Bending the Rules: Breaking the Rules #2 (12 page)

BOOK: Bending the Rules: Breaking the Rules #2
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Drake. I want to call Drake. I want to tell him that
wherever he is it’s time to come home and be with me. I want to tell him that
part of our dream is coming true. We are going to have a baby. We are now one
step closer to our 2.5 kids and hypo-allergenic doodle. I don’t think the whole
baby thing was part of our immediate dreams, more like sometime down the road,
but nevertheless it’s happening now. I’m positive that if I could tell him he’s
going to be a dad that he’d be ecstatic. I know his upbringing wasn’t the most
ideal, but whose is really? Drake would make a great dad.

I need to turn this baby into something positive. Instead of
freaking out that I’m going to be a single mother, I need to somehow turn this
into a sign that everything will be okay. Of course I can’t make myself believe
that because I’m carrying his child Drake will come back, but I can certainly
hold out hope. If anything, it helps me to believe that we are still bonded and
always will be.

I may be three months behind in properly caring for this
baby, but I need to not dwell on the past, and choose instead to move forward
and do my best job from here on out. I call and leave a message for my OB/GYN
to return my call first thing tomorrow morning to schedule an appointment. I
next do a web search and find a list on a reputable medical website stating the
dos and don’ts for pregnant women. I now know what I can and cannot eat, and
what I should and should not do. It’s a good thing that I’ve been running all
along, so I can continue doing so to maintain a healthy weight and stress level
for the rest of my pregnancy. Or at least maybe until I can no longer see my
feet and am fearful of tripping.

After my web search I go to the grocery store armed with my
list and fill my cart with body and baby nurturing foods. I guess the condiment
kitchen will have to be a thing of the past. When I get home from the store I
realize just how exhausted I am. I’ve been tired for a few months now, but it
never occurred to me why that might be. I make myself dinner, then lie
blissfully cocooned in a nice warm bubble bath before crawling into bed. I
drift off to sleep thinking of the blessing this baby will be.


Chapter 11


My meeting with Bodmer Manufacturing goes off without a
hitch. They were so thrilled to hear that we want to support a local
manufacturing company that they agreed to give us an additional three percent
discount off the top for the first year we do business together. As soon as the
executives from Bodmer leave I call my dad to give him the good news.

“Well, Son, I’m assuming you have called to discuss your
meeting with Bodmer,” my dad says as he answers the phone.

“Yes, I have great news to report. I have just inked a deal
with Bodmer to supply all of the manufacturing needs for our company over the
next three years. After that we will evaluate our business relationship and
re-negotiate our contract if need be. I have added plenty of ways to break the
contract so if things go south we aren’t stuck with them.”

“So you are assuming things won’t work with them? Why make
the switch then, Drake?” My father argues. I knew he’d test me at every turn.

“I’m not assuming things won’t work, Dad. I’m being a smart
businessman and setting this company up for the future with great revenue
potential, while also doing my best to put as many loss-prevention measures in
place to prevent this situation from ever happening again,” I say.

“Well it looks like you have it all figured out now don’t
you, Son?” My father says with more stank to his tone than I’d prefer.

“Not completely, Dad, but I’m almost there.”

“Just don’t forget that I expect you to personally tell
Thompson Manufacturing that you are cutting their deal. I don’t want to be a
part of that fallout,” my dad says.

“It’s not personal, Dad, its business. This is a deal you
stand to make a ton of money from, so I wouldn’t be so upset by it if I were
you. Thompson is still providing us with our US manufacturing needs, so they
are doing fine as well. I have to go now, Dad. I believe I have a call to
make,” I say as I hang up, once again proud of this achievement.

Without a pause, I pick up the phone and call Thompson
Manufacturing. Mark Thompson’s assistant picks up on the first ring and patches
me through. I had gotten word recently that he is once again feeling well
enough to come to work a few hours a week. I also heard that he likes to go in
first thing Monday mornings to set a good example for his employees and does
his best to make it in the rest of the week. It is all part of my plan to call
today to make sure I get him on the phone, not Adrian.

“Mark Thompson speaking.”

“Good morning, Mark, its Drake Baylor Jr. Do you have a

“Of course, Drake. I haven’t had a chance to personally tell
you I appreciate the business. Adrian was glad to make the deal with you,” Mark

“Thank you. We are excited as well, and that is exactly why
I’m calling.” I proceed to explain to Mark that we appreciate doing business
with his company, but that it is no longer feasible to do so in our European
division. I also make sure to reference the clause in our contract stating that
we have one full business year to make any adjustments needed in our contract.
Mark Thompson is not exactly thrilled at the loss of business, but agrees that
focusing entirely on the US division will increase productivity, which will in
turn increase his profit margin, and he’ll still come out on top. We finish the
phone call on great terms, agreeing to meet in person when I’m once again on US


Chapter 12


I’m not sure why I’m so nervous for my date with Morgan tonight.
We’ve been on countless dates before. I think it might be that before I thought
we would be together forever and that I had nothing to lose and all the time in
the world.

