Be My Everything (2 page)

Read Be My Everything Online

Authors: Ella Jade

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance

BOOK: Be My Everything
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“Do you want me to put a leash around your neck and walk you
around town?” he asked. “Like a dog?”

“What?” She didn’t get it, but she hoped he wasn’t serious.

“How about if I publicly humiliate you?” He paced his
office. “Would it be okay if I locked you in a basement and only came down when
I wanted to fuck you?”

“I don’t understand.”

Luke didn’t look pleased at all as he stared at her with
little emotion in his eyes. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but the
longer he stared the more uncomfortable she became. His intense gaze held her
in place, but she liked being the focus of his attention.

“No, you don’t,” he said. “You can’t just dive into a
lifestyle because you think you want it. You have to be informed. You don’t
know anything about me. How do you know I won’t abuse you when you come to my

“I don’t think you would.” She wasn’t sure why, but she
trusted him.

“You’re a foolish young girl, you know that?” He came up
from behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. She was embarrassed when
she jumped. “And the only reason I’m agreeing to test with you is because I’m
afraid you’ll get referred to a Dom who won’t have the patience for you.”

“You want me to be your sub?” she whispered.

“No, I said I would allow you a test weekend. I’ll expect
you at my home at six PM sharp on Friday.” He walked around the chair and stood
in front of her, and then he reached for a packet on his desk. “Take this home
and memorize it,” he instructed. “There are also some informative websites for
you. I strongly suggest that you research this topic thoroughly.”

Katherine nodded.

“My address is in there too,” he said. “As well as my phone
number. Please keep in mind I’m a busy man, so if you change your mind, please
have the courtesy of letting me know.”

“Of course.” She took the packet from him. She didn’t care
what was in the papers or on those websites, it wouldn’t change her mind. She
was more determined than ever now that he’d agreed to test with her.

“I’ll see you Friday,” he said as he returned to his desk.
“Don’t be late.” He sat back down and read over a letter that was in front of
him. “You’re dismissed.”

She stood up, gathered her belongings, and headed for the
door. He never looked up again.

“Katherine,” he called. “Next time, be a bit more informed
before you offer yourself to a man you hardly know.”

Chapter 2

First test weekend…


Luke hated the process of looking for a new submissive. It
had been almost two years since he’d had to view applications and attend play
parties to meet the perfect woman, if such a thing existed. Sometimes he
wondered if it was time to give up on this whole lifestyle and try to make a go
at a normal relationship. He always thought better of it; he just didn’t do
normal. He was a busy man and didn’t have time to get into the personal aspects
that came with relationships. He’d been working hard over the past few years to
make his business successful, and the flexibility of being a Dom with no
strings attached always seemed to work for him. He just wasn’t sure if the
little brunette on her way to his house was the right candidate for him.
Initially, he’d rejected her application, but something made him reconsider.
She had no idea what she was getting into, and that annoyed him. He wondered
how she’d ended up here.

At exactly 5:58 PM, Katherine pulled into his driveway. He
wasn’t sure how that old beat up pick-up truck she was driving even made it up
the hill to his house. He watched her from the foyer window as she stepped out
of the truck and took in the house. She already looked intimidated, and he
hadn’t even done anything to her yet. It was one thing to be submissive, but
just wasn’t going to work.

He opened the door before she could knock. She stumbled
back. Obviously his presence had taken her by surprise.

“Hello, Katherine.” He motioned for her to come inside.
“Welcome to my home.”

“Thank you for having me, Sir.” She spoke so softly, he
almost missed that last part.

“You’ve done some research since we last spoke,” he noted.
“And you came anyway.”

“I want to be here,” she whispered, but she didn’t seem too

“Are you telling me or asking me?” he said. “The burden will
be on you to prove that you really want this.”

She pushed the stray hair from her face and gave him a
nervous look.

“Since this is a test weekend and you’ve never done this
before, it won’t be as formal as I’m accustomed to. You obviously don’t know the
rules, but I’m still going to push you, and I do expect to get what I want out
of this.”

