Bad Rep (20 page)

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Authors: A. Meredith Walters

BOOK: Bad Rep
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It seemed that Milla was giving Olivia a pep talk.  Olivia's voice sounded tight and when I took a peek at her, she looked as though she had been crying. “I just wish I knew what he was thinking.  He's been so distant since I got back.  I thought it was just me, that I was being paranoid.  But it's not in my head.  We haven't had sex since before I left for the summer.”  I heard Milla gasp in surprise, though looking at the other girl's expression, she seemed pleased with the news.  Who was that bitch kidding?  She
that Jordan and Olivia weren't doing it.  For her it was the probably the best news of the night.


Olivia sniffed and rubbed her nose with her hand.  “Last night, I went over to his house after he got off of work.  I was wearing his favorite lingerie.  You know the red one with the nipple tassels?”  Milla nodded.  Nipple tassles?  Uh, gross.


“So, I'm all laid out on his bed when he gets out of the shower and he tells me to move over, that he needs to get some sleep.  Can you believe that?”  I felt bad for her as I could tell she had started to cry.  Milla patted Olivia on the back. 


“It's like he doesn't want me anymore.  How could he not want me?  He used to never be able to get enough!  Don't you remember that time everyone walked in on us having sex on his pool table in the middle of the mixer?”  Gag!  I tried to control the upchuck reflex at her pornographic reminiscing.


“That's how it used to be all the time.  Now I can barely get him to kiss me.  Do you think he's seeing someone else?”  Olivia sounded terrified at the possibility. 


“No way, Liv!  How could ever look at anyone else when he has you?  Put that thought out of your head.” Milla was saying exactly what a supportive friend
say.  But I couldn't miss the fakeness of it.  I knew with a certainty that had Milla been in my shoes with Jordan this summer, she would have been all over him like white on rice.  Great friend there.


Gracie snapped her fingers in front of my face. “Earth to Maysie!”  I blinked and stared back at her. 


“What?” I asked, embarrassed at being caught snooping.  Gracie sighed in exasperation. 


“Never mind.  Just drink up.  You can't go to the mixer without a pre-buzz.”  She put my bottle to my mouth.  “Now drink.”   Isn't this the very thing we were forced to watch videos about in high-school?  It had been the subject a myriad of after school specials.  But how many college aged student succumb to it each and every time?  Gotta love peer pressure!


Olivia seemed to have gotten herself together and joined us in a round of Kings at the kitchen table.  By the time we were ready to go, most of my sisters were well and truly lit.  I hadn't ended up drinking that much, so I was still relatively sober.  Gracie and Vivian held onto me as we made our way to the Pi Sig house off campus.  They laughed a little too loudly and were told by some of our other sisters to shut up or we would all get busted for drinking.


“Shh,” Gracie whispered dramatically, putting her finger to her lips.  Vivian and I laughed, earning us another glare from our less than tolerant sisters.  The guys were waiting for us when we arrived.  Jordan was at the door, holding it open for us.  He looked ah-maz-ing.  He wore a deep blue button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to reveal his toned arms.  He wore a pair of dark jeans and had changed the barbell in his eyebrow for the hoop again.  His hair had been freshly buzzed and the whole affect was heart stopping.


I gripped Gracie's hand tightly.  Even though I was the one who was sober, I was I afraid I'd fall over.


“Ouch, you're crushing my fingers, Mays,” Gracie whined, pulling her hand away.  Olivia led us up the stairs and stood on her tip toes to give Jordan a kiss on the lips. 


Jordan pulled away a short second later, his smile now tight.  “Welcome ladies, come on inside.” 


The girls filed into the house.  Music was blaring and my bones reverberated with the bass.  I tried to slink passed Jordan without him seeing but his voice stopped me. 


“Good to see you, Mays.”  I looked up at him and gave him a weak smile.  His eyes were sparkling as they took me in and I had to force myself to look away. 


“Thanks,” I mumbled before hurrying after Gracie and Vivian.


The Pi Sig guys converged on us as we entered the house.  Soon, people began pairing off to dance.  Gracie had gone off with Eric, her date, and Vivian had latched herself onto some guy I didn't know that well, leaving me the lonely wallflower.  Just fantastic. 


I felt a little out of place and I wished I had taken Gracie's advice and come with a date.  Arriving solo to these events sucked giant monkey cock. 


I found the keg on the screened in porch.  I poured myself a cup and took a few sips.  Ah, cheap beer.  I'd rather drink cat piss.


“You gonna drink that or what?” someone asked.  I turned around as Gio came in.  He really was one of the smarmiest guys I had ever met.  He just oozed cheese.


I tipped my cup in his direction.  “Cheers,” I said, emptying some of the crappy beer into my mouth.  I tried not to grimace at the taste.


Gio took my cup and put it down.  “Come dance.”  He pulled on my hand and I let him.  I tripped over a piece of linoleum popping up from the floor in his haste to haul me out of the kitchen.  I toppled forward but Gio caught me around the waist. 


“Easy there, babe,” he teased, leaning into me.   Oh crap was he trying to make a move?  The sound of giggling snapped Gio out of it.  I used Gio's arms to right myself and looked over at the doorway.  Olivia and Jordan had come in.  Olivia was hanging off of Jordan's arm. 


“Gio, your moves are worse than ever.  Leave poor Maysie alone.” She laughed and I gave her a smile. 


“Oh, I can handle him.  No worries.” Oops, that came out all wrong. 


Gio wound his arm around my waist.  “Oh, you can handle me alright,” he purred in my ear.  Yuck!  I tried to shove him back. 


