BABY DADDY (15 page)

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Authors: Eve Montelibano

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Raiden designed this dwelling for his mother and had it built by a reputed engineering company from Germany. It was a sculpture in itself. He’s truly a genius in his craft.

“Ah well, not everyone gets a spot on Richard’s celebrated notorious column for the highbrows of the world, so I’d consider my frequent appearances there important chronicles of my New York history.”

“Indeed. But I don’t particularly want to be on Page Six, especially when they pan my collection—“ I cover my mouth.

Major ops. Me and my big mouth, as always!

“Who in their right mind wouldn’t love your clothes? I’ve been wearing them for almost a decade now. So comfortable. I love all your designs. This,” she points to her wrap-around dress,“ is my favorite in your summer collection last year. I’m one of your most loyal clients. I have a personal stylist from Singapore who buys my clothes for me and your collections are automatic buys.”

Okay, can I faint now? She knows me? For a decade now?! She doesn’t just have one of my dresses but the entire collection? For years?! “You know…?”

She smiles knowingly. “I may live in this island but my magazine and newspaper subscriptions are up-to-date. Of course I recognized you right away but we pretend not to know each other here.”

I want to jump around the room like a kangaroo on steroids!

I put my palms on my face because they’re ablaze. I can’t control my fan-girl frenzy now. “Oh my god, Akiko, you’ve been my biggest inspiration all these years! Can you recognize your style in my designs? The clean, symmetrical cuts? The abstract prints? The contrasting colors? The minimalist look?”

“I thought they were mere coincidences.”

“No, they’re from you! I’ve studied your art. All of it! I have all your re-mastered performances on tape! All the books written about you!” I’m so giddy and gushing like a teenager and I don’t care.

“Lots of unauthorized biographies, I’m afraid. They cannot wait for my personal memoir.”

“Well, no one wrote about Raiden, for sure. I mean…” My voice trails off. I wince at my gaffe. I don’t want them to think I’m being nosy. They’re obviously very private people and my presence here is an extreme privilege.

But Akiko doesn’t seem to mind. She looks at her son lovingly. “Only a few people know about him, that he’s my son. You’re one of them now.”

“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me, I swear,” I assure her, nearly raising my hand as if taking a sacred oath.

“I’m not hiding him. He chooses to hide.”

“Mother…” Raiden butts in, a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

“I’ve been telling him to leave the island, live somewhere in Europe or America, be active in the art communities there. He refuses.” Akiko sighs.

“I’ve been all over the world. I know what’s out there. I love it here,” Raiden says defensively.

“I can understand that. I love it here, too,” I agree for his benefit.

“You’re welcome here anytime, Ella,” Akiko says warmly.

“Thank you.”

“Look at you two,” Raiden remarks in a droll voice. “A mutual admiration club.”

I scowl at him. “Don’t ruin the moment.”

He raises his hands. “I’ll go brew some coffee. Anyone?”

I raise my hand. “Coffee addict.”

He gives me a slight gentleman’s bow. “A woman after my heart.” He winks at me.

I drop my eyes to my hands on the table. He doesn’t seem to care that his mother is there, watching.

Akiko declines the coffee.

Raiden disappears behind a massive wall sculpture.

“I’ll just finish this and go to bed. Forgive me but I sleep early and wake up at dawn. It’s my body clock. You two enjoy your coffee. I’ll see you at breakfast, Ella?”

I nod. “Thank you,” I simply reply again. What else can I say? I’ve been treated beyond special today and I’ll never forget this.

“No, thank you. It’s been lonely for sometime here. I’m so glad you came to visit.”

“How do you find my mother?”

“Is that even a question? I’m her biggest fan.”

“Not as your idol. As a person.”

“Well, she raised you. That makes her the greatest.”

He grins. “Does that mean you want me to get you pregnant, after all?”

I face the sea. We’re standing in front of the curvilinear railing of the wrap-around multi-leveled terraces of The Gallery. The moon is up tonight and it’s so big and bright it illuminates the calmness of the water like the kiss of dawn.

“I don’t want a complicated life, Raiden.”

“I’m a very simple guy. Don’t smoke, don’t drink, don’t normally swear, don’t do drugs, don’t do excessive sex…except…”


“Except maybe with you. I’d probably want you a lot in a day.”

“Please, don’t patronize me.”

He hugs me from behind and presses his groin to my ass. “Does that feel like I’m patronizing you? Let’s just say, I’m your biggest fan. Sounds better?”

I moan. His double entendre makes my tummy flutter in response.

On second thought, yeah, I can really feel his massive enthusiasm right now.

He starts nuzzling my neck, then running his tongue from my nape to my shoulder blades.

“I haven’t had enough of you this morning. I want you again.”


“Say yes.”

“But…why would you want to have a kid at this early?”

“That seems to be your favorite question.”

“Because it’s a legitimate issue.”

“Your issue, not mine.”

“Well, I’m still not convinced.”

“I’m an old soul. I’m actually 50.”

“Be serious.”

His hands cup my breasts and lift them, his fingers going for my nipples through my dress. I haven’t been wearing bra in the island as most people are practically in bikinis everyday anyway. I even saw some nudists frolicking in wild abandon at the beach. This island is truly freedom at its best.

“I’m serious.”

“You were so furious the other night.”

“I was just angry you lied to me. You were planning to steal my future child.”

“You said you don’t want a baby.”

“I didn’t say I don’t want a baby. I just said it never crossed my mind yet. But after some thought, I’m liking the idea now. Better start early so I’d have plenty of time to enjoy my kids.”

“You’re sickeningly optimistic.”

“And you’re adorably snarky.”

“Lowd, what will I do with you?”

