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Authors: Gerri Hill

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Artist's Dream (20 page)

BOOK: Artist's Dream
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Cassie kicked at her jeans, shoving them down around her knees. Luke spread Cassie’s thighs even farther, and as her fingers moved in and out of her wetness, Luke bent down, her tongue licking at her intimately, joining her fingers as she sought to drive Cassie over the edge.

“Dear God!” Cassie’s hips writhed beneath Luke, and she was blinded by the explosion that shook her body. Too soon. The scream tore from her, she shuddered, and tears streamed from her eyes.

“Luke.” The word was barely a whisper and she gathered Luke in her arms.

Cassie lay there, her eyes still shut, and she let Luke kiss her tears away.

“It’s just too much,” Cassie finally whispered.

“What is?”

Cassie opened her eyes and found Luke’s.

“The way you make me feel. Like I’m going to explode.”

Luke kissed her hard. “I want you to explode.”

Cassie rolled over, her weight now resting on Luke.

“Why is this T-shirt still on?”

She straddled Luke’s legs and pulled her into a sitting position, tugging the shirt over her head. Her breath caught at the sight of Luke’s perfect breasts, and she raised her eyes to Luke’s.

“I don’t think… I can get enough of you.”

Their eyes held as Cassie’s hands moved over Luke’s breasts, her fingers raking across firm nipples. Then she pulled her eyes away and pushed Luke back, her mouth covering one breast, feastŹing as if it were the first time. Against her tongue, the nipple swelled even more ,and she sucked at it hungrily. She felt Luke’s hips move against her and she shuddered.

Cassie’s jeans were still tangled around one foot and Luke’s sweatpants were only shoved down to her knees. Cassie kicked the


offending jeans away and her hands peeled Luke’s sweats off. Cassie again straddled Luke and knelt over her, their eyes locking as Cassie’s hands moved over Luke’s smooth skin, teasing her breasts before moving lower.

“I want… my mouth on you,” Cassie whispered hoarsely.

She felt Luke tremble beneath her hands and as their eyes held, Cassie licked her lips, causing Luke to tremble even more.

“I don’t know what to do,” she admitted.

“Yes, you do.”

She knelt between Luke’s legs, her hands gently spreading Luke’s thighs. Cassie moaned when she saw her, glistening wet and ready for her. She looked up again, but Luke’s eyes were closed, her lips parted.

Cassie groaned in anticipation as Luke’s scent drifted to her, then Luke’s hands were there, gendy urging her down, and she was nearly embarrassed by the sound that came from deep inside as her mouth settled over Luke. Her tongue moved through Luke’s wetŹness, tasting another woman for the first time, and Cassie felt her own wetness flood her again.

Cassie stretched out full length on the floor and her arms wrapped around Luke’s hips, pulling her more firmly against her mouth as if she had done this a thousand times before.

“Oh, God, Cassie… don’t stop,” Luke begged.

Cassie had no intention of stopping. Her tongue delved into her again, entering her, then her mouth closed over her swollen clit, sucking her hard into her mouth, and Luke’s hips moved against her. Cassie held Luke tight, sucking harder until Luke gasped, her hips raised off the floor despite Cassie’s effort to hold her there.


Cassie reluctantly pulled her mouth away, resting her cheek on Luke’s smooth abdomen. She closed her eyes and listened as Luke’s ragged breathing slowed, then she slid up next to Luke, one leg still pinning Luke beneath her.



Cassie nodded at the whispered question. “I didn’t want to stop,” she said shyly. “I wanted you like that last night.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“I was afraid I wouldn’t know what to do. I was afraid it wouldn’t be enough.”


“I wanted you to be satisfied,” she said shyly.

Luke let out a heavy sigh. “Oh, sweetheart, you’re the best lover. I know all of this is new to you, but you have nothing to worry about.” Then she grinned. “You know, I do have a bed.”

They were standing together, silently touching, gently stroking each other, exploring soft skin beneath their fingers. Cassie’s breathing felt labored, and she let her eyes travel lazily over Luke’s body, finally meeting those dark, passion-filled eyes that locked with hers.

“You’re so beautiful,” Cassie murmured. “I love touching you.”

If possible, Luke’s eyes turned darker still, and she reached out a trembling hand to softly caress Cassie’s face.

