Betting Against the Odds (13 page)

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Authors: Sabrina Morgan

BOOK: Betting Against the Odds
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“Love, baby are you okay?” I held onto her as she gave a whimper of pain holding her tighter I looked over at a very concerned looking Luke but it was Anna’s face that had my pausing; she looked pale staring at Penelope intently. She knows. She knows whatever it is Penelope isn’t telling us. I was about to demand them to tell me what the hell was going on when Penelope patted my arm, “Matty I am fine just got a little dizzy. Let’s go. So we can come back,” she gave me a wink making me smile as I pulled her towards the trail to the mountain of trees.

I grabbed my pocket knife as I carved my name into the tree handing the knife to Penelope who made her name right next to mine with a tiny heart in the middle. Anna and Luke did the same as we stood there examining our handy work. We sat against the tree Penelope in my lap as we witnessed the beauty of Ireland. My eyes met Luke who gave me a knowing smile which I returned. I glanced down at Penelope who had a look of contentment on her face watching her made me smile widely. I couldn’t wait to get her back to the hotel.



Ch. 13: Train an Owl like in Harry Potter and Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland (Penelope’s POV)


St. Patrick’s Day was coming up tomorrow. The days have been flying by one blending into another. I was feeling weaker my vision blurring in and out, headaches becoming worse, dizziness, and not to mention that I have been very forgetful lately. I try to play it off so Matt won’t become suspicious but I knew he was he would look at me like he knew I was hiding something. I wanted to tell him but I didn’t want him to feel sorry for me I couldn’t handle it even Anna has been treating me like I was glass and I hated it. I looked towards a very naked Matt laying on his back not leaving much to my imagination. We have been touching each other all week and it has been amazing.

I moved my hand grabbing his hardness as he groaned in his sleep. I gave a smug smile knowing that I made him lose his mind just as much as he makes me lose mine. I crawled towards him where I was directly in between his legs licking my lips as I thought about how he would taste in my mouth. So instinctively I held him as I licked the head of his hardness as he groaned louder. My mouth sliding further down as I took his shaft into my mouth sucking harder his hips lifted slamming him further into my mouth as I licked and sucked him the best I could. I heard him moan his hands wrapping around my hair I peeked up at him as he smiled at me, “Good morning love.”

I continued my exploring hesitating at certain times not sure if I was doing it right Matt must have caught on because he helped me by guiding me with his hands well encouraging me with his words, “Yes love damn that feels good,” he tensed as I slid my hand around his balls grasping them as I sucked his head, “Damn fuck keep doing that baby just like that,” it didn’t take him long to tense up as he was getting ready to cum, “Baby you should stop it could be messy.” I ignored his warning as I sucked him further into my mouth making him squirt down my throat as I rose up licking him clean. He pulled me towards him kissing me hotly.

“That was fucking amazing love and I will be paying you back tonight,” he glanced at his watch, “but we have to get going or we will be late but let me help you in the shower.”

He helped me three times making us late to see the owl trainer.

              We were 30 minutes late well an amused Anna and Luke stood waiting for us but the trainer well he was pissed. So pissed that I had to offer him a bonus check just to stop talking about how late we were. Anna and I were so happy to be training an owl just like Harry Potter.

The trainer waved his hand towards four cages of owls giving us a lesson on them, “Owls are not particularly smart but these owls are smarter than most they are called barn owls and they usually can be trained in a week or less well other owls can take up to four months or more.”

He gave us long rubber glove to put on as one by one we held out our hands as the owls flew to us perching on our arms. He taught us how to call the owls to us and what it meant for an owl to peck you. He also taught us how to tell the owl to deliver a note to someone. We spent hours laughing and training the owls until we got tired of it wanting to eat.

We decided to have a picnic style lunch. Anna and I grabbed a blanket and all the utensils as the boys grabbed the food from a nearby café and some champagne to sip on. We laid the blanket down as we got comfortable put my head on Matt’s shoulder as my phone started ringing it was El.

“Hey El, how have you been girl?”

She laughed, “Well chicka you sound like you had really hot sex or you met Chris Hemsworth.”

