BeyondAddiction (4 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

BOOK: BeyondAddiction
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I’m here
, he was telling her.
It’s all good.

And his touched grounded her. Kept her steady. Secure.

It was also a clear notice to everyone that she was his.
Belonged to him. In all ways. Everyone else back off. His overt possession
thrilled her.

Finally Cord steered them back to Grange.

“I think we’re going to run off to dinner, Leland. Thanks
for including us.”

“My pleasure.” He pumped Cord’s hand. “We’re all looking
forward to the big opening event at the ranch.”

“Three weeks,” Cord reminded him. “Fallon’s doing a
magnificent job pulling it all together.”

Grange smiled. “My wife and I can’t wait to attend.” He
glanced at Fallon. “Do you have a card with you? I have some names I’d like to
email you to add to the guest list.”

“Of course.” She pulled the thin pasteboard from her purse
and handed it to him. “I’ll be happy to add anyone you recommend.”

Then, at last they were outside. Cord tipped the valet who
retrieved his car and they pulled out of the driveway onto the street.

“You survived in one piece,” he teased. “I knew you could do

Her sigh felt as if it came from deep inside her somewhere.
“I don’t mean to be an idiot about it, but you have to remember. I’ve been out
of the whole San Antonio scene for more than two years. I felt as if I were
walking into a foreign country.”

He moved his right hand so his fingers rested between her
thighs, the tips teasing her cunt. “You see? Brian was definitely absent. These
people wouldn’t tolerate him in their circles.”

“I know.” She squirmed, the touch of his fingers playing
havoc with her brainwaves. “And I really appreciate how patient you’ve been
with me about, well…everything.”

“I’m just trying to help you relax. And trust that I would
never put you in a bad situation.”

“I know,” she assured again. “And I promise to do better
about this.”

He stared at her for a moment. “I just get the feeling that
lately he keeps creeping back into your mind That he still has some sort of
hold on you.”

“No.” She nearly shouted the word. “No, not at all. I just
don’t want us to be caught up in a nasty scene, which I promise you it would

“Then trust that I’ll never put you or us in that

“I will.” She cleared her throat. “I do.”

He was silent for a moment then pinched her clit. “I can
live with that. But then no more excuses.”

“I promise.”

She could sense the tension ease from his body at her words.

“Hungry?” he asked. “Neither of us ate much at the party.”
He tickled the inside of one thigh. “Although I know what I have an appetite for.”

“Me too.” In spades, she thought. Tonight she wanted him to
do everything to her.
him to.

He inched one finger inside her wet pussy and wiggled it.
“Then dinner at home it is.”

* * * * *

“Hands over your head.” Cord’s voice was firm.

They were standing in the bedroom and he’d already divested
himself of his jacket and tie. Fallon had reached for the zipper on her dress
when his words stopped her.


“No argument. My orders. Right? Hands high. I’ll do the

That tone of voice always kick-started her pheromones. His
take-charge voice. His Dom voice. She raised her arms straight up and in a
moment felt his fingers at her nape, finding the zipper. One finger brushed her
spine as he slowly drew the tab down to her waist. As the soft fabric fell
away, his finger continued its journey to the cleft of her buttocks, trailing
through the warm crevice.

She shivered in anticipation of what was to come.

“You know,” he said, with that hint of drawl that turned her
on, “I find I have to work to control myself with you. Force myself to go
slowly. I’m the Master. I’m the one in charge.” He kissed a spot at the top of
her spine. “And yet, with a single look you can destroy all that control.” He
trailed his tongue in a line to the top of her ass. “That’s your power, girl.”

“It’s always my wish to please my Master.”

He laughed softly. “Do I hear a note of impudence? I think
we might have to teach you some manners.”

He linked his fingers with hers and drew her arms back to
her sides. Another deft movement and the clasp on her bra opened, the garment
falling to the floor. Cord’s hands came around to cup her breasts, his
forefingers tugging gently on the nipple rings.

“When these heal completely, I think we’ll get you rings
with little weights on them. They’ll keep those nipples swollen and taut.”

