Be My Everything (3 page)

Read Be My Everything Online

Authors: Ella Jade

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance

BOOK: Be My Everything
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“Look at me,” he demanded in a soft but firm voice.

She raised her head only slightly as he reached down and
took her chin in his hand. He needed to look into her eyes and make sure he
wasn’t doing anything to this remarkable creature she didn’t want.

“Do you need to tell me anything?” he asked, offering her
one last out before her mouth was otherwise occupied.

“No, Sir,” she whispered.

With his hand still on her chin, he guided her up so that
she was no longer resting on her calves. She was now on her knees and staring
up at him, waiting for his command.

“Unbuckle my jeans,” he murmured, never taking his eyes away
from hers.

She reached up with shaky hands and did as he instructed. He
could sense how anxious she was, and he hoped she’d find a way to overcome her

“Now my button and zipper,” he directed her.

She swallowed hard and then did what he told her to. She
waited for him to tell her what to do.

“I like how you’re waiting for me to tell you to continue.”
He ran his fingers through her hair. He took a handful of those long, luscious
locks and tightened his grip. She sucked in a sharp breath. “Take my pants and
boxers off.”

She closed her eyes and pulled his clothes off the lower
half of his body. He quickly stepped out of them and kicked them aside. When
she was finished, he moved her head so that she was directly in front of his
cock. Once he felt her warm breath tickling his balls, he knew this wasn’t
going to take long. He’d been in between subs for a month and hadn’t had any
kind of release in that time, so he was more than ready.

Luke had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from
smiling as Katherine looked mesmerized by the sight before her. His cock was
long and thick, and since she lacked experience, she’d probably never seen one
this big before.

“Take me in your mouth,” he said. “Now!”

She hesitated as she stared at his rather large appendage.
Even he knew when standing at full attention, he was pretty impressive, but
something told him she could do this.

“There’s no room for hesitation here,” he spoke in a calm
voice. “You either want to or you don’t.”

She nodded and leaned in closer to him, slowly raising her
hand to tentatively touch him. He immediately realized she had no idea how to

Are you fucking kidding me
, he thought. He knew he’d
have to train her how to be a sub, but the basics? How to suck his cock? This
couldn’t be happening. He thought every young girl these days performed oral.
Wasn’t it some sort of rite of passage in high school?

He released her hair and took her chin in his hand again,
guiding her mouth closer to where he desperately needed it to be.
She might
as well learn something useful while she’s here
, he thought.

“Open up,” he whispered.

When she did as he asked, he thrust his hips forward. She
jerked away, but he tightened his grip on her chin, effectively holding her in
place. She didn’t progress for a few seconds, but then she moved her mouth
slowly over the head of his cock. He cupped her cheeks between his hands and
forced her closer.

“The whole thing,” he said. “Take all of me in your mouth.”
He looked down at her and almost lost his load when he saw his cock so close to
her lips.

He could tell she was trying not to gag herself as she tried
to take him further into her mouth. She stopped and allowed her lips to slide
back down to his tip again. Her mouth was warm and soft, and he could come just
like this, but that wasn’t the point. He wanted a full-out blowjob and that was
what he was getting.

He grabbed a fistful of her hair and pushed himself into her
mouth. “If you can’t take my cock in your mouth, how am I ever going to fuck
you anyplace else?”

His crass words must have been the motivation she needed,
because before he knew it, she relaxed her throat and was taking him as deep as
she could, wrapping her fingers around the base. His hips moved with the rhythm
she had set as his hand tightened around her hair.

“Use your teeth,” he demanded.

She scraped her teeth along his shaft without any hesitation
whatsoever. She was a natural as she sucked and licked him into oblivion. He
squeezed his eyes shut and moaned out a few expletives as she continued to
bring him closer to the edge.

He continued to thrust rough against her face, and if he was
pulling her hair too hard she didn’t complain. He felt that familiar pressure
building in his abs as it shot directly through his balls.

