Beat of the Heart (19 page)

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Authors: Katie Ashley

BOOK: Beat of the Heart
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As I trailed behind the hulking roadie down the hallway, I couldn’t help the nervous jitters that

clenched my stomach. It was one thing meeting AJ’s band mates. Growing up surrounded by male

cousins, I always seemed to do better around guys. Women, on the other hand, were another thing,

especially after my own girlfriend had run off with my fiancé. Now I was meeting the two most

important Runaway Train women—Jake’s fiancée and Brayden’s wife, and even though I hated

myself for it, I was scared shitless.

When we got to the table, they both glanced up at me. With their blonde hair and crystal blue eyes,

they could have almost passed for sisters. Their questioning gazes went from me to Jeff. “Jake

suggested I bring her to sit with you two. She’s with AJ.”

“Really?” the youngest blonde squealed, her expression lightening up instantly.

I nodded. “I’m Mia Martinelli,” I said, extending my hand.

Instead of shaking my hand, she popped out of her seat like a jack-in-the-box before throwing her

arms around me. “It’s so nice to meet you.” She pulled away to give me a beaming smile. “I’m Abby

—Jake’s fiancée.”

Suddenly it hit me. “Oh, my God! You’re in Jacob’s Ladder, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am.”

“I seriously love you guys—I’ve been a fan of your brothers for several years. I love the new


“Aw, thank you. That’s so sweet.” She motioned to the chair beside her. “Please sit down.”


Once I was settled, the other blonde extended her hand. “I’m Brayden’s wife, Lily.”

“It’s very nice meeting you, too.”

Abby cut her eyes over at Lily before gazing back at me. “Now I know why AJ was acting so

weird earlier tonight.”

“Oh he was?” I asked, trying not to let my heart do a crazy flip-flop in my chest.

With a grin, Abby replied, “Oh yeah. Very mysterious, very withdrawn…very
, now that I

think about it.”

A warm rush filled my body. “I don’t know about lovesick—we just started seeing each other.”

“How did you guys meet?” Lily asked.

“Um, it’s kinda an interesting story.” By the time I finished filling them in on the escapade in

Frank’s room, they were laughing hysterically.

“Now that’s two of us who have met our guys unconventionally,” Abby said.

“Oh really?”

Abby grinned and then proceeded to tell me about literally falling into Jake’s bed. “Hmm, I think

you may have my crotch drying story beat.”

“I think it’s a toss-up,” she replied.

Lily laughed. “Regardless of who wins best story, I’m just so very thankful to see AJ is with

someone like you, Mia.”

My brows lifted in surprise. “Like me?”

Her cheeks tinged pink a little. “I didn’t mean anything bad by it, honestly. You’re absolutely

gorgeous and so AJ’s type. But at the same time, I can already tell that you’re so…real.”

Abby nodded and motioned her finger between Lily and herself. “You know, like us.”

Lily using AJ’s word, ‘real’, wasn’t lost on me. All my nerves about meeting them had evaporated,

and now I was just enjoying being accepted by them. I couldn’t help wondering if girls who didn’t get

along with them probably didn’t make it long with AJ or Rhys. I felt a little giddy that I seemed to be

passing the test with flying colors.

We were interrupted by the house manager taking the microphone. “Good evening. I’m so glad

you’ve all come out on this special night to welcome back our most famous house band, Runaway

Train.” Applause and cheering rang around the bar. “I can’t thank the guys enough for being willing to

come back here and play again.” Glancing over his shoulder, he nodded. “So let’s get this party

started, huh?” Once again the applause and cheering were deafening. “So ladies and gentlemen,

Runaway Train!”

Abby, Lily, and I screamed along with the other fans as the guys made their way to the stage. Once

AJ settled behind the drum kit, he locked eyes with me. He grinned and winked before twirling one of

his drumsticks between his fingers. Damn, I knew all about those masterful fingers. Just seeing him

work his fingers like that, caused goose bumps to rise on my arms. Trying to forget my inappropriate

thoughts, I smiled back. Then he launched into the opening beat of the first song while the guys’

guitars followed in with him. While Jake’s smooth voice, echoed through the room, I couldn’t take my

eyes off of AJ as he pounded out the rhythm. With his jaw set and a determined expression on his

face, he was totally in the zone.

The guys played through several of their famous tracks—or at least I assumed they were their

famous tracks by the audience’s reaction—when Jake switched gears. “As much as we love our old

stuff, we want to do some of the acoustic tracks from our new album,” Jake said into the microphone.

I watched as AJ left the drum set to come and sit on a stool beside Jake. Brayden and Rhys eased

down on stools as well but kept their guitars.

“And here’s our latest Top Forty—
Marrow and Bone
.” Jake nodded his head to the guys. After he

began the first line of the song, AJ joined in with Jake to harmonize. At the sound of his sultry voice,

every molecule in my body shuddered to a stop. It took a moment or two for me to catch my breath. It

wasn’t just that he could sing—it was the way he delivered the lyrics. The song itself was one of

immense love, passion, and devotion, and AJ’s voice hummed with all those emotions. It touched me

to the core…as well as other places.

“Damn,” I murmured under my breath.

“Haven’t you heard AJ sing before?” Abby asked.

My heart did a funny little skipping beat. “No,” I murmured. I turned to look at her. “He’s really

amazing—like panty-melting amazing.”

She laughed. “Yeah, I would have to agree, especially when he sings in Spanish.” At my

incredulous expression, she held up her hands. “Trust me, there’s never been anything but friendship

between AJ and me, but that still doesn’t mean I don’t find his singing sexy. But there’s no one who

truly does it for me like Jake.”

