Beautiful Misery (The Beautiful Series) (15 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Misery (The Beautiful Series)
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awning, I walked up the steps and into the bar. Stopping just before going in I looked at the setting sun. This wasn’t supposed to be my life. I wasn’t supposed to be a single mom working at a bar. I had a plan. A plan that included being married to Derek and raising our son together. Nowhere in the plan did it say he was supposed to die and leave me to raise our son alone.

Pushing my hair back, I took a deep breath of the warm, salty air and opened the door. Being a bartender at Wet Spot wasn’t ideal but the money was good and I had a son to raise.

“Hey, bitch. Where the hell you been? Palmer has been looking for you.” My best friend squealed as soon as I was through the door. I loved Leigha but damn the girl needed to tone it down.

Smacking her a
way I said, “Palmer can fuck himself. I have told him I’m not interested. Not my fault the dumbass can’t take the hint. Tonight is not a night to mess with me. I’m on my period and I just had a run in with Tristan when your brother picked up Gabe.”

Leigha’s smile slipped a little
. “Take some Midol and tell Tristan to go to hell. As for Parker, You can’t blame him for finding you so damn sexy. Momma’s got it goin’ on.”

Glaring at her I turned on my heel to face her. “Shouldn’t you be going and asking if somebody needs a refill? Hell, see if Palmer wants to fill you up just so he leaves me alone.”

She frowned before pouting, “He doesn’t like me. I tried.”

I still couldn’t fi
gure out why Palmer wasn’t interested in her. She was smart, witty, funny, and gorgeous as hell. She was that all American natural beauty. She had long, wavy chestnut brown hair. Her tan skin made her greyish blue eyes stand out.

Leigha flipped her long
hair over her shoulder and scrunched her face. “I’ll tell Palmer to get lost. Besides I heard Mr. Owner man is coming in tonight. You need to be on your game, not worried about some beach bum.” She may be a pain in my ass and a little too happy sometimes but God, I love her. I know I could always count on her and she always has my back. Through everything she has been the only person in my life that hasn’t left.

“Isn’t the owner some big time soccer player or something?” I asked.

Leigha laughed and shook her head before bouncing off to the table. I shrugged, and made my way to the employee room. It was only eight at night but this place was already filled. Being mid-August I wasn’t surprised, but I also knew that meant another late night.

Looking down I noticed something on the floor. Bending over I saw it was a beer bottle. I grabbed it and before looking up started to take a step and ran into something solid, falling
flat on my ass.

Not think
ing I yelled out, “What the hell?” Thinking some drunk vacationer knocked me over, I was irate.

Before lifting my head, there was a large hand being s
hoved in front of my face. Staring at the fingertips I scanned my eyes over the hand and onto the muscular, tattooed arm and straight into the bluest eyes I’d ever seen. Swallowing hard, I stared into those clear blue eyes. I felt as if they could see into my soul.

“You ok
ay?” A deep voice with a slight southern accent asked.

Without speaking I nodded my head. Taking his hand I allowed him to help me up. “Um. Thanks.” I dropped the guys hand and darted around him without looking back.

My hand was still tingling from the feeling of his touch. I hadn’t felt that way since before Derek died. Wiggling my fingers and making a fist I tried to force the feeling out. Flinging the employee door open I threw my purse into a locker and rested my head against the cool metal. After taking a few deep breaths I gathered myself enough to go back out, hopefully not running into mystery man again.

Once I was behind the bar I had order after order being yelled at me. Making a few drin
ks helped to clear my head. Then, I turned to see Palmer sitting on the barstool right in front of me. His silver eyes sparkling from the overhead lighting, he ran a hand through his buzzed red hair. That damn knowing smile on his face. The guy was a relentless creep.

Rolling my eyes, I curled my lip in disgust. “What the hell do you want, Palmer?”

Palmer slid a twenty dollar bill across the bar and waggled his eyebrows. “You know, Annie, I think I could make you very happy.”

Keeping my head up
, I dropped my eyes to look at the money on the bar before bringing them back up to look at Palmer. “How? Are you leaving?”

Palmer didn’t take the hint. Instead he tried again. “Can I buy you a drink?”

