Be My Everything (7 page)

Read Be My Everything Online

Authors: Ella Jade

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance

BOOK: Be My Everything
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She’d think about it later.

She waited patiently for Luke to arrive. He had called her
on Wednesday, like he did every week, and told her he had to entertain clients
on Friday night and was in need of a companion. She jumped at the opportunity
to go out with him even though she knew it was part of her duties as his
submissive. It was a weekend and she was at his disposal, but she was still
excited to be with him.

He rang the bell at exactly seven, just when he’d said he
would arrive. She checked herself in the mirror before opening the door. She
felt pretty confident she’d meet his expectations since he’d had the dress
delivered to her last night. She insisted it wasn’t necessary, but he pulled
out the Dom card and told her since it was a weekend function and she was on
his time, she’d wear what he wanted her to wear. Considering she was standing
in her little foyer in a vintage Versace original, she wasn’t complaining.

Katherine pulled the door open and almost lost her breath
when she saw him standing there in a perfectly tailored black suit and white
dress shirt. The first three buttons remained undone and since she knew what
that chest looked like underneath that shirt, she couldn’t stop staring at his
exposed skin. She was just about to lick her lips when he said, “Hello,
Katherine,” in that sexy southern drawl of his. The same voice that made girls
kneel at his feet.

He smiled at her, and she wished she could read his mind. He
was such a complicated man, and she wanted to know so much more about him.

“Are you going invite me in, darling?” He winked.

She wasn’t used to him looking so relaxed in front of her.
Maybe it was the fact that they weren’t in his house, either way, she didn’t
care, because she liked this side of him and hoped to see more of it.

“Oh, of course.” She opened the door wider and motioned for
him to come inside.

“You look stunning.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Is
the dress acceptable?”

“Are you kidding?”

He arched an eyebrow at her and she realized that just
because they were switching it up tonight, it didn’t mean she should forget her

“I mean, yes Master,” she mumbled. “It’s spectacular. I’ve
seen them on the runway, but never did I think I’d get to wear Versace.”

“You’ve been to runway shows?” He looked surprised.

“Before I left school, I was studying fashion design. I work
at a design house too,” she reminded him.

“I see, but you’re not a designer.”

“No, I’m a receptionist, but I’m learning a lot.”

“If you’re so into fashion, why didn’t you pursue it?”

“I will,” she said. “When the time’s right.”

“Hmm.” He looked around the loft. “Your home is quite

“I like it,” she said, but then felt a sense of dread come
over her when she thought about it not being her home for much longer.
“Although, I’m in the process of looking for a new place.”

That wasn’t entirely true, but if she did have to move, she
wanted him to know it wasn’t a snap decision. It was part of their arrangement
that she inform him of what was going on in her life.


“My roommate moved out and the rent is too much for me to
keep up with.”

“Do you want to move?”

“I don’t have much of a choice,” she said. “Unless I take on
a second job, and that would probably require nights and weekends.”

“Well, that can’t happen,” he said. “I don’t want you out
and about in the evenings in the city, and you belong to me on the weekends.”

“I know that, Master, so I’ll figure it all out.”

“Very well.” He looked around the loft again, and Katherine
wondered what he was thinking. “I have a few things to discuss with you before
we meet with my clients.”

She nodded.

“Normally,” he said, “I don’t feel the need to bring my
personal life into my professional one, but this particular associate is really
into his wife and he brings her everywhere. The new client he’s introducing me
to will also have a companion, so I didn’t want them to feel uncomfortable if I
didn’t bring a date.”

She smiled at the word
and he looked at her
curiously before continuing.

“Obviously you can’t refer to me as Master.” He sighed. “But
I won’t permit you to use my given name either.”

She nodded, but didn’t fully understand why for just one
night she couldn’t call him by his first name.

