B00BR2BOUU EBOK (17 page)

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Authors: K.M. Golland

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“Alexis, what do you want me to do?” Suddenly I realised
that Gareth’s illness and the problem it imposed was a massive stress and
strain on Bryce, and my anxiety about Samantha was only adding to it. I climbed
onto his lap and placed my hands on each side of his face.

“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to add to the stress you already
have. I want you to tell me what I can do to help you; you shouldn’t have the
burden of Gareth solely on your shoulders alone. What can I do?” He placed his
hands on my backside.
Mmmm, they feel good there.

“Just stay away from him as much as possible. I don’t need
to worry about you as well. Listen, I’ll keep my eye on Samantha, and if I feel
something is wrong, I will get involved.”

I ran my fingers through his hair. “Thank you, my love, and
thank you for telling me all of this. It could not have been easy for you.”

“Sharing things with you, Hunny, is the easiest thing I have
ever done in my life.”
Funny thing that. Me too.
Bryce stood up and
extended his hand. “Now enough of all this Gareth stuff. I vaguely recall you
throwing me a challenge earlier today.” I looked at him sceptically.
Oh yes,
my beating him on four wheels.

“Yes, Mr. Clark, I did.”

“Well, how about we have a practice run? A little warm-up?”
He clenched his fingers, burying them into my arse as he got up. I was becoming
accustomed to not using my legs much anymore, so I did not always put up a
fight when he carried me. This was one of those times.


He walked me into his man cave.

“What are you doing, there are no wheels in here.”

“Practice my love, I said practice.” He put me down on the
sofa in front of the TV and booted up the Wii, handing me a controller clipped
into a white plastic steering wheel. “Mario Kart,” he explained with a smile, “you
won’t find a better way to practice.” He jumped onto the sofa next to me, displaying
a similar boyish grin to Nate’s when he sits in front of a gaming console.

“Fine, but I’m Mario.” I shot him a ‘don’t argue with me
look’, which he didn’t. He chose to be Luigi, and before I knew it, we were
lined up on track with lots of other characters in Go-Kart looking racers.
There was a blonde princess in a pink dress—a turtle,
I think it was a
turtle or a dinosaur maybe?
—and a really nasty looking turtle, too. Little
did he know that Nate actually had this game at home, and I had played it
before. I was guessing not as often as Bryce had though.

I remembered Nate showing me a trick once, after I had
gotten shitty at him. Nate always managed to speed off at the start of every
race leaving me, lagging behind. I didn’t know how he did it every time, so I refused
to give him canteen money until he spilled the beans as to how he did it. As
the countdown came up on the screen, I got ready, holding down the accelerator button
as the number 2 faded. This was the trick Nate taught me, giving me an
acceleration boost when the game began. Bryce, was aware of this trick too,
because Luigi flew alongside Mario leaving the rest of the pack behind them. He
glanced over at me and smirked with the knowledge that I was not a Mario Kart

We raced past these cute looking cows. I had seen Nate race
this track before, so I knew the cows would step onto the track at some point.
a colourful cube, those things are good!
I could see the spinning rainbow
box ahead and drove straight into it. These thingies gave you special items. I
remembered banana skins were handy, and that’s exactly what I got. Luigi shot
out ahead; he must’ve got a power boost thing.
Damn It.
Lucky for me,
one of the other karts launched a green turtle shell at him, spinning him off
the track.

“Ha ha,” I laughed. I could see the finish line ahead and
still had my banana skin, so I dropped it and claimed my victory. “Winner! I
told you.” I was laughing but also secretly relieved and proud of myself.
threats are just that Alexis; empty, and they make you look like a fool.
was no fool now, though. Bryce was smirking, but it appeared to be an annoyed

“Beginners luck, my love. Best out of 3?”

