Bending the Rules: Breaking the Rules #2 (7 page)

BOOK: Bending the Rules: Breaking the Rules #2
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Chapter 8


Tomorrow can’t come soon enough. Its Morgan’s first day at
Thompson Manufacturing. As usual, this is all going according to my plan for
getting her back. I’m going to take Lana’s advice and be a constant support for
Morgan. I’ll be familiar, reliable, trustworthy. I’ll remind Morgan of all of
the ways we were so good together, without coming on too strong. She is hurting
right now.

Two months after I exposed them to Drake’s father, creating
their fallout at work and with each other, she is still pining for that loser
Drake Baylor. I know they had a connection. I could see it from the first meet
and greet at Baylor Industries. Drake is out of the picture now though. He
hasn’t even contacted her. I just have to remind her that I’m here now, in the
flesh. I’ll pick her heart up from the floor. I’ll support her needs for a
career and independence. I’ll show her all the ways she should be loved. I’ll
remind her how happy she can be with a relationship that is celebrated out in
the open. One that her parents and peers alike support. One that doesn’t have
rules. It will be like the old times when we were happy and in love, only
without her parents controlling her every move. Morgan loved me once. I’ll just
have to remind her how amazing our love was and wait patiently for her to come
back to me. Then I’ll finally have everything I need, including Lana Lane
finally off my back.





I’ve already started my Monday here in Zurich and it’s business
as usual. I’ve fallen into a groove here and it’s actually kind of nice. Well,
as nice as being forced to live thousands of miles and countries away from the
one you love. I’ve kept my father up to date on my progress and not only does
he seem pleased, but also impressed with my work so far. He hasn’t mentioned
Morgan’s name, so I’m pretty sure he’s keeping tabs on me and knows I haven’t
had any contact with her.

As I stare out of my office window, I can’t keep my thoughts
from drifting back to Morgan. It always comes back to her. In a few hours she
will be starting her first day working for Adrian at Thompson Manufacturing. My
gut aches at that thought. Adrian is a snake. He is going to sink his venomous
teeth into her and fill her head with his toxic ideas. He’ll continue to lie to
her. He’ll tell her I’m never coming back and try to convince her that it’s his
arms where she belongs.

My dark thoughts are interrupted when my assistant, Alina,
walks into my office. She never knocks, she just walks in with the confidence –
and I’ll admit…looks – of a supermodel. Her legs are never ending and she loves
to accentuate them with high heels and short skirts. Not too long ago I would
have already fucked her on every surface in this office, but not now. My heart
belongs to one woman. Alina is a striking woman who screams sex and sensuality,
but I’m not interested.

“Mr. Baylor.”

“Drake. Please call me Drake, Alina. Mr. Baylor is my
father, I’ve explained that before,” I say as a shiver runs through me. I’ve
been here almost two months and the thought of my father still makes my skin

“Drake. Sorry,” Alina says as she stands a little
straighter. I can see her mentally restarting her thought process before
speaking again. “Drake, I’m headed to lunch. Will you be taking lunch today?
Would you care to join me?” Alina asks, not even bothering to hide her interest
in me.

“No, Alina, thank you. I’ll be working through lunch as
usual,” I reply. My regular sparring partner works a night shift at a factory
near our gym. I’ve started to work through my lunches lately so I don’t feel
guilty for heading out early to head to the gym so we can go a few rounds
before he heads to work. Boxing wears my body out so I can actually get some
sleep. Without Morgan in my bed, it’s the only way I’ve figured out how to fall
asleep without drinking myself into oblivion, or popping pills.

Alina turns on her high heel and heads out of my office
without another word, and I stare at the framed picture of Morgan sleeping in
my arms that adorns my desk. That picture is all the motivation I need to work
my ass off here and get back to her.





I wake up right before my alarm is supposed to go off and
run to my bathroom and throw up. God, I hope I’m not getting sick. I can’t start
my first week at Thompson with the flu. I’m sure my co-workers would appreciate
me calling in rather than spreading a stomach virus around the office. I’ve
been feeling a little run down lately, maybe whatever I was fighting off
finally caught up with me. Nothing is going to stop me from completing my first
day at a new job. It’s most likely nerves anyway. When I started at Baylor
Industries, it was a job that my father had helped me to get. I was going to
work for one of his golf buddies, and my mom had already set up a meeting with
him first thing, so although I should have felt nervous, I didn’t. Anxious and
excited maybe, but not sick to my stomach nervous like I feel now.

Working for Adrian should put me at ease, but as I struggle
to keep ginger ale down while I shower and get ready for work, I realize just
how uneasy I’m feeling. I take a few calming breaths, and remind myself that
Adrian is a friend as well as a boss. He has seen me at my worst, and at my
best. He has told me time and time again how great I am at what I do, and how
comfortable he feels placing his company in my capable hands. With one last
glimpse in my bathroom mirror, I grab my coat and head for my car. Thompson
Manufacturing is a little longer commute than Baylor. It’s about thirty-five
minutes by car instead of fifteen and on this beautiful late October morning a
longer drive sounds perfect. A nice drive to work with my sunroof open letting
the crisp fall air fill my lungs and soothe my nerves to some Explosions in the
Sky is just what I need.

