At One's Pleasure (14 page)

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Authors: Kelly Lucille

BOOK: At One's Pleasure
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Griffin growled.  “You keep looking at our mate like that and they won’t find
enough pieces to identify the body.”

finally turned away from Becca to sneer at Griffin.  “Young Griffin.  It’s been
too long.  I see you haven’t changed.  Still taking up the mantle of the lost
and forgotten.”  He turned back to Rebecca.  “Though I will say you have better
taste in females then I gave you credit for.”


Cleo and
Logan both moved in front of Becca and Jacob, who one would have to say, did
not like the other mans blatant tone or the look in his eyes.

Unable to
see Becca Malcolm sniffed and concentrated a sneer on Cleo.  “I stand
corrected; associating with a cat is right up your low brow alley.”  He raised
a sardonic brow at Cleo.  “You might want to move out of my way pretty little
kitty.  This is wolf business.”

Well, that
was just stupid.
  Becca thought, watching Cleo’s back tense.

this is Lionsgate business,” Logan drawled slowly, without expression.  “We
were hired for security.  That means, in case you don’t know, you look at our
client sideways and we will bury you.” 

Cleo shifted
back on one hip, her posture stating more clearly then her narrowed eyes that
she was hoping he started something.  Probably not surprising but showing his
stupidity the man decided to ignore Logan completely and sneer at Cleo, and he
leaned into her space to do it.  "You might want to be careful what
enemies you make pretty kitty.  You won't always have protection around."

"Did he
just threaten me?  Logan,” she smiled very sweetly up at the other man while
addressing the cowboy.  "I think he just threatened me."

doll, you can't kill him for that."

Cleo pouted
just a bit.  "But he threatened me.  That means at least I get to make him a little girl."  She looked eager to do it too, the way her
hand was caressing the knife at her cocked hip.

this time Cleo."  Logan was also watching Malcolm like he would love the
excuse.  "But I get the feeling he's not too bright, so I think you'll get
the chance soon enough."

she sighed it like she was getting a present she could soon open.

Malcolm was
getting red in the face, and he gnashed his teeth.  "You dare to insult me
on my own pack land?"

would dare to insult you anywhere at all."  Cleo's voice was sure, her
stance even more aggressive.

Becca was still cuddled up to Jacob by the fire behind them.  She was not in a
hurry to move.  She was watching the older wolf sputter, you could practically
see the veins popping in his head, it was mesmerizing.


"If his
head explodes someone will have to clean this lovely room, and it won't be us. 
Maybe you should step back."

She whined,
like a puppy, and Becca had to bite her lip against a smile.  "But...he's
so close to making a mistake here, and then..."  She fondled her knife. 
"Cry like a baby time."


She sighed big, then stepped back, but was careful to stay between the old wolf
and Rebecca.  Logan did not move away.  When Malcolm would have stepped forward
aggressively, his eyes on Cleo, he stepped into his space.

some advice."  Logan’s drawl was deeper, the growl in his voice a warning
any smart man would heed.  "Better men than you have tried.  She may look
small and fragile but she will eviscerate you, with that knife or six inch
claws, doesn't matter, and she will laugh all bubbly and girly while she does
it.  So do yourself a favor, and back.  The fuck.  Off."

going on here?"  Margaret asked, coming back in the room with a coffee
tray.  Nathan laughed from his corner, where he had been conspicuously quiet. 

like Malcolm doesn't like cats either.  You think dad will send him to his room
without breakfast too?"

Malcolm shot
him a glare, but Nathan just smiled back showing lots of teeth.  Clearly yet
another person in the room who did not like Malcolm the enforcer.

 What was
wrong with these people?   

Becca didn't
bother lifting her head from Jacob’s chest, but she caught Griffin’s eyes and
widened her own in question.  He shrugged minutely; clearly, he was as much in
the dark as she was.  Whatever was going on with this pack, it seemed likely to
blow at any time.

just hope we can get out of here before the boom.
 Rebecca snuggled closer
to Jacob.  He tightened his grip but didn’t look away from the other wolves. 
did it say about a family meeting when you were looking forward to leaving for
the funeral?