She nodded as she fidgeted with her hands. He could see how
uncomfortable she was and he knew it was his responsibility to ease her into

“But I can promise you’ll be just as fulfilled as I am. Part
of my job is to bring you physical pleasure beyond your wildest dreams. I’ll
make all of your fantasies come true.”

“Oh,” she whispered.

He moved closer to her and stared into her eyes before
asking, “May I take your bag?”

“Thank you.”

“Come, let me show you around.” He placed her bag at the
foot of the steps and headed down the foyer. Luke figured he’d show her the
downstairs first before taking her up to the sub bedroom. He wasn’t sure she’d
be staying anyway.

They headed for the kitchen where he asked her to take a
seat at the island in the center of the massive room. “This room is a safe
place for you,” he informed her. “You may speak freely here and voice your
concerns, but you must still be respectful. If we have our meals in here, I’d
like to engage you in conversation, learn about you, and share details about
myself with you.”

“You want to get to know me?”

He sat down next to her and leaned into her. “I can’t be
fulfilled with just sex, and you shouldn’t be either. The things we’ll share
together will require us to be intimate, and how can we do that if we don’t
know one another?”

“I-I don’t know,” she stuttered.

She ran her fingers through her hair and chewed on her
bottom lip. Luke noticed she had several nervous habits he hoped he could
break. But he was getting way ahead of himself. He wasn’t even sure this was a
project he wanted to take on. It was so much work to train a new sub, and he
hadn’t done it in years. This was exactly why he dreaded this whole process. He
had a pile of applications containing information about women who had no
business even approaching him.

“At first, it will be about sex and bringing physical
pleasure to one another, but it’s more than that, at least when this
relationship is done right. We’ll grow together, and I’ll help you realize even
though you may be submissive, you’re a strong, confident woman underneath it.”

She shook her head and looked down.

“You don’t think that’s true?” Luke asked, wondering what
she truly expected to gain from this experience.

He stared at her and for a brief moment he considered asking
her to leave. He couldn’t help but notice what an exquisite young woman she
was. Her long, brown hair fell down her back and curled gently at the ends. It
appeared soft and smooth, and he wondered how it would smell. The color of her
eyes matched her hair, but they showed so much uncertainty. Her skin was like
porcelain; not a blemish on her face. He had to assume the rest of her body was
just as flawless.

She looked up into his eyes, and for the first time he felt
like he saw her. She was breathtaking, so young and new. He realized this might
be a bigger mistake than he’d initially thought. He needed to focus if he
expected to get through tonight.

“You’ve realized you want to be dominated,” he continued.
“That takes more courage than most women, or men for that matter, have. You
showed up here even after I told you this wouldn’t be easy. You’re walking into
unknown territory.”

“Something keeps screaming at me that I need to try this,”
she admitted.

“Then let’s try.” He rose from his seat and extended his
hand for her. They headed up the back staircase and to the submissive bedroom.
He felt her body tense when she stopped in the doorway, so he turned to see
what the problem was.

Her wide brown eyes perused the bedroom, and then the grip
she had on his hand loosened.

“We’re not going into the playroom this weekend,” he said,
because he suspected that was what she was afraid of. “As much as I’d like to
tie you to the table in there and have you scream in pleasure, I don’t think
you’re ready for that.”

Luke’s cock stiffened just thinking about binding and
fucking her hard, but he didn’t see them ever making it past this test weekend.
And he wasn’t taking an inexperienced sub into his playroom for just one night.
He had a reputation to protect in this particular circle.

“This is where you’ll sleep,” he informed her. “My room is
down the hall, and while we will play in there from time to time, you will not
sleep in my bed unless you are invited.”

“Do you ever invite your subs to sleep with you?”

“That’s not your concern,” he snapped. “And we’re not in the
kitchen, so you are not to speak freely here.”

