Beating the Devil's Game: A History of Forensic Science and Criminal (38 page)

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Authors: Katherine Ramsland

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observation, xv–xvii, 115, 116, 117, 273–275

Occam’s razor, xv

O’Connell, Daniel, 224

odontology (forensic)

age determination from, 262

bite-mark analysis, 1–2, 98, 272–273, 291–292, 312–315, 324–329

fire, identification of victims, 160–161

origin of, 42–43

reconstruction, 71

On Man
(Quételet), 88

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
(Darwin), 85

“On the Skin-Furrows of the Hand” (Faulds), 104

opium, 115

Oppianicus, 3

Orchid Biosciences, 373

Orfila, Mathieu, 43–44, 46, 50, 54–55, 57, 58, 74, 77, 82

organic chemicals, identifying, 28–29

organology, 26

Osborn, Albert D., 252, 254

Osborn, Albert S., 164, 188, 248, 254, 270–271

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 301, 322, 324

outer man, inner man, 87–113

outside the box, 296–300

Paillet, M., 57, 58

paint analysis, 295

Palmer, William, 82–83

palm-vein recognition, 375

paper analysis, 265, 335

Paré, Ambroise, 15–16

Paris Odontological Society, 120

Paris School of Medicine, 43

Parker, Ellis (“American Sherlock Holmes”), 209–210, 257

Parkman, George, 69–73

Parmenides, xviii

Parris, Elizabeth, 1

paternity testing, 339

pattern analysis, 176–180

Paul, David, 208–210

PCR (polymerase chain reaction), 334, 353, 363

Peacock, Linda, 312–314

Peel, Sir Robert, 46–47, 63

Penistan, John, 304, 305, 306

Penry, Jacques, 315–316

Penry Facial Identification Technique (Photo-FIT), 315–316



Perez, Martin, 355

Perrugia, Vicenzo, 196

personality, head shape, 26, 61–64, 89–90, 91, 108–109

petechiae, 177

Peters, 211

Peterson, John (“J. P.”), 30, 31

Phelps, Charles, 204

Philadelphia Inquirer,

Phillips, Bagster, 123–124

Philosopher’s Stone, 5

Photo-FIT (Penry Facial Identification Technique), 315–316

photography (forensic)

crime scene photos, 120

criminals, photographs of, 97

dry plate photography, 83–84

evidence, 84

invention of, 54

mug shots, first known, 60

organizing photos, 87, 105

transparency and photo, used for identification, 264

phrenology, 26, 61–64, 89–90, 91, 108–109

physical anthropology, 88–89

physicality as key to personality types, 26, 61–64, 89–90, 91, 108–109


contribution in legal process, 6–7, 8, 15–16

more tolerant attitude toward, 68–77

“Pied Piper of Tucson,” 311

Pinel, Philippe, 91

Pinkerton, Allan (“The Eye”), 65–66

Pinkerton National Detective Agency, 65, 152

Pitchfork, Colin (“Footpath Murderer”), 343–344, 353

Pitezel, Alice and Nellie, 152, 153, 154

Pitezel, Benjamin, 151, 152, 153, 158

Pitezel, Carrie, 152, 153, 154, 157

Pitezel, Howard, 152, 153, 157

plant analysis, 296–297, 356

plea-bargaining, 40

Plenck, J. J., 24

Poe, Edgar Allan, 42, 54, 117


polarizing microscope, 43

police forces, developing, 30–31, 47, 54

Police in Novels and Police in the Laboratory (Policiers de roman et policiers de laboratoire)
(Locard), 193

lie detection (polygraph)

polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 334, 353, 363

Ponce, Vilma and Natasha, 348–350

Popp, Georg, 178–179, 180

Porfiry, Inspector, 117

poroscopy, 191, 194–195

Porteous, Elizabeth Ann, 314–315

Porter, James Madison, 46

portrait parlé,
100, 268

Poser, Max, 205, 207

potash, 161, 162

practical science, 301–332

precipitin test, 168–169, 170, 179, 292

Précis de Médicine
(Lacassagne), 130

Prichard, James, 91

Priestly, Helen, 258–260

primitive practices, 1–6

Principles and Practice of Medical Jurisprudence
(Taylor), 82

Prisoners Property Act of 1869, 98

private detective agency, first, 41

private scientific crime detection laboratory, 239, 240

“Problem of Cell 13, The” (Futrelle), 189

Problem of Proof, The
(Osborn, A. S.), 271

profile mug shots
(photographie métrique),

profiling, 224–225, 320

Prohibition, 251

Proofs of Identity
(Locard), 208

prosecution and defense, same experts for, 72–73

Protestant revolt, 14

prussic acid, 60

psychiatry and

criminal insanity, 60–61, 62–64

sexual criminals, 109–113

Psychopathia Sexualis with Especial Reference to the Antipathic Sexual Instinct: A Medico-Forensic Study (Krafft-Ebing), 110, 112–113

