Be My Everything (15 page)

Read Be My Everything Online

Authors: Ella Jade

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance

BOOK: Be My Everything
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“No,” he quickly said. “Why would you think that?”

“I’m sorry.” She looked down.

“No, there’s nothing for you to be sorry about. But you
have to tell me your concerns. We have to have nothing but honesty.”

Honesty? How could she be honest with him when she wasn’t
allowed to tell him she had fallen in love with him? She was ashamed of these
feelings and knew once he figured it out, he’d be so disappointed in her.

“Master, we’re in the dining room,” she reminded him.

He didn’t say anything for a few minutes, so she kept her
gaze to the floor and waited for an explanation; one she knew might not come.
This was his house and his rules.

“Katherine,” he said. “If you don’t want to do this with
Colin, you can tell me without any consequences. This is a consensual
relationship, and if this is a hard limit for you, I won’t force it. But I will
not ask you to have intercourse with Colin.”

“Just a scene?”

“Maybe a flogger or a vibrator, but you’ll have the
opportunity to discuss your limits with him the same way you did the first time
we were together.”

“And I can safe word if I need to?” She wanted to be
certain she wasn’t getting herself into something she couldn’t get out of.

“Of course you can.” He leaned down and gently kissed her
lips. “I’ll be in the room the entire time. I would never let any harm come to
you. Do you understand that?”


He arched a brow at her.

“Yes, Master,” she corrected.

He smiled, indicating he was being light and playful. As
much as she liked when he dominated her, it was nice to see this softer side of
his personality.

“Do you want some time to think about it?”

“No, Master,” she announced with confidence. “I trust you
with my mind and body.” She wanted to tell him he had her heart too, but she
knew he wouldn’t accept it. “I want to do this for you.”

“Thank you, Katherine. You don’t know how much you’ve
pleased me.” He took her hand. “Now, let me take you upstairs and savor you
slowly, just the way you like it.”

“Yes, Master.” A small smile graced her lips. When her
Master was happy, she was too.

* * * *

So, here they were one week later, in the playroom with
Colin. Luke was in the room, standing in the corner by the door. Katherine
wasn’t sure if he intended to participate, but he said he wouldn’t leave her.
That was strangely comforting to her.

Colin was very nice. He was a tall, attractive man with
thick, wavy brown hair and a masculine build. He wore only low rise faded blue
jeans with no shirt. His rippled chest was an impressive shade of bronze, and
his stomach muscles disappeared right down into his jeans. Katherine was sure
he was the fantasy of many women and probably a few men.

He was respectful and attentive to her needs. He didn’t know
her body the way Luke did, but his touches were soft and gentle. She had a
feeling that was going to change.

Colin was so focused and just as intense as Luke was, but
there was something different in his eyes. He seemed more determined, so much
more detached. It wasn’t that she was afraid he would physically hurt her, but
he was definitely all business.

“Thank you for allowing me to play with you this evening,
Katherine,” he said, as he crawled over to where she was sitting on the bed.
Luke and she rarely used the bed in the playroom anymore. In the beginning, it
was the only place he’d have sex with her, but that changed about two months
ago. They did many things in this room. Things she had no idea that people
actually did, but recently Luke was moving more of their intimate moments to
his bedroom.

In researching the BDSM lifestyle, Katherine had come across
many scenarios. Some were downright kinky and involved aspects that she never
wanted to try. But others were interesting to her, and the scenes that Luke had
already played out always left her feeling satisfied and craving more. She’d
been researching the possibility of a submissive falling in love with her
Dominant. She found many sites and articles on that particular subject, but she
wasn’t sure the feeling was entirely mutual between her and Luke. Her feelings
were confusing to her, and she’d have to consider discussing it with him. She
was afraid if she did, he’d end their relationship, and that was a risk she
wasn’t willing to take. Not after they’d come so far.