“No Elaina. To both,” we talked for about five minutes as she mentioned her Valentine’s Day it told her we will be home in a week after Australia that gave me about 4 weeks to come up with my decision she didn’t say it but I knew she was freaking out like me at the short amount of time.

Anna bent to get a grape, “How is Elaina?” I gave her a short laugh, “I guess Cole keeps bugging her she says its nothing but he did visit her during Valentine’s Day so who knows.”

Anna squealed in delight at the prospect well Matt made a noise, “It would be good for him to settle down I have known him for a long time and he has some demons some that should be buried and I think Elaina would be good for him.”

I gave a nod, “Yea but it’s difficult you see Elaina has her own problems some heavy stuff I feel like those two would be great together but they could also be volatile with each other.”

We all sat there soaking it in when my mother called. I gave my phone a disgusted look as I answered it, “Hello,” my mom cleared her throat, “Penelope dear how have you been?”

I gave a phone a look making sure it was my mother-it was, “I am fine mother may I ask why you are calling?”

“Well you don’t have to be snide girl I was just checking to see if you were okay still alive,” I took a breath, “Yes I am fine now tell me what exactly you want?”

“Well since your being a brat I will just get on with it your dad and I will be traveling to France we will be there for 6 months so you will have the house to yourself,” she didn’t even say bye before she hung up disconnecting me from her life once again.

Matt moved his hands over me in a way to comfort me from my mother and her cold words, “Come on love let’s take a walk,” he led me down a trail towards one of the beaches, “Was that the evil witch of the West?”

I gave him a small laugh, “Yup called to tell me they are going to France for six months without me…nothing new.”

It got quiet as Matt tried to figure out what to say to me, “My dad hasn’t talked to me in months,” he blurted out making me jerk in surprise.

I gave him a look, “Well why not?” he glanced at the water dragging me closer to the waves, “Well I got in a lot of trouble after the whole thing with Isabella I got into gambling got addicted got into trouble with a man Gio who I owed a lot of money to the problem was I didn’t have any money to give so they took to making hell on my family and the bar we own. Until my dad paid him off after that my dad never talked to me again,” he gave me a sad look.

“My mom hates me because I ruined her career see my dad was directing a movie in France where he met my mother she was 25 beautiful and a model. They had a week long affair my mother ended up becoming pregnant she had to contact my dad tell him what was going on. They were forced to marry so they didn’t look like a one night stand story and mom had to leave France and modeling,” I gave a sad sigh, “She lost her career and for what a fat daughter. It’s a bittersweet ending for her.”

Matt grabbed me kissing my lips softly, “She is wrong and you love are not fat your ravishing,” he bit my lower lip as he growled into my mouth, “And right now I need to take you back to the hotel so I can ravish you with my mouth.”

I gasped as I grabbed a hold of him as we ran back to the hotel where he proceeded to show me exactly how many times I could unravel with his tongue.

              We woke up late the next morning but we heard people cheering and laughing as they drank celebrating the day. I got out of bed grabbing my leprechaun costume that I bought with Anna it consisted of a green dress, stockings, green glittery heels, and leprechaun ears. I looked like a slutty elf character it was laughable and absolutely perfect. I jumped in the shower making sure to lock the door so Matt couldn’t come in to peek at me.

I head the door knob turning then a knock, then a bang, and then yelling, “Love why the fucking door is locked?”

I gave a laugh, “Because I need to get ready without being mauled by you every 30 seconds your incorrigible do you know that?” he rattled the door more, “I swear Penelope I will break the God damn door down if you do not open it.”

“No Matt I am getting ready it is a surprise so go pee outside,” he got quiet as he murmured expletives. Jesus, that man.

An hour later I was ready, I gave a peek out the door noticing that Matt was nowhere in sight. I did a ninja spin sliding out of the door as quietly as possible making my way to the door but right when I was about to throw the door open a husky voice came from behind me, “Where are you going love?”

I gave a startle scream my hand reaching for my heart as Matt gave me a smirk his eyes traveled long my body taking in every inch of me as I rubbed my hand on my chest that he was now eyeing, “You look exceptionally sexy I don’t think I can let you leave this hotel looking like that.”

