Beautifully Undone (The Beaumont Brothers #3) (5 page)

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That kiss had been amazing.

Not like the kiss Asher and I had shared when we were twelve.
like the kiss we’d shared when we were only kids. I’d been so stunned at first this time, I’d barely responded.

I was embarrassed when I moaned into his mouth and felt him smile as he kissed me. But that didn’t stop him. His kiss was tender. Affectionate. So arousing.

Confusing as hell.

Especially when he’d explained further.

Could I have sex with Asher and feign indifference afterwards? As if…as if it never happened? I’d always had a secret crush on him, but I knew he didn’t feel the same way about me. I’d never, in a million years, ever,
imagined that Asher would
to have sex with me. He never had any problems getting dates, and women usually fell all over him, chomping at the bit to go to bed with him. I’d heard several women in the club bragging about him. I hated that, too. Always wishing that I were the one he’d gone home with. And here he was, offering himself to me. To use. To be my first. I’d always wanted him to be my first. Hell, I’d wanted him to be my forever, but I knew that wasn’t ever going to happen. So, if I didn’t take a chance, seize this moment now, I might regret it for the rest of my life—never knowing what it would have been like. But something deep down in my gut told me I shouldn’t. Because it would be only once. Could I live with that? Oh God, I wanted him so bad.

“Okay,” I said.

He grinned and stood up, stretching his hand out to me.

“Come with me.”

I took his hand, and he led me into his bedroom. I swallowed hard when I saw the bed. It was neatly made with the top sheet and covers turned down on one side as if it was expecting us. I’m sure it probably was.

We walked to the side of the bed, and he drew me close and kissed me again. His tongue darted into my mouth, and I just melted in his arms.

Then something horrible occurred to me.

Asher, wait.” I shoved him back a little. “You want to do this right now?”

“Yeah, why? What’s wrong?”

“This is…completely unexpected. I’m…I’m not prepared.”

“What do you need to do to be prepared?” he asked as he kissed and nibbled my neck. I thought about what I’d want to do if I had the time to get ready. I’d shower, shave my legs and armpits. Yeah, I’d definitely shave. “Can I take a shower first?”

He grinned that sexy lopsided smile of his that I’d always wanted to smother my mouth over. “Sure. Can I join you? I mean, if you want me to.”

“Um…” Did I? He’d never seen me naked before, and I’d never seen him completely naked. If we were going to have sex, we’d need to be naked, right? And he would see me and I would, oh gosh, see him—something I’d only fantasized about until now. “Okay,” I squeaked out the word.

He took me into his bathroom and I stood still, unsure of what to do, or how to act. He turned the faucet on then turned to me. “I’m going to undress you now.”


His fingers slipped under the hem of my sweater and slowly lifted it up and over my head. I stood there in my bra and jeans. He’d seen me in a bathing suit before, but somehow, this was far more revealing, even though less of me was exposed now than it would have been if I were standing there in my bikini. My arms shot up to my breasts and covered my plain white bra. I suddenly wished I’d worn one of my lacy, demi-bras. I had a pink one, a pale blue one—my favorite—even a black one. But no, this morning I’d chosen to wear the most boring underwear I owned. I’d had no idea I’d be showing it to anyone, let alone Asher.

He glanced down at my feet. I still had my Converse on and I quickly kicked them off.

This moment, this act, was so different than our normal friendship. I let Asher take complete control and submitted to everything he suggested. After all, he was the one with all the experience. He left my bra fastened and undid the button on my jeans then pulled the zipper down before shoving them to my ankles.

“Hold on to me and lift your foot,” he said.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and raised my left foot, slipping it out of the pant leg. Then I picked up my other foot, and he freed me of my jeans. Then he did something completely unexpected. He gently pressed his lips against the inside of my right ankle and slowly trailed little kisses up my leg and inner thigh all the way to the bottom of my ugly, plain white underpants. The sensation had my heart beating so fast I thought it would leap out of my chest, and I held my breath, thinking maybe that would stop the pounding, but it didn’t. Then he stood up and brushed his lips over my mouth, his knuckles gently skimming down my cheek.

“Relax,” he said in a soft, assuring tone, but I felt my body shiver with anticipation. Or was that fear? I wasn’t sure. But having him undress me this way was a fantasy I’d played over and over in my head so many times I’d lost count. To be experiencing it for real was beyond my wildest imagination. Truly more spectacular than my mind had ever conjured.

He reached behind me while he kissed me and unfastened the hooks on my bra, but the pressure of our chests against each other kept it in place until he stopped kissing me and took a step backwards, pulling each strap down my arms as he retreated. His gorgeous green eyes traveled to my breasts. I pressed my lids closed, not wanting to see his expression.

“Open your eyes, Mel,” he demanded. When I did, I realized that he was smiling; he licked his lips as he looked at my breasts. Then his eyes went to my ugly panties as his fingers slipped into the elastic and tugged them down to the floor. I stepped out of them the same way I’d stepped out of my pants, one foot at a time, fully aware that I now stood in front of him completely naked. His eyes met mine then traveled down to my breasts, then lower, to the light brown patch of hair between my legs. “You’re perfect, Melody. Beautiful. I’ve always thought so, you know.” I didn’t know if he was waiting for me to respond or not, but I couldn’t. Just the mere thought of Asher thinking about me that way sent shivers down my spine and tingles to my stomach.