I know that’s not the case tonight. I’m on thin ice here,
trying to find my way across. I know I have to be careful with Morgan as she’s
just getting over being burned so badly by Drake. I think the flowers were a
nice touch. Morgan seemed a bit reserved around me yesterday, but warmed a bit
after I left the single lily on her desk with a little note, just as Lana
suggested. Her bouquet of flowers arrived on time, and as I was in the shower
getting ready for our date, Morgan sent me a quick text thanking me and letting
me know she was looking forward to our time together as well.

As I walk to Morgan’s door I’m filled with a strange anxiety
I’ve never felt before. My life has always gone according to plan. The two
curveballs that ever been thrown in my twenty-five years of existence have been
Morgan breaking up with me, and my father’s heart attack. The only two people
I’ve truly worried about losing in my life are Morgan and my father, and I
almost lost them both. I’ve been lucky enough that I’ve been given the chance
to have them back and am not prepared to lose them anytime soon.

I knock on Morgan’s door and am surprised that she answers
right away.

“Hello, beautiful,” I say as I enter her apartment. “You
look absolutely gorgeous tonight,” I say as I plaster on a smile and suppress
my nerves.

“Thanks, I wasn’t sure what to wear, so I went with
something a little…conservative. I didn’t want to be overdressed. You look nice
too, by the way,” Morgan says.

“You look perfect, Morgan. I thought we would try out the
new Italian place a few blocks up. It’s a little chilly out but still a nice
night out for a stroll, are you up for it?” I ask, noting that she is in a
dress but her black leather boots don’t have a heel so she should be fine for
walking I hope.

“That sounds perfect. I absolutely love Italian. I love it
so much actually that I have no self-control when it comes to eating it and I’m
normally too full when I leave the restaurant, so a walk home after dinner
sounds lovely. Let me grab a hat and mittens really fast and we can head out,”
Morgan says before grabbing what she needs from her hallway closet.

The walk over to the restaurant was a little quieter than I
expected as we both tried to get our nervousness out of our systems. We have
just settled into our seats when the waiter comes to take our drink order.

“There is a nice Sangiovese on the menu if you’d like to
share a bottle,” I offer to Morgan.

“I’m actually trying to skip alcohol during the week if
that’s okay with you. Perhaps we can have a bottle of Pellegrino and some lemon

I nod in agreement and the waiter leaves to get us our
sparkling water.

“I hope that’s okay, feel free to order some wine for
yourself if you’d like. I just noticed that I’ve put on a few pounds so I’m
going without alcohol during the week to try to cut calories. Plus I really
want dessert so I’m trying to be good. I guess that’s not what you are supposed
to say on a date, but I thought I’d explain since it’s a little weird,” Morgan

“I think you look absolutely perfect, Morgan. If anything
I’d say you could stand to gain a few pounds. You lost weight while you were
traveling. I’d hate to have you forgo dessert though. I know how much you love
it, and the online reviews of this placed raved about their gelato.”

“Mmm. That sounds good. Even when it’s the end of November
and we face a chilly walk home, gelato sounds delicious.”

“No worries, I’ll just have to hold you close on the way
home and keep you warm,” I say with a wink, and a small smile creeps over
Morgan’s face. I feel myself relaxing a bit more.

Dinner is going well. I can tell Morgan has relaxed a bit
and is smiling more and engaging in conversation, but she still seems reserved.
I want her to enjoy the time she spends with me, but don’t want to push it

“Penny for your thoughts?” I ask, trying to pull Morgan from
the internal thought she’s having.

“I’m sorry. I think I’m a bit distracted this evening. I’m
having a nice time with you, Adrian, but I think I have a lot on my mind.
Please forgive me if I’m being rude,” she says.

“Morgan, you aren’t being rude. I’m enjoying my time with
you as well. There is no pressure here this evening, I just want to spend some
time with you in a more intimate setting. I’ve let you know how I feel about
you, although I don’t expect you to return those feelings anytime soon. I hope
sometime you will though, and that spending time together without work or other
things in there to interfere might help us to get back to where we were a few
years ago,” I say, trying to segue into a conversation more geared to us.

“I don’t know what to say, Adrian. I feel so humbled by your
feelings for me and I’m so appreciative of them. Of you. I’m sorry I can’t
reciprocate your feelings right now, but please know that I care for you. I
have a lot to focus on in order to get my life plan back on track, and until that
happens I don’t think it’s a good idea if we see each other. I’m sorry,” Morgan
says, and I feel a pit form in my stomach.

“I completely appreciate your need to focus on your future
right now. I understand your need for independence as you get yourself back on
track, that’s why I told you I don’t expect anything from you. I love you,
Morgan. I want to be here for you and offer my love and support as you go
through this. I want to give that to you always,” I say.