“I’m a very private man,” he said. “No one outside the BDSM
circle knows what I am, and I’d like to keep it that way. I realize after
spending the past few weeks as my sub, this evening may provide a challenge,
but I’ve taken my other submissives to social functions and it has always
worked out. I have the utmost confidence in you.”

“Thank you, Master. I won’t let you down.”

At least she hoped she didn’t.

* * * *

At first, the dinner was exceptionally awkward. Katherine
was quiet and tried not to draw any attention to herself. She was so out of her
element that Luke had to order for her because she had never eaten in such an
upscale restaurant before. She didn’t even know which wine to order with
dinner. It was all very disorienting, and she didn’t want to screw anything up.
She was also trying to concentrate on not calling him Master or Luke.

It wasn’t until he took her hand and whispered, “You’re
doing just fine, so relax,” that she finally felt like she could actually pull
this off. His confidence meant everything to her.

While the men discussed business, Katherine became more at
ease with the women. They were envious of her dress and recognized the designer
immediately, so that gave her an “in” to talk about what she knew. As the
evening progressed, she became more comfortable and confident. And she found
them to be intriguing and interesting. They had both attended the fall shows in
Paris and Milan, something she’d only dreamed of doing, so she picked their
brains and found out as much as she could about all the upcoming season’s

Katherine noticed Luke couldn’t take his eyes off her all
through dinner. She occasionally looked at him and smiled. She briefly imagined
they were a young couple in love. She knew no one would ever have been able to
guess that Luke would soon be taking her home and tying her to the bed.

Katherine exchanged numbers with the women, knowing she
really couldn’t pursue a friendship with them under the circumstances, but
didn’t want to be rude. Luke didn’t say much in the car ride home, and she
wondered if she had done something wrong. She replayed the evening’s events in
her head, making sure she hadn’t actually called him by his name or disagreed
with him. She couldn’t remember doing either.

Once they were back at his house, she slipped her shoes off
and placed them in the foyer closet, like she always did, as he continued to
watch her.

“Pour me a scotch and meet me in my bedroom,” he said as he
walked up the stairs.

“Yes, Master.” She headed for the bar off his study.

His bedroom?
She was a little nervous about that
since they hadn’t been there since that first failed test weekend. Anytime they
were together in the past few weeks, they were in the playroom or,
occasionally, he would come to her room if he wanted sex in the middle of the

She quickly fixed his drink and went to his bedroom, because
he didn’t like to be kept waiting. She gently knocked and when he told her she
could come in, she opened the door and entered the room with her head lowered,
awaiting his next instruction.

“Come to me,” he said in a low voice.

She did as he said and handed him his drink. His shoes,
socks, and shirt were off and he stood by the bed in his dress pants. Every
time she saw him, she wanted more. His body was so well defined she had to
fight the urge to reach out and run her hands down his chest. He still hadn’t
given her free reign to touch him when they were together, and she was starting
to think he never would.

“Thank you.” He took his scotch and slowly sipped it, never
taking his eyes away from hers. He swirled the amber colored liquid around in
the glass before bringing it back up to his lips and taking another sip.

“You’re welcome, Master.”

She was so focused on his mouth and the way his lips pressed
against the glass that she couldn’t help but wonder what it’d be like to kiss
him. He hadn’t allowed that yet either.

He placed the glass on the dresser next to him and pulled
her toward him.

Her heart was pounding out of her chest, but that always
happened when he got that certain look in his eyes. The look that told her he
was in his Dom mode and there was no turning back. It excited her and threw her
whole body into overdrive, but at the same time it caused a certain amount of
fear to course through her system.

He brushed his lips against her jaw and then trailed them up
to her ear. “You pleased me tonight,” he whispered and the feel of his breath
against her skin caused her to tremble. He quickly spun her around and wrapped
his hands around her waist, pulling her back against his chest.

He walked them over to the huge floor-length windows that
overlooked the backyard. The moon was full and shining into the bedroom,
causing their reflections to bounce off the glass. Katherine could see his face
in the glass and watched as he lowered his mouth to her bare shoulder.

