Beautiful Prey 2: The Storm Series (BWWM Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Prey 2: The Storm Series (BWWM Romance)
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Chapter 7




Victoria watched as Jack clumsily attempted to dress their
newborn in her “going home” outfit. Seeing Jack with his baby girl tugged at her
heart strings. The love that shone in his eyes almost brought her to tears. She
stood to the side and smiled lovingly at her family, as Jack fumbled through
getting Jasmine into her tiny t–shirt. She didn’t make it any easier for him
when she curled into a ball.

Victoria giggled. “Are you sure that
you don’t want me to do it?”

“I got this,” he responded with
confidence. Way too confident for a man that couldn’t get Jasmine’s fat little
arm into her sleeve.

Jack lowered his head and erupted
into a fit of laughter, finally conceding. The seven pound little person had
defeated him. “Oh, God. She’s gonna be as stubborn as her mother.”

Victoria laughed and took over the
task of dressing their little one.

“You’ll be a pro at this in no time
baby,” she reassured.

“Um hmm. Little diva,” he mumbled.

Victoria successfully dressed Jasmine
and swaddled her in a blanket. She looked over at Jack, who was shaking his

“You and that little girl are gonna
be ganging up on me from now on.”

Victoria smiled, walked over to Jack,
and placed a nicely wrapped Jasmine in his arms. She hugged the nurses that
took such good care of her and her baby and said her goodbyes. She took her
seat in the wheelchair that was to be navigated by an orderly and thanked God
that she was going home with a healthy baby. Jack kneeled in front of her and
placed his hand on her thighs.

He stared at her for a few seconds
before saying, “Thank you. You have given me life, literally. I love you,

Victoria, with eyes filled with
moisture, nodded. “I love you too, baby.”

Jack stood and removed himself from
the path of her wheelchair and the Storm family headed home.




Natasha walked into roll call and took her seat, thanking God
that it was Friday. She had the weekend off and it had been a trying week.
Truth be told, this prostitution shit was not for her. This was Victoria’s
expertise. Buying dope is different. It didn’t require that much conversation.

“Gimme two,” is the most that she’d ever have to say.
Prostitution was definitely a different experience for Natasha. She’d been
pretty shy her whole life, but working in Prostitution required her to actually
talk to people; make them want her. She simply was not the seductress that
Victoria was. But, since she’d been kicked out of her unit, she had no other
choice. At least she inherited Victoria’s former partner. Steve didn’t talk
much, but he was dedicated to keeping her alive. And, even though he was in a
committed relationship, he wasn’t bad on the eyes.

Natasha didn’t want to complain too
much, she was already considered a “trouble maker,” or a “rat,” When she got to
Vice, the first thing that the commander of Vice said to her was, “Don’t shake
the tree.” It was simple; she was to just go along with whatever she was told
to do and not to make any waves. And so far, other than the unauthorized rescue
of Victoria, Natasha had followed her orders to the letter.

Natasha was yanked back into the here
and now when her sergeant tossed something into her lap. It was a black elastic
ribbon of some sort. Natasha picked up the oversized rubber–band and studied
it, wondering why the hell her Sergeant tossed it to her.

“What’s this?” She was obviously

“It’s called a slingshot. It’s your
uniform for tonight,” he answered with a chuckle that sounded almost demonic.

Natasha grimaced and held the rubbery
piece of fabric up and inspected it. It was a fucking rubber band!

She looked up at her Sergeant, who
was wearing a sickening grin, and wondered if she was being punked. “What?! Why
the fuck would I wear this shit?!”

“Shy Natasha” had left the building.
There was no way a black rubber band was going to be her uniform of the day.

Sergeant Banner ignored her outburst
and continued. “Officer Walker, You’re gonna be infiltrating a lockdown.

Natasha’s face reflected a clear lack
of comprehension to what the sergeant was saying. She simply couldn’t get over
the black rubber band that he tossed into her lap.

He’s actually serious
, she concluded, in her mind.

Natasha was shocked into silence. She
had absolutely no idea what a lock–down was, but she could care less because
there was no way she was wearing that bullshit that he tossed in her lap.

