Beautiful Burn (The Maddox Brothers #4) (31 page)

Read Beautiful Burn (The Maddox Brothers #4) Online

Authors: Jamie McGuire

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Beautiful Burn (The Maddox Brothers #4)
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I stretched my neck and leaned in to kiss his cheek, then settled back as we began our descent. The Denver airport was busy and chaotic as usual, but we navigated our new roller luggage through the terminal, to the tram, and finally to level five toward the exit.

Tyler slowed just as we passed through baggage claim, recognizing the couple waving to us before I did.

“Isn’t that…?”

“Oh, fuck,” I said as my stomach sank.

Finley pulled her newest sunglasses from her face and walked quickly to me in six-inch Louboutin heels, her arms outstretched.

She threw her arms around me, and I looked to Tyler in a panic.

“Finley,” he said, opening his arms to her. “Good to see you.”

“You too, but I’m hugging my sister for the first time in almost a year,” she said, continuing to squeeze the life out of me. “You can wait.”

“Fin,” I said, trying to keep the contempt from my voice. “What a surprise.”

“I know,” she said, finally releasing me. She wiped her cheek. “I didn’t warn you. But I knew you’d say not to come. It’s been ten months, Ellie. I couldn’t give you one more day of space. You’re my sister.”

“I’ve been calling you like you asked.”

“I know,” she said, glancing at Marco. “But it’s not enough. You’re my best friend.” Her eyes danced between Tyler and me. “What? What aren’t you telling me?”

Tyler looked at me, and my mind raced for a believable lie.

“We’re uh … we’re moving in together,” I said.

Finley and Tyler shot me identical expressions.

“We were going to try to move my things before the New Year. It’s just a really bad time for our first visit.”

“Oh,” Finley said. She looked a bit lost, and then a grin spread across her face. “Well, congratulations, you two!” She hugged both of us, and Tyler choked when Finley squeezed his neck into her shoulder. “That is so exciting. Our parents can’t wait to meet you,” she said, pointing at him with her glasses. “They’d love to see your new place.
would love to see your new place!” She clasped her hands together. “In Estes?”

Tyler looked at me with his mouth hanging open, unsure how to respond.

“Yes, it’s in Estes Park,” I said. “He has an apartment across town from mine.”

“Can we go now?” Finley asked.


“I just came to Colorado to see you. I literally have nothing else going on.”

“…great. That’s great,” I said with wide eyes and a forced smile. I looked to Tyler. “Um … uh …
, I guess they can follow us to my apartment? You can just drop me off. I know you have a lot of things to do.”

He mouthed
with a disgusted look on his face behind Finley. I shot him an expectant smile that surely made me look like a lunatic.

“Sure … honey,” he said. “Are you familiar with this area?” he asked Marco.

“I have navigation,” he said with a proud smile.

“We’ll meet you off Peña Boulevard at the Avis rental place, then you can follow us from there.”

“Are you guys hungry?” Finley asked. “You must be.”

“No,” I said, shaking my head quickly. “Not really.”

“Oh. Okay, then … we’ll meet you at Avis in ten minutes.”

“Perfect,” I said, smiling at them until they walked out the door.

Tyler and I didn’t speak until we made it to the truck and he slid into the driver seat and shut the door.

“This is awful!” I cried.

“This is fucking great!” he said with a wide smile.

I glared at him. “They’re coming to my apartment. I’m stuck with Fin for an entire evening. She’ll find out about Sterling by dinnertime. I’m

Tyler wrinkled his nose. “I don’t understand your strategy, Ellie. You haven’t seen your sister in almost a year to avoid her finding out something that may or may not make her never want to see you again.”


“If you never see her again, what does it matter?”

“At least she won’t hate me.”

Tyler drove us to Avis, and I waved at Finley from behind the passenger side window of the truck. They followed us north on the toll road toward Estes Park.

I sighed for the fourth time in ten minutes.

“Ellie…” Tyler began.

“I have less than an hour and a half to figure this out. What are you doing?” I screeched.

“What?” he cried.

“You’re speeding! I need time to think of a way to keep her out of my apartment!”

Tyler eased back on the accelerator, looking annoyed. “What if you tell her it’s being fumigated?”

“Then she’ll go to your apartment.”


“She’ll expect me to come, too.”

