Being Grey (Beings Trilogy) (9 page)

BOOK: Being Grey (Beings Trilogy)
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“A locket for Poppet,” Stefan giggles to me, “I don’t think that’s her style.”

“We also have the most beautiful charm bracelets. Look at this one with different flowers to collect.”

One of the flowers is a Poppy! Is this gentleman pulling our legs? Stefan looks like he’s going to burst into laughter any second.

“Pocket watches are very on trend right now too.”

“A poppy pocket locket,” Snorts Stefan, “I love it.”

That’s it, the two of us are laughing so hard it hurts. I’m trying to stop but every time I think I have it under control Stefan says “poppy pocket locket” again and I start crying laughing. We must look like a couple of lunatics.

The gentleman that is trying so hard to help us coughs into his hand to try and interrupt us.

More to appease the gentleman than anything, we asked to see bracelets and that’s when we find it. Poppy’s birthstone is
and there is a magnificent double strand pearl bracelet interspersed with diamonds. It’s delicate and exquisite and Stefan’s eyes light up.

“That’s the one.”

“This bracelet is one thousand, seven hundred and ninety nine pounds. We do have a similar style….” The gentleman starts.

“No that’s the one.” Stefan smiles at the gentleman. I suppose we do look a little young to be spending so much. “That’s the one.”

“She’ll love it.” I squeeze his hand and smile at him. “Not mad and expensive at all.

He smiles the ‘what can you do smile?’ “I know.”


We’re having lunch back in the little café in
. I still don’t have the perfect gift. Every 10 minutes Stefan looks at the bracelet, nods and puts it back in the bag. What on earth am I supposed to buy her? I keep going back to the poppy pocket locket and giggling. I think it will be a while before that one wears thin.

I did at least get a card and Stefan is struggling over what to write in his. “By her who in June was born; No gem save pearls shall be worn; they will ensure her constancy; True friendship and fidelity.” He relates.

I look up. “Wow Stefan, that’s beautiful.”

He winks at me and writes: Hope you love the gift. It was this or a poppy pocket locket☺

“Chicken!” I laugh.

Stefan licks the envelope and seals it. “So,” he says, placing the card in front of him, “have you heard from Jason?”

“Not yet!” I try to sound light but it has been eating away at me.

Stefan nods, “I didn’t think so.”

“What does that mean?”

, hun, you’ve been checking your phone every other minute all day.”

“Have I?” Did I?



“Isn’t your date supposed to be tomorrow night?”

I nod, then do that ‘oh well’ shrug. I’m pretending it doesn’t bother me.

“I know it bothers you,” I need to work on my acting, Stefan knows me too well, “but any boy who has the chance to date you should be calling you or at least texting you daily.”

I smile. The compliment is heart warming.

“When he does call, will you promise me something?”

“What?” I asked suspiciously.

“Will you try to play hard to get a bit? Let him know that he’s bloody lucky to have the chance with you and that you’re worth more than last minute plans.”

I’m still smiling. “So you think he will call?”

Stefan nods. He’s got that ‘I knew it’ look on his face. Did I just show my vulnerable side to him? “Yes. He’ll call. There’s not a boy or man on this planet that wouldn’t.”

Am I blushing?

Chapter Fifteen





“Hello, anyone home?” I yell as I unlock the front door.

“I’m in here. Hope you haven’t eaten, I’m making lasagne.”

I wander into the kitchen where I would have gone anyway as the smell is delicious.

Poppy can’t boil an egg but she makes the best lasagne you’ve ever tasted. It takes her an hour to make the ragù and she only buys the freshest ingredients. She even makes her own pasta.

“Mmmm. Even if I had eaten you know I’m always up for your lasagne." She's layering up the dish looking so glamorous and gorgeous it’s sickening! Flour marks one of her cheeks and her usually perfect pony tail is a little squiffy. With her shirt sleeves rolled up and bits of pasta all over the counter, she looks totally in command. "Anything exciting happen lately?”

“Grab yourself a diet Pepsi, Robbie and I had a kill last night.” She says as she put the lasagne in the oven. “We went to the movies to see the new Denzel one. Excellent as always. Love him with glasses. Just makes him all the more sexy don’t you think?”
She slams the oven door triumphantly and starts to tidy up the mess.

“Denzel is always sexy.” I agree.

“Well, we came out the back door; you know the one you’d never go out of alone? Thought we’d cut down the back alley and grab a pizza in that terrible little hole in the wall place before heading home. We see a couple up ahead arguing over something. He’d enjoyed the film, she’d wanted to see the Julia one, you know, usual thing. They were both grey so we didn't pay too much attention. We got the pizza and I got some barbecue chicken wings and garlic balls. I love them. So bad for you but so good. I think Robbie got pepperoni.” She’s frowning trying to remember.

“OK, then what happened?” I may have said, I’m not patient and Poppy does have a way of going off on a tangent.

“Well I didn't get to eat them! I’m still annoyed.” She pouts.

“I’ll get you some tomorrow. But I’m guessing you didn't eat them because of the kill you mentioned?” I prod gently.

