BeyondAddiction (3 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

BOOK: BeyondAddiction
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When the last of their tremors had subsided, he lowered her
to the floor and backed up to lean against the opposite wall, his legs
trembling with weakness as he still held her close. He closed his eyes and
tried to even out his breathing, gain back some control.

She just did it to him, every time.

And he loved it.

A willing sub who submitted eagerly but with a strong
spirit. He’d never thought to find this, the perfect woman to enrich his life
in all aspects. She even rode a horse now like an expert. The nipple rings were
his attempt to solidify their relationship, to let her know this wasn’t a
transient thing for him. He really wanted to give her the delicately crafted collar
he’d had made, currently sitting in a locked drawer in his desk.

But she still had too much baggage dragging her down. It was
impossible to ignore. She told him so little about it. He couldn’t be sure if
she was afraid to tell him, if it was too upsetting, or if she was still in
some way addicted to the Dom who had made such an impression on her life.

“Cord?” Fallon’s warm voice shook him out of his unpleasant

He sighed lightly, stripping off the condom. Sliding open
the shower door, he tossed it into the wastebasket.

“That was damn good, girl.” He kissed her forehead.

“Shouldn’t we wash and get out before we shrivel up?” She
grinned at him. “It would be my pleasure to wash my Master’s body.”

He laughed, enormously glad for her presence. He brushed his
mouth gently against hers.

“We’ll be late for dinner if we keep this up.”

She lowered her eyes seductively. “Would my Sir feel
compelled to punish me?”

He licked the water from her lips. “I think when we get home
from dinner we might have to have a session.” His tongue darted into her mouth
then out.

“I’ll look forward to it.”

“No more than I will.”

Chapter Two


Fallon looked out the window as the car raced down the
Interstate, the lights of businesses flashing by. Tonight they rode in what
Cord called his “city car”, a black BMW that was one of his rare indulgences.

“I need to feel something besides a truck beneath me once in
a while,” he’d said.

She folded her hands in her lap and took a deep breath,
trying to settle the sudden attack of nerves. What was there to be nervous
about, anyway? A short trip into the city wouldn’t hold any danger as long as
Cord was with her, and she avoided places where she was likely to run into

Since moving out of San Antonio, she had confined her client
list to the central area of the Texas Hill Country. The city reminded her of
too many things she needed to wipe from her brain, an effort in which she was
only partially successful.

The cocktail party was in San Antonio, hosted by some local
business acquaintances of Cord’s. No big deal, she thought. And hoped. When her
agency was located in the city, she had actively mixed and mingled in the
business scene. But that was before she’d met Brian. Then she’d dropped off the
face of the earth. Would any of the people tonight be familiar with her? Would
they want to know why she had closed up her agency so quickly? Did they know
she was back in business but not in the city?

Maybe some of her former clients would be there and would
ask questions. For the past two years she’d basically been out of the business
and social circles in the city. By now those people might as well have been in
another country, as far as she was concerned.

But Cord had been firm in his desire that she accompany him
tonight. “I know you want to avoid the city but I really want them to see the
beautiful woman who completes my life.”

She had to trust that. Trust
. She hadn’t asked
for specifics on who would be attending tonight. It was highly unlikely that
would be there. He and Cord just didn’t run in the same circles, although where
big money was concerned, lines could become blurred.

Cord reached over and closed his hand over both of hers.
“Want to tell me what’s up?”

God, his voice covered her like warm molasses. The sound of
it pulsed all the way to her wet pussy; her still-sensitive nipples burned and
shivers skittered down her spine.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re jumpy as a tick on a horse at the high point of
summer.” He gave her hands a quick squeeze. “Worried about who’s going to be at
this little shindig?”

“No. No, of course not. I mean, we don’t know the guest
list. It’s possible some of my former clients might even be among them.”

“Be honest, Fallon, I know you’re determined to avoid
Willoughby.” His voice softened. “I can promise you he won’t be a guest here.
I’ve met with several of these people while discussing opportunities at the
ranch and they all have the same opinion of him as I do.”

“But he gets around people,” she insisted. “I’ve seen him do

“Not these people. Believe me on that.”

She made herself breathe evenly. What was she doing? Cord
would never take her into an emotionally dangerous situation. Right now she
needed to push thoughts of Brian out of her mind. With an effort of will, she
made herself relax.

