Confused (Getting Inside of V - Book 2)

BOOK: Confused (Getting Inside of V - Book 2)
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Erotic Novella Number
Two of the “Getting inside of V” Series.



By: Kate Lynne




Copyright © 2013 by Kate Lynne. All rights reserved.

First Print Edition: November 2013



Limitless Publishing, LLC

Kailua, HI 96734


Formatting: Limitless Publishing


ISBN-13: 978-1494248710



No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.




To all those out there with a past.

Don't let it define your future.












Chapter One


New town, new places to see and most importantly, new faces. Miami, Florida is where the wind blew me this time. Spring break is in session and the drunken fun has commenced. As I walk out onto the beach from my overlooking hotel…I place my toes immediately in the sand and sigh contently. All I can think about is how I’ve never had this. I’m not referring to spring break, the sex, or the drunken hysterics. No, I’m talking about the solitude. The serenity and the calm that the beach is currently bringing me. I might have had it as a small child, but it drifted away with most of my past memories. They remain locked up in the dark recesses of my mind. The twisted, insane thoughts are constantly clouding the previous good and stand firm at the forefront of my brain.

I throw my towel down and set to work putting sunscreen on my pale, delicate skin. The rays are beating down with brutal force today. I can only imagine how hot it’s going to get this afternoon. I woke up early so there wouldn’t be so many people on the beach and I could have a little peace. Most are still passed out in their hotels from the shenanigans that took place the previous night. I get down on my stomach and attempt to reach my back to apply some sunscreen with no luck. A tall figure appears in front of me, casting a dark shadow directly across my body. The sudden cold sends shivers down the length of my spine.

“What in the actual fuck—” I shout, as I look up to see who’s blocking my sun. I gasp at the figure I see before me, but instantly cover it up with a cough. I need to act completely clueless if this is going to work.

“Can I help you with something, asshole? I’m trying to get a tan here.” I grimace at him. He frowns, but moves a step to the side so he’s out of my light.

“You just looked like you needed some help,” he states quietly.

“I think you’re the one that needs help
, creep ass. There’s an entire beach to meander, no clue why you chose this spot.” I have to appear unaffected. The game itself is arousing me. My sights are set and I’m keeping my eye on the prize. This man has quickly become my biggest conquest yet.

-I just wanted to put sunscreen on your back,” he stutters in response.

I pat the towel next to me, motioning for him to take a seat.

“Well, get on with it, then. I don’t plan to be out here all day.” I can tell my brashness catches him off guard, but I’m sure he likes it just as much as all the rest.

He promptly sits down and I openly stare at his fluidly toned muscles and beautiful high cheek bones. His bright green eyes catch me off guard. They appear all too familiar. Sure, I’ve seen this guy numerous times since my game has begun, but it’s something else. I’m frustrated that I can’t place how I know him. He
’s truly an Adonis and not someone that should be so easily forgettable. He has clean cut dark hair and chiseled good looks. The challenge will be a gain all of its own, but I have a feeling this man is going to surpass my wildest dreams in more ways than one. As far as having a stalker goes, he takes the cake. I’m just surprised after all these towns that he finally decided to approach me. About time he grew a set of balls.

He smiles and my heart thunders loudly against my ribcage. I place my hand subconsciously on my chest, just to make sure it’s not an illusion.

“You’re still here,” I announce all too loudly, instantly regretting my proclamation.

“Yeah… I thought you wanted some help with the sunscreen?”
he questions, sunscreen already on his hand. I just stare at him and smile my Cheshire cat grin, glad that he didn’t realize what I was really referring to.

No words are needed. He places his big hand gently on my back and begins to massage the sunscreen into my skin. I moan, holding nothing back.

He places his other hand on my back and begins to rub me down. I know the sunscreen has already been rubbed thoroughly into my skin and this is just for the sake of touching me, being near me. I’m definitely not complaining, though. It feels like heaven. I flip over with a quickness, so that I’m lying on my back and staring up into his brilliant eyes. He swallows so hard I can physically see his Adam’s apple bob up and down. He lifts his hands up, almost in surrender.
That’s right, submit.