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

Luke felt bad for his abruptness, but he couldn’t let his
feelings about her being so young and naive become a weakness. She was here
because he was a Dominant and she thought she was a submissive. They’d be
finding out very soon if she had what it took.

“No need to apologize, Katherine,” he said a bit softer. “This
is still a learning process. Just pay attention to everything I tell you,
follow my lead, and you’ll be fine.”

“Yes, Sir.” She looked down at the floor and fidgeted with
her hands.

“Much better,” he assured her. “My bedroom is three doors
down. “It’s the one with the double doors at the end of the hall. I need to
make a phone call, but when I’m finished, you will be in my room, waiting for
me. If you’ve read the packet I gave you, you’ll know what I expect of you.”

Her eyes widened which indicated to him she knew exactly
what he expected. He didn’t think she’d go through with it.

“Still want to try?” He’d give her every opportunity to stop


“Yes?” He quirked a brow at her.

“Sir, I mean, yes, Sir, I want to try,” she stammered. “I’m

Luke wondered how many more times she’d screw this up.

“Since this is a test weekend, you will use the word, ‘stop’
as a safe word,” he reminded her. “It’s not a word typically used in this
situation, and if you do become my sub, we’ll decide on another word. But for
tonight it’ll do.” This was all outlined in the packet he had given her in his
office. “If I do something you don’t like or if I’m pushing you too hard, you
say that word and I’ll stop the scene and we can discuss your fears. I’m not
here to abuse you, and it’s important for you to understand that you have the
power.” He’d have to change the safe word if they were going to progress with
this arrangement, but since this was all so new to her, he believed that was
the best word for now.

The skin between her eyebrows crinkled and he could tell she
was confused.

“You may ask your question.”

“I thought you had the power?”

“Hmm,” he mused. “So, I see you haven’t done all of your
research.” He headed for the door, being elusive on purpose. “I’ll meet you in
my bedroom in ten minutes. If you’re late, I’ll assume you’ve changed your

He headed downstairs to his office. He didn’t really need to
make a phone call, although he did briefly ponder calling Colin, his friend and
mentor, but Colin would just talk him out of this. Colin was the one who had
introduced Luke to this lifestyle in the first place and helped him figure out
who he really was. Colin would say he didn’t need to train anyone, much less a
twenty-one year old kid who’d only had one previous sexual partner and no
experience in this way of life.

Luke had a stack of applications sitting on his desk, just
waiting for him to choose the sub of his desires. He hadn’t had any interest in
looking at them since Katherine’s information caught his eye. He’d have to pick
a suitable applicant, but first he needed to get the gorgeous girl, hopefully
waiting upstairs on her knees for him, out of his system. Then they could both
move on from here.

He glanced at his watch before picking up her bag at the bottom
of the staircase and depositing it in the sub bedroom. She wasn’t in her room,
so that must have meant she was in his.

Luke walked slowly down the hall, taking a deep breath
before entering his room. Part of him kept thinking how wrong this was. What he
was about to command her to do. But the other part of him rationalized and said
she wanted to be here. He hadn’t forced her to come to his home. She’d sought
him out. He gave her the information and she came anyway.

He opened the doors and watched as she jumped. She quickly
settled herself back into position and waited for him to speak. He could
practically see her heart beating out of her chest as she anticipated his
approach, but he took his time and it seemed like hours before he even moved
from the doorway.

“Fuck!” he whispered so low he knew she didn’t hear it.

He was instantly hard at the sight before him. She was
kneeling in the corner by the French doors where he had placed pillows for her
to rest on. The way the moonlight reflected around the dimly lit room
illuminated off her pale skin. Her long dark hair fell over her shoulders and
down her back. She was completely naked, on her knees, waiting to serve him.
Totally submissive. It was beautiful. She was exactly the reason he
participated in this lifestyle.

She didn’t look up from the floor as he approached her, but
her breathing picked up as he moved to stand directly in front of her. He stood
over her for a few seconds as he watched her delicate body tremble.

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