Chapter 15

Monteal returned, he didn’t send Malcolm anywhere because Malcolm became an
entirely different man when his Alpha was there to see it.  It was surreal
actually, the way he faded into the background on cue.  Rebecca was too happy
with the outcome to question it, after all this was not their pack and considering
the Alphas history of bad decisions they were not going to change anything in
an afternoon.  So, they finished introducing everyone to the family and then
had coffee.  One might even say superior coffee, since Rhett never returned and
Malcolm turned Stepford wolf. 

The funeral
itself was another long drive through bare ice roads and white vistas, but it
was a beautiful spot when they arrived and she could see why the pack would
choose to be buried there.  A few headstones here and there crumbled in places
and dated back hundreds of years.  The newer section overlooked a bluff that
showed pristine untouched wilderness as far as the eye could see.  There were
shapeshifters everywhere.  She could feel them like a buzz across the skin that
got louder the closer they came to the spot.  By the time they arrived, she
felt like electricity was shooting across her skin.  It was uncomfortable and
invigorating at the same time.

It had been
decided that she would head over with Linc and Cleo, while Jacob and Griffin came
behind with Logan.  Some kind of security issue and multiple targets on the
road.  Whatever, she just wished she had more men when Cleo dropped them off to
go park the car.  Maybe then she wouldn’t have felt so conspicuous.  All she
did was step out of the car with Linc beside her and they garnered the
attention of every shapeshifter there.  “This might be insensitive, but please
tell me they’re looking at you.”

Linc pulled
her closer to his side with an arm around her shoulders.  He kissed the top of her
head, and led her forward.  “Afraid not.  I’m relatively sure they’re looking
at the Alpha female nobody believed had been found.”

false advertising.  Are they all going to expect me to change?”

“If they
heard about you they know your wolf is dormant.  Dormant wolves don’t change.”

“Then what
exactly is the draw here?  So what if I have a dormant wolf?”

“A dormant
Alpha wolf in a female is a miraculous thing.”

“Yeah, but
why?  I mean you guys never said why having an Alpha female around was so
important, I just know that it is.”

the voice came from behind them while they made their way to the graveside. 
Malcolm was apparently reverted to his true face with his Alpha yet to arrive. 
“Alpha females are guaranteed breeders of Alpha wolves which means, not only
are they are a rare and delectable treat that call to our wolves sexually, but
they are a commodity used for amassing power.  Something Griffin has always

Rebecca felt
her face freeze in place.  She looked up at Linc to see if Monteal was just
after more mischief but the look of blazing anger and worry on his face
verified the truth of the coldly made statement, and just like that the bottom
fell out of her stomach.

“A powerful
commodity with guaranteed breeding?  I can see why you didn’t want to tell me.”

Linc pulled
her to a stop and glared at Malcolm until with a laugh he walked away.  Then he
concentrated on Rebecca.  “There was nothing to tell.  That may be why Alpha
Females are valued by some but you were not that to us, and I hate, hate,
that you think that, even for a second.”

“What was I
then?  All this time I wondered how it could happen so fast and why on Earth
you three would even want someone like me.”  She laughed bitterly.  “Mystery

Linc shook
her.  “Don’t do this Rebecca.”  He looked up and over at the congregating
wolves.  “I can’t do this now, my father… I need you.”  He shook her again. 
“Becca I need you.  Please, later I will make you see, but right now…I need

desperation penetrated the pain radiating through her lungs, and she took her
first deep breath since the wind had been knocked out of her.  She looked at
his eyes, felt his despair.  “All right.”  She shuddered in a breath.  “I’ll
worry about this later.”  She licked her lips and stepped into his space, using
her hand to caress down his ravaged face.  “We’ll deal with me later.”

Linc closed
his eyes and grabbed her hand, holding it to his face while he breathed her
scent.  Then his other hand went into her hair pulling her forward so he could
kiss the top of her head.  “Never doubt that you have become our world.  The
best part.”

