Betrayal (63 page)

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Authors: Mayandree Michel

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Betrayal
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“Evan!” Bethany screamed as an enormous sphere of fire ignited Evan’s back. He was engulfed in a blaze. Victor had a twenty foot wall of fire wrapped around the altar that Bethany’s whirlpool couldn’t douse or penetrate. She, as well as Nikolas and Julius were held at bay behind the wall trapping both Evan and I within it. Evan was now made up of water with huge patches of flames that fought to take over his body. Finally with an eruption, like a geyser as icy as a glacier, water won. Evan shifted back into his human form and looked up at me as I stood on the altar.

The moment our eyes met, Victor lurched through the wall of fire, in human form. He smiled wickedly at Evan and I. Evan appeared to be preparing to deliver a deadly blow when I held my hand up and said the words that practically immobilized him.

“Don’t touch him.” I demanded in an even tone. The anger in Evan’s crimson pupils melted somewhat to be replaced with confusion. Then it was replaced again with elation, though he quickly masked it. He knew that I had all the facets of my abilities.

Victor seemed unsure of what to do next. He certainly wasn’t about to take orders from me as well. Evan took a step back, and his tuxedo jacket was slightly scorched by the towering flames.

I lowered my hand and the wall of flames disappeared into the floor, revealing the shocked faces of Bethany, Julius, and Nikolas who were surrounded by the Apolluon shadows. The Apolluon detected supernatural activity and followed it to the source. They were being closed into a malignant looking smoke circle and they were helpless, cornered and on the verge of being smothered.

“Don’t move an inch” I said telepathically to the three of them and Evan who just noticed what was going on. Even Victor knew to stay still. The Apolluon would stay calm if it couldn’t detect any more activity. Behind Bethany, Julius, and Nikolas, and just beyond the Apolluon, and the recently crumbled marble walls, was a dark and densely wooded fortress of evergreen pines which surrounded the dungeon. You literally couldn’t walk through the pines. They were a seamless wall that only a shadow could creep through. The potent aroma of the evergreens mixed with the smell of the burning candles in the chandeliers. It was remarkable how the marble ceiling hung in place without the walls to hold it up.

I raised my arms, and was about to descend from the altar when the shadows took the form of a nine foot man wearing a cape, reminding me very much of that night in the storm when they had approach me. It looked exactly the same with a cape that whipped around violently like bats flying out of a hell hole into a wind storm. The towering shadow lunged in my direction, and I couldn’t wield the power of the bolt to strike it so I thought to rise up above it, but the shadow rose taller and met my height. I had nowhere to go but down. The Apolluon lunged forward to smother me and I rendered myself invisible, and it went right through me.

I suddenly remembered why I couldn’t summon the bolt. I wasn’t outside. I needed to draw the energy from the sky and Zeus himself. I saw the panicked look on everyone’s face as they saw my dilemma. They knew that I was still in the room but they couldn’t risk moving an inch, or they’d be smothered. Suddenly, the ceiling shook violently then flipped upward, and spun around like a flying saucer, giving me a perfect opening of the sky which was the beautiful shade of violet clouds. I would thank Evan later. I reached upward as if I was reaching for the sky and the heat within me rose. Branch shaped lightning bolts shot out from my eyes, ears, finger tips and chest. Each bolt crackled loudly like static in the direction of the shadows that circled my disciples. With an earsplitting screech the Apolluon recoiled, disappearing somewhere beyond the fortress of pines. The bolts withdrew slowly back into my body to their home in my center.

Everyone relaxed for a split second, but just for that long. The Apolluon were a minor distraction from the real evil we faced. Everyone’s eyes were back on Victor as he inched backward, and eyed me cautiously, as if contemplating an escape.

“Welcome back,” Victor chuckled. He knew that his time had run out, and that he was no match for me after what he just witnessed. Of course I knew this as well. We locked eyes, and his suddenly bulged, furiously.

