Be My Everything (6 page)

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Authors: Ella Jade

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance

BOOK: Be My Everything
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He was a little disappointed when Sunday rolled around and
she was getting ready to leave. He walked her to the foyer and placed her
overnight bag by the door.

“You may want to consider leaving some things here,” he
said. “It might be easier.”


“I’ll pick up some clothes for you this week.” His personal
assistant was very discreet and loved to shop for him, especially when he told
her to add a few designer items to her own wardrobe.

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I know I don’t have to.”

“Yes, Master,” she shyly responded.

“I’ll see you back here next Friday?” he asked, hoping she didn’t
change her mind.

“Yes.” She smiled. “I’m looking forward to it.”

He was too, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell her that.
He was in control, and it had to stay that way if this was going to work.

“You know you can call or text me anytime throughout the
week,” he reminded her. “If you have questions or concerns.”

He hoped she’d call.

“I’ll check in with you on Wednesday night,” he told her.
“What would be a good time to call?”

“Around nine. I’ll be home by then and getting ready for

“Okay.” He took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before
placing a chaste kiss on her forehead. “Thank you for serving me this weekend.”

“It was my pleasure, Master.” She smiled before picking up
her bag and heading out to her old truck.

He watched as she got in and pulled away. She was an
interesting creature, and the more time he spent with her, the more he wanted
to learn about her. While he’d always been interested in his subs before, he
never had the desire to really get to know them once they left his house.

He wanted to know everything about Katherine, and that
concerned him. There was a reason he participated in this type of relationship.
It was satisfying, fulfilling, and rarely complicated. He just hoped that
wasn’t about to change.

Chapter 5



It had been a cold, damp, rainy Friday. Katherine had a busy
day at work and left the office much later than she wanted. When she managed to
get to her truck, it wouldn’t start.

“Not now!” She looked at her watch. Being late to Luke’s
house wasn’t an option. After a few turns of the key, the old girl roared to
life. Kat smiled at her faithful friend and sent a silent thanks to the God
watching over her.

She merged onto the road and headed for his house. Sadly,
being on time just wasn’t meant to be. She pulled into his driveway and ran to
the door. She quietly opened it and found him standing in the foyer, waiting
for her. He’d never done that before.

She removed her coat and shoes and placed them in the closet
as he had instructed her to do. All the while she could feel his eyes on her.

“You’ve violated our contract,” he simply stated in that
low, commanding tone.

She looked at her watch.

6:04…four minutes late.

“The roads were really slow due to the weather, and my truck
wouldn’t start, and I left later than I should have.”

“Stop!” He held up his hand. “Do I look like a man who deals
with excuses?”

“No, Master,” she whispered as she lowered her head.

“It’s insulting that you would offer me any. I expect you
here at six.”

He stepped toward her and pushed the damp hair from her
face, causing her to flinch. At times, she still couldn’t help but be afraid of
him. He looked her over. Her clothes were wet and she was frazzled, but she
stood there and waited for him to address her late arrival.

“You’re dismissed to your bedroom.” He stepped out of her
way, giving her a clear path to the stairs. “You can take some time to reflect
on the importance of being punctual.”

She nodded, holding back a sob as she turned toward the
stairs. He didn’t say anything else as he headed down the foyer.

Banished to the sub bedroom all because she was four minutes
late, but trying to explain to him that there was an accident on the main road
and she got detoured would have been useless. He wasn’t looking for an excuse,
and she knew that particular moment wasn’t the time to plead her case.

This was the first time she’d ever been sent up here before
a scheduled playtime. If this was supposed to be a punishment, it was very
effective. She liked being around him and wanted to get to know him better. He
didn’t speak to her much outside of a scene over the weekend, and at times, it
was awkward to share a living space in his house for two days. There was
nothing conventional about this set up at all, but Katherine didn’t care
because predictable hadn’t seemed to work out for her before.