“What about you let me do you?”

His hand travels downward and cups my muff, massaging it. I’m wearing a barely there thong and the slight abrasion of the fabric as he rubs me there is electric on my pussy lips. I moan.

“Feels good?” His hand is under my dress now. “This only gets better.” His fingers slide into my thong, over my nether lips, rubbing. “And better.” He circles my clit and my legs turn to mush, along with my common sense.

“You’re so wet now. Your eggs are begging for my sperm you’re secreting so much juice. You’re dripping on my fingers, baby and I’m dripping inside my pants. You’re wasting all that by denying me.”

“You sound like kinky porn.”

He chuckles. “Aha, you watch porn.”

“Some. When my creative juices won’t flow, I let my other juices flow.”

He groans. “Bad, bad girl. I wish you’d come to me then. I’d make sure your juices flow nonstop like the Niagara.”

“The Niagara…” I giggle. I’m so aroused and he makes me giggle. This man!

“Say yes, baby.”

“Don’t give me shit in the future. I’m gonna kill you.”

“No shit. Just babies. As many as you want.”

“I just want one.”

“Sure? I got plenty of gene supply.”

“Be serious! I’ll give it two weeks. My fertile period just about started. You’d better deliver in the coming days.”

He slips a finger inside me. “Is that a challenge?” He makes a hissing sound. “Fuck, you’re so tight.”

I clench around his digit, moaning. He’s right. My eggs are so eager to make a baby with him.

He slips in another finger, stretching me.

In the next seconds, I’m treated to the most lascivious petting session, right there against the railing, facing the sea, the nature witnessing my undoing.

While his fingers move with magical expertise below, his mouth takes over what I have above. His other hand fondles my breasts while his tongue slithers on my skin in a seemingly endless trail from my cheek, to my nape and then he goes for my ear, swirling there until I’m panting like a cat in heat, my entire body covered in goose bumps and wrought up so tightly, my pussy clenching frenziedly around his fingers as my orgasm rushes to engulf me.


“Yes, baby?”

I throw caution to the wind.

“Fuck me already!”

He didn’t need to be told twice.

With quick maneuvering, I feel him entering me within seconds, his cock, an instrument of relief delivered to ease the clawing ache in my core. But he takes it slow. His fingers circle my clit as he pushes in gently then pulls out. He repeats this…pushing in then pulling out, going deeper and deeper with every thrust…until I’m reduced to mindless gibberish.

Just as he slams it all in, I start to shudder.

I scream my joy to the sea as he takes his own pleasure, riding my own. His shout of completion follows immediately.

I open my eyes to the moon moments later.

I’m leaning against him, my entire weight supported by his strength while my flesh still quivers with the little aftershocks of my release.

He’s sitting on a lounger now while I’m settled sideways on his lap. I didn’t even notice how we got there. I think I fell asleep for a while. My orgasm was so fucking epic I didn’t care if the world ended right there and then.

“Raiden?” I murmur sleepily in the crook of his neck.

“Hmm?” He’s idly caressing the length of my leg.

“I want a son just like you.”

“Wish granted. And then a daughter just like you.”

“Uhmmm...” I yawn. “I can dream of that.”

His chuckle is the last thing I hear fading as I slip into dreamland.

I’m the one determined to have a baby
but don’t challenge a twenty-five year old on that mission. You’ll never hear the end of it, literally.

I thought I couldn’t keep up with him but I surprised myself, too. I was in constant heat for 36 hours and was ready whenever he’d start getting all amorous and it was every three hours or so. No kidding!

I was able to squeeze in a chit-chat with Akiko who gave me I-know-what-you’ve-been-doing looks. As much as I’d like to be embarrassed, she didn’t give me any reason to feel so. Cool Mama.

Punto Fiamma has so many special places you can hang out at, little spaces between rocks with comfortable sitting areas, tree-houses, steel decks protruding from the edge of the cliff which challenge my fear of heights, but Raiden was with me every time and my fears just went away.

“I need to be at the strip by Saturday,” he tells me while we’re lounging in the steaming jacuzzi which he built on a ledge protruding ten meters from his bedroom in The Gallery. Tonight, I feel wrapped by the universe. The stars are like twinkling diamonds I can pluck from the heavens. Raiden has been showing me nothing but extraordinary beauty here.

“Why, do you need to do something there?” I was hoping we could stay here a bit longer.

“Yeah. There’s an event I’d need to be at.”

“What event?”

“Surprise. You’ll see come Sunday.”

“I hate surprises.”

“Then you should learn to appreciate it.”

“I don’t like to be blindsided. I’d like to know what I’m gonna get and be prepared, just in case.”

“Just in case what?”

“Just in case I get ambushed.”

He gently combs my wet hair away from my face with his fingers. He has such dexterous hands. Well, he’s a master sculptor, after all.

“You treat every situation as either a competition or a potential disaster.”

“That’s me. Better be prepared than sorry.”

“Where’s the fun in that? Do you ever celebrate Christmas? Hanging socks on the tree. Unwrapping gifts from Santa?”

“What are you, still a kid? Oh yes, you are and I’m a cradle-snatcher.”

He scoops warm water in his hand and pours it over my head. “Let’s wash this cynical head.”

I slap his hand playfully. “Not cynical, just realistic.”


I sigh and lean back on his chest. “Okay, I’m cynical. What’s wrong with that?”


“Alright, my childhood was not charmed like yours obviously.”

“Mine wasn’t charmed. Not in the typical sense. But I’m not bitter about it. ”

I sigh and become silent. This conversation is skirting towards a door off-limits to everyone. Even to myself, most of the time. I hate what’s inside this door.

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