Betrayal (59 page)

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Authors: Mayandree Michel

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Betrayal
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“Let's just kill her. You can admire her rare beauty while I rip out her heart.”

I wasn’t shocked by the horror of Sacha’s words, or the conviction in them. As she eyed me like a ravenous animal that hadn’t eaten in a week, I hoped that Evan would come busting through a door or wall, and rescue me. I also wondered why the Olympians wouldn’t interfere and stop this. They wouldn’t be able to feed off of the devout worship from their descendants if they allowed the fallen demigod of Iptian, or these twin felines to kill me.

“Calm down Sacha,” Lucas ordered, cautiously throwing his arm in front of his sister, barring her, without tearing his eyes away from me to look at her.

It was as if he believed that if he did steer his vigilant gaze away from me for even a second, I might just dissolve into the air, and disappear, leading one to wonder if I had ever been here at all.

“Oh... for goodness sake, you guys are all the same; so easily reduced to little boys whenever a pretty gal comes along,” Sacha said, leaning over me. I was forced to take in her exotic scent – jasmine. The scent of the delicate flower didn’t suit the iniquitous girl who glared at me with derision, as if I might suddenly garner the power to crack these shackles.

“Kill me already, if that’s what you plan to do.” The daring words spilled out like water from a fountain spout while I thrashed, and fought like a caged animal to break free of the fetters. Suddenly I heard my name being called. It was faint and barely audible, but I was sure I had heard my name called over and over for a few seconds. Then it stopped. My attention was drawn back to Sacha.

I watched Sacha circle me like a voracious predator that has finally trapped its prey. She didn’t like me baiting her, especially since she knew that I was well aware of Victor’s orders not to kill me. As a matter of fact, she had explicit orders which prevented her of even touching me. Sacha’s face was livid as her bright hazel eyes scanned my face.

“Oh don’t worry pretty girl, you’ll die soon enough.” She promised with a wink.

“Sis, be still.” Lucas demanded, but Sacha didn’t hear him. She had only one thing on her mind, and her desire to slaughter me was clouding her brain.

“Look at you, Cor delia,” Sacha drawled. “You’re as scared as a little bunny rabbit about to be scarfed down by a panther. I can't remember the last time I saw such a scared little rabbit.”

“Last night, in the forest, sis. Remember? The appetizer.”

“Yes, of course, that was delicious, but I was thinking back to that day in town when she hid behind Goldilocks. When will you stand up for yourself, Cordelia?”

“I’m not afraid of you,” I asserted, attempting to come off as threatening and the least bit daunted as anyone could be, bound like a prisoner. “You looked pretty scared yourself that day when the shadows nearly scarfed you up whole.” I wondered if she could hear my heart beating rapidly beneath the corset and bodice of my ball gown.

“I know you’re afraid of me, as you very well should be. Your beloved Ischeros clan won't come to your rescue now, little rabbit,” Sacha said, unfazed.

Her wicked laugh echoed throughout the frosty room in ripples that sent shivers up and down my spine.

“Victor will kill you, and he will hold the greatest power in the world and I will be at his side. I will be empress and be loved by all,” She said, walking away triumphantly with her arms waving about as if she had metamorphosed into a butterfly.

Better a butterfly than a roaring panther, I thought. Sacha sat in one of the thrones again. The fact that Sacha wasn't a pure Ischeros made that statement fallacious. Her powers, what little she had, were granted by Victor, and her ancient bloodline of felines which could all be relieved by me if I could only regain my own power.

I was compelled to set her straight.

“You'll never be a true empress. The gods will never allow it. You may be feared, but you’ll never be loved.”

I couldn’t understand why the gods were letting this take place – me being murdered again. Surely they can’t allow mere shape – shifters to kill me – the daughter of Zeus.

Suddenly Sacha jumped out of her seat and pounced.

“That's not going to matter is it?” Lucas thundered stepping in front of Sacha like a barricade as she seemed to dash for my throat. Noticeably flinching, I silently thanked Lucas for saving me from his twin. For a moment Sacha didn't say a word and just growled, seething. I listened intently as Sacha’s breathing decelerated, and she seemed to calm down with Lucas' intervention. He’s right though. Whether Sacha’s loved or hated isn’t going to matter if Victor takes over, and makes her his wife. I glanced away from Sacha’s icy glower for a second to witness the look on Lucas' face go from interest to menacing. He smiled at me in an evil way, yet I don’t think he was trying to be mean, he just had a mean look to him.