Her laugh had a shaky sound to it. “That ought to impress
people when we’re out in public.”

He tugged on the rings again. “Are you giving me a hard
time? I think maybe that punishment we talked about is long overdue.” He
stepped away from her, and when he spoke again that hard-edged Dom voice was
back. “Stand at the foot of the bed.”

Still wearing the stiletto heels, Fallon obediently followed
his directions, her pulse beating everywhere as she anticipated what was

“You know what to do, girl. Spread your legs and bend over
from the waist. Arms outstretched.”

The comforter was soft against her skin, the mattress firm
beneath her body. As soon as her arms were extended to her sides, Cord clipped
silk-lined handcuffs around her wrists, fastening them to one of a series of
holes in the bedframe. He trailed his fingers along her arm from wrist to
shoulder, a soft caressing touch, as if to say,
You’re mine. I can do with
you as I wish. But I will always take care of you.

She heard the sound of a drawer opening and closing then he
was back, a silk scarf dangling from one hand.

“Blindfold tonight. That way every sensation will be
enhanced.” His palm curved over one globe of her ass. “Here.” He moved his hand
lower to her thigh. “And here.” Then he reached between her legs to the lips of
her cunt. “And here.”

Yes! I want that.

Moisture flooded her pussy at the eager expectation of what
was to come and her pulse rate ratcheted. Cord folded the scarf in a long strip
and slid it across her eyes, knotting it at the back of her head.

“Do you want your punishment girl?”

Yes, yes, yes!

“Yes, Sir. I deserve it.”

“Very well. I think I’ll let you choose what we use tonight.
Flogger or paddle?”

All the saliva in her mouth dried up. “Flogger, Sir.

She loved the sting of the leather straps against her flesh,
especially on her inner thighs. And when he wielded it just so to touch the
lips of her pussy, she had to restrain herself from coming until he gave her

Lying there waiting for him to begin, she had a flashback of
the first time he’d punished her this way. She had been out of the scene for a
year, aroused at the thought of what he was about to do to her yet terrified at
the same time. She hadn’t known him well at that point and wasn’t sure how far
he would push her.

Since then she’d learned he’d push as far as she’d let him,
sometimes a little beyond, to test their boundaries. And she’d come to crave
it, to lust for the intensely sensual feelings that raced through her body.
Embracing the pain that drove her to the brink of orgasm.

You are mine.

His words echoed in her brain, and somehow when he said them
they weren’t threatening. Instead they gave her a sense of safety. Not like

Her thoughts were cut off in mid-sentence as the first touch
of the flogger fell with a cutting stroke across one cheek of her ass. Heat
surged through her on the first wave of pain and her inner walls clenched. She
waited for the next one and when nothing happened, wriggled her ass in what she
hoped was a tempting manner.

“Impatient, are we?” Cord laughed. “I might have to add a
few more strokes.”

Then the next one fell, and three more after that in rapid
succession. Fingers danced briefly over her burning skin, soothing first then
pinching. Each nip sent another jab of lust-enhancing pain through her body.
Each touch reminded her that her responses were his to control.

“Are you wet, girl?” Fingers probed her cunt. “Ah yes. Good
and soaked. You like it, don’t you?”

She said nothing, knowing he didn’t expect an answer. And in
the darkness that the blindfold created, every sensation was immeasurably

His hand coasted lightly over her stinging skin. “What a
beautiful shade of red. Maybe tonight I should double the strokes. What do you

Double? Holy hell.

“W-whatever Sir wishes,” she stuttered, even as the muscles
in her buttocks tightened.

“You know this ass is mine to do with as I wish. Right?”

“Yes.” She swallowed. “Sir.”

“Maybe I won’t give you a specific number. Let you wonder
when it will end.”


This time the strips of leather hit not only her inner thigh
but the now swollen lips of her pussy. The fiery pain leaped from her ass to
her knees to her pussy until it consumed her entire lower body. She could smell
her own musk as the liquid of her arousal gushed forth. Again and again he
applied the flogger, the intensity of the burn increasing every time the
leather slapped her skin. And still she wanted more.