“Thank you for your love and support, Adrian. That means
more to me than you will ever know. I know you don’t expect me to return your
feelings, but I also feel guilty that I don’t.”

“I can’t make you love me, Morgan, but I can be there for
you as you continue to go through something hard in your life. All I’m asking
for is time with you, because that is what makes me happy. You are such a
beautiful woman. You are so smart, and I love your charm and sassy wit. You
deserve someone in your life who appreciates you and just wants to be there for
you. I want to be that person. I know you hold out hope that Drake is coming
back, and if that is what will make you happy I want that for you too. Until
that day comes, and by now I doubt it will, I would love it if you would let me
be the person who makes you happy,” I say as a solemn silence surrounds our

We sit in silence for a few minutes while finishing our
s. After the table is cleared
our server presents us the dessert menus and Morgan’s face lights up. She
orders a decaf cappuccino and a scoop of pistachio gelato, and I do the same.

Deep in thought for a moment, Morgan takes a deep breath,
meeting my eyes before she starts talking. “Okay, I’ve had a moment to think
about how I want to explain how I’m feeling. I’m not always the most articulate
person and sometimes it just takes a bit for me to figure out the best way to
explain myself.”

“You have my full attention, beautiful, go ahead,” I say
with a sincere smile, encouraging her to put it all on the table. The more
information she gives me, the easier it will be for me to figure out how to
convince her to be mine.

After another deep breath Morgan continues, “I’m dealing
with a lot right now. More than anyone could even comprehend. I love that you
want to spend time with me. I’m flattered at how much you care about me. I’d
love to have your support as I figure out the direction my life is going in and
I of course would love to spend time with you as well. We have to stop talking
about Drake though. And we have to stop talking about you and me in a romantic
way. Of course I’m sad about losing Drake but I’ll never get past the constant
pain I feel if he is brought up in every damn conversation I have. I also know
you don’t want to pressure me, but talking about a romantic relationship with
me does make me feel pressured. If it’s going to happen it needs to happen

“I never meant to run into you and split your eye open six
years ago, but I did, and look what happened. A dinner invitation to thank me
for helping you out was just the start of four amazing years with you. I have
never regretted our relationship. I’ve only looked back on it with fondness. I
can guarantee you, Adrian, that if we are meant to be it will happen. I know it
seems like fate has stepped in and brought us back together at such a perfect
time in our lives. But let’s just leave us up to fate. Let’s spend time
together like you said and see where it goes,” Morgan finishes with a huff.
It’s adorable to watch how worked up she can get when she is genuinely speaking
from the heart.

“God, I love your sass,” I say with a smile before
continuing. “I’m down with just hanging out with you, Morgan. To be honest, I
don’t want to talk about Drake either. I just want you to know I’m here for you
and support you and how you are feeling. I won’t bring us up again either.
You’re right, if it’s meant to happen for us it will. For now, let’s just enjoy
the rest of our evening,” I say as our server brings our gelato and coffee.

“Cold gelato and hot cappuccino, I guess I wasn’t really
thinking about that combo when I ordered, huh?” Morgan teases, clearly wanting
to move on and enjoy the remainder of our evening as well.

“That’s what I was thinking, but I wasn’t going to say
anything,” I say with a wink.

The rest of our date is easy and relaxed. Taking
“relationship talk” off the table seemed to put Morgan at ease. On the walk
back to Morgan’s apartment we reminisce about great times we had together. It
felt nice to go back to that time when we were so happy and I could finally see
that Morgan was looking at me like we could have potential.

As we get to her door I can see that Morgan is getting
nervous about the end of the date kiss. I think about shying away but then
decide that if we’re going to move forward we need to have some intimacy to see
if those feelings are there or not. I know they are there for me; I’ve been a
walking hard-on all night just thinking about how sexy she looks in her dress
and remembering what she looks like with said dress on my floor.

Morgan quickly thanks me for a lovely meal and tries to duck
her head down and quickly escape into her apartment. I quickly wrap my arm
around her waist, pulling her close to me, and with the other hand tip her chin
up so I can look into her eyes.

“I believe I promised you a nice kiss goodnight,” I say with
a smile before gently pressing my lips to hers.

I pull back slightly, unwrapping my arm from her waist, and
slide both hands behind her head, tangling her hair between my fingers. “That
was nice enough,” I say before kissing her again, this time crashing my lips to
hers. Morgan parts her lips slightly and I take the opportunity to slip my
tongue into her mouth, reminding myself of how sweet she tastes.

Morgan is breathless when she pulls back and I simply smile
and wish her pleasant dreams as I open the door for her and watch her slip into
her apartment. I have a shit eating grin splattered all over my face as I walk
down to my car. We may have started off slowly but this date brought us closer
than I thought it would, and now I’m feeling more confident than ever that my
plan will work and she’ll be mine again by New Year.

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