“We’ll be fine. I know this is difficult for you but I’ll be
right there, anchoring you. Grounding you.” His voice softened further. “I take
care of what’s mine. And if I’m not right next to you and you’re feeling
uncomfortable, signal me and I’ll be there. These are just some of the people
who helped me put together the deal for the ranch. It’s their way of easing me
into the right circles if I want the ranch to succeed. And I really want you
with me. After all, you’ll probably be working with a number of them. I hope.”

“I know.” That in itself gave her a warm feeling.

“We’ll do the meet and greet, let them see the gorgeous
woman who belongs to me.” He chuckled. “Give them a chance to be jealous. I’ll
press the flesh and show them what an outstanding member of the community I’ll
be. It’s all good, I promise you. Very good.” His hand slipped between her
thighs. “Your legs are touching, girl. Remember the rules? Legs apart.”

Fallon shifted to accommodate him. When he slipped into Dom
mode like this, it made her feel wanted. Willing to do whatever he wanted, and

Yes, for him? Gladly.

One of the first things she learned as a sub was the concept
of trust. Brian had never even touched on that. She realized now that he’d
built a situation on equal parts seduction and intimidation. That was why she’d
been reluctant to give in to her feelings for Cord, no longer sure she was
capable of making good choices.

But this was a totally different ball game. He valued her as
an individual. A person. After Brian, that was strange and exciting and made
her more than willing to do whatever he asked.

Since they’d been together, the only time she wore panties
when she left the house was when she went out alone. Otherwise—Cord’s Rules—her
pussy was to be readily accessible. And waxed regularly, because he demanded
bare flesh. Smooth flesh.

“Excellent.” He pinched the lips together lightly. “Remember
what I told you in the beginning. I want to be able to touch you like this
whenever it pleases me. To know what’s mine is available whenever I feel the
urge.” Lifting his hand to his mouth, he licked her essence from his skin.
“Better than any fine brandy. I like knowing I can carry your scent on my
hands, your taste in my mouth, and I’m the
man who can do it.”

Heat washed through her, ramping up as he slipped just the
tip of one finger between her plump lips. He gathered more moisture and ghosted
it over her clit.

The muscles in her cunt clenched at his touch, the usual automatic
reaction, and she had to force herself to sit quietly. It frustrated her, as always,
that he could drive so well one-handed, attentive to traffic while still
relaxed and tormenting the bundle of nerves nestled at the top of her slit. The
tiny smile that crooked one corner of his mouth was a good indication that he
knew exactly what he was doing. By the time they reached the party, she’d be in
such a high state of arousal, she’d have to concentrate just to get her brain
to work.

Fallon could hardly pay attention when they exited the
Interstate, but as they wound their way through a neighborhood of large,
established homes, her stomach knotted.
lived in a house like
these—massive, ostentatious, overwhelming. A place you could easily get lost
in. When he’d first moved her in, she’d had the run of the house, but slowly he
shrank her world until it consisted only of the large master suite. Nausea
rolled through her and she gripped her hands together, trying to wipe the
memories from her mind. Memories in which intense pleasure, intense pain and
intense humiliation were all blended into one devil’s cocktail.

Cord! Think of Cord! Just Cord!

She was so intent on controlling herself she didn’t even
realize when they finally came to a stop. The door opening and the sound of a
strange voice jerked her out of her erotic haze.

“Good evening, sir. Madam.”

She glanced up to see an earnest young man in the vest and
shirt of a parking valet, smiling at them. Cord came around to take her hand as
the kid helped her out of the car. She caught the scent of her musk lingering
on Cord’s skin and had to stop herself from licking his fingers.

His strong hand steadied her. “Ready?”

She had to do this. For Cord. “Of course.”

“Good. Let’s do it.”

Fallon took a deep breath and smoothed the soft fabric of
her dress. Business cocktail, with a skirt just a little flirty and a tiny row
of buttons on the blouse part. Demure to the naked eye, but beneath it she wore
thigh-high stockings and no panties. She loved the contrast, known only to her
and to Cord. She was his, and the possession was more comfortable than she’d
ever imagined it could be. So what he wanted, he got. No problem.

Okay, then.

She shook back her curls, letting them tumble gently at her
shoulders, and smiled at Cord. “I’m ready.”

The house had an imposing façade, a combination of stone and
adobe. Light from inside bled out into the street from behind the many windows.
Large oaks guarded the house like so many sentinels, their presence a contrast
to the carefully manicured landscaping.

