Bending the Rules: Breaking the Rules #2 (6 page)

BOOK: Bending the Rules: Breaking the Rules #2
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I want you to know that I quit Baylor Industries. There is
no way I can work for your father when he dissolved your position after you had
worked so hard to earn it. I asked Adrian for a job, and he graciously found
room in his company for me. He said he promised that he had nothing to do with
your departure from Baylor. He said he got my voicemail and honored our request
for secrecy. I start Monday, and am happy to have the opportunity to continue
with my career. However, it won’t be the same being in the boardroom without you
. I cherished those moments in the
beginning when we were trying to figure everything out. We were fighting so
hard to stay apart, when the obvious choice was to give into our love and be

You would build my hopes up, and then crush my heart so
easily. I hated that so much. It made me think I was crazy for loving you.
Crazy for thinking we had a chance, or that you really could feel the same for
me. But it was in those tender moments when you would brush your fingers
against mine, rest your hand on my back to lead me into the room, or especially
when your lip would curl into the cutest half smile when I knew you were happy
with whatever input I had just given that I would let myself believe we had a
chance. I know you think you hid that well, but I could see pride in that
little smile, and I lived for that. I still do.

It’s obvious that you don’t want any communication with me
anymore or you would have reached out by now, but I can’t help it. I can’t help
but fight for you. You promised to do the same for me, and somewhere deep
inside my soul, I know you are. We belong together, Drake. Please come home to
me. I love you.

Yours always,



I press send, and then crawl into bed, once again feeling
the chill that has filled the vacancy of Drake’s absence.


Chapter 7


God, my heart breaks for that girl. I can see the
hopelessness in her eyes as she asks about Drake, and I feel horrible for lying
and telling her I know nothing. Giving Morgan the email was a risky decision to
make, especially because when I wrote it down for her, it didn’t even exist. It
was a split second move that needed to be made to put her at ease, as much as
possible. As soon as Morgan and her friend Amanda left the bowling alley, I
went online and set it up for Drake.

“Hey, man. How’s my girl?” Drake sounds groggy when he

“Hey, sorry did I wake you up? I should have waited to
call.” I forgot Zurich is only six hours ahead of us.

“It’s okay; I don’t really sleep much anymore. What’s up?”

“Well, I wanted to let you know Morgan and her friend Amanda
came in tonight and played a few games. Why didn’t you tell me Morgan had such
hot friends?”

I can hear Drake laugh a little into the phone before
answering me. “Yeah, Amanda is a cutie. She’s pretty funny as well, single too.
I guess when you only have eyes for your girl, you don’t really notice anyone

“I guess that’s true. Anyway, I did something tonight that I
hope won’t be a huge deal.”

“Well that doesn’t sound good, what happened?” Drake asks.

“When Morgan walked in, the sadness in her eyes crushed me.
I could tell she really wanted a fun night out with her friend and was doing
everything she could to smile and seem happy, but I can tell she’s still not
doing well.”

“Oh God, it kills me to hear that. I’m glad Amanda had her
out though, that’s good,” Drake says.

“Yeah, they seemed to have some fun when they were bowling,
I even caught her giggling a few times. She’s going to be okay, man. She just
misses the hell out of you, which brings me to back to what happened. When they
came in, Morgan asked me if I had heard anything from you. When I told her no,
her spirit seemed to break a little more. I didn’t know what to do to make her
feel better without telling her anything and it was killing me how sad she
looked, so I made up an email address for you and gave it to her. I told her I
still had it on file from when you played on the league here and that you never
even checked it, so not to expect anything back from you.”

“Good idea, but what good is a made up email account for

“I set it up for you, Drake. It’s active now. She can write
to you without the emails getting bounced back to her so she can still have
hope that you are out there somewhere. Plus, you can read what she writes to
you, and know she is missing you just as much as you miss her. You can stay
connected to each other without having any true communication. Morgan isn’t
expecting a reply from you, so even if for some crazy reason your father has
some techie genius find out about the emails from her, he’ll also see that you
didn’t respond. You’re not breaking the rules here, Drake, only bending them.”

“That’s true I guess. Thanks for setting that up, man, and
for helping my girl out. I really appreciate it.”