“You’re on.” I wiggled and sat cross-legged on the couch. He
clicked his neck to both sides, and as per usual, eye fucked me at the same
Fuck he’s sexy when he does that. Alexis, stop it. It’s a ploy. He’s
trying to distract you with his sexiness.
The countdown started once more
and again we both hurtled past the other karts using our boost trick. He
obviously knew something I didn’t, because he always went off the track at a
particular spot which made him go faster. I didn’t get it, but it was annoying
because it took me a long time to catch back up, and when I tried it on the following
lap it didn’t work. We both crashed into the coloured boxes again and he
started glowing and speeding away from me. I launched my red turtle shell at
him, but it just bounced off. He crossed the finish line first.
Ah, crap.

“Ah, Ms. Summers, it seems we are now even.”

“You cheated, Mr Clark!”

“How? I did not.” He seemed offended, but I could see past
his charade.

“That’s okay. If dirty is how you want to play, then dirty
it is.” I turned my head to him and slowly ran my tongue across the top of my
teeth, then leaned over and hit start on his remote. The countdown started for
the final time, and our carts took off again. As he went over the grassy bit, I
watched what buttons he pressed.
You sneaky bugger, you release your
mushrooms as you do it, right.
On the second lap, I had collected mushrooms
too, so I followed him across the grass, releasing them in the same way he did.
He laughed and shook his head as I kept up with him. An indication of the final
lap flashed across the screen, and he drove off quickly flashing again.
does he do that?
I had a strange looking mushroom bonus so thought,
the heck
. Suddenly, Mario doubled in size and ploughed through everyone
that was in his way. Unfortunately, it didn’t work on Luigi, but it allowed me
to catch up, making us dead even.
Now Alexis, use your secret weapon.
moved slowly across the carpet, continuing to drive, and got on all fours on
the rug in front of us. I hitched my dress up over my bare arse, giving him a
perfectly good view.
Ripping my underwear is now going to come back and bite
you, Mr. Clark, because now I have the ultimate weapon at my disposal and it is
being waved in front of your face.
I heard him groan and noticed his cart
veer off the track a little.
Ha! It’s working!
I continued to move
forward until I was lying on my stomach with my dress still hitched high above
my waist, and my legs bent with my feet up in the air. We only had half a lap
left, so it was now or never. I drove my cart right up next to his and bumped
it ever so slightly, at the exact same moment I opened my legs revealing my
ultimate weapon. His cart hit a cow, so I was able to drive across the finish
line and claim the final victory.

My smile went from ear to ear, but there was no noise coming
from either of us. I was almost afraid to look round, but as I mentioned
before, I am not timid; so I slowly turned my head back to where he was
sitting. He had one hand still grasping the remote and the other in his hair. I
gave him the biggest smirk I had in me, got up on all fours again, and circled
round to face him. I slowly crawled in his direction, giving him the burning
gaze he so often fires at me. I crawled up to his legs and lifted the remote
away from his hand, then climbed up on his lap straddling him.

“I win.”

He didn’t say anything, just lifted me up and carried me to
his private elevator. The doors slid shut, and I found myself being pressed up
against the wall. He never hit any buttons, so I knew our destination was
exactly where we were. I could tell he couldn’t wait a second longer to be
inside of me, there was still dead silence between us, but our eyes were as
usual in deep discussion.
He knows I’ve beaten him, and he can’t handle it,
can’t handle that he finds it hot.

I lifted my dress off as he held me against the wall, still
not saying a word. What was he waiting for? For me to kiss him?
No Alexis,
you won. Make him be the first to kiss you.
I leaned forward making sure my
breasts massaged his chest, and put my mouth as close to his lips as possible without
touching them.
See how unbearable this is, Bryce?
I then moved my face
to his neck, then across to the other side of his face, until I was breathing
warm and heavy into his ear.

I whispered. “I win.” He was quicker than lightening and had
his mouth on my neck and his hands on my breasts.
Oh, fuck.
I gripped
the railing and shrieked at his ferocity and need for me, it was so sexy. His
hands were forcefully gripping and holding my tits as his mouth found my own. He
let them go momentarily and wrenched his pants off, still managing to keep me
up against the wall. He was hard and full and he didn’t hesitate in entering me
with force, sending excitement and wild sensations right through me. He fucked
me hard up against that elevator wall, pulling out his cock to the very tip,
and driving it back into me, over and over again. I can honestly say it was the
wildest sex I had ever had. We didn’t talk during it, not once, until the very
end when he relieved his warm built-up liquid tension inside of me, with a luscious
vibrating groan.

