Be My Everything (12 page)

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Authors: Ella Jade

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance

BOOK: Be My Everything
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Katherine finished cleaning up the playroom and then headed
back to her room. It was just before eight, but Luke hadn’t given her any
instructions for the evening. It wasn’t unusual that he’d give her the night,
or at least a few hours off, especially after playing on Friday night and most
of the day on Saturday. She welcomed the few hours of rest, but always felt
extremely lonely in the submissive bedroom.

Occasionally, Luke’s needs would kick in sometime after
saying goodnight and he would come into her room. Sometimes it was for a
quickie or oral sex, but other nights he would take her slowly and then hold
her for just a few minutes before heading back down the hall. Those nights were
the hardest for Katherine, because as much as she liked being in his arms, the
emptiness when he left was unbearable. She couldn’t ask him why or what he was
thinking, but the more nights he did that, the more she wanted him. And not
just as her Master.

She took a long relaxing shower, slipped on a pair of
flannel pajamas, because he hadn’t left anything else for her to wear, and
crawled into bed with a book. She didn’t have full run of the house, so her
only option was to settle in for the night. It was difficult for her not to
wonder what he was doing.

About forty-five minutes later, she drifted off with the
book still in her hands. A gentle tugging woke her and the book was being taken
from her weak hold. She opened her eyes and focused on him, then shot up into a
seated position and stared at him. She tried to gain her bearings, but couldn’t
remember what she was supposed to be doing.

Had he left instructions for her? Did she keep him waiting?
She wasn’t sure.

“Master? I-I’m sorry! I must have fallen asleep for a few
minutes.” Her heart was beating out of her chest, but it wasn’t because she was
afraid he was going to punish her. No, it was far worse than that. She was
afraid she had disappointed him.

He ran his fingers through his hair before speaking. “I’m
sorry I woke you,” he whispered. “You looked so peaceful, but I wanted to pull
the covers up over you, so I was moving the book.”

“You wanted to tuck me in?” she asked, still not totally
getting what was going on.

“Something like that.” He laughed. “Go back to sleep.” He
turned and headed for the door. She wasn’t sure what came over her, but she
grabbed his hand and pulled him toward her.

“Don’t go,” she said as softly as she could.

He stared down at their joined hands, and Katherine worried
she’d crossed a line by touching him without permission.

“I’m sorry.” She quickly let go and looked down.

“Don’t apologize.” He sighed as he sat down next to her on
the bed.

“Do you need me for something?” she asked, hoping he did.

“I wanted to give you some time to yourself because we had a
busy afternoon.”

“That was very thoughtful of you,” but if you’re ready to
play, I am too.”

He shook his head. “I don’t want to play.”

“Oh,” she said, and now she was disappointed.

He smiled, his green eyes sparkling. “Not at the moment,” he
clarified. “I was going to see if you wanted to have a glass of wine with me
and unwind.”

That was new, and she wondered what brought it on.

“Umm, yeah,” she said. “That sounds nice. Will I serve you
in the kitchen or the dining room?” She wasn’t sure if he wanted her to unwind
and speak freely, or if he wanted to unwind and have her sit at his feet.
Either one would work for her, as long as she could be close to him.

“Actually, I was going to ask you to join me in my bedroom,”
he said, and then she noticed he was wearing nothing but a pair of pajama
bottoms. “But if you’d be more comfortable in the kitchen—”

“No!” She cut him off. “I’d love to join you in your
bedroom, Master.” Katherine sounded eager, but she hadn’t been back in his
bedroom since the night he’d taken her by the window. He didn’t allow his subs
to share his bed, so she’d take any invitation she could get.

“Very well,” he said as he stood up and extended his hand.
She took it and started to follow him, but he stopped and stared at her bedtime
attire. He smiled as he looked her over.

“You didn’t leave me any instructions.” She defended her

“It’s cute.” He laughed.

She loved when he laughed. He was always so serious, but
when he lost himself, he was adorable. She wanted to pinch his cheeks and tell
him how cute he was. She didn’t dare.