Looking behind me, to my left and to my right I raised an eyebrow. “No, but I’ll take the money. Thanks.” Snatching the twenty dollars off the bar I shoved it into my shorts pocket. Smirking I walked to the opposite end of the bar to wait on another group of people.

I was busy making a huge order of mixed drin
ks when I heard that cat- scratch voice again. “Annie, why don’t you go ahead and ask me out. I know you want to, I can see it in your eyes. You can stop your little game now.”

With my back to him I squee
zed my eyes shut. Turning until I was facing Palmer I slowly opened my eyes and slammed my palms onto the bar. “You know what, Palmer, you’re right. I would love to ask you out. Why don’t you go out and play in the damn traffic or go out and play in shark infested water?”

Palmer narrowed his eyes. “You can keep up with this little act but eventually you’re going to break down and give into me.
You can’t hide behind that wall forever, baby.”

Scooting both my hands across
the bar I leaned close to Palmer and said, “I will never give into a guy like you. So why don’t you take the hint and back the fuck off?”

Palmer’s lip
twitched before he grabbed my hands. Yanking my hands away I took a step back as Palmer said, “I would love to fuck you off, baby. Just give me one time…”

Before Palmer could finish he was being yanked off the barstool. Widening my eyes I saw the mystery man from earlier shoving Palmer into the wall, placing his forearm across Palmer’s throat.

“I do believe the lady told you to fuck off. I think it’s time you left.” Mystery man spat out.

Palmer attempted a laugh, trying to seem unaffected. “I’ll leave when I’m
good and ready, and I ain’t ready yet.”

I could see the vain in mystery man’s neck ticking with each heartbeat. He looked murderous.

“Well see buddy, here’s the thing. I’m the fuckin’ owner. And, I think I will decide when it’s time for you to go. That time was about five fuckin’ minutes ago. You have two options. Number one, walk the hell outta here on your own with a little dignity and respect or two, I can have my men carry you out like the fuckin’ piece of shit you are. Your choice.” He loosened his hold on Palmer, letting him go.

What the hell? Mystery man was the owner? Damn.
He was hot.

Palmer rubbed his hand over his throat before staring mystery owner man down.
It really was a funny match up. Palmer was around five feet six inches with bright red hair, freckles, gray/ silver eyes, and absolutely zero muscle. He was the epitome of creepy dork. Then you look at mystery owner and all I can think is badass. He was well over six foot with amazing blue eyes, light brown hair, and tons of tattoos.

“What’s it going to be?”

Palmer squinted his eyes before saying, “Fuck off. You ain’t the owner and you ain’t doin’ shit to me.”

Mystery owner man smirked as the amusement washed over his face. “You’re right, I won’t do shit. I pay people to deal with little fuckin’ scums like
you.” He jerked his head in my direction before saying, “You step in my bar again and I will make sure you will never ‘fuck off’ as you put it, again. And harass her or another of my employees and I will personally castrate you myself. Got it, buddy?”

I let my eyes drift from P
almer and mystery owner to see two very large men in tight black shirts and dress pants walking in our direction. As the two men approached Palmer I could see his body getting tense. The two large men picked Palmer up and made their way back through the crowd, and out the front door.

Closing my mouth I
blinked a few times. Holy shit!

I shook
my head trying to once again clear my thoughts of mystery owner. I turned back around to finish the order I was making before the Palmer drama interrupted me.

“You ok?” That deep, husky voice sent chills down my body.

Looking over my shoulder, I smiled and nodded. Turning back to the drinks, I hoped he would leave. After making a few more drinks I turned back to face the bar and found that sexy man meat sitting on the stool Palmer had been occupying.

Plastering on a smile I asked, “Need a drink?”

Smirking, mystery owner shook his head. “Nah. I don’t think it would look to good if the owner was drinking.”

’re really the owner?” I asked, fully curious.

Looking confused mystery owner looked around. “Why would I lie about being the owner?
And why the hell would I have two random bodyguards with me? I’m the one and only Gage Tucker.”

“But, I thought the owner was some big shot
soccer player or something. Shouldn’t you be like, I don’t know practicing or something?”

Gage pursed his lips before saying, “I sure as hell don’
t kick balls for a living. I’m the quarterback for the New Orleans Saints.”