He pulled his shorts down, exposing his…very large cock. I…it looked large to me at least. I wasn’t a complete ignoramus. I mean, I’ve been on the internet. I knew what a guy looked like, and I had to say, none of them were as well endowed and as perfect as the one standing in front of me.

“Don’t worry, it won’t kill you.”  He chuckled. He must have mistaken the amazed look in my eyes at the sight of him as fear.

“No?” I joked. “But it is supposed to hurt the first time.”

“We’ll worry about that later. The water is warm now.” He opened the shower door and took my hand as I stepped inside. The warm spray felt good. I didn’t want to get my hair wet because it would take forever to dry, and I didn’t want Asher to change his mind if he had to wait for me to dry my hair after the shower. But then he stepped behind me, grabbed the soap and ran it across my breasts, following each movement of the soap with his other hand, touching first my breasts, trailing down to my belly button, lathering me up with suds. When his fingers reached the top part of my mound, my stomach tingled. It was a good thing he stood behind me. I wasn’t so sure I could handle looking at him naked without my knees buckling from his touch. But that thought vanished when he put his finger under my chin and prompted me to turn my head to the side. He kissed me then, and I felt powerless in his grasp as he kept my back against his chest and his hands soaped my breasts some more.

As we kissed, he turned us so that we both stood directly under the spray and all thoughts of dry hair vanished as his fingers trailed down between my legs and flowed into my folds. Having
touch me there was so much more satisfying than when I did it. Asher’s fingers teased the area, rubbing the outside until his finger found and covered my clitoris. He moved it around, circling it, pressing it. I closed my eyes again as the sensations took hold and my mind began to float, basking in the pleasure. I gasped when two of his fingers darted inside and he flicked them rapidly for several minutes while his thumb circled my clit. He slowly eased the digits back out, coating me with my own juices. My knees collapsed and I lost my balance. He caught me and held me up as he stuck one of those fingers in his mouth, sucking off my cream. “Mmmm…Melody, you taste divine.”

Oh. My. God. Did he really just do that?

Then he rubbed his other finger over my bottom lip, and I couldn’t help but taste the essence of myself. He reached up and turned off the shower, grabbed the towel that hung on the hook, and dried me off, blotting my wet hair with the terry cloth so that the strands weren’t dripping too much. It was going to get anything I laid on top of drenched regardless, but he didn’t seem too concerned about it. I watched as he rubbed another towel over his body, his eyes intent and focused on mine. We stepped out of the shower stall and he picked me up. “Wrap your legs around me.” I did as he asked, and as my legs circled his naked waist, I felt the wetness he’d created slick against his stomach. He held me tightly with his hands on my bottom as he carried me to the bed. I don’t think I could have asked for a better first experience. This was turning out better than I had ever imagined.

“I’m on the pill,” I blurted out, not wanting him to ask. I remembered telling him when I’d first gone on them. I know that’s not something a girl usually tells a guy, but Asher was my best friend—my only friend—and I told him just about everything. I’d been unsure about whether I should go on them or not, considering I wasn’t sexually active, and I’d worried what the doctor would think when I asked about them. Ash assured me that being on the pill didn’t make me a slut or anything, just responsible, and that the doctor was probably used to prescribing them to women my age. But I wasn’t sure if he remembered us having the discussion or not, so I thought it was important to let him know.

“I know,” he said. “You told me when you first started them.”

Asher kissed me as though he couldn’t get enough of me, our tongues doing a crazy mating dance with a tremendous amount of fervor. 

He eased me down on the bed and positioned himself on his knees over me with my legs still wrapped happily around him. I didn’t want to move. Just the idea of my legs caressing his naked body was enough. I could have died a happy girl at that moment, even if we didn’t go any further. Though my body had other ideas, and as he kissed his way down to my breasts, sucking a little at each nipple, teasing, nibbling, I couldn’t think of anything but the fact that I wanted him inside of me. The brief moment of having his fingers inside during the shower was only a tease as to what pleasures I imagined awaited me now.

When he lowered his head and his mouth reached my belly button, I unlocked my legs from around him, and his hand slipped down between my thighs. Like before, his thumb circled my clit and his fingers slipped inside. My knees fell open and I bucked my hips; I couldn’t control them as his fingers danced and strummed as though they played some sort of tune on the strings of a guitar.

Then his tongue took the place of his thumb and he flicked it and sucked at my nub until I thought I would explode into a thousand tiny pieces. The roar in my head was so strong and powerful. Then he stopped and kissed his way back up to my belly button.

“So slippery, so wet, so ready,” he said.

He pulled his fingers out and positioned himself above me, one knee on each side of my thighs.

“Fuck, Mel. You are a beautiful surprise,” he huffed in my ear. “I don’t think I can wait any longer. I’m going to fuck you now.”

