Beating the Devil's Game: A History of Forensic Science and Criminal (37 page)

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Authors: Katherine Ramsland

Tags: #Law, #Forensic Science

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forgeries, 334–336, 339

overturned verdicts, 164–165

ransom notes, 244, 245–246, 248, 252, 253, 254, 270–271

Haque, Azizul, 163

Harper, Lynne, 303–307

Harrington, Philip, 145–146

Harvard, 69, 146, 279

Harvey, Warren, 312–313

Harvey, William, 16

Haskell, Flora, 181–182

hatchet murders, 144–151

Hauptmann, Bruno Richard, 251–257, 258

Hay, Gordon, 313–314

head shape, personality, 26, 61–64, 89–90, 91, 108–109

Heald, Sir Lionel, 289

Healy, Linda Ann, 326

Hedgepeth, Marion, 151–152

Heidemann, Gerd, 334

Heinrich, Edward O. (“America’s Sherlock Holmes”), 222–223, 224–228

Heirens, William (George Murman), 271

Helentjaris, Timothy, 356

helixometer, 240

Helpern, Milton, 277, 306

Hendrickson, John and Maria, 79–80, 81

Henry, Edward R., 127–128, 163, 171, 172

Heraclitus, xviii

heredity and criminality, 90–91, 101–102

Herophilus, 3

Herschel, Sir William, 28, 84, 103, 104, 125

Heslin, Patrick (Father), 223–224

Hevesy, George de, 291

high-resolution electron microscope, 303

Hightower, William, 223–224

Hiller, Clarence, 199–200

Hilton, Ordway, 335

Hippocrates, 3

Hirohito (Emperor of Japan), 251

His, Wilhelm, 159

History of Insects, A
(Reaumur), 19

Hitler, Adolf, 251, 334–337, 339

Hnizda, Vincent, 268

Hobson, Jack Abbott, 289

Hodge, Nancy, 345

Hoffman, Harold G., 257

Holden, Henry Smith, 283, 284

Holland, 17

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 71, 72, 171

Holmes, Sherlock, 116, 118–120, 181, 190, 191, 279

Hooke, Robert, 18

Hoover, John Edgar, 230

Hôpital Civil d’Arbois, 78

Howard, H. M. (H. H. Holmes, Herman Mudgett, Alex E. Cook), 151–158

Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 333

Hubschmann, Ernst, 170

Hudson, Erastus Mead, 246

Hugo, Victor, 41

Hume, Donald, 282–284

Humes, James J., 322–323

Hussong, Brian, 317–318

hydrobromide of hyoscin, 184, 185

hypothesis, xvi–xvii

IBIS, 359

identification, xv, 103–109

Identikit system, 268–269, 299, 315

Imhotep, 2

indelible ink, 40

Individuality of Blood, The
(Lattes), 202

industrialism, 14

Industrial Revolution, 26

influential sleuths, 114–120, 181, 189–190

informatics, 384–385

infrared light, 28

ink analysis, 335

Innocence Project in the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, 354, 380

Innocent III (Pope), 8

innovation, 370–378

(Chien-yen, fu-chien),

insanity, xix, 61–64, 90–91, 110–113

insanity plea, 289–290

entomology (forensic)