Once they entered his bedroom, she noticed he had a lap tray
set up on the floor by the fireplace. It had two glasses, a bottle of wine,
grapes, and cheese. He pulled the throw from his bed and spread it out by the
tray, tossing a few pillows on the floor. He sat down and extended his hand for
her, so she took it and settled in next to him.

She looked around the room, because the last two times she
was there, she was too nervous to take it in. It felt so comfortable and
relaxing here. If this were her room, she’d never want to leave it.

He handed her a glass of wine.

“Thank you, Master.”

“You’re a stunning woman, Katherine. I watched as you slept
a few minutes ago, and it took everything I had not to crawl into that bed with

She wished he would have.

He took a grape from the tray and brought it to her lips.
“Open,” he said and then gently placed the fruit in her mouth. “I was very
please with you today.” He sipped his wine. “Nipple clamps can be extremely
uncomfortable, especially for the amount of time I had them on you, but you did
really well.”

“It wasn’t all bad.” She smiled, then quickly added,

“I know we’re not usually in here, but I’d like for you to
be comfortable tonight.” He poured more wine into her glass, but she hadn’t
even realized she’d almost finished the first glass. “You may treat this room
the same way you would the kitchen or family room.”

“Thank you.” She took another sip before picking up a grape
and feeding it to him. He grabbed her wrist and sucked her finger into his mouth,
swirling his warm tongue over it a few times before releasing it.

“How has work been?”

“It’s good. A little mundane,” she admitted. “But I get to
observe so much of the fashion industry.”

“You studied at NYU for two years,” he said. “You put that
on your sub application. Why did you stop?”

She drank some more wine and started to feel relaxed and
even a little comfortable in his presence.
Liquid courage will do that for a

“I didn’t want to stop,” she said. “I really liked it, and
I’m going to go back as soon as I can swing it.”

“You didn’t answer my question.” He moved down and propped
his head on his hand, using his elbow to support himself.

“My mother was paying my tuition. She took out some loans to
help me, but then the economy turned and she lost her job. I have two younger
sisters, so she couldn’t afford to help me anymore. I tried to apply for aid,
but I was denied. So when I saw the ad for my current job, I figured I should
take it and when I save enough money, I’ll start taking night classes. Now that
you’ve paid my rent, I’ve got a pretty good nest egg going.”

“I want you to go back to school.”

“I will.” She gulped the last of her wine and then moved
down next to him.

“No.” They were so close to one another that she could feel
his breath on her lips. “I don’t want you to wait. I’ll pay your tuition.”

“No, you’ve already done too much for me.”

“It’s not your place to say no to me,” he reminded her. “I
plan on keeping you as my sub for a long time, and I want you to have an
education. You’ll enroll in the next semester.”

“Master, I…” He pressed his fingers to her lips. As far as
he was concerned the conversation was over.

“It’s what I want.”

She was learning when he said he wanted something, he got
it. She was in no place to argue and really did want to go back to school.
Plus, he said that he planned on keeping her for a long time. That was the
first time he’d ever indicated any kind of time frame for their arrangement.
That thought caused her to smile because being with him made her happier than
she’d ever been.

“What can I do for you?”

“Exactly what you’ve been doing,” he said. “Every time you
submit to me, it helps me.”

She didn’t know if it was the wine or the way he was staring
at her, or maybe a combination of both, but she leaned forward and gently
kissed his lips. He pulled away, causing her to realize her place. She loved
when he kissed her and wished it was something he’d do more often.

“I’m sorry, it’s the wine.”

“It’s okay.” He smiled as he stroked her hair. “I have to be
the one in control.”

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, but don’t expect me to answer it.” He laughed.

“Why did you become a Dominant?” Katherine had always
wondered the answer to that question.

“Same reason you became a submissive, I guess.” He shrugged.
“It’s a need that has to be met. I have to dominate, it’s who I am.”

“So, I’m just a submissive?” She knew it was wrong, but she
wanted him to see her as more than his sub. She wanted him to see the woman she
was becoming because of him.