“Well either way you play with balls to get your money. Not much difference.” I smiled before bending over to pick up a bottle of tequila.

I needed a shot.

Slamming the bottle on the bar, I grabbed a shot glass and poured. Throwing the alcohol back, I welcomed the warming in my throat. Setting the glass on the bar I looked at Gage, who was smiling.

“Better now?” Gage grabbed the shot glass and poured another, sliding it across the bar towards me. “One more.”

I slowly blinked and looked down at the full shot glass. Was he testing me? Did he want to see if I would get drunk on the job?

Bringing my eyes back up to meet his I shook my head one time. “I have drinks to make. Maybe some other time.”

Gage picked up the glass and wrapped his lips around the brim, letting the alcohol drain into his mouth. He could even make taking a shot look sexy.

Fuck. I was in trouble. I didn’t know this man from a hole in the wall but hot damn I was attracted to him.

wiped the corner of his mouth before setting the glass down. Looking from the empty glass to Gage’s ocean blue eyes he winked before hopping off the stool. “Have a good night, Annie.” He turned and strutted away.

How did he know my name? My name tag, duh dumbass. I smacked my forehea
d and sighed. I didn’t do this. Men didn’t make me go stupid. What the hell was going on? I didn’t do that whole alpha male swooping in to save the damsel in distress shit.

Gage Tucker made my brain turn to mush
. I was screwed. The two times we had been around each other and I felt shit I hadn’t felt in years. No love at first site but serious sexual tension.

Totally. Fuckin’. Screwed.



t had been five months since Cobie died. The first night I go to my bar and I literally run into the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. The way my dick responded to her wasn’t okay. I was attracted to her, just my luck.

Sitting at my desk, I dropped my head into my hands. Running my fingers through my hair I squeezed my eyes shut as my head slid down and rested
on my desk. It had only been five months, I couldn’t be having these feelings. What kind of person was I? My wife, the mother of my fucking child just died! I should be sitting at home crying not going out and getting a raging boner from my bartender. Dammit!

Slamming my fists onto the desk I heard a picture frame fall over. Lifting my head
just enough to see over my arm I saw the silver frame that held the picture of Londyn, just a few days old snuggled with Cobie. Setting the frame back in place I rubbed my eyes with my index fingers.

Who would have thought it would end up like this?

Scooting my chair back from my desk I put my elbows on the arm rests and laced my fingers together, setting my chin on them. After getting the call from my agent this morning I couldn’t be happier that the trade deal had gone through. Starting quarterback and more money. Leaving New York and coming to New Orleans was the best thing for Londyn and for myself. She would be close to family and I would have more help raising her.

Attempting to clear my thought I heard a hard knock on my door.

“It’s open.”

Not looking at the door I pushed out of the chair an
d walked to the large window overlooking the ocean.

“Hey, man. You ok? I saw you sittin’ at the bar, looked away, and when I looked back you were gone.”

Larkin. He was the exact person I couldn’t talk to about my problem.

Without looking at Larkin I forced a smile and said, “Everything is fine. Just needed to get away for a minute, everyone out there has something to say to me. Needed a breather.”

Larkin took a few steps so he was standing next to me. Forcing myself I brought my eyes to meet his.

“Gage, I know, you miss her. Fuck, she was my sister
, but you have to live your life. I know you loved her. She was your wife and you two had a baby, but she’s gone. As much as I fuckin’ hate it and it tears me apart you have to move on. You know that’s what Co would want. She would want you happy.”

Sighing I dropped my gaze to the floor. “I can’t talk to you abo
ut this. She was your sister, my wife, and the mother of my child. I loved her and just thinking about another female should make me sick.”

Larkin placed his hand on my shoulder and said, “You need to talk to someone, Gage. It’s not healthy to keep it all in.”

I tensed. Lifting my head to look him square in the eye I said, “Didn’t know you were a fuckin’ shrink. Thanks for those words of wisdom, but I think I can handle my own damn life. I mean, I was the one who stepped up when you fuckin’ left. I think I got this shit covered.” I saw hurt flash across his face before it morphed into raw anger.

I didn’t care.

Larkin narrowed his eyes and spoke with venom, “You know what, you’re right. You did step up but that wasn’t by my choice and you know it. I’m not offering words of fuckin’ wisdom, just the truth, fucker. You can take it how you want but you need help. Fuckin’ talk to someone, even if it’s not me.”

