Big Girl Backstage Pass (Rock Star BBW Erotic Romance)

BOOK: Big Girl Backstage Pass (Rock Star BBW Erotic Romance)
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An Erotic Romance

by Aubrey Rose



She’s just a college girl who can’t help but dream.

Shannon Locklear just won backstage passes to the hottest concert in LA,
Wilder Side
. She’s thrilled to be able to meet the band backstage, and when the guitarist takes her aside, the sparks that fly between them could light a bonfire…

He’s a lead guitarist who can’t shake his inner demons.

Julian Bremmer is a musician struggling with alcohol and his band’s newfound success. Girls throw themselves at him because he’s a rock star, but all of the attention doesn’t stop him from feeling empty inside. When he meets Shannon, he can’t help but wonder if she’s just the next girl who wants him for his fame…

Fate has thrown them together, but will the world pull them apart?


Aubrey Rose BIG GIRL Series:


Big Girl Backstage Pass - Book One in the Big Girl series

Big Girl Going On Tour - Book Two in the Big Girl series

Big Girl Rocking in the Sunshine - Book Three in the Big Girl series

Big Girl Playing in Paris – Book Four in the Big Girl series


See the end of this book for information about my new novel,
Me, Cinderella?

Now available on Amazon!



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Copyright 2013 by Aubrey Rose

First Edition: March 2013


Cover design by Aubrey Rose





Shannon hung up the phone and squealed, her voice ringing through the apartment.

“Did someone die, or win the lottery?” Brynn yelled from the other room. Shannon fairly skipped down the hallway to poke her head into her roommate’s bedroom. Brynn was laying in bed, her earphones tugged down around her neck and her linear algebra textbook propped up on her knees.

“Jason did. Not died, won the lottery. He called in and got tickets to
Wilder Side
! The concert is this week in LA!”

Brynn’s eyebrows raised slightly.  Some people might think that she was unimpressed, but Shannon knew that for her, this indicated extreme excitement.

“That’s that boy rock band thing, right?”

Wilder Side

“You’ve been calling like every morning,” Brynn said.

“And now all of my hard work has paid off,” Shannon said. She plopped herself on the end of Brynn’s bed. “Backstage passes; can you believe it?”

“So Jason’s taking you?”

“Hell yeah! Who else would he take?”

“I don’t know, I thought he had a boyfriend.” Brynn’s eyebrows furrowed as she examined a problem in her textbook and scribbled something down in her notes.

“No, they broke up over summer break, remember?”

“Right, right.”

Shannon reached over and stole Brynn’s paper away.

“Um, hello, Shannon, I have to get this homework done,” Brynn said. Shannon had one more semester left in her art major – photography, to be precise – and Brynn was studying math. As different as they were, they got along impeccably as roommates.

“Um, hello, you have to be at least a little excited for me first,” Shannon said. “It’s Alex Wilder!”

Brynn rolled her eyes.

“Oh my god,” Brynn said, her voice taking on the inflection of a California valley girl. “That is like, so hella awesome and stuff. Alex Wilde is like, totally the hottest.”

“Thank you,” Shannon said, smiling as she handed Brynn her homework back. “It’s Alex Wild
. And yes, he
totally is
the hottest.”

“Okay, okay,” Brynn said, slipping her headphones back over her head. “Tell him hi for me.”

“I will,” Shannon said. “But now I have to go shopping and buy the hottest dress ever so that I can get with the hottest rock star ever.”

“Mmmhmm, congratulations,” Brynn said, already absorbed in her homework. Shannon hopped off of the bed and Brynn pulled her headphones away from one ear. “Oh, and there’s some everything bagels in the fridge if you want.”

“Thanks,” Shannon said. She walked all the way down to the kitchen before stopping in the middle of the doorway. What was she doing? She couldn’t eat carbs right before going dress shopping for a dress that Alex Wilder was going to see her in. But everything-bagels sounded so
.  She hesitated at the entrance of the kitchen, torn over the decision.
Bagels. Alex Wilder. Bagels. Alex. Bagels. Alex.