As if reading her thoughts, Sergeant
Banner offered an explanation. “A lockdown is a private party that uses
strippers and prostitutes as the main source of entertainment. You are going to
go in to pose as a stripper and gather intel so that we can get the major
players behind the operation and shut them down.”

Natasha ignored the murmurs of her
team and rapidly shook her head. She was able to fit her entire outfit into her

She held the slingshot up and said,
“Sergeant Banner, I wouldn’t care if you got a tip that Osama Bin Laden was
still alive and in that house, there is no way in the fuck that I’m wearing
this shit!”

The sergeant abandoned his smirk and
narrowed his eyes. He shot Natasha a sinister look and responded.
“Well...  You’re going in so, you can either blend in or burn your cover
and risk your life. Your choice. In any case, you’ve been given a direct




Chapter 8




Gianni sat in The Chicago Chop House across the table from
Selange, a lady friend that often visited him when she was in Paris. She was a well-renowned
international concert pianist.

Selange possessed a beauty similar to
those that graced the cover of magazines. She had long dark hair and striking
green eyes. Selange was almost six feet tall with never ending legs. The black
blouse that she wore allowed Gianni discreet peaks at her D cupped breasts. But
after his encounter with Natasha at the hospital, she had completely invaded
his every thought. It was Friday, and Saturday was not arriving soon enough for
Gianni. He’d finally have Natasha to himself, and she wouldn’t be able to run.
Until then, Gianni figured that the beautiful Selange would be the perfect
vixen to free his mind of all things Natasha.

He was wrong.

He simply couldn’t get her off of his
mind. Behind her quiet demeanor slept a tiger. Gianni had every intention of
waking the beast within. She was so responsive and seemed almost desperate for
relief. Gianni attempted to return his attention to Selange. She was performing
in Hong Kong tomorrow, so she would be leaving early in the morning. Gianni
felt that she deserved his attention, so he placed his fork on the table and
looked up at Selange.

She was smiling seductively at him.
“What’s on your mind, Gianni?”

, He thought to himself.

Yet, he replied, “Ah... Just business. Don’t worry, Beauty.”

Gianni attempted to change the
subject. “Are you looking forward to the concert?”

“Yes! Would you consider coming to
Hong Kong?”

Gianni would normally consider it,
but he had absolutely no intention of missing his opportunity to have Natasha
the next day. “I can’t, love... Business.”

Selange pouted, and his thoughts
easily returned to Natasha.

The taste of her lips.

Her plump round ass.

Her greedy sweet pussy.

“Well, let’s go back to your place. I
could use a proper sendoff,” Selange crooned, interrupting his thoughts, with a

Gianni looked down at his watch, then
back to Selange. “I can’t, love. I’m sorry. I have a business meeting.”

“At nine p.m.?”

“I own nightclubs, Selange.” Gianni
said with a hint of irritation.

He wasn’t irritated with Selange, but
more so himself. He couldn’t believe that he’d sat across from the bombshell
for an hour, and he’d practically ignored the woman. Selange had always been a
good friend to Gianni and he felt as if he’d been treating her badly all night.

“I’m sorry, love,” he whispered as he
reached across the table to caress her hand. “The truth is... My thoughts are
preoccupied by a woman. If you can believe that,” Gianni admitted.

Gianni braced himself for a jealous
reaction. Instead, Selange smiled lovingly at him and light squeezed his hand.
“You? I don’t believe it. Tell me about this woman.”

Gianni released a sigh of relief and
filled Selange in on all things Natasha. Well, the little that he knew of her
anyway. During his entire confession, Selange couldn’t seem to erase the
surprised expression from her face.

“You’re shocked,” Gianni said,
narrowing his eyes, waiting for her to answer. “Why?”

Selange clutched her chest and laughed.
“Gianni, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh at you. It’s just that I never
thought you capable of falling for a woman. In fact, I’ve often wondered if you
would remain the ‘Millionaire Playboy’ with the revolving bedroom door

Gianni winced at her description of
him. “First of all, I said that she preoccupied my thoughts, not that I was
falling for her. Secondly, revolving bedroom door? Really,
Gianni was actually offended.