Larkin dropped his hand from my shoulder, turned and walked out. Slamming the door on his way.

Who did he think he was? I was fine. I didn’t need some shrink telling me I was fucked in the head. I already knew that.

Taking a few deep breaths I pulled my phone out to text my mom, I needed to see how Londyn was doing.

Me: How’s Londyn? How did she do getting a bath? Did she drink all her bottle before she fell asleep?

Slipping my phone back into my pocket I started
toward the door when it came flying open and a highly pissed off Jenna came storming through. Normal Jenna didn’t scare me but pissed off Jenna, now that scared me shitless.

“Gage Michael
Tucker, you fucking dick jockey! I love you and I will always be there for you but you are going too far. You need to take your depressed ass to therapy.”

Holy fuck! Why won’t people leave me the hell alone?

“Jenna, I am not fuckin’ depressed. I’m living the fuckin’ life,” I said sarcastically. I held my hands up, waving them around my office for show.

“Gage, why won’t you talk to me? We used to talk about everything.”
Jenna’s voice was quiet, hurt. She started to reach for me until I opened my mouth.

“And then you left me, got married, and moved to the other side of the country. So, excuse the fuck outta me for not telling you everything,” I bit out.

She drew back. The look on her face told me I had just crushed her. Swallowing, she took a few deep breaths before releasing her rage. “You know what, fuck face, you’re not so perfect yourself. I’m not the one who ended up with a baby after a one night stand. I have a family and a life I love. Can you say that? Can you say you’re happy with your life?”

Jenna’s words felt like a slap in the face.

Clenching my jaw, I drew my hands into fists, slamming my left hand into the wall. Jenna never flinched. Instead I could see her anger only intensify and radiate in waves off of her.

“Aren’t you just so mature? Who goes around punching shit because they got put in their place? You need professional help. You have a daughter and you’re the only parent she has left. If you don’t do it for yourself, at least do it for her. She deserves the Gage Tucker I know. Not this angry, depre
ssed fuck you’re being.”

Grinding my teeth I hissed, “Get out!

Jenna bit her bottom lip, her face red. She shot back, “You can’t throw me out Gage. Not now. Not after everything we have been through. Get mad at me all you want, but one day you will realize just how right I am. You can’t push me outta your life. My stubborn ass ain’t leavin’ so get used to seein’ my face.”

I could feel my jaw ticking. Jenna could piss me off like no one else could. “Fine, I’ll leave.” Walking passed Jenna I made sure to bump her with my shoulder.

“Go to hell, Gage. Do you worst but you won’t break me. Not when it comes to you and your happiness. I will always be there, even when you don’t want me to be.”

I paused at the door, letting out an empty laugh.
I jerked the handle and said, “We’ll see about that.” I opened the door and walked out, letting it slam behind me.

Making my way through the crowd and to the bar I ignored person after person trying to talk to me. I didn’t want small talk, I wanted drunk.

Really, really drunk. Forget the world drunk.

Spotting an empty stool at the bar, I grabbed it and slid into the seat.

There she was.

Annie was leaning over grabbing bottles of alcohol. As she was leaning up she sweetly asked, “Can I help ya?”

Setting the bottles on the counter she brought her eyes to mine. Her sapphire blue eyes were soaking me in. Her tight ‘Wet Spot’ t-shirt hugged her large tits and stopped just below her belly button, showing off her athletic stomach and making me fight another hard-on.

Giving her a half smile
I said, “Double shot of tequila with salt and lime, please.”

Annie stared for a few seconds before raking her bottom teeth over her uppe
r lip. Jesus fuck that was hot. She sat a shot glass in front of me with a napkin beside it. Reaching under the bar she grabbed a salt shaker and lime wedge, setting them on the napkin. Turning around she stretched her arm up, reaching for the tequila. In doing so she gave me a perfect view of her tight ass and that tattoo on her lower back.

Alis Volat Proprii

Seeing it earlier I had thought it was a tramp stamp
, but up close I could see that it wasn’t in the usual tramp stamp location. It was offset to the right, almost wrapping around her hip.