“Fuck, Katherine,” he yelled. “I’m gonna come, and you’re
gonna swallow everything I give to you.”

She hummed around his cock, the vibration being the last
thing he needed to bring him total pleasure. He held her head still as he shot
his load in long, hot spurts down her throat.

He continued to move against her face as he came down from
his orgasm, and then looking down at her, he gently pulled out of her mouth.
His breathing hadn’t returned to normal yet and his legs were weak, but he
managed to speak.

“Well done.” He massaged her scalp, in an attempt to soothe
the ache he was sure she was feeling from all of his tugging on her hair.

She looked up at him with those trusting brown eyes and he
saw the young girl who had walked into his office earlier that week. She
quickly averted her eyes to the floor.

What had he done?
He was almost sick over what he had
just asked her to do.

He just forced his cock into this sweet girl’s mouth without
even asking if she had ever done that before. It was obvious she hadn’t, but he
made her do it anyway. He released her hair and extended his hand, helping her
up from the floor. He couldn’t look at her, so he took the coward’s way out.

“You may go to your bedroom now.” He quietly spoke without
making eye contact.


Luke snapped his head in her direction, daring her to defy
him again. She dropped her head and ran out of the bedroom. She managed to hold
back a sob until she was in her room with the door shut, but he still heard

Luke pulled on his pants and sat on the edge of the bed. He
wondered what the fuck was wrong with him. He had never let a sub influence him
this way before. It was true, some test weekends didn’t work out, but never
because he wasn’t sure of what he was doing.

He closed his eyes and collapsed onto the bed. He couldn’t
get the images of Katherine, staring up at him and waiting for his every
command, out of his head. But wasn’t that what she should be doing? She had
done exactly what he’d asked her to do. Despite her fears, she didn’t safe
word, so what the fuck was his problem? He had a willing participant down the
hall, waiting for him, and he wasn’t sure what to do with her.

He had to put an end to this. He couldn’t keep her here an
entire weekend if he had no intentions of moving forward with this arrangement.
This had already gone much too far. He walked down the hall and gently knocked
on the door.

“May I come in?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

She was sitting on the edge of the bed, dressed in a pair of
soft pink sweats. He noted that she looked uncomfortable and embarrassed. He
had to put her out of her misery.

He paced the room before he found the words. “I appreciate
that you went through with what you did in my bedroom, but clearly this isn’t
going to work out.”

“Why not?” she mumbled as she looked down at her lap. “Did I
not do it right?”

“Katherine.” He sighed. “You see, the fact that you have to
ask me that shows me you’re out of your element. And as much as I’d like to
help you with this journey, I just don’t think I have what it takes to train

“I see.” She got up from the bed and gathered her few
belongings that were scattered on the dresser. “Well, thanks for tonight, I
guess.” She shoved her stuff into the bag.

“I didn’t mean to humiliate you or degrade you with what
happened in my bedroom.”

“That’s not when you humiliated me,” she countered.

“Excuse me?” He was a little stunned by her tone. He wasn’t
used to being spoken to that way, especially not from a sub. This one had some
spunk, which made her even more enticing.

“You know what, never mind,” she said. “Maybe you’re not the
right Dom for me. Is there someone you could suggest?”

“What?” Was she kidding? She wanted a referral?

“You’ve been traveling these circles for quite some time, is
there anyone you could recommend?” She was so determined.

“You still want to do this?” he asked, a bit bewildered.

“I need to see this through.”

“I don’t know.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Let me
think about it.”

There was no way he was handing her over to someone else.
There were too many cruel men out there, and she could be scarred for life. He
had seen too much, and as unwavering as she was, she just wasn’t prepared for
all that his world involved. Even if she thought she was.

“You know how to reach me,” she said as she headed for the

“Wait!” He moved in front of her to block her from exiting.
“Give me this week to figure it out.” He didn’t know why, but he wasn’t willing
to let this go.

