
Read Demonspawn Online

Authors: Glenn Bullion

Tags: #vampire, #Horror, #demon, #Supernatural, #Ghost, #supernatural horror, #supernatural abilities

BOOK: Demonspawn
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by Glenn Bullion

Published by Glenn Bullion at Smashwords

Copyright 2010 Glenn Bullion

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For Katie, thank you. I love you.

Chapter 1

“Alex, you’re not really human.”

The words still haunt me in my sleep.
Whenever I start to think I’ve got a hold on everything, on the
wild direction my life has taken, I end up doing something creepy.
Creepy enough to actually make me stop in my tracks and go “What
the hell?”

I look back now over the first twenty-three
years of my life and kick myself constantly for not taking some
kind of action earlier. I mean, I knew I was different. I just
didn’t know
different. But I guess I can’t get too mad
at myself. Who the hell was I going to talk to? What could I have

It all started when I was in kindergarten. I
shudder when I think back to my grade school years. Five years old.
Undersized. Quiet to the point of not being noticed by anyone,
except for the kids whose attention you didn’t want.

I don’t remember my father. He left when I
was four, apparently not very happy that my mother got pregnant a
second time. My little sister Alicia was six months old when he
left. My mother had no time for us at all. Funny thing is I don’t
blame her a bit. My first year of school she became a single parent
with two kids, trying to put herself through law school, and put
food on the table all at the same time. The earliest memories I
have is of coming home, doing homework while my mother did hers,
and taking turns giving Alicia a bottle. I could change a diaper
before I could write cursive.

I wouldn’t trade any of it.

It was recess time near the end of the school
year. Everyone from kindergarten up to fifth grade ran around like
maniacs on the playground. Me, I sat in a far corner in the shade
and scribbled in a coloring book. I didn’t have any friends. My
early-life quietness mixed with a dash of low self-confidence meant
people didn’t exactly flock to get to know me. It was a hot day,
but I was always a big fan of the heat. I was minding my own
business when I heard some raised voices coming toward me.

“Would you just leave me alone?”

That was followed by some laughter and a
familiar voice that I hated.

“Aw, you scared? You afraid of the fire?”

I looked up to see a black girl that I’d seen
before. A step behind her was Tommy Barnes, a fourth-grader whose
main hobby was torturing kids smaller than he was, which included
me. A few steps behind him were Tommy’s gang, his little group of
followers whose main hobbies were laughing at whatever Tommy

The black girl I finally recognized as Cindy
Marshall. She sat on the other side of class from me. Nice girl,
everyone seemed to like her enough. But for whatever reason Tommy
decided that this was her day. Cindy backed away while Tommy shoved
a lighter he’d found in her face. Eventually he had her pinned
against the wall not too far from me. I tried my best to ignore
them. I’m ashamed to admit that I was glad Tommy was leaving me
alone for a change.

“Oh come on, it’s just a little fire.” Tommy
thrust his hand out again.

“Stop it!” Cindy said. Tears fell down her

I focused back down to my coloring. I was in
the middle of a portrait of my little sister that I had every
intention of hanging on the fridge. The scary part is that I
actually managed to ignore the scene just a few yards away from me,
at least until I heard Cindy scream.

I didn’t catch what happened, but it didn’t
take a genius to put it together. I looked up to see Cindy crouched
against the wall, cradling her hand. Tommy and his goons actually
had a look of shock on their faces. It looked like Tommy had hurt
Cindy, probably got the lighter too close. Cindy raised her hand up
to defend herself and got it burned.

Tommy’s remorse didn’t last long. I saw his
face go from concerned to a stupid smile when he realized his
buddies were watching him.

“Oh come on, you little girl. I didn’t hurt

He moved in with the lighter again.

I’m not sure why I stood up. Guilt from doing
nothing before? A sudden surge of bravery? Stupidity? Tommy would
pull my pants down in front of everyone in school, push me down,
whack me with a dodge ball as hard as he could. And I was going to
confront him.

“Tommy.” My voice cracked a little. “Leave
her alone.”

He looked both amused and annoyed.

“Well, look at this. Little Alex Teague.
How’s your dad? Oh I forgot. You don’t have one.”

You gotta love how cruel kids can be.

“You’re not scared of fire, are you?”

He shoved the lighter in my face far closer
than he did with Cindy. I was right next to her as I put a hand in
front of my face. I actually felt something massaging my arm, and
it made me laugh.

“That tickles!” I called out, and lashed out
with my other hand. I knocked the lighter away. It fell into the
grass not too far away.

Tommy and his buddies were surprised. I
didn’t know why. I didn’t know until later in life that he held the
lighter right to my arm, and my reaction was to laugh.

“Oh you think that’s funny?” he said. “Let’s
see how funny you think it is when I rub your face in the

He grabbed me by the shirt and forced me
against the brick wall. It didn’t take much for him to lift me into
the air. I saw a pair of girl-hands reach in and grab Tommy’s

“Leave him alone!” Cindy said.

My princess in shining armor.

“What is going on over here?” Miss Treadwell,
the recess monitor, said. What a bang-up job she was doing. I can’t
be too mad at her. She had a hundred kids or so to watch, and she’d
just got done breaking up a fight on the other side of the

Tommy quickly dropped me to the ground. Cindy
helped me up. Miss Treadwell didn’t know the whole story, but she
knew enough to grab Tommy by his arm. She gave all of us, Tommy’s
buddies and Cindy and me, a stern look.

“Everyone come with me.”

I groaned, knowing quite well the rest of the
day was going to be bad.

