous it could become. But for right
then, he was just happy to have her in his home, and in his life.

a mess, Holland.” He threw a napkin in her direction after
much of her last sip had landed on the fresh tee shirt that she'd
just put on.

She wiped at the mess, but it was too late. “Oh well, I need
a shower anyway. So, if you need me,” she stood and stretched
her arms over her head, “I'll be in the bathroom, talking to
the sheep.” He threw another piece of dry toast at her as she
ran past him.

I said, yer a damn mess!” The banter continued until he heard
the water of the shower, and his mood changed without notice.

was in her bathroom. Naked. Wet. Alone. He shoved his own last bite
of his toast in his mouth and downed it with the last of his coffee,
wiped his mouth and stood. No, he wasn't going to have Morgan in his
home and not do something about it, especially naked Morgan. He was
shedding his own clothing as he walked down the hallway and toward
the bathroom. His heart raced at the thought of seeing the beautiful
American woman's body, and his lower region was already responding in
a way that would be more than noticeable.

cleared his throat as his hand hovered in front of the cracked open
bathroom door.
Fook knocking.
Instead of tapping on the door,
he pushed it all the way open with his foot. “I was just
thinkin', I need a shower too.”

was still fussing with her hair in the mirror when Sean entered the
small room. She was naked, and her bare ass was facing him. He saw
her smile in the mirror before she turned to face him. Morgan cleared
her own throat at the sight of him. “ Well...” She
couldn't force her eyes away from his swollen cock.
That looks
bigger than I remember too.
Her smile grew and she turned her
body completely to face him. “I guess we shouldn't waste water
with two separate showers then.”

Sean shook his head and took a few steps toward Morgan. “That
would definitely be a waste.” Their lips met in a kiss that
made Morgan's body tingle, just as it had done the very first time,
many months before. Their bodies pressed against one another, as Sean
walked the two of them backwards, toward the shower. The water was
already hot, and the bathroom was filled with a thick fog that
settled into tiny droplets on their bodies. Morgan stepped into the
shower, and slid her hands down his back, and pulled him in with her.

turned Morgan around, and pulled her long hair to the side, draping
it over one side of her neck. His hands found her breasts, and his
warm breath tickled her skin as his mouth moved down her neck, to her
bare shoulder. “Put your hands on the wall...”

moment brought Morgan back to a time when she and Sean walked between
two buildings, and he pressed her body against the cool brick. Her
eyes closed as she felt him press against her lower back, and she
raised to her toes to encourage him even more. She held her breath
for a few seconds, passion filled her to the very core of her body at
the sudden need that both of them shared. It was unexpected, it was
brazen, it was wrong, and it was exactly what she needed.

Sean.” Her words were more of a whimper and Sean's body was no
longer under his own control.

grabbed her hips and pulled her a few inches higher, gliding himself
inside of her in the process. Morgan exhaled loudly and pushed
against him. Feeling Sean inside of her right then home.
Familiar. Wonderful. Warm. Satisfying.

face burrowed into her neck as he moved their bodies in perfect
rhythm. “Ya feel so fookin' good, Morgan. So good.”

hands came closer together, still on the tile wall of the shower, and
she used the hard surface to push against him. Sean's deep breaths
were muffled against her skin and heightened her arousal to the point
of moving even faster against him. She knew she was asking too much
of his self control, but she didn't care, she needed all of him.
“Come for me, Sean.” She dropped her forehead against
the wall and moaned loudly, over the sounds of the water crashing
against their bodies and their flesh meeting in an almost angry
frenzy. It was all he needed, and his fingers tightened around her
waist as he pulled her hard against him. His cock buried deep inside
of her. Her fingers closed tightly into fists that held her
excitement for the few seconds that she needed. His mouth opened and
he brought her wet skin between his lips. He held her body still.
Feeling her squeeze and hold him in return. With one more tight grip
of his hands, Morgan could no longer hold the wave of release that
had been building. Sean's head lifted as she felt him begin to jerk
inside of her, and she reached behind her to hold on to his thick
neck as they united once again.

yer fookin' amazing.” Sean held her body tightly against his
for a few moments, as he tried to steady his breath. Finally, he
turned her around and kissed her lips softly. “Now, let me wash
that sexy arse of yers.” Sean kissed her again, and the two
took turns washing one another, until the water began to turn cold.


are ye thinkin' for dinner?” Sean poked his head into the
bedroom, where Morgan was sliding a deep blue sweater over her head.
She pulled the shirt down and ran a hand through her hair with a
smile. “A cheeseburger? Pizza?”

Sean knew her well, and the thought brought an even bigger smile to
her face. “You know what,” Morgan began, remembering how
good the Polish food had been, “how about you take me to your
favorite place, and we get something you like.” She closed the
distance between them, and placed her hands on his chest.

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30
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