Being Grey (Beings Trilogy) (12 page)

BOOK: Being Grey (Beings Trilogy)
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Chapter Nineteen





We’re in the grounds. Parker had left me for 20 minutes while my head spun and apart from him suggesting a walk, nothing else has been said.

As soon as we’ve passed the gardeners trimming the maze I begin. “I have so many questions suddenly.”

“And you have
to answer them. But now it’s your turn. What upset you so much today Miss Alice?”

It doesn’t feel at all awkward anymore. Parker looks straight ahead and doesn’t interrupt me. I imagine this feels a bit like confession. Getting it all off your chest without being judged. I’ve never been to confession. I think you can guess why.

I tell the entire story, from years ago to today and am now more angry than upset. “What is this bonding thing between men? Why do your ‘mates’ come before common sense? How can he be so stupid?”

“How do you feel Miss Alice, when Jason calls Miss Penelope ‘Preppy Poppy’?”

“What does that have to do with these lunatic murdering….. boys?”

“You asked about the bonding thing. Answer my question.” Parker is very calm. I don’t understand why he isn’t sympathizing with me.

“I hate it. She’s not ‘Preppy’ she’s bubbly and fun. He makes it sound derogatory, as if she’s beneath him almost. As if she’s fake. She isn’t Parker. You’ve known her all your life, how can you question me on this?”

“You’re defending her.”

“To the death.”

Bingo. He is one good mentor. I look at him and he’s still staring straight but he’s nodding.

“What I mean is…”

“You mean exactly that Miss Alice. She is your friend, your good friend and you would defend her to the death.”

“But this is different.” I implore.

“Oh, very much so. But let’s ignore the circumstances for now. Let’s just break down the friendship, the ‘bonding of mates’. Is that right?” It sounds funny with his posh accent.

“Yes, and I get it. I was just so mad. He used to be so good Parker. When we were young, I thought he’d die for me.”

“So is some of this jealousy?”

“No, of course not.”

Parker looks at me with one eyebrow raised.

“Well yes I am now you mention it.” I resign. I quit. I’d defend my friends to the death and I’m jealous Jason isn’t defending me anymore. “I still don’t think it’s that simple though Parker.”

“Neither do I Miss Alice, neither do I. But we have to remove ourselves from the box, take a look at the bigger picture. You like Jason,” I don’t nod, but I don’t shake my head either, just stare stubbornly ahead “and when you met up with him again you were concerned for his
. The rules haven’t changed. Miss Alice the big picture is the ‘Taker’. When there are a group of people such as the one’s you have described, there is sure to be a ‘Taker’ close by.”

“Five young men, one now dead; the remaining four all have to have turned a little worse unless one of those in the car is the ‘Taker’. The one influencing them all. As much as you don’t want to hear this, Jason has become the pawn that will bring together us and them.”

“He’s expendable isn’t he Parker?”

Parker turns to me and puts his hands on my shoulders. He’s looking into my

“Miss Alice, Jason is a shade of grey. He
be saved. No grey is expendable. If we can remove the ‘Taker’ who is influencing this group of boys we can help. You have a very special talent. It is up to you to and only you to save Jason. Let the rest of us take care of the others.”


I asked Parker to drop me off at the train station. He’d offered to drive me home but I needed time to think. I’d hugged him like I hug dad and I’d meant it. I’m glad I spoke to him. He may be ‘old school’ but at least he didn’t call in the gang. He did say he was going to update
though and I hope that’s not going to be awkward but I couldn’t face
today. I love him but am exhausted and can’t go through it again until tomorrow. I’ll call him when I get home and we can have a meeting tomorrow.

Chapter Twenty





“Hello darling. To what do I owe this pleasure?” Always the same greeting as she opens the door.

“Hi mum. I love you and I’m exhausted. Can I stay here tonight?”

Mums. How do they do it? She hugs me, sits me in front of the TV which means kicking dad into the study with a wink (and a smack on the bum but I’ll pretend I didn’t see that) and then goes upstairs to run me a bath. She has enough bubbles in it to fill the room and yet she still manages to navigate a cup of tea to my side.

No questions. If I want to talk she knows I will.

I get out of the bath, dry off and she’s left me one of her nighties to wear to bed. She’d whisked my clothes out of the bathroom, probably to launder them before I even wake up. It’s a beautiful cream silk knee length nightie. I’m not a little kid is what she’s telling me. I’m a young woman now.

I’m curled up in bed in my old room before she brings me a refill.

“I love you.” Is all she says as she leans over me and kisses my forehead.

“Oh mum. I don’t know whether this is who I am, whether it’s called growing up or whether there’s something wrong with me. I’m happy sad happy mad. Up down and all over the place. I like Jason, I hate Jason. I’m eager, I’m scared. And today I’m thoroughly exhausted.”

“Oh darling.” she says stroking my hair off my forehead. My mum has done this for as long as I can remember and if she ever thinks I’m too old for it my heart will surely break in half. “Sometimes I think being a teenage girl is harder than our job.”

I look at my mum. So beautiful, so graceful but more than anything so protective of me and the rest of the family. Fight to the death protective.