They mounted the stairs to the wide stoop and the massive
carved front doors, and Cord pressed the bell. As soon as the door opened,
Fallon could hear the sounds of partying drifting out into the air. The babble
of voices, the tinkle of ice in a glass, the soft notes of background music all
combined into a symphony long familiar. A symphony that reminded her of another
night, another time, and she was tempted just for a moment to turn and run back
to the car.

Then Cord’s hand was at her back, steadying her. A man
nearly as tall as Cord but much heavier, more muscular, stood in the doorway
smiling, hand extended.

“Cord! Glad you made it.”

“Fallon, this is Leland Grange. President of Hill Country
Bank.” He winked. “He’s the one holding my money hostage.”

“Come in, come in.” Grange stood aside to let them enter,
his smile still on his face. “And Cord, we’re just giving it a temporary
resting place, right? The directors of the bank and I consider it a privilege
to have a hand in your project. It will be good for all of us.” He drew the
woman next to him forward, a tall, thin blonde with a heavy tan. “My wife,

Her genuine smile was a carbon copy of her husband’s. “I’ve
heard so much about you, Cord, I’ve been dying to meet you. Leland says the
public part of your spread will give the Don Strange Ranch a run for its money
as a destination place for events.”

“That’s what we’re counting on.” He turned slightly. “I’d
like you to meet Fallon Crowe. She’s the one coordinating the whole thing.”

“And doing a great job with the advance promotion,” Winnie
said. “My friends and I all have it on our calendars.”

“Thank you.” Fallon smiled. “I hope it meets everyone’s
expectations. It’s very important to Cord.”

“I’m sure it will. And it’s nice to meet you. Come in and
say hello to all the folks. It’s just a little friendly gathering so Cord can
get some face time with a few key people.”

Fallon knew that many of the people at this party could make
or break the event. And they could add more names to the guest list that would
heighten the visibility.

“Appreciate it,” Cord told her.

“Our pleasure. Leland, let’s get these people a drink and
introduce them to our friends.”

Fallon hitched the narrow strap of her thin purse over her
shoulder and followed Leland and Winnie Grange down a step into the huge sunken
living room.

Here we go, Fallon. If anyone recognizes you and asks
where you’ve been, just say you were reordering your priorities.

With that uncanny ability he had to sense her every mood,
Cord laced his fingers with hers, the pressure of them reassuring.

The spacious living room was filled with people in similar
cocktail attire. Fallon thought they could almost be a group anywhere in the
country, except here, many of the suits were Western. Most of the men wore
expensive boots—some hand-tooled—and the women had a flair she’d come to
discover was unique to Texas.

The house was exactly what she’d expect from someone with
deep pockets. A massive stone fireplace dominated one wall, soaring to the
raised ceiling. Expensive rugs were placed strategically on the polished
hardwood floor, and picture windows looked out onto an enormous side yard where
tiny lights twinkled. Furniture was arranged in comfortable groupings, the room
so large none of it had to be moved to accommodate the crowd.

The majority of the guests stood, moving easily from one
group to another. It was obvious most of them knew each other; they possessed
the easy familiarity of people who ran in the same circles.

Cord moved among them, greeting the men he knew and
introducing Fallon. Throughout the evening, Grange made sure they had a few
words with everyone else. Fallon caught the predatory looks the women gave Cord
and the curious stares afforded to her. She scanned faces subtly, looking for
any that might seem familiar, but none rang a bell. She didn’t recognize
anyone. Of course, San Antonio was a big city, and the people who had been her
clients or attended her functions weren’t necessarily part of this circle. She
relaxed just a fraction.

Most importantly,
wasn’t here.

At the bar that was set up against one wall, Cord ordered a
glass of white wine for her and she sipped it as if the liquid had life-giving
properties. When had she become so uncomfortable in large gatherings? She used
to attend them a lot when she lived in San Antonio, but then her life had
changed dramatically. And since the move she’d become so much more at ease in
her new environment.

Better get used to this if you’re throwing the big party
for Cord. Can’t have a hostess that’s insecure around people. Get your act
together. Now.

She had no idea what she said over the next hour or so as
they continued to mingle. She smiled at everyone, gave polite answers to
equally polite questions. Wondered if the men who stared at her breasts could
see the outline of the nipple rings and what they thought. Though she could
pretty well guess what they thought. They all reminded her so much of
with their ultra-expensive suits and their arrogant attitudes. She tried not to
let a panic attack break through.

Cord never left her side, even when engaged in conversation.
Sometimes he had his arm around her, his hand casually at her hip. Other times
it banded her waist, keeping her close. Or he rested his hand at the nape of
her neck, those long fingers stroking lightly.

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