Beyond Reason (30 page)

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Authors: Karice Bolton

Tags: #Coming of Age, #new adult romance, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Beyond Reason
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“Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions?” Ayden murmured, as he held my hand. We were sitting on a long bench pulled as close to the fire as we could get it.

I looked into his eyes and smiled. “I guess I should set a resolution to find a job,” I laughed. “That’s probably a smart one to put out there. But that’s all I can think of. All of my other wishes have come true, and a few I didn’t even know I had dropped in my lap.”

Ayden brought me into him, and as I looked around, I couldn’t imagine anywhere I’d rather be. Surrounded with such love and kindness was the best gift of all and a magical way to start the New Year.

A delightful pulse ran through me as I leaned my head on Ayden’s shoulders. “Do you know what would make this moment perfect?” I asked.

“What’s that?”

“A marshmallow.”

Ayden started laughing and shifted so he could grab a marshmallow out of the bag to stick on the skewer.

“Your wish is my command.” He stuck the marshmallow in the fire and slowly turned it.

“So are we staying in or going out for midnight?” I asked the group.

“Let’s stay in,” Mason said.

“Second that,” Sammie said. “But I’d be game for anything.”

“I’d like to stay in,” Gabby said, nodding.

“Me too,” Brandy agreed.

“Well, that makes it easy.”

Ayden slid the marshmallow off the skewer and brought it to my lips. “Careful,” he said. Ignoring him, I took a bite of the melty goodness, and it burned my lips before it tumbled to my lap.

I picked it up, blew on it, and popped it back in my mouth. “I should probably rinse this out.” I glanced at the trail of sugar down my lap.

“Yeah, definitely should get on that,” Ayden teased, standing up. “Don’t want it to stain.”

I tried not to giggle as I followed him off the patio and into the kitchen where he grabbed my coat and pulled me to him.

My tongue found some more sugar on my lips, and I started to lick it off, but not before Ayden brought his lips to mine. The chill from his fingers skated across my cheeks as he ran his fingers through my hair.

Laughter from the patio made my heart race, and I slowly withdrew my lips from his.

“Do you want to help me with the mess I’ve made?” I asked, lacing my hand through his.

“Absolutely.” He grinned and pulled me out of the kitchen, down the hall, and into my bedroom.

I slipped off my jacket and tossed it on the chair as I heard the lock on the door click.

“Why would you need to do that?” I teased, his eyes fastening on mine as I slowly inched up my shirt.

“I want some of your last memories of the year to be some of your best.” His eyes darkened as his gaze traveled along my stomach.

“I would like that,” I agreed, as he finished pulling my shirt up for me, revealing my pale pink bra, but rather than continue to undress me, he picked me up and placed me on the bed.

My breath caught in my throat as his gaze darkened and his fingers began sliding along my stomach. I motioned for him to strip, and his smile deepened as he slid off his sweater.

“Now I don’t feel so vulnerable,” I teased, slipping my fingers along his waistband and pulling him onto me.

Gently, he brought my bottom lip in between his teeth, nipping and teasing as a tingling sensation shot through my veins. I sucked in an astonished breath as his mouth left mine, and his gaze intensified as he moved down my body.

He slowly worked my jeans off, and I shook my finger at him, commanding him to do the same. I wanted to feel his flesh against mine. I needed to feel his body next to me. As he removed his jeans, he began to place soft kisses along my leg. A bolt of electricity shot through my body as his lips worked along my thigh, his fingers teasing me through my panties.

A moan escaped my lips as I clutched onto his shoulders, leading him back up until his lips found mine. His hands drifted through my hair as he shifted his body to align with mine. As I fumbled with my panties, desire strummed through me at an unstoppable rate. Every part of my body hummed with a thirst that only he’d be able to quench. Ayden’s hands slipped down my sides as his mouth left mine, and he skated kisses along my neck. This was definitely the best New Year’s Eve ever. I guided him into me and felt the longing only grow. Ayden’s eyes met mine as I sucked in a deep breath as our bodies melded into one. He held me tightly as our bodies lost control and worlds collided.

“Happy New Year, indeed,” I breathed. My eyelids felt heavy with sleep so I tucked my body into his, and the warmth from his skin wrapped around me.

“This is probably one of those nights where they’d miss us,” Ayden said, his lips by my ear.

“You don’t think we could get away with staying in bed?” I flipped around to face him, and he brought his lips to mine, kissing me once more.

I let out a groan as his lips moved away from mine, and I sank deeper into the covers before I flipped them off both of us.

“I guess you’re right,” I said, slowly rolling out of bed.

I opened the closet and grabbed a dress with a cute cutout on the back. It had long sleeves, but skimmed my curves nicely. Slipping it over my head and adjusting the fabric I walked over to Ayden who was pulling on his jeans.

“You like?” I asked, wiggling in front of him. I had been in mostly jeans and sweaters all week so it was nice to get a little dressed up, even if it was just to play video games until midnight.

Ayden ran his fingers through his blonde hair and let out a whistle. “Amazing.”

I twirled around one last time and laughed as he pulled me in for one more kiss before leaving the bedroom.

The kitchen was bustling with Sammie and Gabby preparing all kinds of food as I heard Brandy and the guys yelling upstairs as they competed. I grabbed a piece of celery as Ayden headed toward the loft.

“Get the marshmallow issue all figured out?” Gabby laughed.