Institute of Hygiene in Griefswald, 168

Institute of Legal Medicine (Paris), 95

Institute of Pathology and Anatomy (Vienna), 167–168

insurance fraud, 91–93, 115, 151–158

integrated investigating, 270–300

interrogation, 10, 40

intoximeter, 277

invisibility shield, 370–371

Irkutsk Museum, 267

IRS, 247

Italy, 8, 18, 251

Jackson, Harry, 172

Jackson, Samuel, 45

Jackson, Stonewall, 94

Jack the Ripper, 121–124, 151

James, Frank, 209–210

Janssen, Zaccharias, 17–18

Japan, 251, 269, 320, 375

Jeffreys, Alec, 339, 340–341, 342–343

Jennings, Andrew, 150

Jennings, Thomas, 198–199

Jervis, Robert, 291

Jeserich, Paul, 162

Jewett, Helen, 51–52, 52–53

John, Percy, 143

Johnson, Denise, 355–356

Johnson, John (“Dogskin”), 249–250

General Electric Co.
v., 358

judges and juries, 59–86, 346–348, 357–358

Jukes family study, 102

“Justice for All” act, 381–382

Justinian (Emperor of Rome), 4

Kajua, Konrad, 334, 336, 337

Kaye, Sidney, 276

Keeler, Leonarde, 230, 249, 250, 253, 257–258, 277

Keep, Nathan, 71

Kelly, Ian, 343, 344

Kelly, Machine Gun, 251

Kelly, Mary, 123

Kennard, William, 338

Kennedy, John F. (President), 301, 311, 321–324

Kennedy, Robert, 311

Kennedy, William Henry, 238

Kersta, Lawrence G., 269, 316

kidnappings, 242–258, 297

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 311

King, Will, 265

“kinship” analysis, 379

Kirchhoff, Gustav, 84

Kirk, Paul Leland, 309

Knoll, Max, 240

Knowlton, Hosea M., 148–149

Koehler, Arthur, 254–255, 256

Krafft-Ebing, Richard Freiherr von, 110–113, 138

Krogman, W. M., 267

Kumbo Tire Co.

laboratory, private, 239, 240

labs, 167–200

Lacassagne, Jean Alexandre Eugène, 128–133, 135–136, 137–138, 140, 190, 368

ladder, in kidnapping, 243, 246, 254–256

Lafarge, Charles and Marie, 55–58

LaFeve, Neil, 317–318

Lamm, Steven, 356–357

Lamson, George, 143

Lander, Eric, 349

Landsteiner, Karl, 167–168, 202

Langreuter, Dr., 177

Larson, John, 222–223

Latelle, Marie, 193–194

latent prints, 320

Lattes, Leone, 202

Lauvergne, Hubert, 62

law enforcement, hierarchy of, 10

Laws of Evidence,

Leach, Kimberly, 325, 329

Leavenworth Penitentiary, 173, 213

Lee, Francis Glessner, 279–280

Lee, Henry, 351, 363

Leeuwenhoek, Anton Van, 17, 18

legal medicine, specialty in, 8

legal process and forensic science, xiv–xvi

legal vs. medical insanity, 110–111

Lemberger, Annie and Martin, 249–250, 250

Le Neve, Ethel, 183–184, 185

L’enquete criminelle et les methods scientifique
(Locard), 207

Leonardo da Vinci, 14, 196

Leopold, Nathan, 231–233

Le poil de l’homme et des animaux
(Balthazard), 188

Levi, Hilde, 291

Levine, Lowell, 328

Levy, Harlan, 363

Levy, Lisa, 325, 327, 328

Lewis, Winslow, 70

lie detection (polygraph)

acceptance of, 250

banning of, 253, 258

binaural stethoscope, 77

Chinese, early lie test, 12–13

distrust of, 249

First American Medicolegal Congress, 277

test and, 229

heart rhythms and systolic blood pressure, 222–223

mistakes, 257–258

sphygmograph (first lie detector), 159–160

Lifecodes, 345, 349, 350

Life on the Mississippi
(Twain), 105

Lincoln, Abraham, 66

Lindbergh, Charles, Jr., 242–249, 251–258, 271

Lindbergh, Charles and Anne, 242–249

L’Institute de Medicine Legale et de police Scientifique,

Lippershey, Johan, 18

Littlefield, Ephraim, 69

Littlejohn, Henry, 115–116, 235–236, 259

livor mortis (lividity), 15, 132

Lloyd, Margaret, 187–188

Locard, Edmond, 190–195, 202, 207, 208, 368

Loeb, Richard, 231–233

Logicube, Inc., 376–377

Lombroso, Cesare, 100–101, 102, 131, 159–160

London Hospital Medical School, 281

London Magazine,

Lorbach, Franz, 293

Louis XVI (King of France), 33

Luetgert, Adolph and Louisa, 161–162

luminol, 267

L’uomo delinquente
(Lombroso), 100

Luther, Martin, 14

Lyon Institute of Forensic Medicine, 180

Lyons, John, 266–267

MacDonald, Hugh C., 268–269

Macé, Gustave, 95–97

Mackie, Thomas, 260

Macnaghten, Melville, 171, 174

“Mad Bomber,” 320

Maddox, Richard L., 83

Magna Carta,

Maloney, Kathleen, 286

Malpighi, Marcello, 16

“mania without delirium,” 91

Mann, Lynda, 340, 342

Marie Antoinette (Queen of France), 33

Marr, Timothy, 30

Marsh, George, 197–198

Marsh, James, 48–50

Marshall, Doreen, 272

Marsh Test, 50, 55, 56, 57

Marston, William M., 228–229, 229–230, 258

Martin, F. W., 262

Matheson, J. M., 289

Matsumur, Fuseo, 320

May, Luke (“American Sherlock Holmes”), 202–203, 240

McAllister, Mrs., 42–43

McCarter, Robert, 218–219

McCarthy, John, 226–227

McClaughry, Major, 108

McKenzie, “Clay Pipe Alice,” 123–124

McLennan, Hectorina, 286

McMullan, Oatley, 303

Mearns, Alexander, 261

measurements, comparisons, 233–241

media and public interest in crime, xiv, 119–120, 242–269, 359–366, 366–369

medical examiners, 202

medical jurisprudence, 27–32, 45

Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity
(Ray), 63

medical vs. legal insanity, 110–111

Medicolegal Aspects of the Ruxton Case
(Glaister), 264

Mégnin, Edmond Perrier, 78–79, 109

Meier, Louis, 298

Mein Kampf
(Hitler), 334

memory and encoding related multifaceted electroencephalographic response (MERMER), 376