“Any time, Drake, you’d do the same for me. I’ll text you
the email address and password so you can save it in your phone.”

“Cool. Hey, I have Amanda’s number if you want to give her a
call. She’s a good girl, Garrett,” Drake says.

“Thanks, but I’ve got it covered. The little minx slipped
her card into her bowling shoe before handing it back to me. I’m going to give
her a call now. I’ll talk to you later, man,” I say before ending the call. I
know you are supposed to wait for two days or some stupid shit like that, but
Amanda’s a cutie. There is no way I’m going to wait around to call her and give
some other asshole the chance to meet her and call before I do.





Giving Morgan an email address for me was a pretty brilliant
move by Garrett, but as I sit here trying to absorb everything that Morgan
wrote to me, I almost wish I didn’t know just how much she’s hurting. I can’t
even believe my dad would lie and tell her that I was fired. On second thought,
yes I can. He didn’t want to put any thoughts that we could still be together
into her head. And the bullshit about me being off licking my wounds was horse
shit. Even though she doesn’t believe I would do it to her, the seed is still
planted in her mind that I’m off with someone else while she is home without

I’m not too thrilled to hear Adrian lied to her as well. Of
course he would say he had nothing to do with it. Morgan mentioned to me that
he still has feelings for her after all these years. He’s probably using my
absence to get close to her again. I know she loves me, but the fact that I’m
not there, coupled with Morgan and Adrian spending so much time together now
that she’s working for him, does not make me a happy man. I know Morgan is
waiting for me to come back to her, and I hope she can stick it out, but it’s only
a matter of time before some other guy reminds her what a real relationship can
be like. Especially when he’s actually there in the flesh.

I’m so tempted to write her back. Even if it’s just a blank
email or other small sign that I received her email and I’m still here for her.
I learned my lesson last time, though. Thinking I could fly under the radar and
not get caught came back to bite me in the ass big time. As much as it kills
me, I’ll have to stay strong.





As expected, Drake hasn’t replied to the email I sent
Friday. It’s been two agonizing days without a response. I must have checked my
email for a reply at least a dozen times…..per hour. I’ve agreed to let my
mother take me shopping today after our usual Sunday brunch date. I’ve been
feeling really tired lately so I’m not exactly up for a full day of shopping,
but I know outfitting me with yet another new work wardrobe is my mom’s way of
supporting my choice in having a career, so I’m going with it.

“Darling!” My mother stands with her arms outreached when
she sees me enter the dining room at the club.

“Hi, Mom. You look nice. Did you get your hair done?” I ask
as I walk into her embrace, air-kissing her like the country club socialite she
wishes I would be.

“Oh, thank you sweetheart, Talia just did it Friday. It was
time I warmed my color up a bit for fall,” She says while unconsciously
smoothing out the ends of her now less platinum locks that lie perfectly at her
shoulders. “Are you ready for your first day tomorrow?”

“I think so. I was one of the point people on the Thompson
Manufacturing account at Baylor, so I’m already well acquainted with the needs
of Adrian’s company. I spent a bit of time last night jotting down ideas of how
I can make some of his father’s dreams a reality.”

“Don’t forget, honey, it’s your job to support Adrian, not
out-shine him. It’s great that you are prepared, but make sure that he’s the
one leading the company, not you.” OMG she doesn’t get it. My mother clearly
still thinks I’m supposed to be a 1950s housewife, not career-driven woman of
the 21st century!

“No, Mom,” I say with a little added stank, “It’s my job to
offer creative insight, and see through different manufacturing initiatives
with our clientele. Adrian is the boss, and I will most definitely look to him
for guidance, direction, and approval, but he is hiring me to improve his
company, not be his little woman standing next to him at charity events.”

“Morgan, you know I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant
that tomorrow is your first day, you don’t want people to think you are a know
it all.”

This conversation is going nowhere, and I still have to
spend the rest of the day with my mother. I’m already exhausted from dealing
with her country club snobbery. I decide to give this one a rest and just
politely thank her for the advice.

“Thank you, Mom, I know you mean well. Shall we order
another round before heading to the omelet station?”


