Betting Against the Odds (18 page)

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Authors: Sabrina Morgan

BOOK: Betting Against the Odds
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Matt’s POV

              Today was the day of my wedding I still can’t believe that I am getting married me. My boys, dad, and brother were all standing around getting ready when my phone beeped I looked at it. It was that bitch again she has been calling me since she drugged me and I didn’t want to deal with her bullshit.

“What the fuck do you want?” I yelled in the phone as she cackled , “Oh Matt is that any way to talk to me your first love?’

I was getting pissed, “I never loved you and if you call me or my wife or come anywhere near anything that is mine you will regret it,” she didn’t quit like I thought she would instead she said loudly, “Oh Matt I will be careful who you threaten see I know your secrets along with your friends. I know about Christy, I know about Cole’s problems, and I know about your problem with Gio see Matt I have you by the balls but you don’t even know it yet so enjoy your wedding in peace but I will be seeing you in your future.”

She hung up as the boys gave me a look of anger, “What the fuck? How does she know about Christy?” Luke yelled as Cole continued, “She knows about me? What the hell is wrong with that bitch? What are we going to do?’

I looked down at my hands not answering because the truth is I didn’t fucking no, “We will have a wedding and enjoy this wonderful day and after we plan. We plan to keep ourselves safe,” Seamus spoke low his voice hard I glanced at him noticing my dad wasn’t here. Nate shook his head okay, “We know some people well my wife Janet does they helped us when Anna was taken and they will help us again if they need to but Seamus is right today is all about marrying the woman of your dreams so let’s go it’s time.”

I grabbed my tux jacket throwing it in as my boys followed Cole my best man stood next to me giving me a slug on my shoulder letting me know everything was good. The chapel was small but it was decorated with purple flowers and white drapes. I gave my mom a thumb up when the cue started the bridesmaids walking out in their purple dresses Elaina coming out last I peeked out Cole who sucked in his breath watching her. Oh yea he is screwed. I was about to tell him so when the music started and everyone grew quiet. She was beautiful her hair was curled down her back he white dress draped over her lovely the lace blending with the sparkling beads on the bodice. Doc led her down the aisle smiling proudly at her as they stopped in front of me the preacher raising his hand, “Who gives the young woman away?” Doc put her hand into mine as he said, “I do proudly,” h kissed her cheek giving me a look of approval.

The preacher spoke as I tried to listen but my mind was on my love damn I can’t believe I found her that she is really mine. Cole poked my arm whispering, “Matt you’re supposed to say your vows now.”

I shook my head laughing, “Opps what can I say my love distracts me,” I gave her a wink as our friends and family laughed, “I love you Penelope Davis with everything I am. I now we have had our ups and downs and I know we have a mountain to climb over still but I swear baby I will plow through that mountain to reach you no matter what. I can’t say I will never fuck up because I will a lot but that’s oaky because the makeup sex will be worth it,” The boys chortled as Penelope hit my arm in a warning, “I am not the brightest person. I don’t know how to express myself with words but I promise I will show you every day how much I love you. You are my light to my darkness I am no longer drowning in what I thought was uselessness. I thought I could never deserve someone like you but you held me steady well my world tilted. I am going to be you rock now baby. I guarantee you my heart and soul into this life and out next we will never part.”

Penelope was crying as well as the other girls and Jake, “Penelope your vows” the preacher spoke she cleared her throat looking me straight in the eyes, “The day I found out I was sick I cried not because I may die but because I may die without living I never knew how much I was missing until I beat you in poker,” I glared at her, “I let you win!” everyone laughed as she shook her head at me.

“Anyways you big loser my parents never loved me like they should have and even though I had Elaina, Doc, and Mrs. Rose I never felt truly whole until I met you. You are my angel. I may be your light but you Matt are my home. I never thought this could happen. I didn’t think of my future because I wasn’t sure if I had one but you made me hope. You gave me love, shelter, a family, great friends, but mostly you gave me peace. I know that if I were to die tomorrow I would be the luckiest woman anyways because how many people my age can say they found their soul mate? Not many. You say I don’t deserve you but babe I was made for you and you were made for me we deserve each other. Matt I am yours for all eternity into the next.”

I grabbed her pulling her mouth to mine when the preacher cleared his throat, “Not yet young man,” I groaned letting her go as he announced, “I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Collins you may kiss your bride,” and I did just that as our family and friends cried out in happiness. We said our goodbyes taking my wife to the hotel to make love to her.

“Hello Mrs. Collins,” she sighed in happiness as I took off her dress she stood in front of me in a white lace bra and undies and a garter. Fuck.

“Come here husband make love to me,” and I did just that we made love slowly as I branded this to my memory making it last until we couldn’t breathe. Tomorrow I take her home to the house I bought us knowing that we will have to make a decision.

















