Bending the Rules: Breaking the Rules #2 (9 page)

BOOK: Bending the Rules: Breaking the Rules #2
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As I walk into Morgan’s apartment I’m glad she is running
behind. I need a minute to take in my surroundings and calm my nerves. I walk into
her kitchen to help myself to whatever chilled beverage is available and
hanging on the fridge is a picture of Morgan sleeping peacefully on Drake’s
shoulder as he smiles contentedly into the camera. I have to admit they both
epitomize contentment and it makes me hate that asshole just a little bit more.
Morgan was happy with him. Sublimely happy. She had love written all over her
face while the two of them danced for hours together at Tao. Pushing that
thought out of my mind, I decide against a beverage and return back to her
living room and take a seat on her couch.

I can’t continue to compare myself to Drake or it will drive
me insane. We are two totally different people, and she has loved us both. I’m
just the fortunate one who gets her in the end, because I am smart enough to
keep my shit together and not be exiled to who knows where. I’m still here in
the flesh, and for tonight at least, that means I get to be the one with Morgan
on my arm. I must remember to repeat that mantra and remain confident that
Morgan will once again be mine, and soon.

Tonight is already going as planned, which is just the way I
like it. My dad texted as I was pulling up to Morgan’s apartment to let me know
that both my parents and the Lanes have arrived at the club and that the band
was all set up. They will enjoy a few cocktails and dinner, on me of course,
sitting just a table or two over from ours, and on my signal, take the stage
and start to play. Morgan is usually a prompt person and I’m actually a little
surprised she wasn’t ready for me when I pulled up, but I really needed this
extra moment, and her delay really isn’t messing with my plans, so I’m not
worried. Our parents may be a little heavier into the sauce by the time we
arrive, but that will just help Morgan get into the party mood as well, so it’s
all good.

I hear a door open and turn just in time to see Morgan exit
her bedroom and I have to pull my jaw off her living room floor. Holy shit, she
has dressed for a date. Thank the gods above us she is dressed for a
motherfucking date. With me. My pants tighten with desire as I drink in her
appearance from head to toe and I can’t keep myself from smiling.

“My God, Morgan, I’ve never seen you look so beautiful. You
are absolutely glowing,” I gush. I planned on keeping my cool at least until
dinner was over and she was in my arms on the dance floor anyway, but I can’t
keep the words from spilling out of my mouth. Morgan looks so sexy. She was
still under her mom’s grasp when we dated and she would never wear a dress this
short out in public before, but damn it showcases her amazing legs so
perfectly. Her hair is swept to the side, displaying her beautiful neck that at
this moment is begging to be nibbled, but I keep myself in check.

“Thank you, Adrian, you’re not so bad yourself,” Morgan says
nervously. I can tell she’s still unsure of letting herself be on an actual
date when she is clearly not over Drake. I plan on changing that tonight. Or at
least tip the scales more in my direction.

“I don’t want to rush you, but we really should get going.
Do you have everything you need?” I ask.

“Yes I do. I’m so sorry for making you wait. You know that’s
not my style typically. I just couldn’t decide what to wear tonight.” I could
kiss her right now. She struggled with what to wear tonight and went for sexy.
This night could not be going any better I swear. I need to get her to dinner
before she changes her mind again and changes into something her mother would
have her wear. It’s a good thing she doesn’t know her mom will be there!


I text my dad as I get into the car and let ask him to let
the hostess and kitchen know we will be about twenty minutes late. Upon our
arrival, our server is waiting at the hostess stand with a tray carrying two
flutes of champagne as I asked.

“The royal service… I’m impressed, Adrian,” Morgan says with
a sultry smile. I noticed her taking a few deep breaths on the way over, and
she is now more relaxed.

“Like I said, Morgan, I want to celebrate you tonight.”

“You said this dinner was to thank me,” she teases.

“Yes, to thank you for a wonderful first month and to
celebrate your raise.”

“Oh of course, please forgive me.”

I take a step closer to her, squeezing her hip as I wrap my
arm around her narrow waist. I bend down almost as if to kiss her and see her
eyes open a little wider and hear her draw a short breath. She’s not ready to
be kissed yet. I change tactics with a smile and staying close to her lips I
look deep into her eyes and say, “You’re forgiven, gorgeous.” I take a step
away, leaving my hand at the small of her back as my arm leaves her waist.
“Come on, I have a surprise for you.”

