Beautiful Prey 2: The Storm Series (BWWM Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Prey 2: The Storm Series (BWWM Romance)
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Chapter 9




Natasha stood at the back door of an original Chicago
brownstone. She could see the traffic in and out of the front door, and she
decided that it would be more realistic for the entertainment to enter through
the back. She took a deep breath and knocked. A monster of a man answered the
door. He was a mean looking Black guy that had long locks. He was, at least,
6’5." He was one “roided” out gang banger.

I’m Natalia the exotic goddess that
can drop a man to his knees with my prowess
, she recited the pep talk in her head.  

The mean looking guy bellowed,

Natasha startled at first, but she
remembered that she had to talk herself in the door.

“I’m Natalia. I’m filling in for
Diamond. She got another show.”

There’s always a Diamond.

The muscle head looked Natasha up and
down as if he was deciding whether or not she was good enough. She obviously
met with his approval because he stepped to the side and allowed her entry.
Natasha walked through a door that led directly into a huge kitchen. To the
side against a wall were coolers filled with ice, bottled water, and beers. On
the counter, there were trays topped with food and countless bottles of liquor.
She could hear music blaring from the other room.

Natasha jumped and turned to the
sound of the door slamming. It was a steel door, practically impenetrable. And
to top it off, “muscle head” slid a huge wooded beam into two slots that were
bolted to each side of the door. Natasha worried that Steve and her team
wouldn’t be able to breach the door if there was an emergency. But, she was in
and it was too late to turn back.

“Muscle head” led Natasha through an
unfurnished dining room that was beginning to fill with men. The dining room
led to an unfurnished living room, which housed a card table, occupied by DJ
equipment. A tall, skinny, light skinned black guy stood behind the table
bobbing his head to Rick Ross’
The Devil is a Lie
. There were also
folding chairs lined against the walls throughout the house.

“Muscle man” eventually led Natasha
to a set of stairs, and she couldn’t help but notice the intricate designs that
were carved into the staircase. It had been stripped down to the original
woodwork and lacquered. The same held true for the archways that divided each
room. The house was spectacular.

“Dressing room... Third floor,” he grunted before walking away.

Natasha made her way up the stairs.
On her way up, she allowed her hand to glide along the smooth wooden surface of
the staircase. When she made it to the second floor, she passed what she
assumed was a bedroom. Natasha paused at the entrance because she heard the
unmistakable moans and grunts of a man engaging in some sort of sexual
activity. Before Natasha could investigate the sounds, a short Hispanic man
appeared in the doorway. By the scowl that he sported, he didn’t seem to
appreciate Natasha’s curiosity. 

“The dressing room is on the third
floor!” He shouted at Natasha before slamming the door in her face. 

Natasha rounded the corner and took
the next set of stairs. Halfway up, she heard the chattering of female voices.
She reached the top of the stairs and took a deep breath. She followed the
voices and walked in.

There were maybe ten women in a room
that would have been a huge bedroom had there been a bed. Some were stark
naked, and some were clothed in the sexiest of lingerie. And they all seem
completely comfortable. The confidence that Victoria had instilled in Natasha
earlier had flown right out the window.

Natasha walked into the room, and no
one noticed. The chatter never seized. Natasha walked over to the window and
stared out into the street. She was trying to see if she could spot one of the
covert vehicles occupied by one of her teammates. Natasha didn’t recognize any
of them, and she began to daydream about all the bad things that could happen.
Her team was efficient, but that didn’t stop Victoria from being kidnapped by a
serial killer. 

A small voice diverted her attention
from the window, and the thoughts of her demise.

“Hey... You’re new.” It was a
statement, not a question.

Natasha turned to find a very pretty
girl. She looked to be about twenty–three or twenty–five at the most. She had a
dark chocolate complexion and full pretty lips. She was probably five–seven
with big breasts that were completely bare and needed no support
whatsoever.  She had a tiny waist and full round hips. Her entire wardrobe
consisted of a bright pink thong, belly ring, and a pair of clear six inch
platforms. She was clearly comfortable being naked. But then again, why
wouldn’t she be, she was gorgeous. Natasha smiled while trying to figure out
how to proceed with the conversation.