He gently kissed it as he worked his fingers up to the
zipper of her dress.

“I’ve wanted to take this dress off you all night,” he said
as he slowly lowered the zipper. He slipped the thin straps from her shoulders
and let them fall just below her naked breasts. He moved his hands in front of
her to cup them, gently rubbing his thumbs over her nipples. She stood
mesmerized, as she watched his every move through the window.

“Good girl,” he whispered against her ear, and she knew he
was referring to the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra.

When the dress was delivered, it had come with shoes and a
note that said she was only to wear what was provided and nothing else.

He moved his hands down her stomach and to her hips, kissing
her neck and gently grinding his very hard erection into her backside. He
pushed on the fabric of the dress that rested on her hips and let it fall to
her feet, revealing her naked body to him.

“You follow directions very well, my sweet girl, and for
that, you’ll be rewarded.” He splayed one hand across her stomach, pulling her
closer. With the other hand, he palmed her aching center. She could feel the
wetness seep from inside her and drip down her thighs. He trailed the hand that
was on her stomach up to her nipple and started rolling and pinching it as he
let his fingers slip inside her, and all the while he was still grinding
against her.

“I’ve thought about this body all week,” he mumbled against
her ear. “The way your pussy tastes when you come on my tongue, how hot your
tight little cunt is around my cock and the way your mouth feels when I explode
down your throat.”

“Ahh…” she moaned, and the faster he moved his fingers in
and out of her, the more she wanted to come, but she hadn’t been given
permission for that, so as much as she wanted to let go and give into his
actions, she had to focus and hold off or she’d suffer the consequences.

“Do you want to come?” He smiled against her neck. “I can
feel how tight your muscles are.”

“Please, Master,” she begged.

He slowly pulled his fingers out of her, and she whimpered
at the loss. He chuckled, but she didn’t find it funny at all.

“I’d much rather you come on my cock.” He unzipped his pants
and let them fall to his ankles along with his boxers. She watched as he kicked
them, and her dress, out of the way, and then he pushed her up against the cool
window. The chilly glass was a welcomed contrast to her steamy skin. She could
feel the sweat starting to gather at the nape of her neck and slide down her
back. It wasn’t even hot in there, but her body was on fire.

“You were perfect this evening,” he whispered as he rubbed
the tip of his cock against the crack of her behind. She immediately tensed up,
and he sensed it.

“Relax,” he murmured against her neck. “I won’t disrespect
your limits.” He continued to rub his cock against her ass. “I just want a
little feel, that’s all.”

Katherine closed her eyes and let him feel her. It wasn’t so
bad. He was so hard, and she could feel his pre-cum trickling down her crack.
He slipped his hands over her cheeks and then to the small of her back, gently
forcing her to bend over slightly. The shift in movement caused his cock to
slide closer to her heated sex. She spread her legs and braced herself for what
was coming next.

“Put your hands against the glass and hold still,” he

She pressed her palms to the window and waited for him to
enter her. He rubbed his tip against her entrance, much like he had done a few
seconds earlier, and then with one fast thrust he was inside her. Her body
jerked against the window, but she tried to keep herself upright.

“I told you to hold still.” He pushed his chest against her
back, pinning her against the window, clutching her hips to keep her in place.
She turned her head to the side and rested her check on the glass as he thrust
in and out of her. Her fingertips dragged down the window, leaving smeared
prints in their wake.

They were both panting now and the harder he pounded into
her, the more she wanted. He dropped his head and rested it on her shoulder as
he continued to slam into her at a punishing pace. She was so close, but tried
to stay focused and wait for his command. She prayed it came soon, or she’d be
coming all over him.

She tried to suppress her screams, but need took over.
“Master…I…” She clenched her muscles, but it was too late.

“Let go,” he whispered. “I know you can’t hold on any

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