Before she can say anything, Morgan notices our parents and
her smile brightens instantly. “You invited our parents to dinner?”

“Of course, I knew your parents would be delighted by your
accomplishments, and my dad wanted to also extend his thanks for a great month
and officially welcome you to Thompson in person. He hasn’t felt well enough to
work lately and feels badly for not congratulating you on your position with
us, so I invited him and my mom to join us as well,” I explain as we approach
our table.

“Oh, honey, we are so proud of you!” Morgan’s mother
practically shouts as she greets her with air kisses when we get to the table.
She gives her a small side hug, careful not to spill the martini she has in her
other hand. The woman is a pro at mingling with a cocktail in hand.

“Thanks, Mom,” Morgan says before turning to greet her
father. “Hi, Dad,” she says excitedly as she goes on her tiptoes and wraps her
arms around her father in a tight embrace.

“How is my sunshine doing tonight?” Morgan’s dad asks as he
pulls away to look at her. He is clearly a few drinks into his evening.

“I’m doing just great, Dad, I’ve missed you. I’ve had a few
brunches with Mom since I’ve been back but haven’t spent much time with you,
I’m sorry.”

“Well from traveling the world to starting a new job, it’s
understandable that you might have been a little too busy for your dear old
dad. What do you say we make plans for next weekend? There is a new indoor
driving range by the house, why don’t you and I hit some balls and you can come
for lunch afterward?” Her dad asks, and I see the look on her face change
slightly. I hope he hasn’t just reminded her of Drake, although I can only
assume he has. Morgan seems to make that face throughout the day and I can tell
she is thinking of him. Dammit, Jim, tonight is supposed to be about steering
Morgan towards my arms. No harm done though, as Morgan quickly rebounds with a
smile and agrees to the plans before greeting my parents. She is clearly trying
to be in the moment tonight, and I really appreciate that.

“A very belated welcome to the company my dear, but I’m so
glad you’ve joined our team,” my dad says sweetly as he pulls her into a gentle
embrace. He looks like an older, more frail version of the person she used to
know and I love her just a little more for doing her best to suppress the shock
she clearly feels at his appearance. His heart attack and bypass surgery has
been harder on him than he lets on.

“Thanks for the opportunity, Mr. Thompson. I’m so happy to
be representing your company and have really enjoyed my last month there.”

“Well it sounds like you are doing a magnificent job, keep
up the good work, young lady, and you will go very far with us,” my dad

“We’ve all heard such wonderful reports about your work my
dear. I don’t think we are the only ones who are happy to have you at
Thompson,” my mom says as she looks my way with a knowing smile.

“Yes, well…Adrian has been a great boss to work with so far.
I’m looking forward to a great career with Thompson Manufacturing,” Morgan says
as our eyes meet.

“Okay, okay, let's not overwhelm the guest of honor,” I say
with a large smile and a laugh. “I believe we’ve held up the kitchen long
enough. What do you say we take a seat and enjoy a nice celebratory dinner? I
worked with the chef earlier this week to create a special menu just for us
this evening,” I explain as we all take our seats.

“A special dinner after one month of working for you,” Jim
Lane pipes up with a slight slur to his speech, “what comes next month
Thompson, a diamond ring?” He teases. Lana Lane smiles at me with a
conspirator’s smile. She’s the only one who knows that is exactly my plan.

I look at Morgan, whose face has turned a beautiful shade of
crimson, and give her a charming smile and a wink. “Stranger things have
happened, Jim.”


Dinner has progressed nicely into dessert and after my
signal the band gets up from their table and starts to play a sweet, slower,
acoustic version of Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield. I see Morgan’s eyes mist
and can tell she’s identifying with the lyrics. They couldn’t fit more
perfectly in her life at this moment and this version is absolutely beautiful.
I decide it’s a good time to draw the attention back to us for the evening, so
I decide to stand and make a toast.