Merck, 177

Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,
v., 358

Merrett, Bertha and John Donald, 234–238, 259

Merrick, Pliney, 70

metals testing (neutron activation analysis), 291, 294–295

metamaterials, 371

“Method for the Investigation of Different Types of Blood, A” (Uhlenhuth), 170

Metropolitan Police Office, 99

Metzger, Johann Daniel, 25, 49

Michigan’s Voice Identification Unit, 318


atomic-force microscope, 374–375

comparison microscope, 207, 213, 234, 240

dust analysis, 192

fiber analysis, 194, 197–198, 266, 358–359

firearms and ballistics, 206–207, 213

First American Medicolegal Congress, 277

hair analysis, 214–215

high-resolution electron microscope, 303

invention of, 17–18

microscope crystal test for hemoglobin, 83

polarizing microscope, 43

promotion of, 180, 185

“Revelarescope,” 202

stereoscopic microscope, 18, 227

transmission electron microscope, 240–241

microspetrophotometry, 335

Middle Ages, 4–5

Miescher, Frederick, 94–95

Millar, W. G., 262

Miller, Bruce, 183, 184

Mills, Eleanor R. and James, 216–222

Milwaukee School of Engineering’s Rapid Prototyping Center, 377

mind and matter, 16–17

miniature scaled models of crime scenes, 279

M’Naghten, Daniel, 63–64

M’Naghten Rule, 63–64

Mocker, Thomas, 294

mold analysis, 288

molecular biology, 339–340.
See also

Molineaux, Roland, 164–165

Mona Lisa
(Leonardo da Vinci), 196

“moral insanity,” 91

Moran, George (“Bugs”), 239, 240

Morbis Veneficiis, De
(Codronchi), 16

Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 189, 203

Morin, Bob, 353

morphine, 142, 143, 144

Morris Herrmann & Company, 164

Morse, John, 149

Morse, Samuel, 59

Morton, Willard, 72

motive, anatomies of, 114–140

Motter, M. G., 79

moveable type, 14

mtDNA, 382

mug shots of criminals, 60

Muir, Richard, 172, 175

Mullany, Patrick, 320

Mullis, Kary, 333–334, 353, 363

mummification, 5

murder, manslaughter, 9–12

murder cases, rules for, 121, 122

“Murders in the Rue Morgue, The” (Poe), 117

Murder Squad, Scotland Yard, 180–188

Mussolini, Benito, 251

nanotechnology, 373–374

Napoleon Bonaparte (Emperor of France), 32–33, 35, 36, 39, 66

Nash, Ernest, 318

National Academy of Sciences, 350

National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys, 348

National Association of Radio-Distress Signaling and Infocommunications, 385

National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC), 345

National Crime Information Center (NCIC), 311–312

National DNA Index System (NDIS), 366

National Integrated Ballistics Network, 367

National Research Council Committee of the National Academy of Sciences, 350

Natural History Museum, France, 78, 109

104, 125, 339

NCAVC (National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime), 345

NCIC (National Crime Information Center), 311–312

NDIS (National DNA Index System), 366

Neame, Inspector, 98–99

Neary, Nita, 325, 328

Neath, Neville, 272

necrospies, 182

Nelson, Baby Face, 251

Nelson, Rita, 286

Netherlands, 15

Neufeld, Peter, 347–348, 349, 354, 362, 380

neutron activation analysis (metals testing), 291, 294–295

New Scotland Yard, 47, 99, 123, 280


Newton, Isaac, xviii, 17

Newtonian physics, xviii, 17

New York Herald,

New York Journal,

New York Times,
221, 321, 322, 350

Nichol, William, 43

Nichols, Mary Ann (“Polly”), 121

nicotine, 74, 75

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 231

Noda, Mike, 211

Northwestern University (Chicago), 240

“nuclein,” 94–95

Nuñez, Guillermo, 126

“Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death” (Lee), 279

Nysten, Pierre, 31–32

Nysten’s Law, 32

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