After two more songs with both Brayden and AJ accompanying Jake, the guys put their guitars

down and rose up from the stools. “We’re going to take a quick ten minute break, and we’ll be back

to give you guys some more.” Jake’s gaze flicked over to our table. “I might even convince my

fiancée to join me on stage for some of our new stuff.”

“I’m going to kill him,” Abby muttered, as Jake winked. She shook her head at him. “Tonight was

supposed to be all about Runaway Train.”

Lily shook her head. “You know how much he loves having you on stage with him.” She patted

Abby’s back. “Besides, tonight may be about the past, but you’re his future—both personally and with

his music.”

“I guess you’re right,” Abby replied. But the moment Jake appeared at her side, she smacked his

arm playfully. “Okay, you get this through your thick skull right now. I’m not singing with you tonight.

You’re such a—” He silenced her with a kiss.

My attention was drawn away from them when AJ appeared at my side. I quickly popped out of my

chair. “Oh my God, that was amazing—
were amazing!” I cried, throwing my arms around him.

He pulled back to plant a long, lingering kiss on my lips.

“Thank you.”

“I didn’t know you could sing.”

He shrugged modestly. “Yeah, I can carry a tune okay.”

“I do declare, for once is AJ Resendiz not being an egomaniac?”

He laughed. “Fine then. I can sing the pants off anyone. Better?”

“I’d say pants
panties.” I leaned in to whisper in his ear. “Seriously, I think you got me wet.”

AJ groaned. “Don’t say shit to me like that now.”

“I can’t help but tell you the truth.” Gazing into his eyes, I said, “Will you sing me something in


His brows lined in confusion. “Why Spanish?”

“Abby said you sounded even sexier then, so I wanted to hear it.”

“That’s because she speaks Spanish and knows what I’m saying.”

I shrugged. “I don’t care. I still want to hear you.” I lowered my voice. “I wanna see if it gets me

even wetter.”

He grinned at me. “Fine, amorcito mio. Tonight when I have time to spread you out beneath me, I’ll

sing to you in English, Spanish, or whatever the hell language it is that makes you want me to fuck

your brains out. But for now, I gotta grab some water and take a piss, okay?”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re so romantic.”

“Hey, I stopped here first, didn’t I?”

“That’s true.” When he started to walk away, I jerked him back to me. At his surprised expression,

I kissed him. He warmed to me instantly, thrusting his tongue into my mouth. His hands came to cup

my face, his thumbs rubbing along my jawline. My arms snaked around his waist, drawing him in

even closer. When I rubbed myself against his crotch, he groaned into my mouth. Jerking away, he

gazed down at me with lust-filled eyes. Both of our chests heaved as we fought to catch our breath.

With his signature smirk, AJ asked, “Wanna join me in the bathroom for a quickie?”

“Oh so tempting, but I think I’ll pass.”

“But I know how public places get you hot.”

I rolled my eyes. “A stinky, public bathroom screams skeevy, not sexy to me, babe.”

AJ laughed. “Fine then.”

“Besides, you’ve got way too much stamina for a bathroom quickie.”

“Hmm, stroking my ego pretty hard tonight, aren’t you?”

“Just stating facts.” I smacked his ass playfully. “Now go take your pee break.”

He gave me a mock salute and replied, “Yes, ma’am.”

Once AJ disappeared down the hallway, I realized I needed to freshen up after our make-out

session. “I’ll be right back,” I said to Abby and Lily. After I entered the restroom, I headed straight

for the counter. Standing in front of the mirror, I dug in my purse for my lipstick. Two leggy blondes

stumbled in the door before heading over to the stalls. Once they were shut inside, one of them

moaned. “God, Jenny, did you see how fucking hot AJ looked tonight?”

My body instantly tensed at the mention of his name. “Yeah, he’s absolutely edible as always,”

Jenny replied. “Too bad he’s here tonight with some chick.”

“With AJ, I’ll doubt she’ll be with him long.”

A snort came from a stall. “Sounds like someone is jealous after he didn’t call you back that time

after you blew him in the bathroom.”

“If I want him tonight, I could have him again.” One of the blondes exited the stall. When she met

my gaze, her eyes momentarily widened at the sight of me. Then she threw her shoulders back. “What

are you looking at?” she snapped.

Even though the strong Sicilian in me wanted to grab the twiggy bitch by the shoulders and ram her

head into the mirror until it cracked, I shook my head. “Nothing.”

The blonde smirked at me before heading to the sink. I quickly shoved my lipstick back into my

purse and blew out of the bathroom door. When I staggered back to the table, I downed my margarita

in two long gulps. “Um, are you okay?” Abby asked.

“Peachy.” After Abby gave me a ‘who are you shitting?’ look, I groaned and ran my hand through

my hair. “The truth is I’m a neurotic mess.”

“What happened?”

I then noticed the two blonde bitches were out of the bathroom and now were edging closer to the

stage. Trying to be covert, I pointed at them. “Do you know them?”

A noise like a growl came from the back of Abby’s throat, while Lily gazed at them with disgust.

“They’re Sugar Magnolia sluts,” Lily replied.

“Excuse me?”

“They work at Sugar Magnolia—a strip club a few blocks from here. Unfortunately, they like to

spend their off nights strumming up business for the club. Then I guess you could call them bar

groupies for whatever house band is performing.” Lily downed the rest of her Mojito. “They also

have a history with Runaway Train when the band first started here three years ago.”

“Yeah, it seems the tallest one has a specific history with AJ.” I twirled my finger over the salted

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