Becca closed
her eyes and wrapped her arms around his waist.  “We’ll talk about it later.”

everything all right?”  Griffin’s deep voice came from behind them.  They both
shifted so they could see him.  Rebecca really wished she had more of a poker
face, but she knew he had to see the devastation in her eyes.

stepped forward quickly when she dropped her eyes and he pulled her gaze back up
to his.  “What the fuck?”  He was suddenly beyond angry.  “What happened?”

She tried to
pull his hand away from her chin.  “It’s not important now.  Right now, we have
a funeral to attend.”

He ignored
her efforts and just tightened his grip.  “Linc.  What the fuck?” 

gave her his version of the Alpha Females roll in breeding and power plays.”

Jacob gritted out, then moved to the other side of Linc to face Rebecca. 

That hurt. 
Lord did that hurt.  She took a deep breath and finally managed to pull her
chin away.  “I said we’ll talk about it later.  Or does what I want not matter

eyes narrowed, while Jacob looked like she’d punched him.

Now I’m a raving bitch.  I didn’t even have to shape shift.

grabbed her chin one more time, he leaned down until they were nose to nose. 
“All right little bit, later it is.  But you are not that to us and it pisses
me off to no end that you think you are.”  Then he kissed her hard on the mouth
and turned to lead the way.

And still
a funeral to get through.  Awesome.

despite the looks, it was not all about her.  In fact, after the initial once
over, most of the mourners turned to more important issues… like saying
good-bye.  She held Linc’s hand through the long service and stepped back when
it was time for the handshakes and “your father was a good man and a credit to
his pack” speeches.  She was brought to tears when a sister she had no idea
existed came forward and hugged him like he was her only port in a storm.  So
many people were not only mourning their enforcer, but the return of loved ones
they had lost.

It was at
just such a time when his aunt, the one incidentally that was married to
Malcolm the Malicious, came forward.  She looked a lot like her sister,
Margaret with Brown hair and eyes, but she lacked the spark of life that her
sister possessed.  She kissed Linc on the cheek with dead eyes.  She whispered
something in his ear, and Becca saw her slip something in his coat pocket, then
she slipped away while he stood frozen.  Clearly, some game was afoot.

When the
receiving line was finally done, they all headed back to the cars together. 
Logan and Cleo were guarding the vehicles against tampering as it was decided
no one was going to make a move at a funeral full of shapeshifters, many of
whom had been introduced to Rebecca as visiting Alphas of other territories. 
Jeffrey Callahan had been a well-respected enforcer and a much-admired man.

When they
arrived at the cars, Logan and Cleo, getting some sign Rebecca didn’t see,
moved out to flank them facing outward.

“What did
she say to you?”

“She handed
me this and told me she was sorry.”  He presented a folded piece of paper that
had some words on it that Becca couldn’t make out.  “It’s a time and a place
for a meeting.  Tonight, by the old creek.  It also says that she has
information about my father’s death.”

“It could be
a trap,” Griffin said.  His voice an angry hum.

“It probably
is a trap.”  Logan spoke without turning around.  “You show up and you find out
firsthand what happened to your father.”

Linc said, his voice granite hard.  “But I still have to go.”

Jacob was
looking at Rebecca.  Griffin followed his eyes.  “Jacob stays with Becca.  Cleo
with them just in case.”  He turned to Linc.  “You and I will go and take Logan
as back up with his sniper rifle.  Whatever they think they are expecting, they
really have no idea.”

“It’s deep
in pack territory,” Logan interjected.  “Takes a lot of balls to pull this one
off right under the nose of the Alpha.”

“My father
has his head so far up his ass, he can’t see daylight.”  Griffin’s face was
grim.  “Whoever is behind this knows that.”

Becca asked, surprised.  “You don’t think its Malcolm.”

“Could be, I
hope it is.  Give me any excuse and I will enjoy killing him, for nothing else
then the look on your face.”  He smiled, a ruthless bite of teeth.  Becca
looked away, shivering and not just because they were once again standing in
the cold.  “But it doesn’t pay to assume anything.  So, we’ll wait and see. 
For now, let’s say our good-byes and head back to the inn.  Even if we have to
just turn around and drive back to make the meeting I want to get Rebecca there
first.  And, we have a few other things to cover before we hunt.”