“It was a tough one,” I teased, sinking the veggie into some dip.

We carried the food upstairs and played endless matches, until the New Year almost slipped by us. We almost missed the countdown until fireworks outside started going off, and we all hurried down the stairs and outside as the loud explosions on the mountain began soaring through the sky.

“Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven…” Everyone shouted and Ayden didn’t even wait. He pulled me into him, his mouth crashing onto mine to welcome the New Year. My mouth tingled as our kiss continued long after the stroke of midnight; it only ended when Mason kept blowing a horn in his brother’s ear.

“Happy New Year, babe,” Ayden murmured, his eyes locked on mine, and I pressed my lips to his once more, ignoring Mason and the rest of the world.





Waking up in Ayden’s arms was a beautiful thing. It was our last morning in Utah. I looked around the bedroom as my mind raced with thoughts from the last couple of nights. The tenderness of Ayden’s kisses and the loving way he looked at me, continued to take my breath away. Ayden’s breathing changed slightly as he pulled me into him, and I couldn’t help but giggle as his whiskers scraped along my cheek.

“Good morning, beautiful,” he whispered.

“Good morning,” I said, snuggling into him.

We were back at the condo, but he was no longer in the bunkroom. Sammie was glad to chase him out, and I was glad to welcome him in. It was hard to believe so much had transpired on our trip to Utah, but I never would change a thing about it.

“Ready to go back to Seattle?” Ayden asked.

“What do you mean?” I asked. “My flight goes to Portland.”

“Not anymore. I thought since you wanted to see my fight in a few days, it only made sense to have you fly in with me, hang out…”

I didn’t say anything as his words settled over me. What would we do once this was all over, him in Seattle, me in Portland?

“They’re open tickets, so I can change them back if you want. I can come to Portland…”

Not realizing what my silence implied, I flipped over and looked into his worried eyes. “I’m beyond excited to fly into Seattle with you. I just got sidetracked…thinking about where we both live and…”

“One step at a time, baby. Things always work out the way they’re supposed to.” He nipped at my ear, and I started laughing as my body immediately responded to his.

“So I thought you could make yourself at home while I prepared for the fight.”

I nodded and traced my fingers along his mouth, imagining what it would be like to hang out with him on his turf.

A loud knock on our door interrupted my next idea, and I just started laughing.

“Maybe we should just have you come to Portland,” I teased.

“If we want to get a decent meal before the flight, we’ve gotta get going,” Brandy called through the door.

“Which is code for get your ass out of bed,” I teased.

I heard Brandy’s laughter through the door as she walked back down the hall. I shoved off the covers and groaned. Ayden’s fingers traced along my arm and I smiled.

I was in a camisole and boxers, not exactly winter pajamas, but being wrapped in so much goose down and Ayden more than made up for it. I glanced at Ayden as he sat up, his blonde hair in complete disarray and blue eyes still a little sleepy.

“What?” he asked, pushing his hand through his hair.

Of course, he was shirtless, but he was wearing a pair of boxers and my gaze fell to his abdomen.

“Nothing,” I laughed, as he pulled me into him. “Not fair. I don’t want to get in trouble with Brandy.”

Ayden pulled me on top of him and pulled my hand to his, kissing the knuckles softly.

“Did I ever mention how that drives me insane?” I teased.

“I don’t think you did. No.” He pulled my hand to his lips once more. “When did that start?”

“At the launch party,” I confessed.

“I had no idea,” he laughed, as I crawled off him.

“Yup. You’ve had me for a long time, Mr. Rhodes. You just didn’t know it, and neither did I.”

I walked into the bathroom and began brushing my teeth as I turned on the shower. Ayden followed and grabbed a razor.

“Just one more day?” I mumbled, in between toothpaste spits.

“One more day what?” he asked.

“With the whiskers,” I laughed.

“Whatever you say.” He beamed, tossing the shaver on the counter and trading it for a toothbrush.

I walked into the bedroom and picked out a pair of navy yoga pants and a white hoodie and brought them back into the bathroom. I felt the suds about to escape into my mouth and hurried to the sink as Ayden grabbed two towels and placed them next to the shower.

He quickly stripped, and even though I’d spent more time with him naked than clothed in the last couple of days, I couldn’t help but be impressed as he climbed in the shower. I watched through the glass as he let the water trickle over his hair and lathered up his face and body. But instead of pure enjoyment, fear crept in as I thought about what it was that gave him this exquisite body, the fighting. I wanted to see him fight. I really did, but every day that got us closer to the date made my nerves work overtime. He ran his fingers through his wet hair, and I reprimanded myself for getting worked up. He knew what he was doing and I couldn’t doubt him or I’d be doubting his ability.

I wriggled out of my boxers and pulled the camisole over my head, dropping them on the floor.

“Room for one more?” I asked, pushing away the fear.

“Always,” he laughed, rinsing the soap out of his hair.

I stepped into the steamy shower, and he quickly began sliding soap along my body as I let the water run over my hair. Ayden poured shampoo over my hair, and I began massaging it into my scalp when I felt his hands glide up my thighs. My breath caught as he pressed me against the tile, his fingers circling inside me. The water was pelting me as I watched his gaze steady on mine bringing me to the end, my body shuddering into his.

He gave me one last kiss before he stepped out of the shower, and I was left to rinse off by myself, still completely lost in the world Ayden had created for me.


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