Ask Me Something (The Something Series Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: Ask Me Something (The Something Series Book 2)
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His lips were
demanding, and his tongue worked mine with an aggressiveness that ignited my arousal.

“Have a good
flight?” I asked, smiling.

“No, it didn’t
go by fast enough. God, I need to be inside of you.” He frantically fumbled
with my leggings while I rid him of his belt. He backed me into the living
room, making it only as far as the sofa before he thrust inside of me.

I gulped at his
primal groan of pleasure, feeling the same.

He stopped for a
moment and grasped my face between his hands. “Hi,” he grinned.

I giggled,
moving my hips and enjoying the sweetness of his thumb tracing my bottom lip.
“Hi, yourself. Glad to be home?” He drove into me and I arched my head back in

“I’ve been hard
for the last two hours, forty minutes and thirty seconds, so yes.”

My nails raked
his back. “Turns out you’ve come to the right place.”

I had barely
gotten the last word out before he started to pump in earnest, gripping my backside
and pinning me to him. He tilted my pelvis up, and suddenly my orgasm exploded
through me. I trembled from the power of it, and then moaned in satisfaction, when
his climax followed a minute later.


“I like you in
my bed,” Brian murmured, running his hands lazily over my backside while we lay
curled up together in the wee hours of the morning.

“I’d dozed off
downstairs but meant to be up here waiting.”

He kissed me and,
as was his habit, nibbled on my lower lip. “I don’t think it would’ve mattered,
I was going to jump on you either way. I’m normally a bit more in control, but
you have me all out of sorts.”

“I like having
you out of sorts.”

He cocked his
head and studied me. “Why’s that?”

I shrugged.
“Because you’ve had me out of sorts since the night you kissed me after our
drinks when you said that we needed
” I did air quotes and watched
him smile.


I woke up alone
in bed. Alone and sore. Not a bad sore, just a very thorough reminder of the
fact that Brian had woken me in the middle of the night for another round.
After taking a quick shower, I stepped into the bedroom and smiled at the silk
robe laid out for me on the end of the bed. After donning it and some light
makeup, I went downstairs where I could smell breakfast cooking.

“Hungry?” Brian grinned.

“I could eat.
You cook?” I was surprised.

He came towards me
in low-slung flannel bottoms and nothing else. “I do, indeed. How do you like
your eggs?”

“Over hard.”

He quirked a
brow, and we both laughed. “Here’s coffee. One sugar and some milk for you.” He
put a big steaming mug in front of me at the breakfast table and went back to
the stove.

Of course he
would know how I take my coffee. “How do you remember these things?” I liked
watching him move comfortably about his kitchen. This domestic side of him was

He shrugged. “I
don’t know. I remember little details for clients, and it makes them feel

“Girls, too,” I

He came over to
where I was sitting and smirked. “I’ve never remembered what girls want. Only
you. Well, and Juliette, but that doesn’t technically count. She’s been my
assistant for over eight years, and after she had the baby and was up nights,
you’d best believe I had her coffee ready for her in the morning. She’s not a
morning person, FYI.”

Laughing, I
pictured it all too well. I inhaled the lovely scent of my coffee and murmured,
“God, how I love you.” I opened my eyes, and it took me a moment to realize he
was staring at me, stunned. “I meant the coffee. Sorry.”

A wry smile
played upon his lips and he went back into the kitchen.

I let out a
breath. I truly had meant the coffee, but now that we were sleeping together,
it was clear that the L word was off limits, even casually. “Isn’t this the
point where you tell me the next rule is not to fall in love or mention an
actual relationship?”

He regarded me
thoughtfully from the stove and shook his head. “Maybe with other women, but
with you, I don’t think I need to worry about that.”

I tried not to
let that statement bother me. So what if I’d never been in love? I’m sure
plenty of women my age hadn’t. Yeah, right.

“And do I need
to worry about you?” I tested, sipping my coffee calmly.

He considered my
words and then gave me the typical nothing-bothers-me, Brian smug look. “What
do you think?”

I shrugged,
wondering if this was his general viewpoint on relationships or just regarding
ours in particular. “I’m not sure. Two weeks ago I would have said that there
was no way you were going to give me the best fucking orgasm of my life. Maybe
I don’t know you at all.”

