Beauty Awakened (Angels of the Dark) (23 page)

BOOK: Beauty Awakened (Angels of the Dark)
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“You know him?” Dex asked with a wheeze.

Koldo peered down at the table’s occupants. He should have thought this through a little more, he realized. He had no idea what to say. “Nicola,” he began.

“Yes?” She tossed her napkin on the table and stood. The bottom half of her dress was soaked, water droplets trickling down her bare legs.

He towered over her, and that should have dissuaded him. He could hurt her without ever realizing it, and could damage her badly enough to kill her. But their eyes met, and his blood heated, and he knew he couldn’t go another night without having her in his arms.

“Your sister has had her fun, yes?”

“Uh, not really,” Nicola said, looking at Laila’s tear-streaked face. “If anything, she’s sadder than ever. Sorry, Blaine, but it’s true.”

“That can be fixed.” To Axel, who he still couldn’t see, he commanded, “Take care of the sister. Make her happy.” He took Nicola’s hand and tugged her toward the exit.

“Koldo,” she gasped, though she offered no resistance. “Seriously. What’s going on? Has something happened?”

In the background, he thought he heard someone ask if she wanted the police notified.

He tossed her a glance over his shoulder. “You’re mine. And I’m keeping you.”


the doors, the night air enveloping them, Koldo wrapped Nicola in his arms and peered down at her. The rest of the world faded from her awareness. He was all that she saw as her mind churned with possibilities and problems. He was keeping her? They were innocent words, yet his tone had been intense, as if he was making a life-altering vow in front of a judge.

Was he trying to say they were an official couple now?

“What’s going on?” she asked, really liking the thought. Except...

What if she wasn’t enough for him? What if her heart never recovered, and she could never satisfy him physically?

Threads of yesterday’s panic returned, weaving into new threads of fear, forming a noose around her neck and squeezing.
Come on, girl. You hopped off this road already. Don’t jump back on.

“Your circumstances have changed,” Koldo said.

“I know, but...”
But? No buts!

A sizzling pause as he searched her face. “Breathe.”

“I’m trying.”

“Try harder.”

In. Out. Innn. Ouuut. There. Getting better, evening out. Whatever happened to her, they would get through it together. She knew that. Could count on that—on him.

“Are you frightened?” he asked.

“Not of you,” she replied truthfully.

“Of you, then. But I can fix that.” He looked at her with the same intensity she heard in his voice, and with such heat. “Close your eyes.”

“Why? Are you flashing me—”

He did. He flashed her. She blinked, and found herself standing in her bedroom in Panama. He released her...only to back her against the nearest wall.

Nicola gulped. “Laila—”

“Is being taken care of.”

“Well, I have to apologize to Dex.”

“You can. Tomorrow. You can mail him a card.” He braced his hands at her temples, his heady scent wrapping around her as certainly as his arms had done. She breathed in deeply, her heartbeat careening out of control.

“You can’t be with another man,” he growled. “Not ever again. For any reason.”

Despite the too-fast rhythm of her heart, the rest of the panic faded, both old and new. “I don’t want to be with another man,” she admitted.

He nodded with conviction. “You belong with me. Only ever me.” Again, he sounded as though he was making a vow.

had to be
a couple.

“Do you understand the kind of girl you’re getting?” She flattened her hands on his chest, the heat of him seeping through his shirt and brushing against her skin. “I’m just me, and I come with a few challenges.”

He smiled, pleased. “I know that. What I don’t know is how to be in a relationship, but I’m going to learn. Along the way, I’m bound to make mistakes. You’ll simply tell me when I mess up, and I’ll fix it. Agreed?”

Melting faster...

He said no more. He simply pressed his lips into hers.

It wasn’t the brutal kiss she expected from so determined a man, or the sweet and tender kiss they’d first shared. It was heat and electricity, need and want and obsession. Addiction and desire. A taking and a giving. An unwavering claim.

She moaned at the pleasure of it, and he lifted his head. He peered into her eyes, searching.

“I wasn’t complaining,” she said. “Promise.”

Back in he went, kissing...kissing so deeply, surrounding her with the fever-heat of his skin. She could hardly believe this was happening. It was surreal. It was wondrous. He belonged to her—and there was no one here to stop him prematurely. They were alone.

Her heartbeat fluttered. Her limbs shook.

“All is well?” he rasped.