She was lost in the notion of Luke when she felt Colin’s
strong, capable hands touch her face. She jumped at the contact because she
wasn’t expecting it.

“Do we need to work on your focus?” he asked in a rough

Katherine looked up at him, but she didn’t answer. She’d
lost concentration.

“I asked you a question, Katherine. Shall I repeat it?”

“Please, Sir,” she said, rather timidly as she chanced a
glance at Luke, who was staring at her, and didn’t look pleased. She looked
down and waited for Colin to repeat his question.

“I do believe I stated that there would be no hesitation
from you. Maybe your actions warrant a trip to the whipping bench?”

Not the whipping bench!
She internally screamed.

She hadn’t been there in over two months. When she didn’t
live up to Luke’s expectations, and that wasn’t often, he would withhold her
release, usually by bringing her to the brink with his tongue and then making
her serve him orally. But he hadn’t used a whip on her in months. She hated
that whip.

Luke must have recognized the precise moment when she
started to panic. The man seemed to have a gift. He could read people’s
emotions better than anyone she had ever met. He cleared his throat, causing
Colin to smile.

“It appears your Master doesn’t like the idea of you bent
over a whipping bench, so I’ll just repeat my initial question. Do we need to
work on your focus?” he asked again.

“No, Sir,” she whispered. “I can do better.”

“I know that’s true.” He stroked her cheek and then moved
his lips to her jaw, slowly trailing kisses down her neck. “Your Master speaks
very highly of your capabilities.”

Her hands were bound above her head and secured to the posts
of the headboard, placing her in an extremely vulnerable position. This was one
of Luke’s favorite ways to take her. He always left her feet free so that she
could wrap them around his waist as he pounded into her with strong, forceful

But Luke wasn’t the one her body seemed to be responding to
now. Colin moved closer to her and straddled her naked form, spreading her legs
and pressing his bulge against her now exposed clit. Katherine had to fight the
urge to grind against him as he lightly traced his fingertips over her erect

He was extremely sensual, and she noticed he liked working
her up with well-placed touches. He was all about focus and control, and she’d
bet his subs were left with nothing but satisfaction.

He leaned down and ran his tongue over her nipples, gently
taking one between his teeth, and then without warning he bit down hard.

“Ahh,” she moaned as he slid his fingers down her stomach
and inside her wet center. He hadn’t said that she couldn’t vocalize her
pleasure. She closed her eyes and imagined her Master touching her. The thought
of Luke made her hips involuntarily push into Colin’s fingers.

“You’re an eager girl, aren’t you? Maybe you liked when we
played with the Deerskin flogger?”

When he first entered the room, Katherine was already naked
and on her knees just like she would be for Luke. Colin led her over to the
table in the center of the room and acquainted himself with her body for
several minutes before warming her up with a flogger, instructing her not to
release. She or her body didn’t dare disobey him.

“You’ve been such a good girl,” he whispered, but she knew
Luke could hear everything, and for some bizarre reason that turned her on. He
continued to finger her and she was so sensitive and receptive that she was
trying hard not to come. When her muscles began to tense, he immediately pulled
out of her. He smiled, letting her know he knew that she’d almost slipped up.
He never instructed her to release.

He brought his fingers to his lips and slowly sucked the
juices from them. “You’re so wet, and you smell delectable. Will you allow me
to get a better taste?”

She didn’t know what to do. She was responding extremely
well to him and she thought that was what Luke wanted, but she wasn’t sure. Her
gaze shifted from Colin to Luke, who was now standing at the foot of the bed.
She hadn’t even realized he’d moved from the other side of the room.

She was seeking his approval without verbally asking. He
nodded as he ran his fingers through his hair. He looked conflicted, but she
wasn’t really focused on him now. She didn’t want to do anything to upset

She looked back at Colin and said, “Whatever pleases you,

Chapter 13

Taking back control…


Luke moved from the doorway to the foot of the bed, once
Colin began to straddle Kat. He never referred to her as Kat, but Colin’s
presence had him off his game. She seemed to be doing quite well. She had
responded to him much quicker than Luke thought she would, and she was even
able to hold it together when Colin brought her to almost certain release.
Maybe all of his training in the past six months had paid off, but he was
secretly hoping she just didn’t want to come for Colin.