I arrive at Thompson Manufacturing about ten minutes before
nine. It’s a good thing I am early because although I thought my stomach had
settled on the drive over, the motion of getting out of my car and walking into
the building is too much and I’m overcome with the need to vomit. I scurry into
the bathroom and have just enough time to hang my purse and jacket on the back
of the door before crouching down before the toilet and revisiting the ginger
ale and toast I thought I might keep down. A few dry heaves follow my stomach’s
contents, and I take a few deep breaths to calm my body before attempting to
stand. Once vertical, I slowly exit the stall, grabbing my belongings and
peering into the mirror while I wash my hands. Since when did I start looking
so terrible? I know I haven’t slept well recently, and a loss of appetite has
taken its toll on my slender frame, but damn, I really look like shit. I wet
some paper towel and gently press it under my eyes, trying to minimize the
redness caused by vomiting, but it really only removes some of the concealer I
so badly need to cover my dark circles. That’s it, I need to vow to myself
right here and now to make a healthy meal for myself every night and perhaps
start some evening meditations to help me sleep better, ‘cause something’s got
to give.

After composing myself, I find human resources. I fill out
the necessary tax and other new employee paperwork, have my picture taken for
my employee badge (which I’m sure will be awful given my current state), then
head to Adrian’s office. I’m not quite sure if I’ll have my own office or where
he expects me to be, so I thought I’d say hello and thank him again for hiring

I find Adrian’s office after taking a few wrong turns in the
maze of hallways. Thompson Manufacturing does not take up the majority of a
high rise building downtown like Baylor Industries does. It’s a large but
spread out building that is only about four stories high, but takes up quite a
bit of acreage in the outskirts of the industrial district.

I knock a few times on Adrian’s door, using the frame to
hold up my weak body. Adrian looks up from his computer screen, his big blue
eyes meeting mine.

“Good morning, Morgan, I’ve been looking forward to today
all weekend,” Adrian says with a kind smile on his face.

“I think you have that backward. Don’t people usually dread
Mondays all weekend?”

“Well most people don’t get to look forward to you joining
their team at work, so I can understand why they might dread their weekends
coming to a close. I get the pleasure of seeing your beautiful face today. That
is why I’ve been looking forward to today all weekend.”

“That is very kind, Mr. Thompson, thank you.”

“Morgan, I know for a fact that even my father would kick
your behind for calling him that. I know it’s a weird dynamic between us now
that I’m your boss, but please call me Adrian.”

“I can do that. Where would you like me to put my things?” I
ask, suddenly feeling a cold sweat cover my body, and needing a place to sit
before I get sick again.

“You can have my old office right next door. I took over my
father’s office when he had his heart attack,” Adrian says as his smile falls
from his face slightly. He has always planned to take over Thompson
Manufacturing for his father one day, but manning the helm of a large
corporation in the absence of his ailing father is not exactly how he planned
on doing it. Adrian has always been close with his parents. He has expressed
his fears of losing his father at a young age to me before.

“Sounds great, Adrian. I’m going to go get settled in, you
know where to find me if you need anything. I’ll come back in a little bit if
that’s okay, and we will dive right in,” I say, and head for the door.

“Take your time,” Adrian says, as he turns back to his
computer. “Oh, Morgan?” He calls to me as I’m almost through the doorway. I
turn back to see Adrian smiling up at me. “Welcome aboard. I’m so glad to have
you here.” I nod and turn towards my office, knowing full well that his
statement had more than one meaning to it.

I quickly move around my desk, taking a seat and a few
moments to gather myself. I really thought I’d be feeling better by now, maybe
I really am getting sick. I settle into my office, taking in the masculine
surroundings of what was recently Adrian’s office. It’s sparse but nicely
outfitted with a standard black office desk, and upholstered chairs. It’s not
as high-brow as Baylor Industries, but seeing as though it’s an office that is
located in the hub of a large manufacturing plant, there really isn’t a need
for bells and whistles. There is also a conference room located closer to the
entrance of the building that has all of the latest state of the art technology
needed to meet with potential business partners and sell them on all of the
things Thompson can make for and with them. After stashing a few personal
necessities in my desk drawer – toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, tampons, etc. –
I adorn my desk with a single framed picture. The one Drake took of me sleeping
on his chest. The one where his sublime happiness can’t be mistaken. It’s
amazing how after about two months without even a word from Drake, I don’t miss
him any less. I don’t love him any less. Even after all this time, my heart
doesn’t hurt any less either. Taking this job not only puts me back on track
for working towards a career and life I was currently derailed from, but it
will also give me the distraction I need to move on from Drake. To be honest, I
don’t think my heart will ever move on from him, but I can’t live like this
forever either.