She had looked forward to spending time with Luke all week,
but now she didn’t expect to see him this evening. She’d screwed up, but
eventually they’d have to move past this, so instead of stressing too much over
what her Master had planned for her next, she decided to take a hot, relaxing

She had known as soon as she turned onto that road and found
cars backed up a mile long, that she was going to be late. But regardless of
the reason she was late, she had been told to be here at a designated time and
she’d disappointed him. That was the worst part. Not that she was being
punished, although she was a little curious to see how far he’d actually take
her first punishment. What bothered her most was she’d let him down.
And all
because of four freakin’ minutes.

She stripped, neatly folded her clothes, and placed them in
the corner of the room. Her Master required everything to be in order, and she
didn’t need to infuriate him any further. She slid open the glass doors,
stepped inside the amazingly powerful jets, and eased her way under the spray.
All of her work week stress seemed to evaporate whenever she entered his house.
It was relinquishing the control, the pride she took in submitting to him, and
her constant desire to please him that kept her coming back. Six weeks ago,
when she agreed to attend that little Dom-sub meet and greet, she never
could’ve imagined the ways this kind of relationship could help her.

But there was something she craved more than anything else.
It was being close to a man like Lucas Cain. He was strong, powerful, and
passionate. In the short time they’d been together, he’d made her see herself
more clearly than she’d ever had before. The day he collared her was one of the
most significant moments in her life. She knew the weight that tiny piece of
jewelry held. And it gave her a certain sense of pride knowing he wanted her
and only her.

Katherine’s whole body tensed when she heard the glass doors
open and close, but he didn’t shut them all the way, or at least she didn’t
hear them slide shut.

“Don’t turn around,” he whispered in that deadly calm,
commanding voice. “You haven’t earned the right to look at me.”

She didn’t care if she could turn around or not. He was here,
and that was all that mattered to her.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back
against his chest. She could feel his massive hard-on rubbing against her ass

“You know you’re a dirty girl.” He grabbed her hair and
yanked her head back. “That’s why you’re in the shower. Trying to wash away
your filth.”

Katherine didn’t answer. When he was in this mode, all
questions were rhetorical. But she liked when he talked to her like that.

He quickly turned her, pressing her against the doors and
she noticed out of the corner of her eye they were left slightly ajar on either
side. Everything he did was calculated, and he was too meticulous to have left
them opened by accident. Not to mention the fact that the floor was getting wet
as some of the water flowed out. Her hands were pinned between the steamy glass
and her breasts, leaving her little wiggle room.

“Not only have you not earned the right to look at me,” he
growled in her ear, “but you don’t get the privilege of my hands on you

He moved his hands to the outside of the glass at either end
of the doors and pressed them up against the spots of her breasts and
over-eager sex. Through the steam, she could vaguely make out their bodies in
the mirror that hung over the sink. She craved his hands on her body and that
was exactly his purpose.

She jumped when he ran his lips along her neck. The whole
scene was strangely erotic.

“Get up on your toes,” he whispered.

Once she did as he asked, she arched her backside against
him and in one swift, skilled move he was deep inside her. She could feel his
balls slapping against her ass.

She wanted to scream out in ecstasy, because the sensation
of him filling her so completely was the most fulfilling thing she’d ever
experienced. But she knew if she vocalized without permission, he’d stop this
scene and she’d be left feeling empty. She was already lucky he was even in the
shower with her after she’d arrived late. He could have sent her home for
disobeying his rules.

“Katherine,” he whispered as he moved in and out of her.
“You are the most amazing woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of fucking.”

She bit her lip to stifle a moan and hold off on an orgasm.
Over the last two weekends, they’d been working on how she was to control her
orgasms and come on command.

“I should be fucking you with my fingers too, but you were
such a bad little girl.” His thrusts were becoming harder, and she assumed he
was trying to bring himself to a fast release. “I refuse to touch you. You need
to long for it.”

She let out a labored breath, but managed to stay quiet.