“Well of course.” She rolls her eyes at me. “Why else wouldn't you eat those gorgeous little garlic balls of joy? Sometimes
I think you’re not paying attention.”

I guess I’d leant forward in anticipation so I lean back into the chair and wait as patiently as I can.

She's finished wiping the counter top down and starts washing the dishes. “So, as I was saying, we've got our food and have to cut back through the alley to get to the car. We see the girl again but it looks as if the boyfriend has just left her there. She’s got that ‘do I go after him’ look or should she just walk the other way to the bus stop. I wondered whether to say anything but as I passed her she smiled as if everything was ok so I left it at that. Just as we’re reaching the main road I see a man walk past us into the alley and I get that horrible taste in my mouth. As if I’ve bitten my tongue; blood and coppery.” She shivered. “I thought Robbie’s back was going to break he doubled up so quickly!” She places the last dish on the draining board and joins me at the kitchen table.

“So what happened? Where was the girl? He didn’t harm her did he?”

“You are so impatient
. I’m getting there, just in the chronological order. Remember that?” Touché.

“Don’t ask me how, but Robbie and I looked at each other and we just knew what the other was going to do. Well, I knew Robbie would go after the man and I assumed he knew I’d try to protect the girl so not really an enlightening moment!" She laughs and re does the squiffy pony tail. "Robbie raced up to the guy and just tapped him on the shoulder and asked him did he know what time it was. I heard the man mumble something but I was running past to make sure the girl was safe. She’d started to walk towards us. I caught up to her and turned her in the opposite direction. She must have thought I was mental. I was jabbering on about how I’d seen her argue, making up something about the true love I could see in her boyfriends eyes. Anything to keep her mind off what could be happening in the alley behind us.”

“So what did happen?” I’m leaning forward again.

“Well luckily as I’m steering her in the direction she doesn’t want to go, her boyfriend came back. I guess he had a change of heart about leaving her. He starts saying something about being sorry and then I see his jaw start to drop. I know he’s looking over my shoulder at Robbie and the man, so I just pushed the girl in to him. He looks at me and I must have looked pretty damn serious as he just grabs her hand and runs away with her.” She says proudly. “I don’t think he’ll be leaving her in any dark alleys again.”

“Wow, so what happened to the damned?”

“After the couple left, I turned around to see Robbie and him dancing around each other, the guy trying his best to throw punches at Robbie but failing miserably, of course. I guess Robbie was trying to make it look like a fight and not a massacre while the couple were still around. I gave him one big nod and Robbie literally pirouetted, sticks one leg out and sweeps the legs from right under the man. It was so cool! As he was crumbling, he smacked his head on a dumpster and no more damned
. No cover up required. Robbie hadn't hit the man once. It will look like he tripped and fell unfortunately knocking his lights out for good. But we know it’s not unfortunate.” She says with a wink. “I’d dropped the pizza, wings and garlic balls when I ran to protect the girl.”

“You did the right thing. My treat tomorrow.”

Her face actually lights up, "With garlic balls?"








Chapter Sixteen





We’re all at the manor house. Lady Howard called a meeting to discuss the party. Poppy and she had spoken about it yesterday so we’re finessing dates, times and venue. Whilst I know there will be surprises, we have to involve Poppy as she’s petrified her attire won’t be appropriate if we leave her out.

“Your birthday is on a Friday, Poppet, so luckily Elton’s people can do either that day or the Saturday. I’m thinking Saturday as traffic can sometimes be monstrous on Fridays?” Lady Howard proposes.

Poppy looks too excited to care. “Saturday sounds good Mummy.”

“I’m thinking a marquee on the lawn beside the maze. DJ to start then maybe some live music? Casual attire but it is a party, so no denim please.” Lady Howard looks at each one of us in turn. We know the theme but it can’t be told to Poppy yet. “Alcohol, it will be there because there will be adults present and it is Poppet’s eighteenth, but I’m entrusting all of you to make sure no one underage gets influenced. A glass of bubbly as a toast I don’t mind, but I will not tolerate drunken revelling on my property.”

“Yes Lady Howard.” We all say in unison. Even those in the gang who are of legal drinking age don’t get drunk as we don’t ever want to cloud our ability. She knows this but we have this reminder every time there’s a party.

“The invitations can be printed Monday and mailed the same day but I know you’ll tell everyone whom I don’t have addresses for? Settled, Saturday, June 5
, 8 O’clock. Now, girls, choose the invitations, they’re on the table over there, boys, come with me. I have to show you this fantastic new piece I picked up the other day.” Lady Howard winks at me and I have to stop myself from visibly squirming at the thought of seeing that ‘sculpture’ again.

Poppy looks like she needs to use the bathroom. She’s so excited she’s doing some weird wiggly dance over to the invitations.

As I follow her, walking normally, my mobile rings. It’s Jason. I do the waving arms dance to get the girls attention, mouthing the words ‘it’s Jason’, as if I think he can hear me before I connect the call.

“Play hard to get with the weasel!” Annabel says quickly. Poppy shrugs. Oh God, she agrees with Annabel.

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