My mother and I have brunched, shopped, and now I’m about to
drop as I haul my bags into my apartment later in the afternoon. I will say my
mother has impeccable taste in clothes, and the credit limit to back that up,
so I really am always appreciative of a shopping day with her. I take care when
hanging my new garments in my bedroom closet, removing some more summer
appropriate items and moving them into my spare closet in the hallway. Next I
take pictures of my new shoes, then print them and affix the picture to the
outside of the shoe box so I can keep them neatly stacked in the closet, while
still knowing which pair is which.

The bathtub is calling my name. I undress as the water fills
the tub, aerating bath oil filling the room with delicate scents of jasmine and
orange blossom. I’m immediately drawn back to memories of Drake and me in the
tub together. As I relax into the hot, soothing water, my mind drifts to the
first Saturday in September when I came home to Drake waiting for me with a
freshly drawn bath. It was one of our many nights spent apart maintaining our
single person statuses. I had gone to a friend’s wedding earlier that day, and
had texted Drake a few times to tell him how much I missed him and wished he
could be there with me.

Drake met me at my door, taking my wrap and purse from me as
he kissed me gently, telling me how happy he was that I was finally home.
Dropping to his knees before me, he massaged my tired legs while removing my
heels, kissing my feet sweetly. When he rose to his feet, he grabbed my hand,
while carrying my shoes, bag and wrap with the other, and led me into my

“You look absolutely breathtaking this evening, Morgan. This
dress is stunning on you, I would have been so proud to have you on my arm
tonight,” Drake said as he spun me around to face away from him so he could
unzip my dress.

“I would have loved to have you with me. I missed you so
much today mister,” I said, turning my head so I could meet his gaze as I
looked over my shoulder.

“At the risk of sounding clichéd my love, as much as I love
you in this dress, I can’t wait to get you out of it,” Drake said as I giggled,
shimmying my hips to aid him in his quest for garment removal.

“You are such a dork, babe,” I said as I twirled back around
in his arms, stepping out of my dress that had pooled at my feet. “But you’re
my dork, and I love you.”

“I love you too. Come, I just finished drawing us a bath,”
Drake once again took my hand, and led me into the bathroom, quickly removing
his tight white t-shirt, and dropping his low-slung grey sweats. I had stolen
an appreciative glance at him earlier and could tell by his arousal that he was
going commando. Drake stifled a laugh at my involuntary gasp as his pants hit
the ground.

“Sorry, babe, you’re just so beautiful.” I said, taking an
extra minute to appreciate my man in all is naked glory. I stepped closer to
Drake so our bodies were touching. I closed my eyes as Drake lowered his
forehead to mine, wrapping his arms around me, enveloping me in his warmth and
love. We stood there silently, enjoying the moment together…in love…in
lust…everything else forgotten. I opened my eyes eventually to find Drake’s
soft gaze, and a shy smile crossed his face.

“You are the beautiful one, Morgan, inside and out. I’m
sorry I couldn’t be with you today, but I’m glad I can be with you tonight. I
feel so lucky to be the man you come home to,” Drake said as he gently kissed
our favorite spot at the base of my neck right above my collar bone, and then
helped me into the tub.

We took turns washing each other in the bath, taking time to
enjoy the pleasure of each other’s touch. Instead of taking my usual position
in Drake’s arms with my back against his chest, I sat facing him with our legs
wrapped around each other. Drake and I had become so good at making the most of
our time together getting to know each other. We sat amongst bubbles, cocooned
in warm, sweet smelling water as we talked about our first encounters.

“I was so afraid to open myself to the possibility of love
with you. Once my father agreed to take me on with his company, I threw myself
headfirst into learning every aspect of the business. I’d fucked everything up
in my life so badly. This was my chance at redemption. I had a few months under
my belt and had proven myself to my father. I knew he was ready to hand the
company over to me, he’d hinted that enough times, but I knew he wanted to make
me sweat it out a little more.

