BeyondAddiction (2 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

BOOK: BeyondAddiction
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Again she forced the memories away and leaned back against
Cord’s solid body. To refocus, she turned her head just enough to give his neck
a gentle lick.

“If you could bottle that you’d make a million,” she told

His laugh was low, pulsating through her. “But then all the
other women would want to lick my skin and where would we be?”

wouldn’t be here,” she said fiercely. “That’s
for damn sure.”

“You’d beat them off, would you? Those are my breasts you’re
holding, you know,” he reminded her. “Just like every other part of your body.
Were you imagining those hands were mine? Shouldn’t you be waiting for me to
give you permission?” He lowered his head and nipped her shoulder. “You have
it. Because you have no idea how watching you turns me on.” His hands squeezed
hers, and beneath them the plump flesh of her breasts. “I love your jewelry.”
Using his index fingers, he gave each nipple ring a gentle flick.

Her body vibrated as if he’d touched the metal with a tuning
fork. Lust surged like a tropical heat wave and liquid from her cunt dampened
the insides of her thighs. Her nipples hardened to points, aching for the touch
of his mouth. His tongue. How easily he could do that to her. And how she loved
it. Craved it, even.

“I think next time we should pierce your clit. A good sub
deserves the best jewelry, don’t you think?”

“M-My clit?” For a very brief moment an unpleasant memory
washed through her and she stiffened in his grasp. She quickly shoved the
thought away.

But Cord caught the infinitesimal signs of her reaction and
pulled her back against his body. One arm slid to band her waist while the
other slipped up between her breasts, allowing his hand to rest easily on her

“If that bothers you, I have to know,” he murmured.
“Remember what you promised me.”

“I know. But sometimes I just…” She wet her lower lip with
her tongue. He never forced her to talk about her time with Brian, but he
looked for clues, anything that could help them in their relationship. Sooner
or later she’d have to dump the whole mess at his feet for him to see—every
detail, not just the worst highlights. But that would take more courage than
she had at the moment.

“There isn’t anything you can’t tell me,” he said. “Nothing.
How can I deal with your fears if I don’t know what they are?” He nipped her
earlobe. “We can wait on that, Fallon. The pain is supposed to be pleasurable,
not unbearable. I don’t want anything from your other life to bleed into this
one.” His voice dropped. “I want to bring you nothing but pleasure.”

“You do,” she whispered.

He tightened his hold just enough so the heavy ridge of his
cock pressed against her through the fly of his well-worn jeans.

“Feel what you do to me?” His hips thrust slightly. “I can
hardly look at you naked without getting harder than steel.”

Her gaze met his in the mirror and held. Her breathing

“Open your legs for me.” He didn’t raise his voice but the
command was there nonetheless. When she hesitated a second, he exerted pressure
on her breast. “Now, Fallon. Right now. Don’t make me tell you again.”

She moved her feet to widen her stance. The moisture on her
inner thighs glistened in the light.

“Wet. Just like I thought. Rub two fingers through your slit
then lift your hand.” His voice was dark with a smoky quality, tinged with the
promise of forbidden treats. His gaze in the mirror still held hers.

She did as ordered, bringing the slick fingers up to her
face. She knew what was coming.

“Now lick them. Suck every bit of your taste from your

She trembled as her tongue swiped the juice from her
fingers. Her legs trembled. If not for his arms around her, she would have
collapsed to the floor. How easily he made her entire body his. And how
willingly she gave it.

“Excellent. Your musk intoxicates me. I’d say watching you lap
it from your hand makes me hard, but just looking at you already does that.”

Another gush of fluid soaked her cunt. She was helpless to
the power of his words.

“Tonight,” he said, “wear that black dress I like so much.”

The design of that dress was elegant, but the material was
thin enough to show the slight outline of her nipple rings, just visible to
anyone looking. Tonight they were attending a small party with business
associates, a chance for both of them to network.

He bent his head to nibble at her earlobe. “And when you get
dressed, leave off the panties.”