“You win, my love.” He said softly as he placed light kisses
on the corners of my mouth.

Breathing heavily, I replied, “I know.” He leaned over and
pressed button number two. He stepped out of his pants and when the elevator
reached its destination, carried me to bed.



The next morning, we woke up at the same time which was
rare. He always seemed to get up at the crack of dawn, unlike myself who
utilised the privilege that was a sleep-in. When you have children, a sleep-in
is the ultimate treat. You only need to ask my sister Jen, who has three
children under two. I don’t know how she does it, but Jen survives on little to
no sleep at all. I was looking forward to seeing them all on Sunday at my
parent’s house. Jen and her husband Steven lived just out of Shepparton, so I
didn’t get to see them as much as I would like. Whenever I visited Mum and Dad,
I made sure I visited them as well. I rolled over and placed my head on Bryce’s
chest. He wrapped his arm around me and secured me tightly to him.

“Good morning, beautiful. Did you have a nice sleep?”

“Yes, thanks to you.” I could feel the satisfied smirk on
his face without even looking to see if it was there. “So what are the plans
today, Mr Clark? Am I still on paid holiday leave? Or am I required back to
work?” I traced my finger along his superb abdomen.

“You are working, Ms. Summers. Today your job is to
participate in the ‘real race’.”

“The real race? What do you mean?”

“I told you, Hunny, yesterday was only practice.”

“If you think you are going to be Mario, then think again.”

My head bounced up and down on his chest as he laughed. “We
aren’t playing the Wii, my love. We are going to drive real go-karts.”
Mr. Clark, you are a glutton for punishment.


We had a shower, got dressed, and consumed a quick breakfast
of poached eggs and toast, then headed down to the garage.

“Which one, Hunny?” he asked. I looked at him, and at first
I thought he was suggesting which one to fuck on. But I soon figured out he
meant, ‘which one shall we take’.
Alexis, he knows what you are thinking you
dirty girl!
He raised his eyebrows as though my suggestive thought was

“Well, we can’t take the Lamborghini, can we?”
certainly not, I swear that dent in the roof is the same shape as my arse.
really wanted to suggest the McLaren, but I didn’t want to draw too much
attention to ourselves. I know he liked the attention, but I was still getting
used to it. “Can we take the Charger?”

He smiled. I think he knew how the Charger made me feel. “Of
course we can.”
Yay, cue the happy clap.
He opened the door for me and
already this car was doing things to my insides.
Maybe not a good idea
choosing this one, Alexis. You might not actually make it to the track!
engine roared to life and Bryce gave it a rev, making me giggle like a school
Alexis, get a grip.


I enjoyed every minute of our drive to the go-kart track
forty-five minutes south of Melbourne. There were a few envious glances in our
direction, but overall it was not too bad, I could definitely deal with it.

“So, my love, are you ready? You only get one chance, you

“Oh, Bryce, you don’t know what you are in for. I only need
one chance.” It was ‘on like Donkey Kong’, and we were both very much in
competitive mode as we entered the building and made our way to the front
counter. The young man was busy with the computer and didn’t look up when he

“G’Day mate. Booking in for a session?”

“How much to hire the whole track to ourselves for 20 laps?”
Bryce asked casually. That made the guy look up, but he was clearly annoyed
with the request.

“We are open to the public today, mate. If you want to book
a function you need to ring this number.” He handed Bryce a pamphlet.

“I will pay fifty thousand dollars now for a private
function.” The young man’s eyes widened, as he stared dumbfounded at Bryce. He
must have thought we were trying to pull the wool over his eyes.

“Are you for real?”

“Yes.” Bryce was firm, but I could tell he was hiding his
amusement. I could only imagine what it felt like to offer such a large sum of
money and stop someone in their tracks like that, it must be very empowering.

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