Betting Against the Odds (17 page)

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Authors: Sabrina Morgan

BOOK: Betting Against the Odds
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“I couldn’t,” her voice so quiet I had to strain to hear it, “I didn’t want you to treat me different and I was afraid that if you knew I was broken you wouldn’t want me. I was going to tell you that night but then all of that happened. I was so mad at you Matt but Elaina and Jake told me what happened I didn’t forgive you right away but I knew that I would I gave my body to you, my heart, you are in my soul. I love you Matt.”

I didn’t let her finish as my mouth descended on to hers branding her mine as I devoured her she went willingly making me crave her more, “I love you baby and I want you to know that no matter what you choose I am here with you whether you want the surgery or not,” I stood her up as I stayed on my knees looking into her beautiful eyes, “I want you to know that I am not asking you this because you are sick I am doing this because from the moment I met you I couldn’t stop thinking about you. It’s like you gutted me. I have never felt this way with anybody before and I never will again. You are it for me no matter what you are the one that I will always be in love with. I talked to my parents and my dad gave me this,” I opened the ring as she touched it gently.

“It’s beautiful,” she whispered tears in her eyes, “You talked to your dad?”

I gave her a laugh pulling her hand to gain her attention, “Yes we did we made up all of us even Seamus. I need to thank you for that to love. My dad gave me this ring that has been passed down from generation to generation he told me to give it to the girl I will spend the rest of eternity with and that is you. So please Penelope do me the honor of being my wife?”

She started crying silently as she held my hand tightly, “Are you sure Matt? I mean I am dying I don’t even know if the surgery will work or what I will be like if it does. I can’t guarantee anything to you.”

I stood up holding her face in my hands as I gave her a kiss, “I don’t care because I can guarantee to you that I will love you no matter what that whatever happens will not change how I feel for you. I can guarantee that you will always have my heart, my soul. You are my light.”

She laughed giving me a kiss, “Yes Matt I will marry you I will be your wife.”

I kissed her demanding her to submit to my mouth as I tasted her I would have taken her right there if not for our audience who stood there clapping, cheering, and some crying. I let her mouth go lacing my fingers into hers as I pulled her to our friends who congratulated us. The boys clapping me on the back as Cole shouted, “So what next guys?” I gave him a smile, “Vegas we are having a Vegas wedding but no divorce,” I gave her a wink as she laughed brightly.


Ch. 18: Go to Vegas get plastered, married, and then divorced (Matt’s and Penelope’s POV)

              I took my love back to my parent’s house with me as we laughed and smiled all the way there never taking our hands of each other. I opened the door shouting, “Mama! Dad! I am home.” My mom ran out of her room straight to us almost knocking us over as she held Penelope in her arms gushing and crying. My dad and to my surprise Seamus and Nicole came into the living room smiling at us. I cleared my throat pulling Penelope as close as I could with my mom still hanging on her, “We have some news,” I smiled down at her, “We are getting married in three days in Vegas.”

My mom cried pulling us both in a hug, “I am so happy for you two so special. You were made for each other,” my mom wiped her tears, “Three days oh my we are going to have a lot to plan is your mom helping you dear?”

Penelope’s smile faded as she spoke, “No. I told her she told me I was too young and she would not give me her blessing but Mrs. Rose wants to help and so does my doctor and his wife they are family to me,” she gave my hand a squeeze, “And our friends want to help as much as they can.”

My mama got quiet I could tell she felt bad for Penelope but she didn’t say so instead she held her hand out to her, “Well come on dear I will help you out to we will get everything planned and everyone can pick what they want to help with. How does that sound?” Penelope gave a laugh, “That sounds awesome thank you so much. I wouldn’t even know where to begin,” she admitted shyly.

My mama grinned, “No problem dear you are going to be my daughter that makes me your mama, too. So come on,” I let Penelope go as she left into the kitchen with my mama and Nicole.