She turned in his grasp. “No panties?”

He gave her a wicked grin. “I want unimpeded access whenever
I choose.”


He brushed his mouth over hers. “I’d better shower and dress
or we’ll be late. Remember. The black. And those skinny heels that make your
legs look ten miles long.”

He stripped on his way to the bathroom, giving her an
unimpeded glimpse of his excellent ass and muscular back. The sight made her
weaker than she already was.

From the first moment she’d submitted to Cord, crossed that
threshold with him, he’d held an invisible power over her. Power that, when
she’d finally allowed herself to step into this relationship, she’d willingly
given. If the addictive craving from her past occasionally tried to force its
way to the surface, her relationship with Cord gave her the strength to push it

She ran her tongue over her lips, finding the residual taste
of her juices still lingering.

Okay. No panties it was.

* * * * *

The first thing Cord had done when he’d bought the ranch was
to thoroughly renovate the house itself. He had the bucks and he was determined
to outfit it with every comfort he wanted. The bathroom had been primary, with
its Jacuzzi tub, long vanity, heated towel racks and a glassed-in shower in
which the water sprayed from multiple showerheads at whatever pressure a person
chose. Now he stood beneath those showerheads and let the hot spray beat down
on his aroused body. The naked image of Fallon danced in his head.

Jesus, the woman could turn him on with nothing more than a
look. A touch. Especially when her submission was written plainly across her
face. Upon seeing her naked, he’d wanted nothing more than to bend her over the
bed, clamp her wrists behind her and fuck her senseless. That she would let him
do it willingly made his cock ache with need.

He had been a Dom for so long he could hardly even remember
when it first became a part of his life. In Dallas he’d had access to the best
dungeons, the best private clubs, and a long list of subs had satisfied his
needs. But with his fortieth birthday breathing down his neck, he’d wanted
something more. Especially after the purchase of Comanche Pass Ranch. The
goddess of fate had surely been watching over him when he met Fallon and hired
her to do promotion for the ranch and plan the opening event.

Immediately at that first meeting, he’d sensed she was a
submissive. She’d taken some coaxing to establish a connection with him but it
was worth every effort on his part. Fallon had been out of the scene for a year
when they’d met. He’d wondered what happened, why she hadn’t even gone to a
club to play or to hook up. But as their relationship progressed, he’d realized
there was a history she kept buried so deep he had to work to pull anything out
of her. Her previous Dom had changed her, until she’d no longer understood or
recognized the intricacies of a healthy D/s relationship, and the part real
emotion played in it.

Because of that, Cord was overly cautious about focusing on
the importance of consent, about establishing limits between them. He took his
lead from her reactions, negotiating from one level to the next. It had stunned
her at first. She’d obviously expected he would make his demands and she would
simply acquiesce. But he didn’t want a sub who was a robot, over whom he had
ultimate mind control. He wanted a woman who submitted because it gave her
extreme pleasure to do so, but who was smart and independent in her own right.

He knew that most of her previous Doms had been smart and
caring, excellent trainers for a budding sub as she grew into her submissive
role. In fact, she’d lived a healthy life as a sub, enjoying the scene—until
she’d met that colossal asshole Brian Willoughby.

It already pissed off Cord that a shithead like Willoughby
had damaged her; so badly it had taken Fallon a year to willingly step into
another D/s relationship. The things she told him were bad enough. But when
he’d managed to dig out additional details from her friend Claire, he’d been
downright enraged.

Even in Dallas Cord had heard of the bastard, and that was
exactly what people called him. A taker. A user. A man drunk with power who
wielded it like a sword, but with such a magnetic personality people were in
his thrall before they even realized it. Friends had come out on the losing end
of business transactions with Willoughby, the deals done before they’d even
realized he’d ridden roughshod over them. Many of them were
shell-shocked at the situations they’d found themselves in.

Apparently he was no different in his personal
relationships, because it appeared he’d done the same to Fallon.