Since she
knew just what that was she was less than enthusiastic about the trip.  Either
the one they were making now or the one later when they went to spring a trap
and hope they were better than the enemy expected. 

So much
for a relaxing Caribbean vacation.


The car ride
back to the resort was uneventful, mostly because Rebecca got in the car and
pretended to sleep leaning against the door the whole way back.  It was
pathetic, she knew it, and she probably wasn’t fooling any of the extra sensory
shapeshifters in the car with her, but they let her have that play, even though
she could feel their unhappiness through the bond. 

Logan and
Cleo had made them wait while they checked all the rooms over and then made
themselves scarce.  Alone with the three men was the last place she wanted to
be with their emotions stinging like an electric current over her skin.  She
wandered towards the center of the room, they were pissed but she felt like the
weight of her own hurt was bearing down on her chest.  She rubbed the spot over
her heart and wondered how this was going to end.  Not well, obviously, she
might have started to feel like she could make a home with them but she was
never going to be happy giving up her own life to become some biological
breeding machine.

Deep in the
quagmire of her own thoughts, Rebecca jumped when a door slammed.  Turning she
expected to see an angry Griffin, instead it was Jacob who with fire in his
arctic eyes came at her like a tsunami.  She backed up in a hurry when she
found him bearing down on her, but he kept coming.  She hit the closed French
doors with a thump and a wince but there was no time to move away.  With a
growl Jacob lifted her off her feet and pressed her full body into the glass
and wood. 

She grabbed on to his shoulders.  Her mouth falling open in shock.

“You want to
tell me how you can be in my bed last night, fucking me so sweet and then a
minute later you listen to some piece of shit blow hot air out his ass and you.
won’t. touch. me?” 

Her face had lost all color, but he growled and tightened his arms.

“No bullshit
Rebecca, what the fuck?”  She had never expected to see Jacob that angry, but
the hurt behind the anger was worse.  She opened her mouth and nothing came
out.  She swallowed, tried to think of something to say and then just blurted
out the truth.

“It doesn’t
make sense otherwise.”  Her voice was dry and low, her eyes pleading with him
to understand.  “I’m not beautiful, or sexy, or skinny.  Men don’t chase me,
and suddenly I have three amazing men all looking at me like I’m beautiful.  It
doesn’t make sense.”  Before he could interrupt, she went on quickly.  “I saw
Linc’s face when Malcolm said it.  I remember how it was that first day.  You
smelled me, I was Alpha female and you couldn’t get inside me fast enough.  I’m
not blaming you.”  She closed her eyes briefly, then opened them again.  “I
knew the draw between us was more wolf than anything else, it’s just somewhere
along the way I started believing the fantasy, and to hear that you want me
because of some kind of wolf breeding program…it just made everything that came

Becca look at me.”  At some point he had lost most of the anger and hurt, all
that was left when she met his eyes was tenderness and she wanted to scream,
because it looked so real. 


“No baby,
really look at me.”  He stepped back and placed her feet back on the floor, his
hands going to either side of her face so that she had no choice but to see
him.  “What do you see when I look at you?”

She studied
him, and she shook her head, tears coming to her eyes and drifting down her
cheek.  Her voice breaking.  “It’s not real.  It’s just some wolf mumbo jumbo
you can’t help.”

“God Damn
it, stop talking out your ass and
see me

Her eyes
narrowed despite the tears, anger returning color to her cheeks.  “Don’t tell
me I’m talking out my ass when I’m trying to be honest with you.”

“You are
talking out your ass and you’re lying to yourself while you do it.”  He leaned
down until they were nose to nose.  “Now for the last time, what do you see
when I look at you.”

She pressed
her lips together and really looked at him.  What she saw had the tears
returning to her softening gaze.  This time she shuddered out his name on a
breath.  “Jacob.”

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