“First, let me thank you all for coming tonight to celebrate
Morgan and her accomplishments. She doesn’t feel like all of this attention is
deserved but I do, and I think you all agree with me as well. I’ve arranged for
a little after dinner entertainment, so please feel free to order another
cocktail, dance a little maybe…just enjoy yourselves. A car service will bring
you home and follow you with your vehicles so we all get home safe. Cheers to
you, Morgan, and thanks again for a great first month at Thompson
Manufacturing.” A small round of applause for Morgan moves throughout the
dining room as she blushes again. I invite the other diners to join in the
dancing as well.





This evening has been so
wonderful, yet overwhelming at the same time. I decided to take a great leap
and approach this dinner as a date with Adrian, hoping to decide if I am ready
to move on from Drake yet. I was right in the assumption that tonight would be
more than a business dinner, but was not expecting anything this extreme.

I sit here taking this evening in
as I notice a group of people get up from their table and take the small stage
that is often used during formal events. A few of the wait staff quickly move
some tables out of the way, exposing the dance floor. I can’t believe Adrian
has hired a band for this evening. I can only assume it was he who did that
because as the band starts playing Natasha Bedingfield’s Unwritten but in a
slow, more painfully beautiful way, I catch his eyes and mine start to mist. I
almost come undone at everything he has done to make this night special. To
feel special. I know he wants to remind me of what it’s like to
feel loved by him, and in this moment I do. The lyrics are so perfect. With
everything I’ve gone through these past few months, my future really is
unwritten. When I finished grad school, I was ready to take life by storm and
create something so wonderful that when I turn eighty five, I can look back on
my life as something I’m so proud to have created. Instead though, Drake took
me by storm. The life we planned on living together is something I have always
dreamt of. Unfortunately, I don’t think that dream will ever become a reality.

I’m here with Adrian tonight, a
new career back on track, life slowly getting back on track, and I’m ready to
write my own destiny. I just need to figure out if Adrian is who I’m destined
to be with after all. Was my breaking things off with him back in college the
catalyst to sending my life off course? Was I supposed to move in with him, be
his wife and his happy ever after? Maybe it’s time I start listening to what
the universe is obviously shouting at me, and give this thing with Adrian a
chance. As the song continues to play, Adrian gets up from the table to toast
my first month at Thompson Manufacturing. Thank goodness he keeps it short and
sweet. I’m not usually one to blush, and I’ve already done it a few times tonight.
Maybe it’s just hot in here, I’m not sure. My mind starts to wander again, and
from the corner of my eye, I can see Adrian staring at me as if he’s trying to
read my thoughts.

“Hey, gorgeous, what are you
thinking about?” Adrian asks as he leans close, speaking softly in my ear so
only I can hear.

I turn slightly, looking him in
the eye as a smile crosses my face and say, “You, actually.”

“Me? I hope only good thoughts…or
maybe naughty thoughts too,” he says playfully.

“I think that’s for me to know and
you to find out,” I say while giving him my most devilish grin. It’s been so
long since I flirted, it’s actually kind of fun!

“Oh I’d love to, trust me,” he
winks, then stands and grabs my hand, “Come on, gorgeous, how ‘bout a dance?”

Adrian helps me to my feet and
leads me to the dance floor as our parents look on with a hopeful look in their
eyes. They had practically planned our wedding a few years ago and we were
never engaged. I can only imaging their hope now at a possible reconciliation.

We enter the dance floor just as
the band kicks it up a notch with a fun throwback, Gwen Stefani’s Hollaback
Girl, and I start laughing. “Oh my God! I love this song! I used to jam to this
in my car all the time until someone caught me once and teased me so much I
stopped!” I say over the music that has just gotten a little louder. I notice
some of the younger diners leave their tables to join us on the dance floor as
Adrian spins me around once, then grabs my hips as I start to dance to the
marching band beat.

“I know you love this song, I
asked them to play it for you hoping to lift your spirits. And if I remember
correctly, I am the one who busted you. I shouldn’t have teased you so much, it
was really cute.”

“This is really fun. Thank you so
much for doing this for me, Adrian, you’ve made me feel really special
tonight,” I say, and Adrian squeezes my hip tighter, letting the other hand
drop down for a quick ass grab.

“I’m glad you’re having fun,
mission accomplished.” He smiles brightly and kisses my cheek as the song
changes and my dad cuts in.