“Yeah, I’m filling in for Diamond.”

Again, there’s always a Diamond.

“You’re pretty,” the younger lady
said with a bright, friendly smile. “I’m Tammy.”

“Nice to meet you, Tammy.  I’m

“Well, Natalia you had better get
ready before that big ugly motherfuckin’ security guard come in here with that
bullshit,” she suggested with a giggle.

Natasha sighed and dropped her bag by
the bay of the window. She slowly undressed until she stood completely naked.
Natasha observed that most of the other girls went into the attached bathroom
to freshen up their intimate parts and brush their teeth. In the same bathroom,
others applied makeup and styled their hair. There was a ridiculous amount of
grooming products in there. Natasha strolled into the bathroom, naked, in order
to imitate the others. Once inside, she noticed that there were big wicker baskets
throughout the bathroom.  Each housed items meant for hygiene. Some had
washcloths while others contained douche, feminine spray, perfume, lotion, and

Natasha grabbed a clean washcloth and
walked over to the sink. Like the other girls in the room, Natasha washed her
private parts, and when she was done, she walked back into the room and over to
the bay window, where she’d left her bag. She opened it and pulled out the
slingshot, her bra, her platform shoes, and makeup bag. She was in the process
of transforming herself into Natalia when her phone chimed, alerting her of a
text message.

It was a message from Steve that
read, “I’m close. Be careful and remember your distress signal.”

“I’m good so far,” she muttered out
loud knowing that he could hear her.

A loud booming voice then startled
Natasha. “Y’all got five minutes to get dressed,” shouted the muscle head man
that let Natasha in the house. He stood in the middle of the floor of a room
filled with naked women, without a thought to any of their need for privacy.
But the women didn’t seem bothered by him being in the room. They just went
about their business of getting ready as if he wasn’t there.

Natasha put on her bra and it, as
designed, hoisted her boobs in the air. She managed to successfully get into
her slingshot. She grabbed her makeup bag and walked over to a mirror that was
occupied by two women, one being Tammy. Natasha grimaced at her own half–naked
reflection and began to tremble lightly. Her confidence was nonexistent. She
shook as she applied her makeup. Tammy gave Natasha a look of concern before
turning and walking away.

By the time Natasha was applying her
lipstick, Tammy was back.

“I brought you something,” she said
in a sweet soft voice.

Natasha looked at Tammy through the mirror.
In her hand was a bottle of 1800 tequila, in her other hand were two plastic
cups. Then she poured them both a generous amount of the clear liquor. Some of
the other girls noticed the tequila and started to make their way toward the
two of them. Tammy narrowed her eyes and turned toward the women.

“Don’t even bother comin’ over here,
‘cuz this ain’t for you. I seen y’all with ya’ drink and ain’t none of y’all
offered me shit!”

The other women mumbled obscenities
and went back to what they were doing. Tammy rolled her eyes and turned back to

“Thirsty ass bitches ain’t killin’ my
shit,” she mumbled before picking up Natasha’s cup and handing it to her.
Natasha took the cup with shaky hands and Tammy noticed.

“It’s just your nerves.”

If she only knew.

“A couple shots of this and you’ll be
ok,” Tammy said, smiling sweetly. Natasha knew that, as far as the job was
concerned, she was allowed to drink while undercover. However, she battled
between the decision to stay as alert as possible or to calm her raging nerves
with the tequila.

She opted for the tequila.