Ch. 19: Decisions (Penelope’s POV)

I woke up next to Matt my husband and I couldn’t help but giggle as I looked at my ring. I, Penelope Davis, was married no longer a Davis I am a Collins. I felt Matt stir next to me pulling me on top of him making me giggle, “Hey my wife,” I smiled kissing him, “Hey my husband.”

Last night was great every time we have sex is great but last night he let me have control for a while as we made passionate love he pulled me over him sliding me down his cock. I threw my head back as I rode him my husband drawing my nipple into his mouth as he tugged it hotly in his mouth as my body clenched on his milking him making him thrust faster in me as we both came undone.

He pulled me into his side looking at me pulling my hair, “So everyone went home already but we will be leaving in like two hours,” I looked at him in surprise, “Two hours?” he gave me a kiss, “Yes I have a wedding present for you my beautiful wife well for both of us.”

I gave a squeal of excitement jumping up to take a shower well Matt ordered us breakfast. I didn’t bother with clothes throwing on a robe as I sat on the bed kissing him as he fixed us both a plate of food. I took it hungrily I felt like I haven’t ate in forever but Matt gave me a loving look he wanted me to eat he said I lost too much weight. I had to agree I missed some of my curves. We fed each other strawberries and pancakes giggling and laughing like we are teenagers. I never felt happier than I did now.

              Two hours later Matt had me blindfolded in the car driving me to God knows where as I bitched and whined, “Where are we going Matt?,” nothing at all no noise, “Tell me now or I will give you know more sex!” he just laughed stopping the car. He didn’t open my door right away pissing me off so I slipped my finger in the blindfold pulling it up to peek out when my door flew open. Matt laughed at me putting his hand over the blindfold well leading me out of the car, ‘Don’t be peeking wife or I will punish you later,” he whispered as we walked up steps stopping.

“Well husband if you don’t undo this blindfold I will never ever give you head again,” I spat out as I heard chuckles the blindfold falling from my face as my friends all waved at me. I looked around me we were in a living room. I gave Matt a funny face as he held my hand, “Welcome home love,” I gasped out loud as I cried, “A home our home?” he laughed, “Yes my wife our home I hope you like it go check it out.”

I did just that as I ran around room to room taking everything in our house was perfect it had five bedrooms, three baths, two car garages, and a beautiful backyard. I ran down the stair launching myself at my husband wrapping my legs around him, “Do you like it love?” I gave him a huge smile, “I love it. It is perfect,” he released the breath he was holding, “Good does that mean I can still have head?” he gave me puppy dog eyes as I shook my head, “You can have all the head you want.”

He threw a fist in the air screaming “Yes” as Elaina laughed, “Girl you have company have some damn manners,” everyone turned to look at Elaina who was a shy girl but when she got comfortable  with you well she had a mouth of a sailor, “What I can be decent,” she yelled as Jake said “Yea in bed,” we all laughed as she glared, “No I am great in bed absolutely great!”

I was so shocked to hear her say those words I literally jumped out of Matt’s arm launching myself at her, “El when did you have sex and why didn’t you tell me?” she glared at me as she spoke through clenched teeth, “I didn’t Penny but thanks for letting everyone know I was bullshitting.”

I bit my lip hugging her, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do you forgive me?” she shook her head smiling, “Chicka I can’t live without you my deranged best friend.”

I jumped up and down around my house as we arranged a time to have a house warming party. They all left as Matt grabbed our stuff leading us to our new room that already had all my things. He told me Mrs. Rose and everyone got the house ready for us. We made love on our bed in our new house for hours until we grew tired.

“Matt we need to talk about what we are going to do about my tumor,” the bed rustled beside me as he sat up rubbing his temple.

“I know love I just I have opinions but I don’t want you to think I don’t care what you say because it is your choice to make,” he whispered.

I gave his shoulder a rub as I asked, “What is your opinion?”

“I don’t know I feel like you should fight for yourself for your life and for us but than what if you don’t make it? I try to be tough baby but this stumps me I don’t know what we should do,” I felt his tears hit my cheeks.

I held him rubbing his head, “Babe we will think it through let’s not make a decision tonight lets live and love.”

He kissed me gently as he made love to me once more before we said goodnight falling asleep knowing that my time was ticking away. Decisions needed to be made.

              The next morning Matt kissed me awake as he got ready to go to work he had to help Seamus with the books and some other stuff. I had the strangest feeling that Matt was hiding something but I brushed it away not wanting my insecurities to make problems in my marriage. If it was important he would tell me. I didn’t feel good today my vision wavered in and out as my body protested me getting out of bed but I put on a fake smile not wanting to worry Matt before he had to leave. Truth is he needed to go to work and I needed to think, to decide what my choice are the pros and cons to both.