“Don’t say
again unless you want me to put you up on this counter and demonstrate it
thoroughly while your eggs get cold. And you do know me. You simply weren’t
aware of this side of me.”

“Can I ask you

He nodded.

“Have you ever been
in love?”

He contemplated
before answering. “Honestly, maybe once, but I don’t know for sure, which
probably means no. With love, you should be certain, right?”

“You’re probably
asking the wrong person.” I’d never spoken the words romantically nor had I
heard them in return.

“Which means you
haven’t, not even in high school or college?”

Normally I broke
things off before they got serious. I’d had one boyfriend tell me he felt like
I never relaxed with him. He hadn’t been wrong. “No, I never wanted the
pressure. A relationship is a lot of effort, and when I’m putting so much into
my job, I guess I didn’t need the extra stress.” Trying to hide my anxiety
disorder while being in a committed relationship would have been impossible. No,
thank you.

“I completely
get that.” He dished up my eggs, along with bacon, and placed them in front of
me. Then he took the seat across from me at the table.

“So who was the
maybe?” I wasn’t sure I wanted to know, but I couldn’t hide the curiosity.

He looked at me
funny and finished chewing. “A girl here in Charlotte a long time ago. She
moved away, and I never told her how I felt. End of story.”

Why was I
jealous to hear that? “You didn’t keep in touch?”

“Come on. I
can’t manage a local relationship, let alone one that’s long distance.”

At least that
was a relief. “I think long distance might be easier. You wouldn’t get into the
rut of everyday stuff. Even if I did believe there was such a thing as a
happily ever after, the ‘what’s for dinner, how was your day, did the DVR
record our shows’ is definitely not appealing.” I made a face, horrified at the

He grinned. “You
don’t believe in the fairy-tale ending?”

“Uh, no. And I
think I’d fucking shoot myself before getting into the mundane everyday stuff
where I’m arguing about who left the toilet seat up.” I took another bite and saw
his eyes narrow. Oh, shit, I’d said the F-word again.

“Up onto the
countertop you go.” He was lifting me onto the cold black granite before I
could protest. Not that there would have been much of one.


“I’m running to
the grocery store as I have no food in the house. Do you want to come with?”
Brian asked, framing the door of the master bath. He wore blue jeans and a gray
pullover, making him look younger than his thirty-three years. I realized I
didn’t often see him dressed casually. After we’d finished our countertop
adventure and a cold breakfast, we’d topped it off with a nice, long, steamy
shower together. The smirk on his face told me he was still thinking about it.

I was in the
middle of doing my make-up. “Sure. Give me ten minutes, and I’ll be right

He winked and
turned around, offering up a nice view of his backside framed in jeans. His ass
looked spectacular encased in denim. Of course, having seen it in the shower twenty
minutes ago could be making me hyper aware of it at the moment. It was as though
someone had taken the plastic film off of my eyes, and I could see him in a
totally different light now.

After I walked
downstairs, I found him in the front entryway.

He was looking outside
at my rental car in the driveway. “How about we swing by the airport, and you
can turn in the car? I can drop you off tomorrow myself. It’s only a fifteen-minute

“Uh—” I know his
plan sounded logical, but I had some trepidation about being car-less.

He must have
sensed it because he took my hand and pulled me into an embrace. “Too practical
for you?” He pinned me against the foyer wall and tilted his head down for a quick

“No, but I
wondered if we’d end up wanting to kill one another, and I would overstay my
visit, if I’m being perfectly honest.” It wasn’t like I wanted to fight with
Brian, but during the last year it seemed all we did was push one another’s
buttons. On the other hand, maybe he’d been onto something about relieving the
tension with sex because we hadn’t done as much arguing lately.

“Hmm. One, you
wouldn’t overstay. I like having you here. And two, I don’t think we’ve ever
gotten along as well.”

“All right, but
I need to do something before we take care of the car.” I got the satisfaction
of his confused expression when I dropped to my knees and unfastened his jeans
in a hurry, freeing him. Quickly, I took him between my lips.

“Christ, I—”

Taking his
hardening length to the back of my throat, I swirled my tongue around his
velvety softness. He was rock hard in all of four seconds. My fingers curled
around his base and I licked along the seam, loving the sound of his groan. Why
we hadn’t gotten around to this earlier, I didn’t know, but I was determined to
make this the best blow job he’d ever received. I worked his impressive
erection with my hand, pumping it in a rhythm, then went lower to take each of
his balls in my mouth, paying attention to them one at a time.