How had she even met him? He wasn’t known in the BDSM
community. His type of Dom would be banned from respectable dungeons and
groups. Lack of respect was never tolerated and from everything he’d heard,
that man respected no one.

The experience with Willoughby had scarred her, wounds that
Cord knew were still healing. He sensed there were still deeply buried fears,
deep-rooted anxieties that impacted the life he and Fallon were trying to build
together. He knew despite his best efforts, she always held a little of herself
back. A last part of her that he couldn’t quite reach.

If their relationship was to become what he hoped, there
could be no secrets.

What if she still has feelings for him? Is still drawn to

If Cord were truthful, that was a good part of the reason he
didn’t push harder. The last thing he wanted was for Fallon to run away. Maybe
back to
. And he didn’t want to lose her. She’d gotten to him, right
in the deepest part of his gut, lodged there now like a permanent part of his

He was so lost in thought he didn’t hear the door to the
shower slide open. But his eyes flew open when slender fingers closed around
his throbbing cock.

“May I, Sir?” Her voice was equal parts desire and

“It appears you’re already doing it. And without my
permission.” He heard the rough edge of need in his voice.

“I understand.” She lowered her eyes. “But it occurred to me
I haven’t served my Sir well today.”

Cord clenched his teeth as she caressed his shaft from root
to tip and back again. “Too true. A hardworking Dom needs to be attended to.
Perhaps I should punish you for the omission.”

“As you wish. It would be my pleasure to receive whatever punishment
you choose for me.”

He gave a strangled laugh. “I’ll just bet it would.”

They were back in D/s mode again, her head bowed in a
submissive pose as she stroked his shaft. For a moment he considered paddling
her ass while it was still wet, increasing the edge of pleasure/pain. Then all
rational thought left him as she dropped to her knees and closed her lips over
the head of his cock, swirling her tongue around it as her hand continued its
steady stroking movement. His balls tingled and the vein wrapped around his
dick pulsed rhythmically. Her mouth was like hot velvet, her tongue a silken

Staring down at Fallon on her knees in the shower, head
bowed over his cock as she sucked and stroked, it took everything he had not to
come right then. But he wanted to prolong the enjoyment as well as the sight of
her in submissive mode. Droplets of water traveled down the length of her spine
and rolled off the curve of her ass, an ass his hands itched to spank. The
image of those rounded buttocks, hot-pink from his hand or the paddle, sent
another surge of lust bursting through him.

Pulling the clip from her hair, he let the shiny tresses
tumble to her shoulders so he could wind them around his fingers and grip her
head. Tightening his hold, he worked his cock in and out of her mouth, each
time thrusting harder and deeper. The head scraped along the roof of her mouth
then slid lower, across her tongue and toward her throat. Fallon adjusted the
angle of her head to take him deeper, her hand still stroking rhythmically. He
wanted badly to make it last, to prolong the sensations, but the minx knew
exactly how to work him.

When his control threatened to snap, he jerked himself from
her mouth.
would decide where he wanted to come, and tonight it
wasn’t in her mouth. He wanted to feel her snug pussy around his shaft,
tightening and milking him, her muscles clenching. Reaching up to a little
built-in shelf where he stored them, Cord grabbed a condom and rolled it on
with shaking hands. If he wasn’t so close to the edge he’d take her in the ass,
rough and hard, but he was already past the danger point.

Lifting Fallon to her feet, he placed his hands beneath the
slippery cheeks of her ass, balanced her against the shower wall and drove into
her body with one swift thrust. He closed his eyes and made himself take a deep
breath. Fallon wound her legs around him, pulling him closer, impaling herself
on him.

Sweet Jesus!

Her inner walls were already flexing, her body trembling.
Banding one arm tightly around her waist to keep her pinned to him, he slid his
other hand between their water-slicked bodies to find her clit. Rubbing her
sensitive little peak, he thrust hard, holding back as long as he could. The
moment he felt a long spasm claim her entire body, he let go, his muscles
tightening as the release surged up from inside him in time with hers.

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