A full week later, and I’m finally starting to settle into
my work here at Thompson Manufacturing. Adrian has so far proved to not only be
a wonderful boss, but also a great friend. He didn’t waste any time catching me
up to speed with some of the contracts they are working on, and was kind enough
to leave me off the Baylor Industries team. After a hard week’s work last
Friday, Adrian invited me to join him for a few cocktails to celebrate my first
week. Still feeling a little run down, I almost declined his offer, but after
giving it some thought, I figured if I really want to find some happiness in my
life after two months of solitude and mourning, I’d better get back out there
in the world and have a little fun!

Adrian took me to a great little bar not far from my place,
but one that I’d surprisingly never been to. I guess because I met Drake
shortly after moving to the city, I didn’t really give myself much of a chance
to explore my neighborhood. Well, now is my chance.

“What can I get you?” Adrian asked as we settled into a
booth in the back corner. The Friday crowd had taken up residence around the
bar, so we chose a spot a little less noisy.

“I’ll have an extra dirty-“

“Beefeater martini, blue cheese stuffed olives? Your dirty
old man drink, you’re still drinking those?” Adrian remembered.

“Well, it’s not Sunday, Bloody Mary Sunday…” I teased.

“Okay, one dirty old man drink coming up. Anything else? Are
you hungry?”

“I’ll take water with lemon too, thanks. Oh! And menu sounds
good,” I shouted as Adrian walked to the bar, nodding his head acknowledging
that he heard my requests.

It was too early in the evening for any live entertainment,
which was good because I wasn’t in the mood for dancing, but someone behind the
bar had cranked up an older Kings of Leon album to get the Friday crowd going.
I noticed quite a few single people eye-fucking each other, so playing “sex on
fire” was just what they needed to keep the mood going. Well, that and a little
alcohol I suppose.

Adrian came back to the booth shortly with our drinks and
menus and I tried not to let the pain in my heart show on my face as “Use
Somebody” started to play. The words speak to me as if Drake is off somewhere
singing them to me himself. The lyrics don’t fit our situation perfectly, but
the idea of him out there somewhere missing me, trying to get to me, to make me
notice him again, fighting for me … right now it’s really all I can hope for.
Right now, I could use somebody like him too. Trying to move on from my deep
thoughts, and bring my mind back to the present, I looked up at Adrian, meeting
his gaze. Could Adrian be the one to mend my heart? He had my love once, could
he have it again?

“You look sad, Morgan. What are you thinking about?” Adrian
asked, with real concern in his eyes.

“I’m sorry. Those lyrics… I’ve always loved that song, and
it has been so long since I’ve heard it, and it made me think of Drake and… I’m
sorry,” I said, looking away from Adrian as I started to pick at my nails below
the table.

“What are you sorry for?”

“I don’t know. You have been so kind to give me a job, and
I’m really enjoying it. You have been such a great friend to me, and have
listened to me as I talk about Drake, and how much I miss him. I know you have
feelings for me, Adrian. It can’t be easy to hear someone you have feelings for
go on and on about how sad they are that they can’t be with the one they love,
when you are sitting right there, wishing it were you that they loved,” I
rambled on, finally taking a breath and raising my head to once again meet
Adrian’s gaze.

“I do have feelings for you, Morgan. I’m in love with you. I
think I fell in love with you as you treated the cut on my eye after crashing
into me six years ago, and I’ve never stopped. Am I sitting here wishing it
were me that you loved? Absolutely, but we both know that you don’t. As much as
I want to be the man for you, to hold you at night and support your dreams,
take you on dates and show you off to the world, that is not what you need
right now. Right now you need a friend. I promised you when you took this job
that I would be professional, and be your friend, so until you ask for more,
and I hope to God you do, a friend is what I’ll be.”

“Thank you, Adrian,” I said as tears threatened to breach my
eyelids. “That means the world to me.”

“Any time, doll. Now how ‘bout we share an appetizer or two
here, and if you’re up for it, we can go out for an actual meal. I know your
body is slowly bouncing back from that bug you’ve had all week, I don’t know how
much fried food your stomach can take. I know you were trying to make a good
impression, but Morgan, next time you’re puking your guts out, call in sick,”
Adrian said with a wink. I thought I’d masked my symptoms and my vomiting
pretty well, but I guess he still knows me better than most people.

Adrian and I hung at the bar long enough to share a few
appetizers. I decided against a second martini, feeling a little more buzzed
than usual after the first one. That’s what happens when you hardly keep food down
for a week, I guess. Once home, I rinsed the bar stink off in the shower, then
slipped on one of the nighties Drake got for me, followed by a cozy robe.
Remembering the ways Drake always devoured me with his eyes when I put this on,
I decided to fire up my computer and send him an email. I figure he doesn’t
check this account because he never responded to my first one, but emailing
Drake helps me to still feel connected to him in a way. I know I’m trying to
have fun, and am starting to open up to the possibility of eventually moving on
from him, but Drake still has my heart. He’ll always own a piece of it in some

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