Axl (Sons of Chaos MC #1) (14 page)

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Authors: Riley Rollins

BOOK: Axl (Sons of Chaos MC #1)
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She brought one hand up to her clit, and started rubbing it hard. As she did, I felt her muscles tighten and contract against my cock, her body doing everything in nature’s power to get me to explode inside her.

“Oh fuck,” she said, “I’m gonna come.”

Those words pushed me over the edge. “Me too, babe,” I said.

She whimpered, and cried out, “Oh, God!” as her orgasm shook her body.

My cock exploded inside her at the same time, pulsing in sync with her, draining my virile seed into her tight little body. “Fuck,” I grunted. I needed my cock as deep in that pussy as it would fit, needed to fill her with every drop I could muster.

As our simultaneous orgasms subsided, I pressed her to the bed hard, collapsing on her back, my cock still hard inside her.

“Holly,” I said, breathing hard, “You are sexiest fuckin’ thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” I let my cock slide out of her, covered in my cum and her wetness.

I laid my head against a pillow, and pulled her in close, nestling her body against mine.

She turned her head around and planted a kiss on my lips. “You do me so good,” she said. “And you protect me so good. I didn’t think guys like you were real.”

I chuckled under my breath. “A hundred percent real, darlin’.”

She yawned. “Are you gonna stay here tonight?”

“Yeah,” I said. “Leaving in the morning. But tonight I’m all yours.”

Chapter 28: Holly

We should’ve gone to sleep after that. We were both on the verge of physical and mental exhaustion, but finally spending time together was exhilarating. We lost count of the orgasms between us, as Axl took me over and over again.

We caught up on what felt like a lifetime of being apart. We’d barely known each other a week, but the connection was so strong, so indisputable, that it didn’t even seem strange to me. Being his old lady and entering this new world just seemed like the natural progression of my life at this point. Did I want to finish my degree and my documentary? Hell yes I did, and I intended to. But right now, things felt right and I didn’t want to miss a minute of Axl.

We finally fell asleep in each others’ arms as the sun started to rise. When I finally woke up, it was past noon and Axl was already gone. I hoped he’d been able to get some sleep. It scared the shit out of me that he was willingly going into harm’s way, and I wanted him to have all his wits about him.

After I woke up, I lay awake in bed for a while texting on my phone. I’d finally been able to reach my parents. They were mad, but thank God, somehow hadn’t heard about the incident with the guys in the van, nor had they filed a missing persons report. They just thought I was off gallivanting with “that biker scumbag” and were more angry than worried. This time, their anger was a relief. I hated to lie to my parents, but I had to make up an excuse. If I’d admitted that I actually was with the “biker scumbag,” who knows what bloodhounds they might’ve unleashed on me.

I was still laying in bed when there was a loud rap on the door. I pulled myself out of bed with a sigh and answered it.

“Mornin’, sunshine! Sleep well?” said Big Mikey. He looked back to his jolly self today. Either he had total confidence in Axl to take care of business, or he was hiding his actual concern.

I smiled. “Hi, Mikey,” I said. “Just fine, thank you.”

“You just let me know if you need anything. At all,” he said. He gave me another cheerful smile. “Head down the hall and to your right to the mess hall when you’re ready. One of our cooks will whip up somethin’ tasty for you.”

“I really appreciate it,” I said. “Hey, Mikey,” I continued.


“Axl’s gonna be good. Right?”

He nodded slowly and replied in a tone that inspired genuine confidence in me.

“Known him since he was a kid. No one I’d trust more to make it out in one piece.”

I mustered a smile. “Thanks again, Mikey. I’ll be by the kitchen soon.” He gave me another smile. “See ya.”

I changed out of my pajamas and followed the directions Mikey gave me to the compound’s mess hall. It looked like a diner, with a grill behind a long counter with stools, and a bunch of booths and tables. The place was mostly empty, with only a couple tables occupied. The kitchen, though, smelled divine. I caught a whiff of burgers cooking. I’d been planning on asking for a stack of pancakes, one of my favorite comfort foods, but now I was torn.