The other disciples stood still, but closed in on me a bit, standing guard, as if they were weary of what Sacha may be able to achieve, murder. Suddenly the twins walked away, and headed toward the buttresses in the far corner. Using my peripheral vision, I saw that they were far enough to not be heard, or so they thought. But they were wrong if they believed that their whispers couldn’t be heard by me. It was as If they were whispering right into my ears. And from what they were saying, they were worried.

“Victor is taking too long,” Lucas said, in an annoyed whisper. “I’d like to get this over and done with.”

“Yes, I know, and he said so himself. The new Divinity must be crowned tonight,” Sacha noted.

“Time is of the essence,” Lucas agreed. “If any more time is wasted, Evan and the others may have time to track her.”

“I think that when Victor returns, she should already be dead,” Sacha declared, looking over at me with smoldering eyes. I shuddered uncontrollably realizing that they may actually disobey Victor and not follow his orders.

“We should do it. Just rip her heart out,” Sacha instructed, in a shrill voice that sounded far above a whisper.

“I don’t think that’s a wise idea,” Lucas considered. “Victor may not be the one to kill us. What if the gods banish us to the Underworld for killing her?

She is their chosen one – their purist descendant.”

“I hadn’t thought of that,” Sacha said, sounding dejected and hoarse. I wasn’t surprised that she hadn’t considered the consequences. She was a blistering hot head, and never seemed to think anything through.

“Besides, Victor once told me that a ceremony must be performed to solidify his reign and to guarantee her death,” Lucas explained.

“Ugh! I hate this – this waiting, and these immortals, and their ceremonies, and ridiculous rules.” Sacha stomped her boot, creating a nerve frenzying sound when her silver spur scraped against the marble floor. She then threw her black suede Stetson down onto the marble floor like a spoiled child.

“Where is Victor anyway? What is more important than killing her right now? Nothing,” Sacha said, shaking her head from left to right, ultimately answering her own question. She was just too impatient and wound up to let Lucas answer it. Her antics were beginning to rattle him.

“Enough!” Lucas demanded harshly. “If we kill her, the gods will damn us and we will be doomed to burn before Hades.”

“It's a risk, but I think we should take it,” Sacha prodded, as she began pulling on Lucas' huge forearm.

“NO!” Lucas yelped, yanking his arm away and stepping away from his excitable sister. “We can't and we won’t. I've been dead, and I won’t go there again.” Being there once myself I knew the feeling. Lucas was afraid, as expected, due to his recent and unexpected stint with death. I wondered for the first time what he had seen while being one of the departed. I would guess that perhaps Lucas had a little taste of Hell, or perhaps a glimpse of Hades himself. But then again, had Lucas had the misfortune of meeting Hades, he wouldn’t be here now. Hades was greedy, and would never allow a soul to escape.

“Oh Luc… I’m so sorry,” Sacha said, regrettably. “I wasn’t thinking. I just want this to be all over too.” Sacha brushed her brother’s cheek with the palm of her hand.

“It’s all right. I know your nature, and I know how badly you want to feel secure, but we must act wisely and that is to practice some patience.” I was astonished by Lucas’ level – headed behavior. He knew that his sister was going off the deep end.

All of a sudden I heard the echo of footsteps clicking in the distance. It was obvious that I was the only one in the room who heard them. As the sound arose, and came closer, Lucas and Sacha immediately ended their heated conversation. The echo of footsteps also halted the movements of the other disciples who guarded me. I began to panic. My time was up. I twisted and wriggled slightly but it was pointless. The irons cut into my wrists, neck, and ankles with every move I made. The pain made me wince as I felt my wounds heal as quickly as they appeared.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a grotesque shadow, the gliding figure of a dragon, long, and serpent like with an elongated tail, sweeping across the shimmering stone walls. Then the shadow shifted into a person cloaked in a cape. For a moment I expected the Apolluon. I couldn’t see the face because it was shadowed by the hood of the cape. The person removed the hood and it was Victor. He was back.

The room was instantaneously darkened as if his dark and evil soul eclipsed every flame in the room. Victor’s gaze automatically fell on me. His eyes didn’t attempt to conceal the evil that ran through his veins. I suppose his parents would be proud of their son for seeking vengeance in their honor. I tried not to move as his tormenting stare shifted to the twins while he glided passed them. The look seemed to leave them both practically paralyzed with dread. I was astonished at the power he wielded over his devotees. The wicked game of power had changed hands. If I wasn't so damn scared right now, I would’ve let out a satisfying chuckle due to the twins’ quick change of disposition; they were the scared little rabbits now.