“You make me feel beautiful. I love the way you look at me.”

Cassie turned and captured Luke’s hand, pressing her lips into her palm, wetting it with her tongue. At Luke’s soft moan, she brought the hand to her breast, watching as Luke’s fingers closed over her. Then Luke’s lips were there, claiming hers with a passion that ignited the flame in Cassie’s soul.

Their eyes locked.

“Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

Cassie’s whispered question echoed in the room and Luke’s eyes softened. “And you have no idea what you do to me.”

Cassie sunk onto the bed, pulling Luke after her, drawing her weight on top of her, loving the feel of Luke settling between her legs. There was no more time for words and their mouths met gendy, softly, then with a hunger neither cared to suppress.


Chapter Twenty-six

“Do you have to get going right away?”

Luke was adding spinach to the onions and mushrooms already sauteing, and Cassie had just started the pasta.

“What do you mean?”

“Do you have work to do or can you spend the day?” Luke asked.

Cassie chuckled. “I always have work to do, but I’d love to spend the day with you.”

“I thought maybe we could drive to Bodega Bay,” Luke offered. “Maybe do a little hiking.”

“Look for driftwood?” Cassie countered.

“And look for driftwood. It would almost be like working.”

Cassie walked behind Luke, casually touching her as she peered into the pan. “Smells good. I’m starving.”

“I wonder why?” Luke teased.

Cassie blushed crimson and moved away, but Luke reached out


and stopped her. “It was the best morning of my life,” Luke said seriously.

“Mine, too,” Cassie whispered.

Their passion of earlier was, for the time being, satiated, and their kiss was gentle, unhurried.

“I just don’t want you to leave yet,” Luke confessed.

A relieved smile crept onto Cassie’s face as long arms pulled her close. She nestled her face against Luke’s shoulder, wrapping her arms around Luke’s waist and she sighed contentedly as lazy hands traced circles on her back.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

She felt Luke kiss the top of her head, and the arms around Luke’s waist squeezed in reflex. As Luke pulled away and went back to the stove, Cassie quietly fumbled with the feelings trying to explode inside her. In love?

Her cheeks flushed at her silent admission. Not that she had a lot of experience in the matter, but what she was feeling was cerŹtainly foreign to her. Maybe she was simply confusing her body’s physical reaction to Luke, assuming she was in love with her, when perhaps it was only lust.


She looked up, starded. “Hmm?”

“Pasta,” Luke prompted.

“Oh, sorry.”

They finished preparing lunch, mostly in silence. Cassie thought that perhaps Luke was lost in her own thoughts. She must be wondering about Cassie’s intentions, too. For that matter, Cassie wondered just how far Luke’s feelings had gone.

“Weldon Arnold called me, by the way.”

Cassie made room for Luke at the bar, accepting the plate piled high with pasta and vegetables.

“About me?” Cassie inquired. She hadn’t given him a thought in days.

Luke nodded. “Some guy from Lake Tahoe is going to call you. Wants four pieces, if you’ve got them.”


“Four? Sight unseen?”

“I’m sure he trusts Weldon. And Weldon wanted to know if you’d considered his offer of Union Square?”

Cassie finally picked up her fork, her hand slightly shaking. So, four pieces just like that. Her nerves got the better of her, and she put her fork down again.

“I’m not sure I’m ready for this,” she admitted.

“What do you mean? You don’t have four finished?”

Cassie nodded slowly. “Yes, I have seven completely finished, four others that still need some work. I mean, mentally, I don’t think I’m prepared for this,” she said vaguely.

“Are you afraid of success … or failure?” Luke asked gently.

Cassie sighed, knowing Luke had hit on the truth. “It’s one thing to display my carvings at county fairs. People come by and look and if they like something enough, they’ll buy it. If not, I wait for the next person.”

“Displaying your work in a gallery is different how?”

“People who go to Union Square can afford my work. If they don’t buy it, it’s not because of the price, it’s because they don’t like it.”

“Ah,” Luke nodded. “And at the fair, if they don’t buy it, you can blame it on the price?”

Cassie grinned. “Silly, I know. But it works for me.”

Luke put her own fork down and squeezed Cassie’s hand. “There are a lot of wealthy people around who would never dream of having me design a home for them. I don’t take that to mean they dislike what I do, just that they don’t like it for themselves. Sleek lines and steel beams aren’t my style. And people who have homes like that wouldn’t be interested in displaying one of your wood carvings, either.”