“Take off your
clothes; we can do this together,” he protested, trying to pull me up.

I shook my head,
gripping his ass and taking him deeper. Hollowing out my cheeks, I sucked
harder, increasing the pace. Looking up at him through my lashes, I enjoyed the
sheer pleasure reflected on his face. The fact that he had his hands entwined
in my hair, almost as if trying to restrain himself from pushing my head into
him, made me even crazier for him. One of my hands moved to cradle his balls
while the other one pumped his shaft in cadence with my wet mouth.

“Stop now, or
I’m going to come.”

I took him further
into my throat, almost to the point of gagging, but I was suddenly frantic to
make him go over the edge like he’d taken me so many times. I needed to taste
him. His body shuddered, and the thick liquid hit the back of my throat. I greedily
swallowed all of it, then licked the tip for the last drop.

“Get on the
couch,” he demanded shakily.

I shook my head.
“No can do. I have a rental car to return. I’m Hertz, by the way. Take a few minutes
and then meet me there.” I grabbed my purse, walked out the door, and could hear
his irritated shout after me. I had in fact warned him I wasn’t going to be
very good at being told what to do.


Returning the
car was fast and painless. Afterward, I stood on the curb, checking email on my
phone while waiting for Brian.

When he pulled
up, I slid into the passenger seat. I could tell immediately that he was angry by
the set of his jaw and the fact that he would only look straight ahead.

“Are you actually
mad because I gave you a blow job in the hallway?” I turned toward him,
watching his features while he concentrated on the road.

“You know that’s
not why I’m angry,” he finally said.

“You said
spontaneity was an option. Plus I told you I wasn’t always going to be all
right with taking orders. So if this kind of thing pisses you off, maybe you
should take me back to the airport.” I hadn’t left anything I absolutely needed
at Brian’s place and could be back on a plane within an hour.

That certainly
got his attention. He turned and glared. “We’re going back to the house.”

“I thought we
were heading to the grocery store.”

“We have
unfinished business. And I’m pissed off, which invokes rule number one.”

“Tell me why
you’re angry. Any other man would have been happy to receive a blow job in the

“And I’m certain
many a man has done that with you, Sasha, but I’m not that guy.”

His insult
immediately ignited my temper. “And is that what is making you angry? To know
that you’re not the first guy I’ve given a blow job to?”

His jaw ticked
and my stomach tightened when we pulled into his driveway. He got out of the
car, not bothering to wait for me.

Fine, let
wait. I sat in the passenger seat, watching him open the front door and then
look back, obviously furious that I wasn’t following.

I’d gotten a
glimpse of
Angry Brian
on the beach, but it was such an anomaly to
witness full-blown pissed-off-Brian that I could only sit there, stunned. When
he stalked back to the car and opened my door, I found myself shamelessly
turned on by it.

“Get out of the
damn car.” He took my arm firmly and escorted me inside the house.

I was aware that
if I’d wanted to, I could’ve pulled out of his grasp. But I was far too curious
to see where this was heading to draw away. Even with this rare side of him on
display, I’d known Brian long enough that I didn’t feel one ounce of distress
that he’d ever get too angry.

After the front
door closed, I did pull my arm out of his grasp. “You’re being ridiculous—”

“Stop talking. Just
stop. First we fuck, then we’ll fight.”

Swallowing hard,
I instantly became wet at his suggestion. “Fine,” I fired back, purposefully
using that word. Defiantly, I pulled off my sweater while kicking off my boots.

He watched for a
moment and then quickly took off his shoes and yanked down his jeans.

I did the same.
His eyes went dark when I took off my bra and slowly dropped my panties.

“You’re so
unbelievably beautiful,” he whispered, catching me off guard with the
compliment. Then he kicked off his boxers and took my hand to lead me upstairs
to his bedroom.

“Lie in the
middle of the bed,” he ordered and then disappeared into his walk-in closet.

I trembled with

When he walked
back toward the bed, he narrowed his eyes. “Are you cold?”


He knelt on the
mattress straddling me and pulled my hands up to the headboard, tying them there
securely with a silken tie. Next, he wove longer scarves to the footboard and
secured my ankles. Finally, he put a strip of silk over my eyes.

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