Oh, but don’t stop now, Green Eyes, this was just getting fun.” I smile up at him. He still appears to be in shock, so I decide this is the time to take the reins. I grab him firmly by the shoulders and pull his hard body on top of my own. I place my lips firmly onto his neck. I can feel his pulse quickening underneath my touch. He grabs my wrists and pins them over the top of my head. He inserts his leg between mine and spreads them roughly apart. I can feel myself getting wet in my bikini bottoms. I’m craving for this man to touch me. I want to consume his very being like a succubus. I’m a bit surprised by his dominant nature. In my mind, he’s easier to control. Nothing I can’t change, though.

“Yes, now you’re getting it. You want me, don’t you
, handsome?” I question seductively. I playfully try to wiggle around and escape his firm grasp, but can’t move. My body suddenly becomes completely numb. I begin to scream, but nobody is around to hear me. I’m suddenly flipped over to my back and my arms pulled roughly behind me. I feel like my shoulders may snap under the stress being placed on them. Cold metal is slapped quickly against my wrists and everything I worked for crashes in on me.

“You’re under arrest for the murders of Savage Marino and Eryn Levine. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in
a court of law. You have the right to an attorney…” The rest of my rights are drowned out by the screams coming from my throat. This is it. I’m finally caught. I’m going to prison for the rest of my life.

I jolt forward in bed and my eyes shoot wide open. Sweat lines the length of my back and soaks my entire forehead. I look around the room in a daze and realize I must have been asleep.

“Son of a bitch…it was just a dream.” More like a fucking nightmare. I’ll never get caught, I can’t.

“That’s right
, baby, it was just a dream,” I hear a sleepy female voice murmur beside me. I look over in the direction the sexy voice came from. A slender brunette lays beside me. Her breasts are only an A cup, but a perfect handful. I know this because that’s where my hands went instantly upon hearing her voice. She has gorgeously tan skin and an extremely bright white smile that seems to glow in the dark. She almost looks native, to where, I’m not sure. I spend no more energy on my nightmares and instead focus all of my attention on the beautiful brunette in front of me. There’s enough illumination coming through the window from the full moon outside that I can pretty much see everything, but it’s not enough, I want more. I smile darkly and reach over her tight body to flick on the light sitting atop the bedside table. I’m now leaning directly over her and she puckers her lips. I must have kissed her in my drunken state. Last night was the first of many that I got too drunk, too stupid, and could have possibly fucked up everything.

, hello there, gorgeous, and to what do I owe this pleasure?” I question her. I wonder how much she remembers.

“We were pretty drunk last night, but I’ll never forget those lips.” She giggles. I have a tendency to pick up the airhead chicks. I don't hesitate before I dip my lips down and kiss directly on her collarbone. I slide my hand down her stomach and find her silky wetness with no problem.

“Mm…are you wet for me, baby?” I purr. She grinds her soaking wet pussy into my waiting hand. She’s a live one, that’s for sure.

“A bit impatient, are we?” I question confidently. I pull my hand away. She begins to writhe against me, begging. I slide my body down hers until I’m face to face with her beautiful swollen lips. I stick my tongue out and pry her opening with it.

“Oh, fuck yes. You just know. You know what I need!” she shouts. I slam two fingers into her tight pussy and begin to fuck her for all she’s worth. She cums all over my hand and the bed almost instantly. I continue my relentless torture on her cunt, not letting up for even a second. I taste her sweet nectar on my tongue and I feel cockiness wash over me. I love the feeling of getting someone off. This was all because of me.

“Do you have any toys?” I ask. A girl like this definitely has toys. I wasn’t disappointed
, either. She points to the bedside table and I open the drawer. I find handcuffs, gags, and even a whip. I reach for the vibrator and pull it out. There’s no need for more priming. I don’t hesitate to slam the cold rubber inside her tight pussy. She reaches for me and begs me to stop, but I don’t. I turn the vibration on and she cries out instantly, cumming hard. I smile. There is no better feeling. I guide the vibrator in and out, watching her pussy swallow it up whole. After she cums for a third time, I place the toy to the side and climb on to her face for my turn. I don’t give and not get.

We play with each other until the sun begins to peek over the horizon.
When she’s nice and tired, I suggest a hot bath. I go into the bathroom while she still lies in bed. I snatch my clothes as I go and quickly put them on. I don’t need to get clean, I like being dirty.