“I am a son of Ares, I won’t be discarded.” We both were aware of the event playing out. He trembled violently, his muscular build protesting then finally succumbed. He was motionless for a moment, eyes darting above as if expecting his warrior father, Ares to bestow more power unto him, but he knew better. The gods wouldn’t interfere. Victor tried to blast a flame across the room but it was as if someone had blown out a match – a wisp of a cloud of smoke curled through the air and blew away. The others knew it too. I could read their thoughts of jubilation. Victor was rendered powerless, a former demigod, a mere mortal amongst his former peers. Ares would have to accept that, as Zeus would not object.

“Now tell me Victor, did you kill my parents?” The question seemed to intrigue the members as they all looked up at me, and then at Victor for a response. He must have known deep within that hateful cancerous core of his soul that he was in no position to lie, that his death would come sooner than later, and that he would soon be residing with Hades. He stared, and said nothing. I figured he wanted to play this out the hard way. I began cutting his flesh revealing painful lacerations, with my eyes. Victor yelled and suffered in agony, but wouldn't succumb to it. I asked the question again.

“Did you kill my parents? Answer me.” I demanded. This time he spoke up. Evan must have anticipated that he would, and took a step closer to the altar.

“I didn't... kill... your parents.” Victor yelled breathlessly. “I’m... just the... keeper of their... hearts.” He confessed. “You must believe me Cor – Cordelia.”

Bethany looked at Nikolas, and then at Julius, who then looked at Evan, who in turn looked at me. They all revealed the same bewildered expression.

“Liar.” Bethany hissed. It was obvious that they didn't believe him, but I did. I was able to read his mind.

“Then who killed them?” I asked patiently.

“Think…empress, you should already know.” Victor let his words hang in the air as everyone looked perplexed at hearing the statement. Again, he was telling the truth. I relinquished my hold on him, allowing him to plunge to the floor. He collapsed with exhaustion like a heap of laundry. Bethany walked over to him. She reached down and yanked my Eye of the Ischero medallion from around his neck.

“You have no need for this. This is only to be worn by a child of Zeus, besides you ceased to be an Ischeros a long time ago.” Bethany said, with satisfaction. A glint of light flickered off of the diamond bolt center.

“Your family stole from mine.” Victor said trying to get up, unsuccessfully. “Where are they buried Victor?” I demanded.

“Let me... live... and I will tell you!” He shouted. I was wrong. I had yet to make an honest man out of him.

“Let you live?” I almost laughed, but didn't. “I haven't forgotten that you killed me, that sunny afternoon, while I was on my lunch break. Sorry, no dice Victor.” I knew that he didn't know the answer to the question.

With his back to Evan and the others, Victor stood up, but didn’t say a word. He answered the question in a riddle that only I could hear, since I’m the only one who could listen to his thoughts.

‘Perhaps you should ask those who had you banished in the first place. They are the ones who should burn before Hades. Your enemies surround you like wolves pretending to safeguard you but they are waiting for the first chance to eat you alive. I won't tell you who fore I’m certain that you have an inkling. Only you, empress, can presume who that may be. If you don't then you will be the next to fall as I, only aspiring to avenge my parent's demise.’

With that being said – well thought, I looked Victor in the eyes. There was only one thing left to say.

“This is the price to be paid.” I said, as Victor had declared earlier. Victor vanished subsequently as I mouthed the words that sentenced him. He disappeared to a place where only I would know of, officially exiled. He would live in a place that was inescapable, in a time where he would have to learn to adjust. He would never return. Not ever.


A Promise is a Promise

I watched the corners of my disciples mouths curl upward although, only slightly, and I knew that they were pleased.

I wasn’t so sure that the corners of my mouth would ever turn upward again. Victor's last words were the truth, and they left an incredibly vile taste in my mouth.

… they are waiting for the first chance to eat you alive.

I had a feeling that my persecutors may be a part of the Ischeros family, but now I was sure. I just wasn't sure who. I needed Athena’s help. I wanted to call on the gods, but I realized that they would never intervene. This matter was of the human world.

Your enemies surround you …

The words rattled in my head over and over. It could be any member of the family.

…your enemies surround you … like wolves… pretending...

… to guard you

…Your enemies surround you...

