Beautiful Dreams (The Beautiful Series) (9 page)

Read Beautiful Dreams (The Beautiful Series) Online

Authors: Alicia Rae

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Beautiful Dreams (The Beautiful Series)
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Our eyes met, making my heart skip a beat. His hands came around each side of my calves. Oh-so slowly, he trailed his fingertips up the backs of my knees, grazing my skin with the slightest contact.

“Every inch of you is absolutely stunning, Lily,” he said, his voice roughened with need.

My only coherent response was to moan softly.

When he reached the backs of my thighs, I quivered as a sensational tremor ran up my spine and outstretched all the way to my breasts. Sparks ignited in my belly, shooting straight down to my sex.

My breath caught as his hands gripped my behind, and he gently tugged me forward. His tongue licked my sex and then slowly made its way up to my clit before making a deliberate circle, once and again. I closed my eyes, absorbing the sensations of his mouth against me. My body was overwhelmed with persistent hums of desire pulling me in so many different directions.

His fingers disappeared inside me, working in a rhythm that matched the strokes of his tongue. I braced my hands on his shoulders, like a lifeline for balance, feeling as if my knees might buckle from the intensity of my arousal. With one last flick of his tongue across my delicate clit, light exploded behind my eyes, and I cried out my release.

Kyle stood abruptly and picked me up in one swift motion. I instantly wrapped my arms and legs around him, expecting him to carry me into the shower. However, he set me back on the counter.

“That was so fucking hot, Lily,” he said in a raw tone. His eyes were filled with an even mixture of love and lust. “I can’t wait. I need to be inside you now.” He reached between us, gripping his length, and he sank into me in one measured long thrust.

His groan of approval sent my inner muscles tingling all over again. I tightened my hold around his nape as he began to increase his pace. He firmly held on to me at the backs of my thighs to keep me in place. I tilted my head up while constricting my arms to pull his head lower, and I kissed him with a prolonged sense of hunger.

My release was imminent, building with every movement of his hips. I clenched around him, wanting him to go over the edge with me.

“Lily…” he groaned in a possessive tone as he came inside me.

My name leaving his lips was all it took, and I came with him.

With his head cradled against my neck, we caught our breaths as his thumbs affectionately ran back and forth along the skin of my thighs. He shifted and kissed my nape before leaning back and withdrawing his now semisoft erection out of me. The movement was surprisingly erotic as we both watched. Our gazes met, and Kyle grinned shyly.

“Still want to take a shower with me?” he asked hopefully.

“Like I’d turn down a chance to shower with your naked body,” I said, returning his grin. “Of course, I’ll wash you.”

Kyle chuckled as he stepped forward. He kissed me once and then lifted me off the counter to set me on my feet. He wrapped his hand around mine and guided me to the shower.

I couldn’t help but feel loved in every possible way.

After we showered and ate dinner, we sat in the living room with Harley sleeping in front of the couch. We watched a small portion of the news before flipping the channel to catch an old episode of
, which was one of my favorite TV shows. Knowing we both had another day of work tomorrow, we headed off to bed shortly after the episode was over.

Once I lay down, I turned over to face Kyle in the darkness. His arm automatically wrapped around my waist, and he drew me closer. I loved that he seemed to feel the same way I did about snuggling.

His hand leisurely made small soothing circles on the small of my back. “Will you be okay by yourself tomorrow if I head into work?” he asked in a quiet tone.

I could hear the tiredness in his voice.

I yawned softly and then chuckled. “Of course.”

He gently kissed me once and then murmured, “Okay. Good night, Lily.”

“Good night, Kyle,” I replied sleepily while embraced in his arms.

As I turned onto my side, loud snoring awakened me. I opened my eyes to see Harley snuggling next to me. As the haze cleared my mind, I vaguely remembered Kyle kissing me good-bye and then chuckling at my incoherent sleepy state.

I pet Harley gently, waking him. “Guess it’s just you and me today.”

He wagged his tail in response.

After getting out of bed and showering, I dressed for the day, and then I headed into the kitchen to make myself a quick breakfast. My eyes immediately zoned in on the flowers in the center of the kitchen counter.

Butterflies fluttered in my belly as I picked up the note in front of the vase. He hadn’t left me flowers since we were in Florida. It was probably because we had been together every day since then.

I let out a dreamy sigh, loving him even more. I hoped he knew how much I adored his notes and sincere words. Especially being a writer and all, they held a special place in my heart. With his note still in my hand, I went into the bedroom to grab my phone, so I could send Kyle a text.

Thank you for the lovely flowers. Hope you have a great day. XOXO.

He replied by the time I walked back into the kitchen.

You are most welcome, beautiful girl of mine. Should be home at five. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX <-- Giving you more kisses and hugs. ;)

Shaking my head with a huge smile on my face, I laughed at all of his hugs and kisses, and I tucked the note into my back pocket. Then, I strode over to where the bread was sitting on the counter. I quickly made myself some toast, grabbed a banana, and began my journey upstairs to the loft with Harley following my path. I smiled back fondly at him. He was such a loyal dog.