“Mind if your old man spins you
around the dance floor a time or two, sunshine?” My dad asks.

“Of course not, spin away!” I
giggle as I wrap my hands around my dad’s neck and rest my cheek on his
shoulder. I’m not quite sure what the song is, but I know it’s a golden oldie
from my dad’s youth, and he happily sings along to it.

“So…you and Adrian, huh? I never
thought you’d be able to move on from Drake,” my dad asks, taking a break from
his singing.

“I don’t really know what this
is, Dad. I still miss Drake. I think about him all the time. He’ll always have
at least a piece of my heart, and I’m not sure if I‘m ready for anything with
Adrian. It’s just…”

“It’s just that you’ve been
waiting for Drake to come back to you and he hasn’t, and you don’t want to be
the fool who waits her whole life for someone who doesn’t return when another
at least almost perfect man is right in front of you?” My dad finishes my
sentence perfectly.

“Holy crap, Dad, are you inside
my head? Have you been reading Mom’s romance novels again? How the hell did you
know that’s what I was going to say? Men aren’t supposed to think or talk like

My dad laughs then answers,
“Don’t forget, Morgan, I probably know you better than anyone else in this
room, your mother included. I’ve been the shoulder you’ve cried on your whole
life. Your mom is great at dressing you up and presenting you as a young lady,
but she’s not terribly sensitive. I’ve always wanted to know you and how you feel,
so I’ve always asked questions then stood back and listened. Females can be
complicated, but figuring them out isn’t exactly rocket science. I’ve listened
and learned, and I think I’ve gotten pretty good at figuring you out and
meeting your needs. How do you think I’ve managed to stay in your mother’s good
graces for so long?” We both laugh, and my father sighs as another song starts.

My father continues, “The thing
is, Morgan…you have grown up to be a wonderful, beautiful, bright young woman,
and now you need a different man in your life to meet your needs. You want a
career, a husband, and children hopefully someday. You want someone to be your
friend, and love you and support you in every aspect of your life, just like
I’ve done for your mother all these years. My role is different now. I’ll
always be your dear old dad, but now I get to watch over you, protect you, and
hopefully someday give the man of your dreams my blessing and walk you down the
aisle. Is Adrian that man? Who knows for sure? Is Drake that man? Maybe, but
you don’t know if he’s ever coming back. I just want you to be happy,
sweetheart, and I’m glad to see that at the very least you are opening your
heart to the possibility of happiness.”

A tear slips down my cheek, and
my father brushes it away as I say, “It might be slightly unconventional for a
daughter to have the heart to heart romance talks with her dad instead of her
mom, but I’m so glad you’ve always listened. It means a lot.”

“I’ll always be here for you,
Morgan. Now enough of the deep stuff, I’m going to go find your mother and
prove to her I’ve still got some moves on the dance floor.” And with that and a
quick kiss on the cheek my dad takes off, and I find my way over to Adrian.

“Hello again, still having fun?”
Adrian asks as he pulls me to him, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist.

“I’m having the best time.” I
smile up at him as the lead singer starts to sing Adele’s version of Make You
Feel My Love. Adrian says nothing, but kisses me softly on the forehead and
pulls me closer. We stay silent, just dancing slowly, both taking in this
moment, but after a while Adrian starts to sing the words softly as well. I’m
too caught up in the moment to look up at him for fear that I’ll fall apart so
I keep my head resting on his shoulder, but pull him a little closer to me.
It’s as if this is Adrian’s way of saying everything he wants to say to me.

When the song ends, I look up at
Adrian and notice a little sadness in his eyes. He smiles down at me and says,
“It’s starting to get late, Morgan. Would it be okay if I take you home now?”

“Of course,” I say. “I’m getting
a little tired. All this fanfare will take it out of a girl,” I tease, trying
to lighten his sullen mood a bit. Adrian just smiles and leads me off the dance
floor to bid farewell to our parents.

As I make my way to say goodbye
to my over-served mother she says, “I’m so glad I got to spend some time with
you tonight, sweetie, because something’s come up and I’ll have to cancel our
brunch plans for tomorrow, I’m sorry. Perhaps you’ll want to sleep in a longer
tomorrow anyway!” She says with a wink then looks at Adrian, and the flush that
has wreaked havoc on my body all night instantly returns. I don’t think my
mother insinuating anything about my sex life (or lack thereof lately) could be
any more embarrassing.