She quickly downed her shot and Tammy
poured her another. After knocking back the last shot, Natasha no longer had
the shakes. She walked over to where she dropped her bag and grabbed her shoes.
She chose a pair of black six inch platforms that had rock star chains attached
to them. They made a clinking sound with every step that she took. She walked
back to the mirror and inspected the total package. She did look extremely
sexy. She was curvy in all the right places. She wore more makeup than normal
and allowed her curly hair to fall freely down her back. She turned around and
looked at her plump ass, and she started to feel sexy.

“Do you want another shot before we
go downstairs?” In the mirror, Natasha could see Tammy was behind her, holding
up the bottle of 1800.

Natasha could already feel the affect
of her first two drinks and yet, she wanted another. She nodded, and Tammy
poured more of the clear liquid into Natasha’s cup.

Even though she was downright tipsy,
it dawned on Natasha that she was damn near naked. She wondered where she was
going to hide her covert phone. She prayed that it would fit in her bra
unnoticed. She turned her back to Tammy and pulled the phone out of her bag.
She stuffed it in her bra and slid it under her breast. She patted her breast
to ensure that the phone was secure and well hidden, hoping that her bra didn’t
muffle the sound.

The other women began to file out,
but Tammy waited for Natasha. Natasha took a deep breath and followed Tammy out
of the door. The music got louder as they made their way down the stairs. When
they landed on the second floor, all four doors were closed. They rounded the
corner and took the last set of stairs that led to the first floor. Natasha
staggered a little on her way down. She was a little drunk, so she slowed her
steps held on to the rail. When they reached the bottom, Natasha was shocked to
see that the house was completely packed. Lil

Wayne’s ‘No Worries’ blared throughout the house. The other
women were spread out and about.

 A small crowd gathered around a
woman while she danced. Natasha walked across the room to get a closer look. As
she maneuvered her way through the crowd, she ignored the catcalls that were
directed at her. Natasha looked down, and there was a thin Black girl with long
bright red hair laying on her back, pulling what appeared to a lollipop from
her vagina. The men cheered and screamed obscenities at the young woman. She
sucked the lollipop and returned it to her vagina, but this time she allowed
one of the men to retrieve the lollipop with his teeth.

Dollar bills rained down on her.

I would quit the department before I
did that shit
, she
thought to herself.

Natasha turned away from the show and
walked through the house to the dining room, where women were coaxing men into
paying for a lap dance. She turned to see Tammy leaning over a chair popping
her ass. She put her hands on her knees and popped her right butt cheek and
then she switched to her left. Natasha was actually impressed by Tammy’s
skillful control of her body. The men watching her were completely mesmerized
as they dropped dollar bills on Tammy’s ass.

Natasha noticed muscle head eyeing
her curiously, but she suddenly felt a tap to her shoulder. She turned to see a
tall, gorgeous man with skin the color of dark chocolate and gorgeous full lips
that surrounded perfect white teeth. He had broad shoulders and an impressive
chest that couldn’t be hidden by the t–shirt that he wore. He smiled, and
Natasha instinctively smiled back.

“Damn, you fine as hell. That ass should be illegal,” he moaned. “Do you have
any idea how sexy you are?”




“Yes I do, baby. But you don’t know
how sexy I can be,” Natasha purred in an attempt to be alluring.

“I’d like to find out. I got fifty
for a private lap dance,” he said, holding a fifty dollar bill in his hand.

Natasha looked over his shoulder and
noticed that muscle head was still watching her. She took the fifty and tucked
into her bra. The sexy chocolate man grabbed

Natasha’s hand and led her to the stairs.

“Are we going to the second floor?”
She asked, more so to give Steve her location in the house, just in case
something went down.

He nodded and when they made it to the
second floor, all of the doors were still closed. He tried the first door; it
was locked. He opened the second door, and Natasha peeked in long enough to see
a woman on her knees orally copulating a man. It was suspect, but not enough to
prove prostitution. He quickly closed the door and moved on the third door. He
opened the third door to find that it was empty. He led Natasha into a bedroom
and closed the door behind them. The sexy chocolate man walked over to a stereo
and fumbled with it until Jeremiah’s ‘All

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