“You’ll find someone else for me?”

“Just promise me you won’t go looking on your own,” he said.
“I’ll be in touch.”

Chapter 3

Second test weekend…


When Luke called Katherine later that week, she was sure it
was to give her the number of another Dominant. She was surprised when he
invited her back to his house for another test weekend. At first, she thought
she should decline. Maybe this man wasn’t all he was cracked up to be. He’d
practically thrown her out of his house in the middle of the night after she
had given him oral sex. She was still angry with herself for allowing him to
use her like that. He’d gotten what he wanted and then told her she wasn’t
going to work out. She knew that being a submissive could put her in some
humiliating circumstances, but what happened at his house made her feel dirty
and unwanted. She wouldn’t let that happen again.

But after feeling that little bit of satisfaction and power
over making him feel the way she had in his bedroom she couldn’t let this go.
It was the only thing in her life she found fulfilling. As much as she wanted it
to be with him, she’d be willing to explore other options. She wasn’t sure
where she’d found that burst of courage to ask him to find someone else for
her, but she was glad she did.

This time she arrived at his house on Saturday afternoon,
per his request. He greeted her and led her to the family room. She felt
awkward and ashamed to be standing in front of him after what had taken place
the last time she was here.

She was extremely unsettled by his demeanor. His frame was
tall and muscular, and he had the most perfect posture she’d ever seen. He
towered over her, making her feel even more intimated than she already did. He
looked different than that day in his office. His hair was untamed and instead
of a suit, he was wearing faded blue jeans and a tight, form-fitting black
t-shirt that displayed his well-defined chest and shoulders. This was how he’d
been dressed for their first test weekend, and Katherine wondered if it was his
Dom uniform.

“Please sit down,” he instructed.

She sat on the loveseat while he chose to sit on the chair
across from her. She was grateful he was sitting, because it made her
particularly nervous when he paced.

She also noticed he didn’t believe in wasting any time. “I
apologize for the way things turned out the other night. I wasn’t sure you’d
agree to come back, so thank you for keeping an open mind.”

She nodded.

“This room is another place where you may speak freely,” he
told her. “Just remember to be respectful.”

“Why did you change your mind?” she asked, because she
thought it was important to know so she didn’t end up blowing him and then
getting kicked to the curb again. That had to be the most humiliating
experience of her life. She was mortified that after doing something so
intimate with him, he could inform her a few minutes later that it wasn’t going
to work out.

“Because I didn’t think you were serious about this until
you asked me for a referral,” he admitted. “I’m not handing you over to someone
else. If you want to do this, it needs to be me who shows you.”

“Why?” She wasn’t clear on the ‘it had to be him’ part and
wanted an explanation.

“I don’t need to explain myself.” He sighed. “But I’ll just
tell you that you won’t regret it.”

“I can do this,” she told him with certainty.

“There isn’t any doubt in my mind that you can do it. I see
how submissive you are, but that might not be enough.”

“I want to do this. Please teach me.”

He stood up so abruptly it frightened her. He extended his
hand and said, “Come.”

“Yes, Sir.” She stood and followed him upstairs. She
wondered where they were headed. They passed both his and the submissive
bedrooms and then stopped directly in front of the door at the opposite end of
the hall. At first, she thought he was taking her to a dungeon or a cage.
Again, she realized she had no idea what she was getting herself into. She’d
clearly read too much on the internet, or at least she hoped he didn’t have a
cage. Her imagination was getting the better of her.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a black silk
scarf. “Do you trust me?”

“Yes, Sir.” He frightened her, but oddly, trust wasn’t an
issue. There was something in his eyes, a look that made her feel special, that
made her think she could put her faith in him.

He moved behind her, placed the scarf over her eyes, and
gently tied it around her head. She couldn’t see anything but darkness, and she
guessed that was the point. She felt his breath against her ear. It sent chills
down her back.

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