“I think she wants you to let her go, G,” Jordan said tightly.  Gio dropped his arm and I looked at Jordan.  His face was dark and if looks could kill, Gio would be ten feet under by now.


Gio laughed.  “No harm, no foul.  Can't blame a boy for tryin'.”  Gio put his hands up in mock surrender.  “I still want that dance though.  I promise to be good.”  Gio grinned at me and my eyes darted to Jordan again. 


Our eyes connected and he looked pretty pissed.  For a second I wavered, tempted to tell Gio to forget about it.  But then I looked down at Olivia wrapped around his arm like a fucking octopus and felt my own anger flare up. 


“Sounds good Gio.  But only if you promise to be naughty.” I dropped my voice into a seductive whisper, never taking my eyes from Jordan.  Something sparked in his deep blue eyes and I swallowed hard. 


“Hell yeah!” Gio hooted, pulling me out of the kitchen before Jordan could react.  Was I imagining the hurt look he gave me as I was pulled out into the living room?  What the hell did he have to be hurt about?  Stupid boy with his stupid girlfriend.


Okay, leading Gio on to make Jordan jealous was definitely one of my more idiotic ideas.  Because once encouraged, the boy just wouldn't give up.  I danced with him for one song, but when I declined a second he wouldn't take no for an answer. 


“Gio, give it up.  I'm done dancing with you!” I told him harshly, shoving him in the chest as he tried to mash our bodies together.  He was wearing way too much cologne and it made me dizzy. 


“But you told me to be naughty, Mays.  I ain't shown you nothin' yet.”  He licked his lips and I tried to back away again.  Suddenly a hand came around and pulled Gio by the upper arm. 


“I believe she said to back off, Gio.  Now stop being a fucking rapist and get the hell out of here.”  Of course it was Jordan.  Who the else would come riding to my rescue while his drop dead gorgeous girlfriend looked on with obvious confusion?


“Dude, what's with the cock block?” Gio asked, his face going red and I worried there was about to be a fight.  Both guys were obviously inebriated.  And if I knew anything, it was that alcohol and testosterone did not mix.  I wedged my body between them, facing Gio. 


“Cock block, really?  I don't think your cock is getting anywhere near me.  So don't worry about it.” I flicked my hands in a shooing gesture.  Gio's eyes narrowed. 


“Whatever, bitch.”  And he stormed off.


“I need to go teach that shit some manners,” Jordan growled, ready to go after him.  I grabbed a hold of Jordan's arm to stop him. 


“Jordan.  Chill out.”  He stilled and looked down at me.  We stood there staring at each other for a minute and I realized I was still holding onto his arm.  Feeling self-conscious, I dropped my hand and wiped my clammy palm on the skirt of my dress.


“Thanks,” I said a little shyly.  Jordan gave me cute half smile. 


“Anything for you, Mays,” he said quietly and I had to seriously suppress the urge to jump up and down.  This boy was my complete undoing.


“Thanks for helping out our girl, Mays.  But I think she could have handled herself.”  Olivia said a little cooly, appearing beside us.  I took a quick step back, making sure there was an appropriate amount of space between Jordan and me. 


Olivia, flanked by Milla, was looking at me in a way that made me anxious.  I had to defuse this situation and fast.


“You're right.  I could totally have taken him.  But guys like Jordan have to step in and ruin our female empowerment, right?” Okay, so my attempt at lightheartedness was going down like a lead balloon.  Jordan gave me a funny look.


“Well, thanks again, Jordan,” I said one last time and then got the hell away from all of them.  I found Gracie in the back corner of the room, tangled around her date.


“Gracie, could you help me find the bathroom?” I asked her, looking away as I saw her tongue fly into the guy's mouth.  I stood there awkwardly for a few minutes before calling her name again.  She finally pried her lips from Eric's, a trail of saliva connecting them.  That was just nasty.


“What?” she asked shortly. 


“Can you help me find the bathroom please?” I asked nicely.  I had to pee, but more than that I needed some girl talk.  If I didn't unload some of this bullshit going on with Jordan I thought I might explode.  And I trusted Gracie.  I knew she'd listen and not gossip behind my back later.


But I had caught her at a very bad time.  She gave me the look of death.   “I think you can find it yourself.  Later, Mays.”  She gave me a very pointed look before returning to the full examination she was giving Eric's tonsils.  Sighing heavily, I made my way to the staircase.  I figured going upstairs would be the best bet at getting some quiet. 


I just needed a moment to get my whirling thoughts straight.  Jordan was wreacking havoc on my head and my heart.  One minute I was determined to do the right thing and stay away, the next he was making that very resolve next to impossible. 


I hurried up the stairs and found the bathroom.  I splashed some water on my face and took a dozen deep breaths. 
I can do this!  I am not a slutty backstabber! 
I chanted to myself. 


When I thought I had composed myself enough to return to the party, I opened the door.  And ran smack into Jordan.  My hands flew up in front of me and I braced myself against his chest.  His hands came up and gripped my upper arms, holding me in place.


In my wedged sandals, I was almost at eye height, and it was nice to look at him without getting a crick in my neck.  I tried to move to the side to let him by.


“It's all yours,” I said, motioning to the bathroom. 


Jordan didn't let go of my arms. Instead he pushed me backwards so I had to stumble into the bathroom.  He flicked the light on and closed the door behind us.  I backed up into the wall and stared at him.  I was acutely aware of the fact that we were in a tiny space.  Alone.  Together.


I knew Jordan was drunk but the intensity in his eyes made my stomach flip over.  “What can I do for you, Jordan?” I asked lightly, trying to alleviate some of the crazy tension crackling in the air between us.

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