He cupped her cheeks, his palms searing brands as he angled her however he desired. His pupils were blown, his lips red, swollen and moist. “You’ll tell me if that changes?”

“Yes. But don’t be surprised if I’m embarrassed by it.”

“I told you. I never want you embarrassed with me. What happens happens, and we’ll deal with it. We’re in this together.”

He’d taken the words from her mind—words of hope, now confirmed.
I’m more than melting. I’m falling for him. Hard.

Back in he went, taking, giving. Her hands slid along his spine, her nails scraping over the fabric of his shirt.

“Under the clothing,” he rasped. “I want your skin on mine.”

A low growl rumbled from him as she obeyed, reaching under the hem of his shirt. Her fingertips stroked over his hard-won strength, and she marveled all over again. He was velvet over iron, perfection over perfection, and he smelled so good, all that sunshine reminding her of summer. Summer reminded her of blooming flowers and blooming flowers reminded her of colors, so many colors, and life, such vibrant life.

Life. Yes. That’s what Koldo was. Around him, she was stronger, happier...freer. Like the flowers, she bloomed. He’d become the peace she’d never had.

“More,” he said, and released her long enough to rip the garment over his head.

She reached for him. He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her off her feet. She wound her legs around his waist, and white lightning zinged through her veins.

“Did I tell you that you’re mine?” he demanded.

A thrill stole through her. “You did. And you’re mine.” He was a gift, created with her every secret desire in mind, and she wanted so badly to be perfect for him. To be everything he needed. She
to remain aware, couldn’t allow the infirmity to win. Not this time, and embarrassment had nothing to do with it. Only Koldo mattered.

His hands glided up, up, and kneaded her softly, then more tightly, wringing another moan out of her.

“This is good,” he murmured.


Their breath mingled, short panting rasps. He kissed the corner of her mouth, along the side of her jaw, sometimes nibbling. Lower still, he licked at her neck, at her hammering pulse, her collarbone. Always he treated her as if he couldn’t get enough of her, as if he wanted to taste every inch of her at once.

“But it’s not enough,” he said, coming back up to kiss her mouth.

She wrenched away with a moan. “I thought you just said—”

He pulled the top of her dress down, revealing more and more skin to explore. The protest died as he pressed her against the wall. He hadn’t been insulting her. He’d been demanding more of her.

More she would happily give.

He slid his magnificent hands down...down, until finally reaching the
of her dress. He raised the hem higher and higher, until the material pooled around her waist. Cool air brushed against her, and sensation after carnal sensation shot through her.

He dragged his fingertips back down her thigh, eliciting one shiver after another. Then...he dragged those fingertips back up, leaving a trail of fire in his wake, and oh, this was...this good, too good, too much after the stress of the evening, and...the fog formed in her head, just like before.

“Koldo,” she tried to say, but his name was nothing more than a breath. He kissed her again, stealing what little she had left, and all the while those decadent fingers continued to give her the softest of caresses, taking her body to heights it wasn’t ready to reach.

Her world tilted, and darkness descended.

Time ceased to exist. Noise faded. Sensation left her....

Suddenly, something patted at her cheek. Something cold swiped over her brow.

Frowning, Nicola tugged herself from the darkness and blinked open her eyes. Koldo loomed over her, and she—she was lying on the bed, her head resting on a plush, soft pillow. Her dress was in place, smoothed down her legs.

Oh, no. “It happened again, didn’t it?”

“Yes. You passed out.” His self-castigation was palpable. “I carried you to bed.”

Even though she’d come to the realization that he would want her anyway, despite something like this, embarrassment still heated her cheeks, just as she’d suspected. “I’m so sorry, Koldo.”

“Don’t be. I pushed you for too much, too fast.” His shirt once again covered his magnificent chest, and that was, perhaps, the greatest tragedy right now. “Next time, I’ll go slower.”

“Next time,” she said, and wanted to purr with satisfaction.

He frowned. “You don’t want a next time?”

More than anything. “What makes you think that I don’t? Unless you don’t want me to want a next time,” she added in a rush. “Are you trying to hint that you want to go back to being just friends?”

He flattened his hand against her jawline, his thumb caressing her cheek. “Did you hit your head? Of course I don’t want to just be your friend. And you should know me well enough to know I’ve never hinted at anything.”

So true
She smiled at him. “Could you be any sweeter?”