“The fact that you’re even getting my cock tonight is a
reward in itself for you.” He bit and sucked on her neck. “But I decided I
shouldn’t be punished for your defiance.”

As her fingers slipped down the wet glass, her legs began to
buckle underneath her weight. She was exhausted, and he must have realized it,
because he pressed his upper body against her back to hold her in place against
the doors as he relentlessly pounded into her.

“I’m almost there,” he moaned. “Later, your mouth will be
really busy and then I’ll let you ride my cock.”

She wanted to scream out, but she just let
him finish. What else could she do?

“Fuck!” He stilled his movements, and then he shook against
her as he released fast inside her. He slowly pulled out. “No release for you
tonight. Your actions have consequences.”

She tried to catch her breath as she panted and steadied her
legs. He moved his hands from the outside of the glass and slipped them around
her body, turning her to face him. He stared into her eyes for a few moments
and then gently kissed her forehead. Her breathing started to regulate and she
was able to settle down. He had a unique way of calming her which didn’t make
sense since he was always in control of her.

“I don’t take pleasure in punishing you,” he said. “But now
you’ll never be late for me again.”

She knew he wasn’t seeking a response.

“Clean up the water on the floor and then join me in the
dining room.”

“Yes, Master.”

“You have a lot of work to do this weekend, my beautiful

He stepped out of the shower, grabbed a towel from the rack,
and quickly exited the bathroom. She took a deep breath and then smiled to
herself. If riding
man’s cock was considered work, she’d gladly

* * * *

A few minutes later, she was seated by his feet in the
dining room with her eyes focused on the hardwood floor beneath her.

“I want to make sure you understand what happened tonight,”
he said. “You violated the terms of our agreement when you arrived after the designated
time. And while you may only think you were a few minutes late, I couldn’t
possibly let that slip. There’s a reason we have rules in place.”

She didn’t say anything. He hadn’t asked her a direct
question and they were in the dining room.

“It’s my responsibility to make sure you have everything you
need to make our agreement successful, and if that truck, is it—” he said as he
waved his hand toward the window, “isn’t reliable then we have to do something
about that.”

She looked up at him. He couldn’t possibly be suggesting
what she thought he was suggesting.

“I’ll provide you with a new form of transportation,” he
continued. “Is there anything in particular that you’d like?”


He snapped his head in her direction. “Did you not hear my

“Umm, yes, but you don’t have to get me a car.” She shook
her head.

“Didn’t you tell me your truck wouldn’t start?” he asked.
“Why wouldn’t you want a new car? Do you have some sort of attachment to that
piece of tin out there?”

“I bought it myself,” she whispered. “It’s mine.”

“I see.” He ran his hand over his jaw and thought for a few
seconds. “Well, we’ll compromise.”

She wasn’t sure what he was offering.

“I’ll provide you with a car you’ll use to come here. A
reliable vehicle that you may choose to use whenever you’d like, and you keep
your truck. Is that acceptable?”

She nodded.

“I want you to be happy,” he said. “But, I also want you
here on time. I don’t like to be kept waiting. Do we understand one another?”

“Yes, Master,” she whispered. “I apologize for being late
and letting you down, and I appreciate that you want to provide me with a car.”

“That’s a start.” He smirked as he got up from the table and
extended his hand for her. “Come. I believe you have some more apologizing to

“Whatever pleases you, Master.” She stood up and let him
lead her to the playroom.

Chapter 6

First public appearance…


Kat paced her tiny loft and regretted her decision to have
Luke pick her up here. Compared to his house, her home was a joke. And to make
matters worse, now that her roommate had gotten engaged and moved out, she wasn’t
going to be able to afford living here much longer. She knew it was coming, but
she had hoped that she’d find a way to swing it. She needed to take on a second
job, but since she was already working full-time as a receptionist for a
leading fashion designer in the city, her only option would be as a server on
nights and weekends, but how could she work weekends and still be Luke’s sub?

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