“Okay, then you get car sick on the way to Estes.”

“I like it, but it’s a temporary fix to a permanent problem.”

Tyler sighed. “Maybe … maybe you should just tell her.”

“Are you out of your mind? Do you want Finley to hate me?”

“If it were me—” He hesitated. “I would be more upset that you kept it from me. She’ll get over it if you’re honest with her.”

“No,” I said, shaking my head. “You don’t know Fin like I do. She holds grudges, and Sterling …”

“Is a whiney little cunt nugget.”

I closed my eyes. “Don’t say that to her.”

When we pulled into the parking lot of the
, my heart began to pound in my chest, and my palms were slick with sweat.

“You’re sure you don’t want me to come in?”

“Just long enough to follow me into the bathroom and…”

Marco knocked on Tyler’s window. He looked at me and then pressed the button, waiting until it rolled all the way down.

“Hey, Ellie’s not feeling great. I think she’s a little car sick.”

“My sister doesn’t get car sick,” Finley said from behind Marco. “Why are we at her work? I thought we were going to her apartment?”

“This is her apartment,” Tyler said. “Above the office.”

Finley smiled. “Fantastic. Let’s go.”

Marco pulled an extra-large roller suitcase with several duffels and bags stacked on top down the sidewalk.

I scrambled from the truck. “What are you doing?”

“Oh,” Finley said. “Do you need assistance with your luggage?”

“No. It’s a one-bedroom apartment. Why aren’t you staying at the house?”

Finley seemed annoyed. “Because our parents are there, and they don’t know I’m here. If they knew, they would be at your door because they are desperate to see you, too.”

Finley turned on her heels, waiting for me at the door with Marco.

I chewed on my thumbnail, gazing up at Tyler who was still in the driver seat. “It’s times like these I regret not being religious.”

“Should I come?” he asked. “At least let me help with your bags.”

I shook my head, defeated. “I don’t want you to see this.”

With worry in his eyes, Tyler waved to me, waiting until I reached the door before he backed away.

I led Finley and Marco upstairs, directing Marco to the sofa and Finley to my bedroom.

“This is gorgeous! I was worried what you would be able to afford on your wages, but this is exquisite! Well done, baby sister!”

“Well,” I said, watching her unpack as if she had lit herself on fire, “my boss gave me a great deal.”

“What is Tyler’s apartment like? Is it this nice?”

“No,” I said, shaking my head. “But it’s decent.”

“Then why not just move him here? And why haven’t you started packing yet?”

“We just decided over Christmas.”

“Thank God I’m here,” Finley said. “Marco can help you pack.”

“I’m really … I’m okay. Tyler will be over later. We were kind of going to do it together.”

“Don’t be silly….” Finley began, but she finally looked at me long enough to see what I knew she would. “What aren’t you telling me? Oh my hell, Ellie! Are you pregnant?” she screeched.

“What? No! I can barely take care of myself.” I left her for the kitchen, yanking open the fridge and popping the top of my favorite cheap beer.

“Ew, what the fuck is that?” Finley asked.

“Beer,” I said, holding up the can. “Want some?” I asked, some of it still in my mouth.

“No. You’ve developed some atrocious habits Mother will definitely not be impressed with.”

“Well, I don’t plan on seeing her, so I’m good.”

“Ellie,” Finley began.

“I told them. They’re dead to me.”

“That’s harsh. They were only trying to help you.”

I finished the can and opened another.

Finley’s nose flared. “I can see it worked.”

I gripped the top of the open refrigerator door with one hand and held on to my can for dear life with the other. “Fin. I love you, but you can’t stay here. Find a hotel, go to the house, but I need you to go.”

Finley stared at me, stunned at first, and then heartbroken. “How did this happen? How did we grow so far apart? I feel like I’m standing in front of a stranger.”

“We can talk tomorrow, but I need to do this in small doses. At least at first. I have to start packing. I have a lot to do, and it’s not fair for you to just drop into my life right now.”

She nodded, gesturing to Marco. He packed up his things, and then rushed into my room to do the same for the few items she had unpacked on her own.

The wheels banged down each step as Marco pulled the rolling luggage down the stairs to the car. I hugged my sister, and she held on an extra second before turning for the door.

Once she grabbed the knob, she glanced back at me over her shoulder. “There’s something else. You’re trying to protect me from something. Don’t think I don’t see it.”