His lips twitched at the corners. “First, I don’t care if you pass out every time we do this. You are worth
effort. Second, I make you happy. Therefore, I’m aiding your healing.”

Not just happy,
she thought.

wish to remain just friends?” he asked, and this time his tone was so sharp it could have cut her. His expression, however, was tortured. “I’m not a man willing to buy your affections, but perhaps I could do other things. Is there something you want that I haven’t given you?”

Her heart lurched. “No,” she admitted. “I don’t want to be just friends. And you’ve given me everything.” He was the man she’d thought about all evening. The man she’d wanted to be with. The man she’d craved.

He relaxed, nodded and moved his touch to her neck, where her pulse hammered wildly. “I like the kisses we share.”

“I like them, too.”

“I like the taste of you, the feel of you.”


“I want the toxin out of you.” His tone was layered with determination. “Forever.”

Her, too. More than ever. And they had to change the subject before
pushed for too much too fast. “Say something to distract me. Please.”

He peered at her for a long while before nodding, decided. Rolling to his side, he said, “The first time I saw you wasn’t in the elevator.”

“It wasn’t?”

“No. The day before I was sent to the hospital to help a human male, and I stumbled into your sister’s room. The Most High showed me that she was in the condition she was in because she’d entertained a demon of fear for so long, the demon was able to worm its way inside her body. He showed me because He wanted me to help her. Her, yes, but also you I think. You were in danger of succumbing the same way.”

Nicola rested against him, finding comfort, companionship and acceptance, all wrapped into one tantalizing position, despite the topic. Or maybe because of it. Knowledge was power. “I was entertaining a demon? I mean, I know I had the toxin, but I just thought... I don’t know what I thought.”

“There were two of them hanging around you.”

A gasp lodged in her throat. “But I never knew. Never saw them.”

“If I have my way, you never will.” He draped his arm over her neck in a gentle choke hold—gentle, but a choke hold nonetheless. He was as new to this kind of thing as she was, and she was suddenly fighting a smile.

“Tell me something about you,” she said. “Something you’ve never told anyone else.”

A long pause. He gulped. “When I was a child, I lived in constant fear. My mother hated me, and my father...abused me.”

“Oh, Koldo. I’m so sorry.” Had his father caused the scars?

“I never knew what horrors I would have to face next, only that I would, in fact, have to face them.”

No wonder he was so fierce, so standoffish—so vulnerable and unsure. He had built a shell around himself, desperate to protect a fragile heart that had been trampled by the people who should have loved him most. People who instead had rejected him with their abuse.

She traced her fingers along the ridges of his stomach, wishing the shirt would disappear, then chiding herself for wishing.

“Ask me a question,” he said. “Any question. I like sharing with you.”

She thought for a moment. “Why were you so upset when we spoke on the phone after yesterday’s meeting?”

“I had just found out a man I loved was killed.”

“Oh, Koldo,” she repeated. He had endured one blow after another, and the knowledge saddened her.

He took her hand, brought her knuckles to his lips and kissed. He next rubbed her hand over his cheeks, his jaw, his beard tickling her skin, before once again kissing her knuckles. “It’s a punishment I deserved.” The same guilt and shame she sometimes saw in his eyes now dripped from his tone.

“I’m going to say something, and I don’t want you to be offended, all right?”

“All right,” he said reluctantly.

“That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard! You did
deserve to lose a friend.”

He relaxed the tiniest bit. “I haven’t always been the man you know.”

“And I haven’t always been the girl you know.”

He shook his head. “You’ve always been sweet, kind and caring, and that’s that.”

No. He didn’t know the full truth—that she and Laila had once planned to murder the man responsible for the deaths of their parents and brother. And she would be forever grateful the plan had failed. A moment of rage would have changed the entire course of their lives, and not for the better.

But all she said to Koldo was, “You’re making a mistake,” and kissed his chest. There was no reason to spoil the moment. “And notice how wonderful I am, pointing it out just like you asked.”

“Wonderful. Yes.”

There’d been no sarcasm in his voice. Darling man. “Say-la,” she interjected, recalling the way he’d once used the word with her.

He fell silent.

She traced an X over the heavy beat of his heart. “What does the word mean?”

“To pause and think about what was said.”

Well, well. From now on, she might be using the word after everything she said. “So now that we’ve bared our souls, and I’ve blown your mind with my intelligence, what do you want to do for the rest of our date?”

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