“You are so much more than that.” He kissed her lips. “You
are strong, confident and beautiful.” He pushed her back onto the pillows and
hovered over her as he unbuttoned her shirt and spread it open, revealing her
breasts to him.

“So beautiful.” He leaned down and kissed the tops of her

He slipped the garment from her skin, displaying her naked
upper body to him. She used to be embarrassed when he looked at her this way,
but now she wanted him to see what was his.

“Are you ready to play now, Master?”

He nodded as he traced her nipples with his fingertips and
then lowered his head, capturing one in his mouth. She gripped the blanket
beneath her as he swirled his tongue over her sensitive bud.

“You may touch me,” he whispered as he switched nipples.

She ran her hands up and down his bare back before slipping
them inside his pants and grabbing his rock hard ass. He ground against her
pussy before releasing her nipple and moving his way down her stomach, stopping
to push his tongue inside her belly button. She giggled at the contact. He
looked up and smiled before removing her pajama bottoms.

“God, I love your pussy,” he mumbled as he lowered his mouth
to her slit and practically French kissed it. “Especially when it’s freshly

He was tender and slow, and this whole encounter was so
unlike what she was used to with him. It just felt different. He leisurely
licked her and occasionally sucked her clit into his mouth. He pulled his
tongue out of her and licked the outside of her pussy before pushing his
fingers inside her. He moved them in and out as he sucked her lower lips into
his mouth, gently nibbling at them before slipping his tongue back inside her
and moving it in time with his fingers.

She couldn’t take it anymore. Her stomach muscles were
coiled so tight and she couldn’t stay still as she writhed beneath him. She ran
her fingers through his long blond hair, gently tugging at the ends, trying to
get him to let up before she lost it. He reached up and played with her
nipples. Her whole body was in sensory overload and before she could even try
to control it, she was coming in his mouth.

“Master…” she moaned.” I can’t…stop…oh…sorry!”

He continued to lick and suck the juices from her pussy
moving down to clean up her inner thighs. As much as she wanted to enjoy what
he was doing, she was afraid he was going to punish her for releasing before
she was given permission. This whole atmosphere had her so confused. This was
the most relaxed she’d ever allowed herself to be with him.

He gradually worked his way back up her body, stopping to
lick and torture her nipples some more before assaulting her neck and then her
lips. She twisted her fingers in his hair and kissed him back with as much
force as she could manage. She was still weak and out of breath from that
powerful climax, but she savored each kiss. They didn’t kiss often, but when
they did, it was always worth the wait.

As he ground against her sensitive center, she could feel
his urge to be inside her. He kept pushing his hips against her as he took her
hair in his hand and yanked her head back. She looked into his eyes, but didn’t
see anger and fury over her releasing without permission. He was full of lust
and desire.


He abruptly stood, scooping her up in his arms. She wasn’t
sure what he was doing as he walked across the room with her.

“Tonight, I want you in my bed.” He placed her in the center
of the mattress. He pushed his pants down over his hips and then crawled over
to where she was sitting. He took her face between his hands and kissed her
before laying her back on the bed.

She reached up and tentatively touched his shoulders. He
nodded for her to continue, so she ran her hands down his chest and to his
hips, guiding him on top of her. He lined their bodies up perfectly and rubbed
his hard cock over her slick entrance.

“Keep your eyes open,” he said. “I want you to look at me
when I enter you.”

He spread her legs with his knee and slowly slipped inside
her, stopping to really look at her. His eyes were so intense it took her
breath away. He pushed the hair from her eyes and leaned down to kiss her lips.
He couldn’t seem to stop kissing and caressing her. Her body was screaming for
him to move, but he continued to pause.

“I want you to feel every inch of me. Feel how my cock aches
for you. Feel how your body responds to me. You belong to me and only me.”

“Only you,” she repeated.

“Say it,” he demanded.

“I belong to you.”

He moved in and out of her at a fast pace, pulling
completely out before pushing back in. She could feel all of him…the way his
balls pressed against her pussy, the tip of his cock when it passed her clit,
but most importantly, the way he filled her. It was a sense of completeness
that she could only experience with him. She wanted to be his and in this
moment she was.

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