public interest in crime, xiv, 119–120, 242–269, 359–366, 366–369

publicity, forensic science, 45–46, 208

Purkinje, Johan Evangelist, 43, 125

Quaestiones Medico-Legales (Zacchia), 16

questioned documents, 188, 271, 334–337.
See also
handwriting analysis

Questioned Documents (Osborn), 188, 248

Quételet, Lambert, 88, 99, 105

Quintillion, 2–3

racial types, 89, 100–101

Randall, Joseph, 47–48

Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD), 356

ransom notes, 244, 245–246, 248, 252, 253, 254, 270–271

rape cases, 340, 342–344, 345–346, 351–352, 354–355

“rational man,” xx

Ray, Isaac, 63

Reaumur, Rene de, 19

reconstruction, 71, 159, 203, 261–262, 263–264, 267–268, 287

Redi, Francesco, 18–19

Reese, John J., 83

Reilly, Edward J., 253–254

Relationibus Medicorum, De (Fedele), 16

Remington, 210

Renaissance, 14–17

repeat criminals, identifying, 103–109

reputation from publicity, 45–46, 208

restricted fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), 333, 339, 341, 344, 348, 353, 363

Revelare International Secret Service, 202

“Revelarescope,” 202

Revue d’ Anthropologie, 89

RFLP (restricted fragment length polymorphism), 333, 339, 341, 344, 348, 353, 363