He rubbed the head of his cock over my clit, and then, all of a sudden, the tip of him slipped inside of me. His movements were slow at first, but then he went all the way in. I felt a pinch, nothing more than a tiny pinprick, but the uncomfortable sensation disappeared almost immediately and became something I’d never imagined as he pulled out and pushed back in, out and in. I think I saw lightning strike across the ceiling.







Right before I plunged into Mel, I’d been overwhelmed with desire for her and I needed to be inside of her. The way she seemed so receptive to everything I suggested had me completely undone. Almost as if the primal need to claim her as mine was not only a necessity for me, but also my right.
She belonged to me.

I’d wanted to take it slow, make the experience last. I was her first. She deserved the best I could give. During the first initial plunge, a small gasp escaped from her and her body jolted. I didn’t think she even realized she’d made a sound. I eased out a little then pushed back in slowly and watched her face as the tiny lines in her forehead creased more and more with each stroke and her eyes remained tightly closed as if she were afraid to open them.

“Open your eyes, Mel. I want to see your eyes.”

She blinked her baby blues wide open and our gazes held. God, she was beautiful with her blonde hair splayed all over my pillow. It was such a contrast to the dark blue color of my satin sheets.

She moaned as I pumped in a little faster. Her hands were on my rear and she tugged me in. Oh God, she was amazing. I grabbed underneath her, raising her up so that she sat facing me. I knew she felt the difference in the way I fit inside of her and she gasped at the sensation of my cock hitting her G-spot. With my hands on her hips, I edged her back and forth. I held her gaze with mine and watched as her eyes dilated with pleasure. I’d never realized how good it would feel to make love to Melody. I didn’t know how I was going to feel after this was over. I needed to suppress those feelings of her belonging to me. Though, at the moment, I couldn’t comprehend what that would be like. I could only concentrate on her and the experience she was having. I needed her to feel not just good, but miraculous. Because if I couldn’t have her forever, then at least I’d always have this moment now of being her first and the one she would remember forever. I would always be her first, no matter what. And maybe, just maybe, she would always look back on this moment with a smile.

I slowly inched back, using my stomach muscles to hold both her and me as she stayed sitting on top of me.

“Bend your knees,” I said. She did, allowing herself to kneel as she sank down on top of me. This provided her with another angle and she moaned with pleasure as my cock went deep inside. I pressed her hips back and forth as she bucked them up and down on top of me as I lifted my own hips to meet hers. Then I placed my thumb back on her clit, flicking and rubbing. When she gasped and shivered from head to toe, I knew she’d had her first orgasm. When I was sure she’d come three times, I let myself go and my climax spurted into her.

She sank down on top of me and I pivoted her so that we lay face to face on our sides. My cock still inside of her, I pulled her close against me.

“Are you okay?” I asked, my breath still ragged and huffy.

“Yes. Are you?” she breathed.

“Don’t worry about me. I couldn’t be better. I just want to make sure you aren’t disappointed.”

“Disappointment is the furthest thing from my mind.”

I sighed and slowly pulled out of her, leaving the warmth of her luscious den of decadence. If my dick had a voice, it would have yelled for me to stop and stay inside of her forever.

“Don’t let this change our friendship, Mel.” I didn’t think I would be able to live if I lost her. I didn’t know how I was going to survive the rest of my life knowing she’d soon be sleeping with someone else. I was just a pawn, that’s all I was. I had to keep reminding myself of that. Melody was too good for me, and her brother would kick my ass to Alaska if he ever found out what we’d just done and why. He might have his opinion that we’d make a great couple, but I doubted he’d be on board with me just letting Mel use me for the sexual experience.

“It won’t. But I think we should keep this to ourselves.”

“Right, if your brother ever found out…” I couldn’t finish the statement at the thought of how many different ways Ted would kill me. He may have hinted that Mel and I should be together, but I knew he’d blow his stack if he ever discovered the truth about our tryst.

“It will be our little secret,” she said and giggled.

“What’s so funny?”

“We’re fuck-buddies now.”

“Is that so?”

“Well, just this once, anyway.”

My gut tightened at the
just this once
. I thought I’d been prepared. Then desire ignited inside as she snuggled closer against me. A streaming trail of need followed by want confused the hell out of me.

“Asher?” she said into my chest, her lips forming a smile.


“You’re hard again.”

I knew that.

“Do you want to do it again?” she asked.

I glanced down at her. Surprised. No, shocked as shit would be a more apt description as she wrapped her palm around my cock. I let out a small growl and flipped her over so that my legs straddled hers.

“I suppose we should. That way you can experience what it feels like to fuck without being a virgin.”

“So, the more I do it, the more I’ll like it?”

“Something like that.”

“I already like it,” she said, splaying her hand across my chest.

“But you really should be careful who you choose.” God, my mind was having a hard time with the thought of her doing it with anyone but me.

“Right now, I choose you.” She lifted herself up to me and I came back down as my cock slid inside. Her soft, tight walls caressed me.

With her hands gripping my ass, she moved in circles under me. “Oh, baby, you’re a quick learner.”

“I have a great teacher.”



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