I sat down at the counter and realized there was a laminated menu tucked into the napkin holder. I giggled softly. The idea of a biker hideout having its own chef and a real menu was cracking me up. I wasn’t complaining, though. It was way better than the Sons clubhouse, where the only thing to consume was alcohol.

An Italian-looking guy in a chef’s hat came out from the kitchen. “Whatcha having?” he asked.

“Pancakes?” I said. I had to go with pancakes.

“You got it,” he said, and disappeared again into the kitchen.

As I sat waiting for my food, a pretty but plain-looking blonde girl entered the mess hall. She was wearing a blouse, jeans, and high heels. Much more dressed up than I was. She looked around the room, and I thought she seemed nervous. Then she walked up to me at the counter.

“Anybody sitting here?” she asked.

“Nope,” I said. She pulled out the stool next to me and sat down.

“I’m Ashlynn,” she said, and held out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

I shook it. “Holly,” I said. I was trying not to look completely out of my element. “Are you an old lady?” I asked her.

Her eyes widened and an amused expression came over her face. “Dammit,” she said, “Knew I should’ve put on more foundation this morning.”

We both cracked up laughing. “Sorry,” I said. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Just playin’,” she said, giving me a wink. “Nah, I’m not an old lady. Not yet, at least. You think I’d be wearin’ this ridiculous get-up if I didn’t have to?”

I had a feeling this girl was what the bikers called a “hanger-on.” But I wasn’t about to say that to her face.

She continued. “What about you? Haven’t seen you around before.”

“Yeah,” I said, trying to sound casual. “I’m Axl Archer’s old lady.”

Her eyes widened again, and she looked visibly impressed. “Axl Archer from the Sons of Chaos?”

I nodded yes.

“Damn, girl,” she said. “Every biker chick this side of the border wants to hook up with Axl Archer.”

That was news to me. But I wasn’t exactly surprised. I had no doubt that Axl caught women’s attention wherever he went.

“Well,” I said, doing my best to sound modest, “I happen to believe they’re the lucky ones.” I grinned at Ashlynn.

She giggled just as the chef came back out of the kitchen with my pancakes. They were topped with a square of butter just like in movies. They were picture perfect, but for some reason I wasn’t feeling very hungry anymore. “Thanks,” I said to the chef.

“Ooh,” said Ashlynn, “I’m gonna get some too, they look so good.”

“Help me with mine,” I said, pushing the plate toward her. “No way I can finish them.”

I sat there chatting with my new friend, nibbling on the pancakes, but my appetite seemed to have left me. I pulled out my phone from my pocket a couple times during the meal, checking it for a text or call from Axl, but there was nothing.

I hoped he would make it back soon, and all the shit with the clubs would be over with. But I had a feeling it wouldn’t be that simple. In the club life, it never was.

Chapter 29: Axl

I left around 9am. Only caught about 4 hours of shut-eye, but having Holly all night was all the healing I needed. Your average Joe mighta felt drained and wasted after a week of violence and a full night of fucking, but me, I was a new man.

I left her tucked in under the thin sheets, running my hands lightly over her naked body one more time. If I didn’t come back, I wanted to make sure I croaked with her on my mind.

I thought I might be starting to feel something. Like, something real.


Part of me thought to wake her up and tell her, but I couldn’t make myself do it. Maybe I was afraid she’d love me too and then lose me.

I skipped breakfast and went straight to the garage. Mikey’s mechanics had taken care of the jacked car last night. Scrubbed the VIN, threw on a new plate, and repainted it. And apparently fixed the A/C as a courtesy. Good fucking thing, too, ‘cause it was gonna be in the hundreds today, and I had a six-hour drive ahead of me back to Redstone.

Once on the road, I hit up Dash on my cellphone. I needed someone I could trust if I was gonna pull this off.

“Yo,” I said.

“Axl, man. Was getting worried about you.”

“I’m good. I’ll be in town at 3:30. Need you to meet me at the Rock Tavern. And bring Red with you.”