Victor stood just a couple of feet from the stone altar, and I held my breath unconsciously, yet somehow I was able to speak. “So you want to be Emperor.

Well you’re dynamic duo here,” I said, directing my eyes to Lucas and Sacha. “Almost killed me, and robbed you the honor.” Surprisingly I didn’t stammer. Both Sacha and Lucas looked at me with identical stunned caramel hazel eyes. They had to be wondering how it is that I heard there whispers from across the room.

“You lying bitch!” Sacha screamed. “She’s lying!” Sacha said desperately to Victor, and quick stepped toward me just as her brother charged forward in the same direction. He appeared to be trying to stop her once again.

“No, my sweet tabby, she is not.” And with a wave of Victor’s hand, both Sacha and her brother were paralyzed in mid step, resembling statues of racing sprinters. Their wide eyes stared nervously at Victor who had a knowing smile smeared across his face.

“I should kill you both, you worthless, overzealous fools. I would think that my oldest and most trusted disciples would understand the importance of this night to me,” Victor bellowed. I observed his other disciples who reacted to his hollering by staring straight ahead as if hoping not to summon his attention. “I’m about to be the Emperor and you both thought to rob me of that right, after all the work I’ve put into my ascension.”

Victor moved like static as the temperature of the room became scalding hot. From the corner of my eye, I saw that Victor was now positioned right in front of them; a couple feet away, give or take an inch. Sacha’s and Lucas’ looks of panic could not be masked. Their lord, as they had referred to him earlier, held his arms out to them and levitated them almost to the height of the ceiling, which was far above everyone in the room’s heads. Victor held them in the air as they screamed in excruciating pain. This lasted over a minute. Then he relinquished his hold on them and gravity won. Sacha and Lucas fell, making a thudding boom once their bodies slammed into the glossy marble floor. They were knocked out for a few seconds, and then started gaining consciousness, slowly, as if every bone of their skeletal frame ached.

Victor turned around and seemed to direct his attention to the cuffs at my ankles, and then to my hands, and then to the choker that restricted me from turning my neck. He glided toward me as if he were surfing on air. His eyes beckoned to me, but I fought not to look into the malicious oasis – the door to his hardened soul. I hated myself at that moment for being fooled by Victor when he Chameleoned Gerald. When Gerald had asked me to the dance in my room earlier, the look in his eyes had been gentle and honest. But at the dance, all I knew and felt when I looked into Gerald’s eyes was an unexplainable lure and desire for him, and it had been animalistic, and instinctive. It was a feeling I have never felt with Gerald before. I had no clue of what had been brewing behind those fake brown eyes. I knew that I shouldn't torture myself but at this moment I couldn't help it. I still blamed myself.

My powers should have kicked in or at least my intuition.

As Victor glided toward me, I closed my eyes, and wondered what was being done to save me, if anything at all. I had no idea of how long I'd been in this frigid room. Surely the family must have realized that I was missing by now. Without warning a vision came to me. I watched myself hurrying through the corridors of Harper’s Hall with Gerald. Then I saw Bethany floating down the same hallway that Gerald and I had just walked through. She was moving slowly and lingered back to spy on us. A minute after Gerald shut the cloak room door; Bethany slid up to it but stood about a foot away from it to eavesdrop.

“Why can’t I hear through this door? It’s only made of oak,” Bethany asked herself. Patience was a virtue that Bethany’s didn’t possess so after only a few moments she stepped back a few feet, narrowed her eyes, and flung the door wide open.

“Ugh!” Bethany shrieked and shuddered as she watched the black hole in the floor of the cloak room close up before her eyes.

She knew the moment the murky abyss dissolved into marble that it wasn't Gerald at all who had danced me. Every member of the Ischeros family heard Bethany’s shriek over the jovial laughter and orchestra. They all were on alert as every pair of eyes darted in every direction to try and place me in the ballroom or lounge. Bethany was alone in the hallway, so utilizing her power to move at an accelerated speed to find her brother and Nikolas went unnoticed. Upon entering the ballroom she caught Evan's eye, and the alarm in her pastel blue irises spoke volumes to him. Evan, as well as his parents, Nikolas and twenty elders frantically made their way to Bethany, startling quite a few guests as they rudely brushed passed them although, the family moved rather slower than they would have had the guests not been there at all. They were all assembled outside of the cloak room door listening intently as Bethany explained what she had just observed.

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