“Thanks. I know you’re right. This is just so sudden and unexŹpected,” Cassie explained.

“I really wish you would give it a try, but it’s your decision.” Then she shrugged. “You’re doing quite well the way things are anyway.”


“Thanks to you. And Mr. Arnold,” she added. “I’m going to send four to Lake Tahoe. I can start with that. Then, maybe in the spring, if I have enough pieces, I’ll let Mr. Arnold make a few calls, if that’s still an option.”

“Good enough.”

“And thank you for the encouragement. It means a lot to me.”

Luke leaned over and kissed her. “You’ve got great talent. I just want you to be rewarded for it.”

An hour later, they were headed for Bodega Bay. This late on a Saturday afternoon, it wouldn’t be crowded, and Cassie looked forŹward to walking with Luke on the rocky shore. If they were lucky, they might see whales that were still migrating. Then she grinned. If they were really lucky, she might find a prized piece of driftwood.

“Why are you smiling?” Luke asked.

“I was picturing finding an awesome piece of driftwood and having you there to carry it back for me,” she teased.

“Cheap labor, huh?”

“I’ll make it worth your while,” Cassie promised and was rewarded with a quick kiss from Luke.

But they had no such luck with driftwood. They passed several hikers on the trail, and twice Cassie wanted to accost them for the wood they carried. She watched with envy as they walked out of sight.

“Are you coveting their wood?” Luke asked as Cassie looked longingly after the hikers.

Cassie laughed good-naturedly and agreed. “Especially that last one. With the curve on it, I think I could have done another beaver similar to the one Weldon bought.”

“Maybe we’ll find something for you.”

But the wood had been picked over, and Cassie was content to just enjoy her walk with Luke, although she did manage to find a few smaller pieces that she thought she could do something with. She was having a hard time dismissing her small carvings. She told Luke as much.

“Cassie, your art is as much a pleasure for you as it is a business.


You shouldn’t give something up just because it won’t make you as much money.”

“I thought that I could stop and just do the large carvings, but I don’t think I can,” Cassie admitted. “The small ones don’t take nearly as long, and it’s almost therapy for me, you know. The large ones are work, but I love the finished product. The small ones are a hobby.”

“At least you can sell your hobby, but I know what you mean about therapy. If I didn’t take time to paint… or attempt to paint,” she clarified. “I might very well take up drinking again. Sometimes, dealing with designs and demanding clients all day takes its toll.”

“I wish you would let me see some of your paintings,” Cassie said.


Luke’s word was firm, and while Cassie wondered at her hesitaŹtion, she didn’t press.

“They’re not very good,” Luke finally said. “But I do get enjoyŹment from doing them.”

“I understand.” Cassie also knew that artists were their own worst critics. They might not be commercial quality, but Cassie doubted they were as bad as Luke made them out to be.

It was only later, after a light dinner of salad and leftover pasta that Luke finally brought up the subject of their relationship. Cassie had secretly been dreading it. She didn’t know what Luke wanted, and she was afraid of how quickly she was falling.

But as they sat together in companionable silence on Luke’s sofa, their hands linked, Luke finally brought it up.

“Are you okay with everything?”

“Do I look like I’m not?”

“What about in here?” Luke asked, lightly tapping Cassie’s head.

“Surprisingly, I feel great. I mean, I was so scared of what I was feeling, I was scared that I couldn’t run from it. Every time I came near you…”



“I wanted you,” Cassie admitted. “But I kept hearing my father’s voice, I kept hearing his words. I could see it as if it were yesterday, him holding his Bible over Kim, quoting from it, warnŹing her of her fate.” Cassie brought Luke’s hand to her mouth and kissed it lightly. “None of that matters. That night of the party, what I really wanted you to do was throw me down on the bed and rip my clothes off,” Cassie admitted shyly.

“I thought, maybe, that I had pushed too much, gone too far,” Luke confessed. “I came home, took a giant bowl of ice cream with me and sat in the Jacuzzi for two hours, cursing myself. I didn’t want to scare you. But I thought that once you were alone and had time to think about things, that you would hate yourself for what we did, for what we almost did.”

BOOK: Artist's Dream
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