After I finished my breakfast, I went right to work. I only had to write the epilogue today. The scenes played out in my mind just as I had foreseen. I added details here and there, wanting the readers to feel the couple’s surroundings.

With the last word typed, I felt just as bittersweet as I had yesterday. I was happy to give my readers this final book with these characters, but I was also sad to see their story come to an end. This novel would always have a special place in my heart.

I backed up my manuscript in multiple places, and Brooke entered my thoughts. Knowing she would want to be informed right away when I finished, I sent her a text.

The book is done. :) Would you like me to email it to you now?

I opened my Hotmail account as I waited for her reply. My eyes widened at seeing how many messages were in my inbox. I started sorting through them as my phone beeped.

Great! Yes, send it! Can’t wait to read it! How are you? Settling okay?

I quickly texted her back.

Yes. It still all seems a little new, but it’s feeling more like home every day.

My phone buzzed as soon as I set it down.
Jeez, she is fast!

That’s wonderful, Lily. I’m so happy for you! But I still miss seeing your face!

I laughed out loud at her message as I replied.

Miss you, too! We definitely need to plan a visit soon.

My phone pinged with another message from her.

Don’t worry. I’m already working on it!

I set my phone down and started preparing an email to Brooke. Once the manuscript was attached, I sent it to her. Then, I went back to sorting the rest of my messages, and I replied to the ones that were urgent.

As I glanced at the clock, I realized it was already three in the afternoon. I went back downstairs and debated between taking a run outside and cleaning. The house was not messy, but for some odd reason, I missed my power-cleaning days. I picked the latter of the two and decided to kill calories and dust with the same stone. I went back upstairs and found my headphones. As I came back down, I set my iPhone to play “Timber” by Pitbull, featuring Ke$ha, to get myself into the groove.

All the supplies were located in the mudroom, so I gathered what I needed and got to work. I wiped down all the wood surfaces downstairs first and then cleaned all the glass. Kyle’s vacuum was one of the most complicated machines I’d ever seen, but I finally got it to work, using only one of the hand tools for the furniture and area rugs.

After I mopped the floors, I went over to sit on the couch to give them a few minutes to dry. I roamed through my phone and played with different apps. The time on the screen read four forty. My heart warmed at the thought of Kyle walking through the door soon. His heartfelt flowers entered my mind again, making me smile inwardly, and I wanted to do something special for him in return.

I rose from the couch and put away the remainder of the cleaning supplies while trying to think of what I could possibly do with such little time. It needed to be special. I snapped my fingers when the perfect idea came to mind, and I checked my phone for the time again. With only fifteen minutes left, I headed into the bathroom to put my plan into action. I hoped I could be ready before Kyle came home.

I rummaged through his bathroom cabinets, looking for candles. It must have been my lucky day because I found an unopened package of ten tea lights on the second shelf below the sink. I placed them evenly around his large Jacuzzi bathtub before turning on the hot water.

Crap! Lighter!
I searched the cabinets again only to come up empty-handed.

I flew right through the living room and all the way into the kitchen, hoping I could find a lighter in there. Startled by my quick movements, Harley woke up from his nap.

“Just need a lighter, Harley,” I said with a backward glance. “You wouldn’t be able to help me out, would you, boy?” I joked.

With his ears perked up, Harley stared at me, like I was a crazy lunatic who’d lost my mind.

Above the microwave, I found a small yellow lighter. I ran back toward the bathroom with Harley on my heels. It seemed like this dog would follow me to no ends. I chuckled to myself.

Back in the bathroom, I lit all the candles. Now that the tub was full enough, I switched on the jets. I looked around for bubble bath, but I could not find any. My inner creative side emerged, and I hurriedly walked over to the shower stall. I grabbed Kyle’s shampoo bottle. It only took a pea-sized amount, and the tub filled with bubbles. All I had left to do was dim the lights.



I gasped, pulling out my phone in search of the time. It was three minutes until five. Just then, I heard the garage door opening. I ran back through the living room with Harley right behind me, and then my socks slid to a stop at the threshold as Kyle opened the back door.

His eyes lifted in shock, followed by amusement, and then curiosity. “What are you up to, beautiful?” He grinned, holding his briefcase in one hand.

I smiled at him while closing the distance between us. “I have a surprise for you.” I tilted my head up at him and then kissed him sweetly on his lips.

Kyle dropped his briefcase and gathered me in his arms, his expression matching my own. “Well, I
surprises. Do tell.”

I kissed him once more, unable to help myself. I was pleased he was home. I unwillingly parted from his body, only to grab his hand and tug. “Come on, I’ll show you.”

Kyle chuckled softly. “I’m intrigued now,” he said while tightening his hold on my hand. “What have you been up to today?”

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