My eyes widened, “Well why the hell not?” he gave me a dramatic eye roll, “Because one it will be too difficult for me to keep my hands off that delectable ass of yours and second well I will have to fight with every man and woman who will lay eyes on you because you look like a fucking pinup girl.”

I gave him a laugh batting my eyes, “Come on Matty lets go get so drunk that we can’t see straight then we can come back here and feel our way to each other’s body.”

His shoulder stiffened as he practically ran to me lacing his fingers with mine pulling me out the door to the nearest pub where our friends were waiting. Luke looked pissed off my eyes traveling to see a grinning Anna wearing an identical outfit like mine. She saw me squealing in delight, “Damn Pen, you look sexy. Luke is mad because I ran out of the room looking like this and by the look on Matt’s face I can say he looks pissed off too.”

I gave her a smile, “He sure the hell is but you know what this may be my last Sr. Patrick’s Day so let’s live it up okay girl?”

“Damn right we are and we are starting by drinking a tall glass of green beer let’s go,” we made our way to the bar where men were leering at us making obscene noises and gestures I am not going to lie I kind of enjoyed the looks as they gave me I never felt so sexy before.

“Hello fine ladies or should I say leprechauns,” the bartender gave us a wink as we drooled over his sexy Irish accent, “What can I get you two?”

He gave Anna a once over gliding his eyes to me as he took me in his eyes lingering a little bit too long, “Well can we have two of those green beers and four shots of tequila,” he gave me a wink, “Anything for a fine woman like you.”

I could feel my cheeks warming up as he came back placing our order in front of us, I reached to pull out a bill to give him when he put his hand on mine a spark entering my body but not in a sexual way more comfort than anything other, “No thank you sweets this is on the house.”

“Thank you,” I gave him a bigger smile as we got comfortable talking to him. He was mentioning his father and how he helps him herd sheep I gave a startled laugh as he told us about trying to shave a sheep when he was ten it ending with him being the one shaved, “It was a lesson that I had to learn,” I gave a laugh slipping my hands around his waist as I leaned my head on him, “I like you Jake we are going to be great friends. I think you should come back with us to New York you will love it.”

Before he could answer I was getting pulled out of his arms a fist flying pat me hitting Jake in the face. I gave a startle scream as I reached for Jake who was cursing. I turned angry eyes to Matt he grabbed me pulling me towards him as I tried to get out of his hold. He wouldn’t let go and I was beyond pissed I did the only thing that came to mind I slapped him.

He dropped his hold his eyes turning black in ager as he stalked towards me, “Do you feel better now Penelope?” I gave him a nod no as tears sprang to my eyes as I took in the red mark on his face. I reached my hand to his cheek but he left out of my reach stalking outside. I guess the party is over.

Jake gave me a sympathy look, “I think you should go get him before he does something dumb and maybe when you’re at it you could explain to the fact that I am not interested in you or anyone of these beautiful ladies because I prefer him over you.”

I gave him a short nod giving him a hug, “I am sorry and I still want you to come with us try it out experience new things. I will be back tomorrow hopefully you will be joining us.”

He gave me a smile as I waved towards Anna and Luke making my way to our room trying to calm my nerves over the whole scene that just went down. I am not a violent person but Matt makes me feel things I have never felt before he drives me crazy. I gave the door a push taking in the messed up room my eyes focusing on Matt who was drinking a bother of Jack Daniel’s. He saw me giving me a slimy smile.

‘Hey love you done being whore? You come back to beg and apologize,” I took a deep breath reminding myself that he was just hurt but before I could say anything in response he jumped up grabbing me and throwing me to the bed his hands sliding up my leg, “Do I not make you feel enough? Do you not like what I do? Because your body screams for me and trembles but yet I can’t tell what the fuck your heart wants. You hide secret from me but I don’t ask because I figure you will tell me soon but then I see you all over an Irish bartender practically sucking his dick and then you slap me like I am trash,” his eyes grew sad, “Maybe that’s it maybe I am too damaged too messy for you. Maybe you need better but I am not sure if I could let you go.”

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