My dad gave me a manly hug as Seamus smacked my back affectionately, “She said yes brother. Damn I am happy for you too.”

I smiled, ‘I am, too.”

Penelope’s POV:

              I can’t believe I am getting married tomorrow. Today we are on the plane to go to Vegas. Cole’s dad provided us with a private jet so we could all go at once it was all of our friends including the twins, Matt’s family, Mrs. Rose, Doc, and his wife. Everyone chatting happily as we made plans for our wedding party; Matt decided that we will not have separate parties declaring we spent too much time apart planning the wedding. I agreed. But what we didn’t get away with was spending the night together before the wedding according to his mama and the rest of the girls it was bad luck.

Matt kissed my neck whispering in my ear, “Hey love,” I smiled kissing him back , “Hey you,” he smiled whispering huskily into my ear, “I can’t wait for you to be my wife I hope you’re ready because I am going to fuck you in every place of that hotel room,” my breath turned ragged as I grew wet. He must have sensed it pulling back to go talk to Cole giving me a wink with a smug smile. That bastard.  I checked my phone for the tenth time noting that my parents still have not called making me want to cry in anger the least they could do was come to their only daughter’s wedding. I felt someone sit next to me looking over meeting Cole’s eyes, “Hey Pen,” I smiled, “I wanted to see how you were doing I noticed your parent’s didn’t come,” I shook my head sadly as he gave my hand a pat, “I know how it feels to not live up to the fame your parent’s want for you but I am happy that you aren’t allowing them to control your happiness. I have known Matt for a while he helped me through some tough shit and well I never seen him so fucking happy he deserves that as much as you do.”

I smiled at Cole taking in his good looks but for the first time I noticed that his eyes held pain and secrets I gave him a hug whispering to him, “You deserve it all, too. Elaina says you’re a great person and believe me she doesn’t trust people especially men so for her to say that means a lot in my book,” I saw him look towards Elaina smiling slightly as he left the seat next to me back to the boys.

I have been feeling more tired lately especially because of all the running around. I didn’t know when I fell asleep but when I woke I was on a bed in a room I did not recognize. I gave a yawn as I looked around me taking in the beautiful room when the door opened, “Oh love you’re awake,” he bent down giving me a kiss, “How long was I asleep for?” he glanced at his watch, “Um about 4 hours I told everyone to let you rest before we went out to dinner and everything that are crazy ass friends planned for us.”

I gave a laugh at his forlorn expression, “Oh baby don’t pout we are getting married tomorrow,” he chuckled pulling me on his so I could straddle him, “I know I am so fucking excited baby for you to be my wife I have never been more sure of anything.”

We made love with our hands and mouth as we melted into one but we didn’t have sex waiting for our wedding night to do that.  Matt was wearing slacks and a button down blue shirt making his eyes brighten more as I pulled on my silver dress that fell down on me caressing my curves. I lost weight, normally I would be happy about that but I knew it was because my body was getting weaker. Matt never mentioned it always telling me I was beautiful no matter what. I knew he was being sincere as he said it. We held each other tightly as we made our way to the lobby meeting our friends who gave us excited looks.

We didn’t want anything fancy deciding on a buffet so everyone could eat what they wanted to. The twins poked fun at Matt and Luke for being “old men” and having a “ball of chain” the two of them just smiled in content well Nate laughed, “It’s not that bad being married you get sex whenever you want well unless their mad about something then you don’t get sex at all,” we all grew quiet Nate noticing looking up to see his wife Janet glaring at him, “I mean marriage is awesome spending everyday with the woman you love.”

Janet made a noncommittal noise as we all laughed at Nate’s face. My phone started ringing which was weird since everyone was around us that I knew. I took it out glancing at my dad’s number, “Hello dad,” I felt Matt stiffen next to me as our group grew quiet, “Penelope daughter what is this I hear about you marrying that boy,” I shook my head, “I love him daddy you told me you liked him,” he grew serious his voice hardening, “I do like him but not for you to marry why are you marrying anyways when you might not even be alive in a couple of months are you trying to ruin this family!”