I run the water, grab soap from the counter, and call her into the bath. She sways her hips and walks to the tub. I kneel on the outside of the tub while she climbs in.

“Aren’t you getting in with me?” she asks seductively. I laugh. She doesn’t look pleased. I can read the thoughts running through her mind, she doesn’t hide much. She smiles lightly, fake.

“I’d much rather watch you in there.” The light returns to her eyes. I pour some bath salts that sit on the ledge of the tub into the water, watching as they fizzle.

“I usually charge for this, you know.” Dumb girl, she shouldn’t have opened her mouth. I was half tempted to leave her. She was almost safe. I study her face, it’s not as pretty now as it was in the dark. In fact, it’s worn, almost like leather. She looks as if she’s been passed around.

“Guys just can’t get enough of me. I’m a hot commodity in this town.” She starts to get cocky now. But she’ll never be as cocky as I am. That’s my crown, bitch, and I’m taking it back.

“So, if you make so much money…why in the hell do you live in a hotel room?” I ask her. Obviously her reasons aren’t like mine. I’m genuinely curious.

“Why rent a hotel room every night when I can just stay in one? Then my clients will always know how to find me. I may move from room to room if things get sticky. But at least I’m always in the same building. Keeps things simple.” I look around the place. It’s a dump. No way this girl has as many clients as she is insinuating.

“You don’t have any family? What made you get into this lifestyle to begin with?” I act as if I care. I really just want vindication for what I’m about to do.

“Family? Sure. Low life poor people. They couldn’t do for me what I can do for myself. So I leached them dry and left. This lifestyle is much better suited to my needs.” She laughs. That only pisses me off. This bitch had a family. One that loved her, but she used them and left them. She even thinks it’s funny. I wish every day that my parents were still here. For me to go back in time to the way it once was. But I can’t. I can only move forward. My demeanor quickly turns cold and the happy memories fade.

I smile cat-like and stand up from my knees. I saunter dramatically over to the counter, placing my hand lightly on the hair dryer that’s still plugged into the wall on a fully stocked vanity. Damn, this girl needs a lot of product to put on her illusion. I pick up the lightweight dryer and relish in the feeling. Energy instantly pulls from my body into this object. I glance behind my back. She’s now soaping herself up, paying no attention whatsoever to me. I don’t like that one bit. She has her eyes closed, deeply entranced by the bath. I walk over to the tub, dryer in hand.

“Babe.” Her eyes flutter open. “Time to get out.” 

“Uhm…okay.” She giggles and slowly starts to step up from the tub.

“Catch.” I toss the dryer lazily at her. She catches it surprisingly, screaming for all to hear.

“Now…you’re a hot commodity.”

I waste no time exiting the bathroom, making haste to the door.
I rush silently out of that hotel room as quickly as my legs will carry me. Hangover courses through me, threatening to make me retch all over the sidewalk. I hold my ground and grit my teeth. Luckily, I remembered to grab my bag on the way out. God, I’ll never fucking do this shit again. I can’t believe I let myself reach that level. I’m really off point lately.

“Get your shit together. You’re going to blow it!” I chastise myself out loud.
I think I’ve finally reached the point where a part of me just doesn’t care. Sure, it’s all fun and games for a while. But now, I’m just tired.

I grab my sunglasses out of my purse and place them over my aching eyes. The sunlight is really cruel today. I walk the length of the boardwalk until I reach the condos down at the end of the beach. I’ve rented one for a couple of weeks, paid cash. I don’t like to leave a paper trail. Most people don’t think twice about asking questions when you’re paying cash and leaving a hefty tip. What a sad fucking world we live in.

I stop at the small stand conveniently located in front of them and grab a large steaming coffee, black. Hopefully this will help cure this sickness. I feel like a steaming pile of shit. I finally reach my condo and pull out my keys. After a reluctant ten minutes of trying to get the key in the lock, I finally succeed. I waste no time throwing myself across my king size bed and falling back to sleep. Maybe just one day off from the outside world won’t hurt? What is happening to me? Those are the last thoughts that drift through my head before I fall promptly to sleep. I dream of a bright pair of green eyes and it’s surprisingly a good dream. Those eyes could possibly be my undoing, but I won’t fucking let them.

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