Even as the sting continued to spread, she knew her pussy
dripped. Her clit throbbed and she ached with unfulfilled need.

When he stopped, she gave an involuntary cry.

No, don’t stop!

“No more for tonight. Not with the flogger.” One hand
coasted over her flaming-hot ass. “I always like to leave you needing more.” He
unlocked the handcuffs and helped her to her feet but left the blindfold in
place. “Submissive pose,” he ordered.

Awkwardly, still in those needle-thin heels, Fallon dropped
to her knees, hands behind her back.

“Open your mouth, girl. You know what I want.”

She certainly did, and wondered which of them actually got
the most pleasure from it. She opened for him eagerly, anticipating the taste
of his cock, the feel of it on her tongue, velvet-soft skin over a rod of
steel. When it came, she couldn’t hold back the hum of satisfaction. Just as
Cord gave her pleasure, it made her feel good to do the same for him. A
satisfaction she hadn’t felt with anyone else. She had never thought she’d love
sucking a man’s cock as much as she did Cord’s, but it seemed to fulfill
something deep inside her.

Her cheek brushed his thigh and she realized that at some
point he’d taken off the rest of his clothes. She wanted to lick the
hair-roughened skin but her mouth was too full with something more important.

“Suck,” he commanded.

She tightened her lips around the hard thickness of him and
hollowed her cheeks, pulling as hard as she could. The ropy vein that pumped
blood into his shaft pulsed against her tongue, and she licked it as she
continued to draw him deeper into her mouth.

His fingers gripped her head, moving it at one angle then
another to push himself deeper, always deeper. A slight nudge and he tilted her
head back so he could slide in even more. The head of his cock bumped the roof
of her mouth and slid down her throat. She could tell he was almost at the peak
of release, almost, almost, almost.

“God!” he shouted, his fingers digging into her scalp.

His entire body stiffened and he shot spurt after spurt into
her body. Fallon swallowed convulsively, determined not to lose a single drop.
It seemed to take forever before she felt a softening of his dick and a
loosening of his hold. Then he eased himself from her mouth, dragging the head
of his shaft across her lips.

He raised her slowly to her feet and removed the blindfold.
She teetered on her shoes, her legs wobbly, swallowing a sigh of relief when he
braced his hands on her shoulders. When she looked into his eyes, she saw the
twin flames of desire and satisfaction burning there.

“Better every time,” he told her. “Yes, girl. Better and
better.” He touched her lips with the tip of his tongue, catching any lingering
traces of his essence. “But my girl didn’t get to come.”

No. I didn’t.
Would he make her wait?
Oh god.
Please no.

The need inside her was so intense she was sure her entire
body would clench in on itself. She forced herself to wait patiently for
whatever came next.

He shifted one hand to cup her chin. “Every man at that
gathering tonight envied me. I saw how they looked at you. How they devoured
you with their eyes. But you only have one Master, right? Who do you belong

“You, Sir.” She ran her tongue over her lower lip. “Only

“And who controls when you come?”

Again she answered, “You do.”

“Let’s make sure you understand that. Lie down on the bed flat
on your stomach.” He nudged her in that direction.

Wondering what form of sensual torture he had in mind
tonight as she folded back the covers and collapsed thankfully on the soft
cotton of the sheet. She was so aroused, she almost vibrated. Just the thought
of him holding back permission for her release was enough to increase her

She heard Cord moving behind her, caught the sound of a
drawer opening and closing. When he smoothed his hand over the curve of her ass
then trailed his fingertips through the crevice, she trembled with excitement.
He would make her wait, teasing her, arousing her. Would he fuck her tonight?
Use one of the toys they both loved? Paddle her already wonderfully sore ass if
she lost control?

When she squeezed her legs together in an effort to ease the
throbbing in her pussy, he spread them apart.

“No cheating,” he warned. “Should I take out the paddle to
make a better impression?”

Fallon’s stomach knotted at the thought of the hard piece of
wood, and the pain it could inflict, while at the same time her body craved it.
Riding that fine edge of pain was so incredibly exciting. The muscles of her
ass tightened and Cord gave that rough laugh of his that was such a turn-on.

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