“Yes! Revolving bedroom door. Now
come on and take me home. I have an early flight, and you can finish telling me
all about the woman who has captivated you.”

Selange rose, and Gianni stood with
her. She walked around the table and placed her hand on his cheek. “The woman
that captures your heart will be very lucky indeed. This Natasha must be
extraordinary. Don’t be afraid to give yourself.”

Gianni shook his head and escorted
Selange out of the restaurant.

he thought with a silent chuckle
They only hear what they want to.




Natasha stood and stared in horror at her half naked image in
a full-length mirror in the locker room. She fumbled with the slingshot for
twenty minutes before figuring out how it worked. She was grateful when she
found one of her good Victoria’s Secret bra’s in her gym bag. She decided that
she would at least cover her breasts. The garment made it look as she was
wearing strips of black duct tape to strategically cover her private parts. Had
she not had the bra, her breasts would’ve been completely exposed.

Natasha turned around and viewed her
ass that would’ve been completely bare, if not for the thin strip between her
legs. Even as Natasha observed how sexy her body was in the slingshot, she was
disgusted by the idea of wearing it in front of a bunch of horny men. She
didn’t know if she could actually do it. She removed the tiny strips of fabric
and tossed them in her bag with her shoes and makeup. Then she reached into her
purse, pulled out her phone, and dialed Victoria’s number.


“Vic, I have to work a lockdown and I
have to wear a black rubber–band!” She was so mortified that she didn’t even
bother to say hello.

“Rubber–band? Ooh... A
slingshot.”  Victoria chuckled. 

“Victoria, this is funny to you?!”

“Sorry, Tash. So, you’re working a
lockdown tonight?” Victoria asked, trying not to laugh at Natasha.

“Yes! I didn’t even know what a
lockdown was until roll call. I can’t do this! I can’t sashay through a room
full of men...
!” Natasha was almost hyperventilating. She could
feel the beginnings of an anxiety attack.

“Tash... Natasha calm down,” Victoria
said in a voice meant to soothe.

“You can do this and I’m going to
tell you how.”

Natasha closed her eyes and slowed
her breathing while Victoria continued.

“You are no longer Natasha, but Natalia;
A beautiful exotic goddess who commands every man in the room with her prowess.
You possess a mind control like no other. Men drop at your feet. You own them,
and your every wish is their command.”

Natasha began to calm. In fact, she
was beginning to get excited. The thought of stepping out of her own boring
life and into the life of a sexually powerful temptress began to sound
appealing. She listened as Victoria praised her looks and her sexy curves. She
instantly grew confident. After listening to more advice from Victoria, Natasha
ended the call and tossed the phone in her bag.

She dressed in a pink jogging set and
pair of white sneakers, grabbed her bag, and walked out of the locker room.
Steve was patiently waiting for her. He tossed her a set of keys and handed a
covert cellular phone. As he headed for the exit while giving instructions,
Natasha followed and listened closely.

“I sent you the target address in a
text to your covert phone, which is also equipped with an officer safety
overheard so that we can hear what you hear. You’ll be driving yourself so that
your cover isn’t blown, but don’t worry, I’ll be close by.”

As they walked out of the building,
he told her that she had to talk her way in because they were unable to get a
contact inside. Steve led her to a silver Honda Accord and opened the door for
her. As Natasha went to sit in the driver’s seat, Steve firmly grabbed her arm,
causing Natasha to look up at him.

His expression was serious. “You be
careful. Tasha, always follow your first instinct and if you feel like
something ain’t right, it probably ain’t. Your distress word is, smoke

You say it, I’m in there.”

Natasha nodded, and Steve released her
arm. She watched him until he made it to his covert Ford F150 pickup truck. She
tossed her bag in the passenger seat, grabbed the phone that Steve gave her,
and checked the target address. She backed out of her parking spot and gave
herself a pep talk.

I’m Natalia.




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