I wasn’t wrong. I sat in an empty office for
three hours. Every now and then the secretary would pop her head in
to let me know my mother was still on the way. I was scared, and I
don’t really know why. I knew I didn’t do anything wrong. But all
these crazy ideas went through my head. Like my mom busting into
the room and yelling at me, or Tommy waiting outside to smack me
around a little more.

Somewhere near the end of hour three Miss
Jenkins, the school nurse, joined me inside the room. All the young
boys who were old enough to have crushes had one on her. A
twenty-something nurse, very hot, with a nice smile. I guess she
was good at being a nurse too.

“Well, what happened to you today, Alex?” she

I shrugged. I didn’t want to talk about it. I
just wanted Mom to come get me so I could run home and hide.

“Let’s have a look at you.” She pulled up a
seat and sat across from me.

“Is Cindy okay?”

She gave me a curious look. I guess she was
surprised that I was worried about her. She gave me a quick
once-over, moving my head around, checking for bruises.

“Yeah, she’s fine. Her parents are on the
way. She’s a little shaken up. That Tommy, I hope his parents bust
his ass.”

My jaw dropped. She noticed.


“You said...a bad word.”

She smiled and turned a light shade of

“Sorry. I just don’t like seeing that.
Picking on kids smaller than they are.”

“You mean me.”

She didn’t say anything, but that’s exactly
what she meant.

Never again
, I told myself.
will never happen again.

“Oh my God.” Miss Jenkins grabbed my right
arm and studied my forearm under the wrist. “Doesn’t this

“Does what hurt?”

“I’ll go get the burn kit. I’ll be right

She left the office. She was gone maybe a
minute or so before I realized what she’d said.

Burn kit?

I twisted and turned my arm to see what she
was talking about. I didn’t see anything at all, just a fleshy arm.
I guessed maybe she saw something I didn’t. What did a burned arm
look like, anyway?

The door to the office opened. I thought it
was Miss Jenkins, but it was Mom. I was relieved and terrified at
the same time. She still wore her dress from where she worked as a
receptionist at the law firm. In her arm she carried my little
sister Alicia in the car seat. She set it down and rushed out to
hug me. Finally, after three hours of waiting my stress went

“Are you okay?” she asked. “I’m so sorry I
couldn’t get here earlier. I left when school called, but then the
babysitter said she couldn’t stay, so I had to get your

It was funny. Mom was just as stressed out as
I was. I thought she’d be mad at me.

“It’s okay, Mom.”

“The principal told me what happened. Are you

Now I was embarrassed. Tommy really didn’t do
anything to me besides tickle my arm. Not exactly life

“Yeah Mom. I’m fine.”

She sat in the chair Miss Jenkins was just at
and held her head in her hands. The day was catching up to her. I’m
glad I was too young to really know what she went through, or else
I’d feel bad all the time. Answering the phone for a hundred pissed
off lawyers’ clients, trying to study during her breaks, then
receiving a call that your pathetic son was the victim of a bully
at school. Mom was a strong woman.

“You ready to go home?” she said with a small

I smiled back and nodded.

Miss Jenkins came back in the room. She
carried a burn kit under her arm.

“Oh. Mrs. Teague?”

“Miss, actually.”

“Ah. I’ll just put some ointment on Alex’s
arm and wrap it up. Then he’s okay to leave.”

“Arm?” Mom looked at me. “What’s wrong with
your arm?”


She grabbed both of them gently and looked
them over. Then she stepped out of the way so Miss Jenkins could

Her mouth opened. It was a moment before she
spoke. “There was a burn. Across half his forearm.”

“Are you sure?”

Mom’s tone kept Miss Jenkin’s quiet. She
smiled and turned red once again.

“I, uh, must have been seeing things. You’re
okay to leave, Alex.”

I didn’t need to be told twice. I grabbed
Mom’s hand and was ready to go. I peeked in on my sister as Mom
picked up her car-seat with her free hand. Alicia was sound asleep.
I’m glad she slept through Mom having to rescue me at school. Mom
was always telling me how I would have to take care of my sister
when I got older. I didn’t want Alicia’s first memories to be Mom
having to save me.

As we walked out the door we saw Cindy and
her parents standing down the hall. I’d seen each of them after
school. They took turns picking up Cindy. They were talking with
Miss Treadwell, the lady who was responsible for all the kids
during recess. I could tell Cindy’s father was fired up. He was
about the size of a football player. He talked loudly and waved his
hands in the air. Cindy’s mother, a much smaller woman, stood
slightly behind him and in front of Cindy, almost like she was
protecting her.

I could feel Mom slowing down as we neared
them in the hallway. I groaned quietly. I just wanted to go home,
not stand around while my Mom talked.

Cindy’s parents turned their attention from
Miss Treadwell to Mom and me. Miss Treadwell took the chance to
quietly escape. Smart woman.

He gave my Mom a quick smile, and then looked
down at me.

“Are you Alex?”

His voice boomed through the hallway. I
wanted to stand behind Mom and hide, like Cindy was doing with her

“Yes,” I said. I sounded like a little

He reached his sledgehammer-like arm out and
extended his hand. I shook it gingerly. My hand vanished in his

“Thank you very much. Cindy told us all about
what happened, how you stood up to that...boy, for her.”

I felt my face growing hot. I looked at him,
then at Cindy, who was giving me a small smile from behind her

“You’re welcome,” I said to both of them.

Cindy’s father laughed and focused on

“Hi. I’m Larry. This is my wife,

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