Luke just about threw a jealous fit when Colin asked to
taste her. He wanted to rip him off her and throw him out of

Jealousy? Where the fuck did that come from?
shook his head and tried to get a hold of his emotions because if he didn’t
this could all end badly.

This was Colin, and he wasn’t trying to steal his sub from
him. They had played with one another’s subs before, and it never presented a
problem. Luke never shared with anyone but Colin, but for the first time ever
he didn’t want him to play with one of his subs. She wasn’t just his sub. She
was his Kat.

He knew these feelings were wrong, and he had been trying to
suppress them for a month now. She wasn’t here to love him. She came to him so
that he could help fulfill a need in her life. She wanted him to dominate her
and bring her body the ultimate pleasure. She wasn’t seeking a friend or a
lover, and neither was he. He was a Dom, first and foremost, so why the fuck
did this little girl have his stomach in knots and his head so confused?

She was exquisite. Her long, dark hair fell perfectly around
her creamy white shoulders and her flawless skin was covered in a light sheen
of sweat. The area between her eyebrows was crinkled ever so delicately that
only Luke would notice. He knew when she was trying to concentrate and make
sure she did everything right. It reminded him of how she was when she first
came to him. She was so scared and unsure, and she messed up often. But she had
come so far in these past six months. He only hoped tonight didn’t set them back.
Ever since she had agreed to this evening, he’d had a sick, nagging feeling in
the pit of his stomach.

But because this was Colin, he had allowed it. It felt as if
he was having an out-of-body experience as he watched him lick his girl. He
clenched his fists by his sides and thought back to exactly how he got to this

* * * *

“Colin,” Luke said, when he saw him come up on caller ID.

“Luke,” he responded. “How are things going?”

“Work has been insane, but other than that I’m good. How
about you?”

“I’m great,” Colin said. “I’m coming up next week.”

“Really? That’s cool. We can grab a beer and watch a

“That sounds like a plan,” Colin agreed. “I’m also
attending a play party, and it’s not far from you, but I hear you’re not

Luke hadn’t planned on it. Ever since Katherine had come
into his life, he’d kept her secluded. This lifestyle was overwhelming and new
to her, and he wasn’t ready to introduce her to other aspects of it. He tried
to tell himself he was looking out for her best interests, but he didn’t think
that was the case anymore. He wanted to be the only one she ever needed or

“No,” he said. “I’m not attending that party. I don’t
need to.”

“And why is that?” Luke could almost hear the skepticism
in that smug bastard’s voice.

“Because I have a sub, and right now I’m in a good place
with her,” he answered as honestly as he could under the circumstances.

“So, take her with you,” Colin said.”That’s what you’re
supposed to do with her.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Luke,” he said. “Ever since you took on this new sub,
you’ve dropped out of the circle. Shit, you hardly call me. Six months ago, you
were at the top of your game. You had a waiting list of subs who were dying to
test with you. You could have had anyone you wanted, but instead you took on a
young, inexperienced girl. You’re too good to be training a kid.”

“She’s made great progress, and I like teaching her,” he
admitted. He knew Colin was right. He could have had any experienced submissive
in the state. He could have jumped right in. There would have been no training.
He could have found a match that knew how to please him right from the
beginning, but as soon as he saw Katherine, he knew she was the one. There was
something about her that drew him to her. He kept telling himself she was too
young and naive for his taste, but even their ten year age different didn’t
stop him. If she was determined to try this life, then he wanted it to be with

“You shouldn’t have to teach the basics,” Colin said. “You’re
better than that. You have subs falling at your feet. Men like us don’t have to

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