I made Matt, Seamus, and Nicole a lunch because I knew today would be an all-nighter for them and I didn’t want them to go hungry. Matt gave me a long kiss touching my face, “I love you my wife. I wills see you tonight,” I laughed pushing him out the door shouting, “I love you too husband be careful.”

He waved goodbye as I shut the door sitting down on the couch with my coffee and a notepad time to make a decision.

I sat there for three hours not having any luck on my decision making I was scared for the first time ever I was scared to die before it didn’t matter I had no one really but now I have Matt and no matter what I choose it will most likely end in death. I couldn’t did I was too young I just got married. I want kids a bunch of them I never realized that until now. My throat closed up as darkness surrounded me. I cried out loud bumping into my table as I sat on the floor trying to calm myself down. I sat there with my arms tight around my waist as I tried to calm my breathing down I don’t know how long I sat there mumbling to myself. My phone started ringing as I felt around me trying to find it before whoever it was hung up I didn’t want it to got to voicemail because that would make everyone nervous and I didn’t want everyone coming over to see me like this not even Matt.

My fingers hit the phone as I pulled it off the hook answering it brightly, “Hello,” there was a pause than Matt’s voice came over the line, “Hey love are you okay? You sound funny,” I gave him a laugh “Oh I am fine just running around getting everything in order around the house but I am feeling kind of bored I think I am going to go shopping around for some stuff for our house,” I heard him sigh, “I don’t know love maybe you should take someone with you or something.”

I knew he was just being over protective but his words did the opposite by pissing me off, “I am not dead yet Matt I can go places by myself I have been doing it alone all my life,” I yelled into the phone trying not to cry or beg him to come home and hold me.

Matt gave me a sigh, “Love I didn’t mean to insinuate that you couldn’t do something by yourself I was just saying if you are bored you should take someone with you,” he paused saying something to someone in the background who was that Cole? “Love I have to go but have fun and call me if you need me okay wife?”

I tried to clear my eyes again as some color seeped through as I gave a breath of relief smiling into the phone, “I love you too Matty. I will see you tonight for dinner don’t be late or else.”

Matt laughed hanging up as my vision slowly returned making me smile widely I guess I am going shopping.

              I went to three stores buying practically everything I came across leaving them my address to deliver my stuff the next couple of days. I decided to go to one more store to buy new lingerie for Matt tonight when I ran straight into two women making me fall on my ass. I yelled in surprise as my head hit the floor. Ow.

I stood up, “I am so sorry,” I told the two girls standing over me looking at them the blonde looked familiar for some reason but I couldn’t place her but I sure the hell knew who the brown hair bitch was. She stood there laughing at me as I drew myself up pushing her backwards. She gave me a sneer, “Well hey fat ass how have you been taking care of my leftovers?’

I gave her a laugh as a crowd started to form, “Isabella, is it? Don’t mess with me bitch because I will ruin you.”

She pushed back, “No darling I am going to ruin you, Matt, and all of your friends,” that’s it people can talk shit all they want about me but they are going to leave my family alone. I went up to her socking her in her face as she screamed in outrage. She slapped me back as her friend sat there watching us fight when a security guard came over in between us.

“What is the problem ladies?” Isabella pushed her chest on to the guard as she spoke huskily, “This woman attacked me for no reason I want her arrested.”

The guard glanced at me, “Is that true miss?” I shook my head yes, “I socked her because she threatened me,” Isabella gave a scream, “She’s a liar ask anyone.”

A women stepped up to me talking to the guard pointing at Isabella, “This woman started everything officer we all saw it,” the crowd all shook their heads in agreement as the officer put handcuffs on a screaming Isabella leading her down the corridor.

Her friend slid next to me whispering in my ear, “Do me a favor and tell Anna my cousin I will be seeing her soon,” she laughed sliding into the crowd disappearing as I stared at her was that Christy? With Isabella?

A hand went to my shoulder gaining my attention I looked at the women who stuck up for me smiling, “Thank you for that,” she waved her hand dismissing me, “That girl deserved it now honey you go home to your man and don’t listen to a thing that skinny twig said.”

I laughed grabbing my stuff waving at the crowd as I went home to wait for my husband.

              It was 10 o’ clock he was an hour late. I knew he had a lot of work but I really needed to tell him about what happened today. I grabbed my phone dialing Matt’s number it going to voicemail. Hmm.

“Matt this is your wife. You are not home yet. Actually you are an hour late if you don’t come home soon you are going to regret it do you hear me Matthew Collins. I don’t know what you are doing but we have things to talk about. Okay fine don’t answer keep the secrets I am going to bed now Husband. Love you”

I hung up the phone feeling lonely and tired I went up my stairs into our bed falling into a fast sleep hoping Matt would be home what I didn’t know was I wouldn’t see him again not tonight.


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