I closed my eyes. “Please leave, Fin.”

She bit her lip, and then disappeared behind the door.


The party was already in full swing when I stepped inside Taylor and Tyler’s apartment. I recognized a few faces—Jubal and who I assumed was his wife. Watts, Smitty, Taco, and Sugar from the fire station were there, too.

Tyler jogged up to me, offering a hug and a long kiss. “Wow. You look amazing. Stunning.”

“Thank you,” I said, looking down at the strappy, sequined romper and high heels Finley had let me borrow. “I’m sorry I’m late. I was messing with all of this,” I said, gesturing to my hair and makeup, “and then Finley called. She wants to talk to me tonight.”

“Uh oh,” Tyler said.

“She sounded happy, actually.”

“Oh. That’s good, right?”

“I think so,” I said, grabbing his arm when one heel wobbled.

The apartment was dimly lit, undecorated except for a single light in a corner casting a rainbow of tiny circles on the walls and ceiling. The speakers were booming what I recognized as music from Tyler’s playlist, and I wondered if the neighbors would call the police or let the thumping of the bass slide because it was New Year’s Eve.

“Not a bad way to bring in your birthday every year,” I yelled into Tyler’s ear.

“It’s like the whole world is partying with us!” he said, pulling me through the crowd by the hand to where Taylor stood with Falyn.

She was gorgeous; the sparkles in her ivory dress were reflecting the light from the corner, her full, blonde hair and freckles giving her the perfect balance of sex kitten and girl next door. I tried not to stare at her lips and recall that Tyler had tasted them once, even though there had been a time not so long ago that I wouldn’t have minded tasting them myself.

Just as Tyler moved to introduce us, the crowd parted and Paige appeared, looking nervous but hopeful. Her hair was silver now, in a freshly trimmed pompadour. She had more tattoos and piercings than I remembered, the sweet innocence long gone from her eyes. She handed me a beer in a red Solo cup, tapping hers to mine.

“It’s been a long time,” she said.

“How’ve you been?” I asked.

“Shitty. How have you been?”

“Still a drunk,” I said, taking a big gulp. “But the Internet says I’m a functioning drunk, so I’ve got that going for me.”

She shook her head and smiled. “Always so funny.”

Tyler kissed my cheek. “I don’t mean to be rude, baby, but Taylor’s…”

“Baby?” Paige said, tucking her chin. “What are you? A couple now?”

I cocked my head, surprised at the sass coming from such a tiny package. “Actually, we are,” I said.

Paige choked out a laugh, and then continued to giggle, covering her mouth and then waving her hand in front of her face.

Tyler and I traded glances, and then he leaned in to whisper in my ear. “I didn’t invite her. I guess she lives in this building now.”

“Oh,” I said, nodding with wide eyes. “Great.” I downed my drink, and then Paige took it, reaching behind her and then producing another.

“Baby,” Tyler warned. “There’s a fine line between functioning and just drunk.”

“It’s New Year’s Eve,” Paige said. “What is your problem?”

The door opened, and Finley walked in, staring wide-eyed, fascinated with all the bodies in the tiny space. I took another drink, tossing back half the glass before I saw Sterling step inside, too.

I choked, and Tyler patted my back while I swallowed the contents still in my mouth and then coughed.

“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph fucking Stalin,” I said, shaking my head in disbelief.

Finley waved emphatically and then pulled Sterling through the crowd. He looked as sick about the impending disaster as I was.

“What do I do? What do I do?” I said, panicking.

“Keep me from killing Sterling?” Tyler said. “That should keep your mind off Finley.”

I looked up at him, watching him glower at Finley’s date. I gulped down the rest of the beer Paige had brought me and handed my cup to Tyler. No amount of alcohol was going to get me through the next few minutes.

“Ellie!” Finley said, throwing her arms around me.

“Fin … you’ve been drinking,” I said, making great effort not to make eye contact with Sterling.

“A bit of celebratory champagne,” she said, holding out her left hand. A large diamond sparkled on her ring finger.

I grabbed her fingers and pulled them closer, and then I narrowed my eyes at Sterling. He shook his head, begging me not to make a scene.

“We’re getting married!” Finley squealed.

“I don’t understand,” I said. “You’re not even dating? You haven’t since college.”

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