Pouring the tequila she never took her eyes of
f the glass. She was nervous. I wasn’t sure if it was because I was her boss or if she felt what I felt. I wanted to know. She sat the bottle of tequila on the bar and finally looked at me again. Those eyes. Those eyes could make me do very bad things to her. There was something about them that pulled me in. Her eyes were mesmerizing.

eeping my eyes locked with hers, I brought my right hand to my mouth licking a small spot on the back of my hand. I grabbed the salt and shook it onto my hand. Picking up the shot glass, I licked the back of my salt covered hand, downed the shot, replacing the glass with the lime wedge.

Annie’s eyelids were getting heavier with each passing second. If I kept this up I could have her in my bed within an hour. I could fuck her until I forgot all the shit.
That is exactly what I plan on doing. Forget.

“Another one, beautiful. This ti
me I want you to do one with me,” I ordered in a gruff voice.

Annie looked torn. She was quiet for a minute before a smile crept across h
er face and she nodded. “Sure.” She poured two more shots and grabbed two more lime wedges.

“Ladies first.”

Annie brought her hand to her lips. Her tongue darted out of her mouth to quickly to lick the back of her hand. She took the salt shaker and covered the spot she just licked. Setting the salt back on the bar, Annie said, “Your turn, ball boy.”

Raising an eyebrow I smirked. “Sweetheart, I am in no way a ball boy. I could show you just how anti-ball I am.”

Annie slowly shook her head and smiled. “I’m sure you could, but I’ll take your word for it. I already have a guy who keeps me very happy. He’s very over protective and could probably whoop your ass if he found out you’re hitting on me.” Her mouth raised on one side and she tried to hide her smile

Fuck me.
I should have known that guy from earlier was Dropping the subject I lick my hand and shake some salt onto the spot.

Both reaching for our glasses I held mine up. “Here’s to wild nights and single parents.”

Annie’s smile faded as she clinked her glass to mine. “Cheers.”

We tossed our shots back and sucked on the lime. Seeing Annie suck the lime made me picture her full lips wrapped around my dick.

And my boner was back.

This girl
was going to occupy my dreams. She would be in my bed before I left to start my season. I had to have her.

“One more?” I asked, hopeful.

“Not for me. Some of us have to work around here. We can’t all be gazillionaires and sit on our asses, hitting on bartenders, and getting drunk.” Annie said.

“I’m not a gazillionaire and I am not hitting on you. Trying to get you into my bed, ye
s. Trying to ask you on a date,” I paused and slowly shook my head. “No.”

Annie’s cheeks turned a light pink before she said, “With an attitude like that, I can see why you’re a single parent.”

Drawing back, I let my gaze fall to the gold band on my finger. I felt like I was cheating on Cobie in some sick and twisted way.

“My wife
died from cancer five months ago. We found out when she was pregnant that she had Osteosarcoma. She couldn’t take treatments while pregnant.” Pushing my tears back, I ran my finger around the brim of the glass. “Three months after our daughter was born she died. Nothing to do with my attitude.”

Annie covered her mouth. “Shit. I didn’t know. I’m so sorry.”

Shrugging to play it off I smiled and said, “So, how about that other shot?”

Annie filled our two glasses up again, grabbing two more lime wedges.

Eight shots for me and five shots for Annie later we were both getting sloppy. I needed to walk away. She was my employee, but she was also gorgeous and funny.

“I think your shift is over, Barker can handle the bar for another hour. Let’s get outta here.”

Annie rested her elbows and forearms on the bar, leaning forward just enough that I could see down her shirt. Biggest ‘all natural’ tits I had ever seen. I wanted to rip her shirt off just so I could suck her nipples into my mouth as I let my hands wonder down her curvy body and into her little shorts. I could just imagine sliding my fingers into her tight, wet pussy. The noises she would make, the way her body would shake as she came in my hands.

We need to get outta here, now. I need to get you in my bed and underneath me,” I gruffed.

Annie’s tongue darted out and wet her bot
tom lip. “I’m not that easy Mr. Tucker. You’re going to have to try harder than that.” Annie grabbed the towel she had tucked in her back pocket and tossed it on the bar. “I’m out Barker. See you tomorrow.”

Without giving me a second glance she was gone. Shit.

And then I had an idea…….

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