Richard (King of England), 6

Richardson, Orville, 276

Riehl, Arthur S., 218

rigor mortis, 15, 31–32, 132

Risley, People v., 199–200

Ritter, Johan Wilhelm, 28

Rivera, David, 348

Robinson, A. I., 98

Robinson, Geoff, 338–339

Robinson, Richard P., 51–53

Rogerson, Mary, 263, 264

Rojas, Francisca, 126–127

Rollet, Etienne, 135

Roman Catholic Church, 13–14, 23, 89, 113

Roman Empire, 2–3, 3–4

Röntgen, Conrad, 160

Roosevelt, Theodore (President), 188

Rose, Valentine, 28, 29–30

Ross, Colin, 214–215

Ross, Josephine, 270

Roussin, Monsieur, 95

Ruby, Jack, 301

Ruska, Ernst, 240

Russell, Alice, 148, 150

Russia, 39

Ruxton, Buck and Isabella, 262–264

Sacco, Nicola, 211–213, 258

Saga Prefectural Crime Laboratory, 320

Salem witch trials (1692), 1–2

Salisbury, James, 80–81, 81

Sarcophaga carnaria, 78

Savage Races, The (Bertillon, A.), 107

scenarios, thinking through crime, 11–12

Scheck, Barry, 347–348, 349, 353, 354, 362, 380

Scheele, Carl Wilhelm, 24

Schlicher, Andreas, 179–180

Schmidt, Johann-Klaus, 170

Schneider, Albert, 202

Schonbein, Christian Freidrich, 87–88

Schonleben, Anne (neé Zwanziger), 28–30

Schuck, Raymond, 209

Schuller, Eric, 356–357

Schwartz, Charles, 225–226

Schwartz, George W., 271


emergence of, xviii–xx

legal proceedings and, 195–200

scientific community, policing itself, 166

scientific methodology, xvi–xviii

scientist, 54

scientists, more tolerant attitude toward, 68–77

Scotland, leader in forensic investigation, 23–24

Scotland Yard, 47, 163, 164, 171, 319

sculpting (forensic), 159, 203, 263–264, 267–268

Second Triumvirate, 4

Seddon, Frederick Henry, 185–186

September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 368, 372, 384

blood analysis

sexual criminals, 109–113

shake-up in identification, 333–369

Shapiro, Robert, 362

Shaw, Lemuel, 70

Sheppard, Marilyn and Sam, 307–311



Shy, William, 329–331

sidekick to detective in novels, 117

Sign of Four, The
(Doyle), 119

Simpson, Alexander, 219

Simpson, Cedric Keith, 272–275

Simpson, Keith, 281, 302–303, 305, 306, 307, 313

Simpson, Nicole Brown, xiii, 359–361

Simpson, O. J. (“trial of the century”), xiii, 359–366

Sipel, George, 221

Sivri, Tevfik, 351

skeletal growth stages, 294

skull shape, personality, 26, 61–64, 89–90, 91, 108–109

Smethurst, Thomas, 85–86

Smith, George Joseph (“Brides in the Bath Killer”), 187–188

Smith, John, 173

Smith, Ken, 303

Smith, Sir Sydney, 233, 236, 259–260

Smithsonian Institution, 331

Smith & Wesson, 206

Soba, Masato, 320

“social physics,” 99–100

Society for Psychical Research, 299

Society of Mutual Autopsy, 99

sociological influences on criminal behavior, 131

Socrates, 3

Sohier, Edward, 70, 72

Sohn, District Attorney, 178

soil analysis, 179–180, 223–224

Sorensen, May, 249–250

“soul refinement,” 5

sound spectrograph, 269

Souviron, Richard, 327–328

Spain, 251

Specht, Walter, 267

“spectral evidence,” 1–2, 385

spectrophotometer, 179

spectroscopy, 84, 167

sperm, microscopic detection of, 54

spermatozoa, preserved in corpse, 288

sphygmograph (first lie detector), 159–160

Spilsbury, Bernard, 182–183, 185–186, 187–188, 237

Spurzheim, Johann, 61

183, 184

St. Valentine’s Day Massacre (1929), 239–240

stages of death, 132

standard procedure, 201–241

Stas (Stass), Jean Servois, 73–75, 80, 92

v., 291–292

steamships, 42

stereoscopic microscope, 18, 227


Stevens, Frances (Mrs. Edward Wheeler Hall), 215–217, 218–219, 220, 221

Stevens, Henry, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221

Stevens, William (“Willie”), 217, 219–220, 220, 221

Stewart, Thomas, 294

Stewart, William, 53

Stielow, Charles, 203–204, 212

Stolen, Ole, 249

stories about detectives, popularity of, 116–120, 181, 189–190, 203

strangulation, 177, 286

Stratton, Alfred and Albert, 174–176

striation pattern analysis of tools, 202

strychnine, 54, 82, 83

Stubbe, Peter and Hermann, 169–170

Study in Scarlet, A
(Doyle), 118

study of man, 158–166

Sugarman, Rise, 349

Sullivan, Bridget, 145, 146, 148

Sunday Graphic,

Sunday Pictorial,

Sung Tz’u, 9–10, 9–12

superior criminals, 231–233

Sûreté Publique,

“Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW)”, 384–385

Sutherland, Anna, 141–142

Sutherland, Rita, 235

Swann, Gordon C., 315

systematic investigations, 27–32

Tabram, Martha, 121

Taft, Jonathan, 98

Talbot, Henry Fox, 54

“tales of ratiocination,” 117

“Tangled Skein, A” (Doyle), 118

tannic acid as preservative, 209–210, 257

Tardieu, Auguste Ambroise, 67–68, 92, 96

Tardieu spots, 68

tattoos and personality, 131–132

Tawell, John, 59–60

Taylor, Alfred Swaine, 82, 85–86, 98

Taylor, Charles, 214

Taylor, Thomas, 103

Teichmann, Ludwig, 83

telegraph, 59

telescopes, 14, 18

Tessnow, Ludwig, 169–170

Teten, Howard, 320

Textbook in Forensic Medicine
(Smith, S.), 236

Textbook of Insanity, A
(Krafft-Ebing), 110

Thayer, Webster, 213

Theobald, Charles-Louis (Choiseul-Praslin, duc de), 66–68

Theobald, Fanny, 66–68

thief-takers, 20–21

thin-layer chromatography, 267, 335

Third Reich, 251

Thoinot, Leon, 177–178

Thomas, Peter, 302–303

Thorne, Bazil and Graeme, 296–297

thumbprints, 84

time-of-death, 302–303, 304, 305–306, 306–307, 329, 330, 331, 332

(London), 94, 335

Tirtschke, Alma, 214–215


Titterton, Lewis and Nancy, 266

Toms, John, 25–26

torture for getting confessions, xiv, 2

Townsend, Rosina, 50

toxicology (poisoning)

aconite, 80–81, 143

ancient societies and, 3

arsenic, 21–22, 24–25, 29–30, 44, 45, 48–50, 55, 56, 57, 86, 186–187

atropine, 142

carbon monoxide, 286, 288

Carolingian Code of 1533, 15

color reaction tests, 142, 143, 144

coniine, 74

cyanide, 164–165, 287

debates on, 45

digitalis, 92

false reactions, 75

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