Perhaps I should render the entire family powerless in order to weed out the culprit. That would take a considerable amount of time, and would allow the offender to devise a plan. I won’t allow a murderer to get away with killing my parents, and betraying the family. Therefore, I will have to use every opportunity, every resource, and every bit of strength of my being to make this right. Someone would pay. My emotions were at an incredible high and I had to collect myself. I couldn't afford to make any mistakes.

I had my back to the four of them, and they were as silent as mice. They waited patiently for me. I wanted to gather my thoughts before I faced them.

They were expecting a leader, but was that all they needed and wanted from me?

I turned around and faced them now, and the five of us stared at each other for a very long time, without an utterance of any kind. I couldn't really be sure but it seemed that no one wanted to move or say anything in fear that if we were indeed dreaming, then this horrid nightmare had not finally ended. It may be over for them, but unfortunately it wasn’t for me. The hurt I endured plummeted to my core.

I held out my hand, and Bethany knew what I wanted. She sauntered over to where I stood next to the altar that I had been shackled to, and handed over the diamond medallion – my bolt, the true symbol of the power vested in me by Zeus himself. I fingered the dime sized diamond bolt, and the cool calming feeling it once exuded was now replaced with the feeling of empowerment.

I turned away from my disciples, hopefully my friends, and stared at the altar that Mother’s and Daddy's hearts floated above, beating in unison. I could hear them calling out to me. My disciples followed my eyes. The sadness in their eyes was noted. I required a moment alone. I had to express, though sadly – only through words, how much I loved them, missed them, and needed their guidance. It has been two years that felt like a lifetime, the entire life time of another teenager – a betrayed teenager. It had been two years since I had spoken to either of my parents. I did my best to mask the pain in front of Evan and the others, but the suffrage was unbearable. I bit my bottom lip, and fought the tears that brimmed beneath my lashes. I was so caught up in the emotions I was harboring, that I flinched when I heard Evan's sweet and soothing voice.

“I don't need to ask. My darling, I know that you’re not ready to leave this place.”

I didn't reply, but looked at him. I stared into the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen, and knew the truth as I’d known it deep within, all along.

Evan loved me with every fiber of his being. I gazed into the eyes and soul of someone that I could trust with my life, always.

“I’m not.”

He pulled me close in an embrace and our foreheads touched. We stood totally removed from everyone and everything in the universe. My love for him was immeasurable at that particular moment, but it had to get in line behind all the other indistinguishable emotions I was feeling. I slowly pulled away from Evan as he tried to hold on a little longer, and gave me the smile that usually made all that was miserable and blistering disappear. This tragedy would require something of a higher magnitude then the power of my lover’s smile. What amount of power would it take to dispel the anguish that coursed through me?

“I'm adjusting. It's all familiar now,” I whispered, without emotion. “It was as you had said, my love, but I was never the most patient person, was I?” I was sure that Nikolas, Bethany, and Julius had heard every word.

“You did well. I never had a doubt.” Evan beamed although he also spoke in a whisper. His eyes glistened, but not from tears, possibly victory. I glanced at Nikolas standing close to Bethany. He took her hand in his. She looked at him with moist eyes, and smiled ever so slightly. In their facial expressions they also shared something else. Possibly relief.

“Somehow, I had expected all of my questions to be answered at this point. I’m still unfulfilled,” I sighed, looking back at Evan who held my gaze, but the expression he wore now was perplexed. I wanted to pour all of my emotions out like a pale of water, but I couldn't let my emotions get the best of me. It was imperative that I focus.

“I'm so sorry that I took so long, baby. I didn't realize what had happened to you until Bethany informed me,” Evan admitted. “I can't imagine how scared you must have been to have that monster – ” Evan’s emotion’s got the best of him and he choked up for a moment then collected himself. “I’m sorry.” Evan grabbed my hand and held it to his chest. I closed my eyes and paced my heartbeat to his, and we were one.

“I felt like such a fool.” It was my turn to make an admission. “I didn't realize what was happening until it happened,” I said, as Evan lifted my hand to his lips and kissed the back of it.

“Can you tell us exactly what happened, Empress?” Nikolas asked in that gruff, yet comforting voice that always put me at ease.

“Delia,” I sighed, and smiled.

“Empress, always,” Nikolas argued, softly and bowed his head, and then winked.

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