“Yeah, alright,” said Dash. “We’ll be there.”

I slammed the phone down on the seat next to me, and cranked up the A/C and the radio. Nothin’ like highway radio stations to get you through a boring fuckin’ drive.

Pissed me off to still be in this fuckin’ cage, though. Minute I could, I was gettin’ a new bike and puttin’ this piece of shit in the crusher.

I got back into town right on schedule and parked the cage behind the Rock Tavern, our old haunt. If shit was on one of the guys’ minds and he wasn’t at the clubhouse bar, you almost always found him at the Rock Tavern.

Dash and Red were waiting in a booth when I stepped inside. But instead of entering with my usual swagger, I kept my head down.

Our haunt or not, couldn’t be too safe in times like these.

I joined the guys at their booth with a tip of my head.

“Axl, buddy, Jesus. Glad you made it in one piece,” said Dash. He seemed nervous. Red nodded. “Heard about the Demons. That’s fucked up, man.”

I looked at Dash. “Does he know about the other thing?”

Dash shook his head no.

“Tell him what the fuck you told me,” I said.

Dash looked apprehensive, reluctant. “You sure?”

“Tell him.”

Dash turned to Red, next to him. “Reapers aren’t working with the Demons. The Demon hit was an inside job. From within the Sons.”

“Wager my life it was Lynch,” I added.

Dash looked at me and gave a single nod. “Yes,” he said. “Lynch.”

Red looked hard at Dash, his eyes bulging. “How in the fuck do ya know this?”

“After we heard the VP was shot up in Four Corners, I did some digging on the streets. Had a hunch. Put pressure on a couple Demons.” He shaped his fingers into a gun and pointed them at his skull, clarifying the type of “pressure” he meant. “Lynch has been unhinged lately. We should’ve seen this coming.”

Red nodded slowly. “All the guys see what’s goin’ down between you and Lynch,” he said, looking at me. “Ain’t a secret.”

“Don’t say ‘you and Lynch,’” I growled in a low tone. “I ain’t on the same level as that shithead.”

Red nodded. “We know that, boss.”

“Update me on the Reapers,” I said.

Dash just shook his head sadly, and Red replied after exhaling air slowly through his lips.

“Drive-by at the Bunny Ranch Strip Club two nights ago. Bastards caught four of our guys, two still in critical condition. Knocked Striker off his bike the day before that, busted up his leg real good.”

“Fucking savages,” I said. My blood boiled.

“They’re pushin’ up against our territory real good,” said Red, shaking his head sadly. “Only a matter of time before we see something big. A bombing or some shit. This’s been a long time comin’, but they’re makin’ all their moves now.”

Dash nodded. “I agree.”

“What’s their end game?” I said.

Dash replied. “Break the Sons charter. Mass surrender and patch-over.”

I gritted my teeth. “Day I wear a Reaper patch is the day they put my rotting corpse in the ground.”

“But this shit with Lynch,” said Red, “Could
tear the club apart.”

I knew he was right. I’d seen shit like this before. An external enemy like the Reapers was dangerous, but an internal enemy was what killed morale and set men against one another. If we were gonna take out Lynch, we had to do it fast, and clean.

“Goddamn,” I said, shaking my head. “Never fuckin’ thought it’d come to this. I gotta clear my head.” I whistled loud and threw a hand in the air to signal a waitress. “Be a doll, Jack shots all around.”

The waitress brought us each a tall shot glass of whiskey. “Put ‘em down, boys. That’s an order,” I said.

We put the shot glasses bottom-up, and I felt the gears in my head start to spin the way I needed them to.

“VP,” said Dash, “Say we gather evidence, call a Mayhem vote on Lynch, and lay everything out for the club to vote on.”

I shook my head no. “That fucker’s too deep up Ryker’s ass right now,” I said. “Ryker ain’t thinkin’ straight. We call a Mayhem vote on Lynch, and more than likely it’s me that ends up on the chopping block after the shit I’ve pulled.”

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