“When I saw you waiting for me in reception on your first
day, I knew I was in danger of losing everything I had worked for. Of course I
first noted your exquisite beauty, but it was the look in your eye as you took
the room in that made me stop and watch you for a few moments. Your eyes spoke
of curiosity and determination. I’ve known your father for years, and he has
always spoken so fondly of you, I felt as though I already knew you. Seeing you
standing alone, ready to take on such a demanding job with absolutely no
previous experience, I could see in your eyes that you couldn’t wait to do
this…on you own. By the way your father spoke of you I could tell they’d kept
you under their thumbs your whole life. I’ve met a ton of girls with similar
upbringings and affluence surrounding them, and they are always spoiled bitches
waiting for you to lay your world at their feet. Seeing you so ready to find
your own identity, your own place in this world, I immediately respected you. I
spoke your name and you turned to meet my gaze and my heart stopped. Your
reaction to seeing me for the first time was the exact experience I was having.
I saw the lust in your eyes as you took me in. I love that I wasn’t what you
expected. Of course, you were expecting my father to greet you, not me. The
shock in your expression was hilarious as well,” Drake said with a laugh.

Laughing with him I said, “I immediately scolded myself for
not taking golf up sooner when I saw you. From first sight, you are without a
doubt the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen. I even tripped walking into your
damn office I was so distracted! You were such a dick though. It’s still a
wonder I forgave you so many times. I guess the heart knows what it wants
though, because here we are, and I’m so happy for that,” I continued.

“I’m happy for that as well, Morgan. That’s enough memory
lane for tonight I think. What do you say we focus on the present? I know just
the thing to make you a very happy girl,” Drake said as he moved his hand from
my waist, tipping my chin up to plant a sweet kiss on my lips.

I moaned into his mouth as Drake’s tongue met mine. We did
nothing but kiss softly for a bit, enjoying each other’s taste as our tongues
continued their dance.

 “God I love your hand on my cock,” Drake said after I
reached between us and started stroking him off. Drake tried to lower a hand
down to massage me as well, but I batted his hand away.

“Let me do this, Drake,” I said as Drake lifted his eyebrows
in question. I lowered my mouth to the base of his neck where it meets his
shoulder, nibbling his skin as I mumbled, “I love the feel of your cock in my
hands too.”

A few moments later Drake stood up, taking me with him as he
grasped my legs that were still wrapped around him. “I need to be inside you.
Now,” Drake demanded as he adjusted his grip on me, stepped out of the tub, and
carried me to my room without bothering to dry us off. I used to hate it when
he would take harsh, demanding tones with me, but now I can’t get enough of it.
Drake is a very powerful man in his own right as he prepares to take over a
fortune 500 corporation and I love when he uses some of that power with me,
just as long as he doesn’t take it too far.

Still in his arms, we both crashed onto my bed in a
passionate tangle of arms and legs. Panting heavily, Drake twisted my nipples
between his fingers as he licked his way down my wet torso. Drake threw one of
my legs over his shoulder and settled between my legs, lapping at my swollen
flesh as he sucked my clit into his mouth.

“Oh God, Drake!” I screamed as my body quivered. It didn’t
take long with him between my legs for my first orgasm to surface.

“That’s right, baby, come for me,” Drake growled. He didn’t
let me recover from climax long before he started licking and sucking me again,
throwing me right back over the edge. Holding onto the leg that was still over
his shoulder, Drake slowly sat up, rubbing the tip of his cock over my folds,
then thrust himself into my entrance. “Ahh, Morgan,” Drake said as he found his
rhythm. I lifted my hips, meeting him thrust for thrust. Sweat replaced the
bathwater on our soaked bodies as we continued at this pace for what seemed
like eternity. I cried out in ecstasy when Drake started massaging my clit.
“I’m close, baby, I want you to come with me.”

“I’m right there,” I panted, and started to come as Drake
stilled inside me. I felt his cock pulsing as his warmth spread through me,
then he collapsed over me as we both came down from our orgasms. “Don’t ever
leave me, Drake. I’ll always be your home,” I whispered into Drake’s ear as our
heart rates started to slow.

“I’ll never leave you, Morgan. I’ll always be yours as
well,” Drake said, then kissed my forehead gently and rolled me over onto his

With that sweet memory still fresh in my mind, I pull myself
out of the bathtub, dry myself with a towel, then crawl into bed. I fall asleep
thinking of Drake, wondering where he is in the world, and if his heart feels
as empty as mine.

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