We take the car service back to
my apartment and I think Adrian is going to say goodbye at the car, but he gets
out instead and waves the car off. I turn to him, slightly startled that he’s
assumed he can spend the night. I’m so not ready to go there with him yet. I’ve
just wrapped my mind around the fact that tonight was a date.

“I’m not planning on staying the
night, Morgan, don’t worry. I would never make an assumption like that,” Adrian
The Mind Reader says.

“That’s not what I was thinking…
well… yes, that’s exactly what I was thinking. I’m just not ready for that,
Adrian, it’s too soon. I really appreciate you seeing me home safely though.” I
take a step closer and give Adrian a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you again for an
amazing night that I’ll not soon forget.” I say and turn toward my apartment

I don’t get very far before
Adrian grabs my hand and says, “I want to walk you to the door like a proper
gentleman. If it’s okay, I’d like to come in for a little while and talk but if
you aren’t comfortable, or you are too tired I can grab a cab.”

“That would be fine, thank you,”
I say as we make our way into my building. Once inside my apartment, I take
Adrian’s coat and hang it up with mine in my hallway closet.

“Can I get you something to
drink? A nightcap, perhaps?” I say to Adrian as I make my way back into my
living room.

“I’d actually love some tea if
you have it. I have some stuff to get done early tomorrow so I shouldn’t have
any more to drink.”

“Sure thing. Tea sounds great
right now. I think I’ll put the kettle on then change out of this dress if you
don’t mind hanging here for another moment,” I say.

“No problem,” Adrian says as he
picks up the latest copy of US Weekly, “I’ll just be here keeping up with the
Kardashians, you never know what Kim will do next,” he teases as I walk into
the kitchen. About ten minutes later I’m in yoga pants, a tank top and hoody as
I set a tray adorned with a teapot, cream and sugar, and two teacups with
saucers next to Adrian.

“Wow, the royal treatment, I’m
impressed,” he says as he puts his magazine down.

“Well, I thought I should return
the favor after the wonderful time you showed me tonight. You really outdid
yourself, Adrian.”

“You deserved it, Morgan, I
really mean that. You’ve had someone you loved and the career you’ve been
dreaming of your whole life about ripped from your grasp in an instant. You
spent a month searching the globe for Drake, only to return without him.
Instead of wallowing in self pity, you pulled yourself up from your bootstraps,
got yourself a job, and got your life back on track. Not only that, but
Morgan…you really have done an exemplary job this past month. You deserve your
raise and recognition. I’m proud of you. There isn’t much more I can say.”

“What did I do right to deserve a
friend like you?” I ask. I know it isn’t right to call him a friend after a
night like tonight. It’s almost an insult, but I don’t know what else to call
him, he is my friend. And although I loved our date tonight, I’m not ready to
call him anything else yet.

“I know you only think of me as a
friend right now, but I’m hoping someday you’ll think of me as more than that.
I want to be more than that to you Morgan.”

“I know you do. I’m just not sure
I can go there right now, Adrian. I loved our date tonight. I’m just going to
go ahead and call it a date, because I think we are both hoping that’s what it

“Well that’s a start, I guess. I
loved our date too. We used to have a lot of fun together, Morgan. I want you
to know that for me though, it wasn’t just fun. You were it for me. My
forever.” Adrian looks at me with such sadness.

“I’m so sorry I ever hurt you.
I’m glad that you understand why I needed to break things off. I had never done
anything on my own before. I had never created my own experiences. I’m not sure
what any of this means for us now, but if there was any chance of us finding
our way back to each other, I had to find myself first, on my own.”

“I can appreciate that now, Morgan.
I’m not expecting you to jump into anything right away either. I just want you
to know that my feelings for you have never changed. I’ve never stopped
thinking of you. I feel like my prayers have been answered by having you back
in my life. You were my lover and my best friend for almost four years. I asked
you to move in with me that night before graduation not because I wanted to see
how things go between us, but because I was so incredibly in love with you, and
couldn’t wait to start the rest of our lives together.

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