I felt the tears on my face as Matt made a fist, “Is that how you feel daddy? Well that’s fine I don’t need you or mom I have my own family now keep your house and all the money I still have my trust fund thanks to grandma and grandpa. I don’t want to talk to you ever again. And if I do die I want you both to know that you are horrible people and that I will never forgive you for treating me like I was nothing but shit,” I took a breath as Matt gave me an encouraging smile, “Now I have to go I am getting married tomorrow and for the rest of my life I will never be a Davis again. Goodbye.”

The table was quiet until Elaina my loud mouth best friend jumped up pumping her fist, “Hell yes that was fucking hot man you should have done that a long time ago,” everyone laughed at her as she jumped in my lap kissing me on my lips, “Come on girl let’s go get fucked up before this fine piece of man candy takes you off the market for good.”

They boys sat there with their mouths open watching as Elaina rubbed my arms seductively I gave in grabbing her face and kissing her back playing her game I heard six distinctive male voices all say, “Damn” or “Fuck that’s hot”. Looking up I gave Matt a wink as Cole and him stared at us the hardest.

I stood up taking Elaina’s hand, “Come on girls let party like it’s our last day to live,” we all made our way down to the night club: Body English.  The club was located at the Hard Rock Hotel I showed them my fake id never questioning my age as Cole bought us the VIP treatment package. The club was crazy people dancing and drinking having the time of their lives.

Elaina and I danced on each other provocatively until Matt and Cole had to break us up moving behind us to grab our attention which I quickly returned. I pushed Matt to the wall as I grinded my ass on him pushing into his hardness making him moan is ecstasy. I turned to him pushing my breast into his hands biting on his bottom lip, “I want you to fuck me Matt,” I felt him catch his breath as he pulled me closer to him, “Don’t tempt me little girl,” but I wanted to tempt him so I let my hand drop to his waist band as I grabbed his cock in my hand kissing him harder.

He pulled away from me grabbing my hand pulling me down to the hall grabbing doors until one of them opened pushing us in. It looked like a supply closet but I wasn’t sure I was about to ask when Matt pushed me against the wall holding my hands above my head his eyes a darkened blue, “Did I tell you to touch me love?” I whimpered at the tone of his voice I loved when he took charge like this I don’t know what that says about me but I couldn’t help but get wet hearing it as I shook my head, “No Matt” his hands gripped the hem of my dress pulling it up my thighs as my pussy peeked out as his fingers slid into it with ease, “Damn love so fucking wet I will never get tired of your sweet pussy do you want me to fuck you baby?” I gasped out loud as he lifted my legs up eye level to his face, “Yes Matt please fuck me,” his tongue wound around my clit as he fucked me with his fingers his eyes never leaving mine.

He pulled down his pants, “Open wider love let me fuck that pussy of yours,” I did as he said making him growl in approval, “Tell me I am yours,” he demanded as he thrust into me making me scream out loud, “Yes your mine only mine,” he grunted as he moved faster my ass slapping against the wall, “Are you mine?” I held him tightly my body trembling, “Yes I am yours” he went faster as my pussy coiled ready to spring, “Tell me you love me,” I didn’t answer making him slow down and me whimper in need I held him tightly to me, “Yes Matt I fucking love you” he moved faster into me as I came screaming his name as he grunted mine in return.

We stayed like that for a couple of minutes straightening our clothes and fixing ourselves when knocks sounded on the door. I opened it coming face to face with a smiling Elaina and Cole, “Damn chicka it smells like a 70’s slut house in here,” Cole gave a laugh putting his hand around her shoulder as I gave her an eye raise which she ignored, “Come on girl tonight is the night to flirt and get drunk not fuck your fiancé,” Cole growled out a curse as Elaina just flipped him off happily.

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