“Mum, I’m not thinking of marriage or anything but I do like him. I’ve liked him for a long time and I truly believe now that there’s a ‘Taker’ out there influencing them. Mum I spoke to Parker today.” Am I making any sense?

“I heard darling. Parker called me as he knew you’d come home first. You’re tired, go to sleep and we’ll talk more in the morning if you want to.”

“I love you, tell me a story.” I know I’m dropping off so my mum tells me my favourite story of all time.


Before I even knew what my ability was, Lisa and I were at the zoo. To me, Lisa being older meant she had to know everything. We were in front of the elephants and I’d asked Lisa ‘do elephants bite?’

I fell asleep to the sound of my mum imitating Lisa. ‘Only if you pick them up.’

Chapter Twenty One





It’s the night of my sixth birthday again, at midnight.

So, there I was, all three foot nothing of me in my Thomas the Tank Engine pyjamas, wide eyed and excited listening to Uncle Thomas.

A short while later mum had helped me change in the downstairs bathroom. Little jeans, purple jumper, pink winter jacket (our birthdays are in February) and my matching pink fur lined boots. It was cold and dark. No surprise there. And it was also snowing lightly. I was becoming more excited by the minute. Wide awake now, I wanted to build snowmen and make snow angels. Instead, I was herded into the back of the car.

We started driving around
. I don’t remember where we went, but my excitement started to ebb after twenty minutes. The grown ups were silent in the front seats.

Our destination was a park. No idea which one.

There were others there. I could sense them. It was like a dream but I think I was awake.

Mum parked the car and turned in her seat. “Stay here,” she said, “and keep the doors locked.”

I wanted to protest, but something in the tone of her voice stopped me. Her and Thomas stepped out of the car and locked the doors. I strained to follow them as they disappeared from view, but I could still see the glow of their
, muted through the trees but still so bright.

I was usually an obedient child but tonight everything I knew had changed so curiosity got the better of me. I unlocked the car door and crept in the direction mum and Thomas had gone.

Somewhere in the park, a ‘Gifted’, like us, had caught a damned
. I heard the story later that it was a young ‘Gifted’, coming of age, and he needed help ‘cleaning up’. That’s why Mum and Thomas had gone.

Hiding behind a big oak tree I saw Thomas and mum approach a young man. I could see his pure
so felt at ease knowing he was one of us. I didn’t sense any goblins.

I noticed a pile of old clothes on the ground that Uncle Thomas approached. He picked them up and started walking towards me with them. I ducked deeper into the shadows and as he passed me I noticed it was not a pile of clothes but a man. The man was asleep but with his eyes open, and glazed over. I couldn’t sense a
at all, either good or bad. He was empty now.

I crept closer to mum as I could hear her talking.

“You know what you did is right. You’re shaking. Are you in shock?”

My mum had her hand on the young man’s shoulder, letting him know she was there if he needed her.

“It’s not the shock of killing someone.” The young man stated. “It’s because I don’t feel bad about it.”

“You shouldn’t,” mum replied, “you’ve taken the life of someone who was damned and saved the lives of who knows how many. It’s a good thing we do.”

The young man nodded and looked comforted so I crept back to the car. I was asleep by the time mum and Uncle Thomas returned.

Chapter Twenty Two


“Good morning darling. You are staying for dinner aren’t you?”

“Mum, can I have a cup of tea first?” Honestly, let me wake up. “What’s for dinner?” Hello, this is my mum, best cook ever.

“Roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, cabbage, peas, carrots, roast potatoes, boiled potatoes, sweet corn, roast parsnips and gravy.”

Every Sunday my mum cooks a ‘Sunday Dinner’. I say dinner but it’s always served around 4 O’clock and then we all complain for three hours while watching a movie that we’ve eaten too much. Problem is it’s the best food you’ll ever eat. Especially when it’s roast beef.

“Do you think we could squeeze Poppy in if she’s around?” This is said jokingly as there’s enough for twenty even if we don’t eat like pigs. Which we will.

“I’ll peel some more potatoes.” Unnecessary. “I called
after you fell asleep last night.”

I’d meant to do that, hadn’t I? “Oh mum, I should have done that. Thanks though.”

“All sorted, I told him you’d call him today. Now go see if Poppy’s home and I expect you back here by two to help.”


I go home to an empty house. I should call
first but as Poppy is my best friend, she’s my priority.

“Hey, it’s me,” I begin.

“Well hello stranger.” Pretty blunt.

“I know you’re mad I didn’t come home. I’m sorry. It got….. complicated?”

“I was worried about you Alice. You upset me. I didn’t know what to do so I came to see mummy. She called your mum and apparently you were in bed. Why would you do that? Why wouldn’t you let me know you were ok?”

“Because I didn’t think.” I’m glad Parker didn’t reveal our chat. “I’m so sorry Poppy. When will you be home so I can fill you in?” I really do feel horrible.

“Well what does
say? I haven’t had the call to a meeting yet.” She thought she’d hear from
before me. Wow, she’s really hurt.

“You’re my first call Poppy. Can we talk about this? We thought you’d be here.” I say, sad that she isn’t.

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