“Come on Shannon,” she said softly to herself. She turned on her heel and walked away, casting one mournful gaze behind her towards the kitchen. The bagels seemed to be whispering her name, like sirens luring her in towards the coast to be cast upon the sharp rocks.

“Come on Shannon,” she said again, picking up her purse from the counter with a newfound determination. “Alex Wilder is waiting for you.”




Jason met her at the door and they both let out simultaneous screams of joy.

“I still can’t believe it. Can you believe it?” Jason said.

“I can’t believe it. Can
believe it?”

“It’s like a dream come true.” Jason held his hands over his heart in a swooning pose. “Alex Wilder. Motherfucking
Wilder Side
. Insane, absolutely insane.”

“Okay, let’s get this show on the road,” Shannon said. “We don’t have very much time to turn ourselves into divas.”

“I was going to go for the grunge groupie look,” Jason said. “You know, ratty jeans and unwashed hair.”

“Sounds irresistible.” Shannon rolled her eyes at him. 

“Yeah, well, you don’t know how Alex likes his groupies,” Jason said.

he’s all about the hobo chic.”

“Okay, okay, you win. Let’s go to the mall,” Jason said. “I’ll drive.”

“Thanks, darling,” Shannon said, flipping her hair over her shoulder. They walked to his car and he graciously opened the door for her. She graciously accepted.

Sitting down in the passenger seat, she felt a flutter of nervousness pass through her body. They were going to actually see
Wilder Side
and get to go backstage. They might even get to talk with Alex Wilder himself. It was exciting and nervewracking at the same time.

“Girl, we are gonna get DONE UP,” Jason said, plopping his lanky frame behind the steering wheel. He turned the ignition and revved the motor. “Gentlemen, start your engines!”

Shannon felt her nervousness fade away. Jason had a natural talent for friendship, and she could never feel anxious when he was around. And they were really going to see
Wilder Side
! She couldn’t believe it.

“Woooohoooo!!!” Shannon screamed out the window as they drove off. “
Wilder Side
, here we come!!”

At the mall, Shannon felt completely at sea. Jason pulled off every dress from the rack for her to try out and pushed her into the dressing room.

“You can’t be serious,” Shannon said, after trying on the first dress.

“Let me see.”

“You do not want to see this.”

“Now I really want to see.”

“Noooooooo,” Shannon said.


Shannon walked out of the dressing room, her hands on her hips.

“I look like a hot dog,” she said.

Jason burst out laughing.

“You are so right.”

Shannon looked into the full-length mirror. She
look like a hot dog. The dress was pink, made out of the clingiest fabric known to man, and it accentuated every unsightly bulge on her body.

“Ugh,” Shannon said, turning to see her butt. The dress somehow managed to make her ass look like it had ripples in it.

“Honestly, I think you look more like a sausage than a hot dog,” Jason said, his hand stroking an invisible beard. “A Toulouse
.” Shannon punched him in the arm lightly.

“Well, we know what dress I’m not getting.”

“An inauspicious beginning,” Jason said. “But don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll find something.”

“Don’t give me anything else pink,” Shannon said. “I don’t think Alex Wilder likes hot dogs.” She closed the dressing room door behind her. The sausage dress could not come off fast enough. 

One by one they went through the selection, but nothing seemed to work. Despite Jason’s attempts to make light of the situation, Shannon grew more and more desperate. It seemed like every dress was tailor made to accent some horrible part of her body. One sequined dress fit nicely at her waist but pinched like hell around her shoulders, causing her arm fat to bulge out of the sleeves. Another silky green dress was way too tight on her bust. Most of the slinky dresses had too-small hems that rode up her thighs, and anything that fit her ample bust and waist seemed to be designed to look frumpy.

She tried on one dress that seemed perfect at first. It was sexy but not too sexy, a nice satin A-line. Then she walked out of the dressing room and twirled around in front of Jason, and both of her boobs popped out of the top. Mortified, she covered herself with one arm and ran back into the dressing room.

“I like that one,” Jason called out to her.


“What, you don’t think Alex Wilder will want to see your beautiful chumbawambas?”

“Not during the show!” Shannon cried. “And
call my girls chumbawambas.”

“Your bazonkas?”


“Your knockers?”


“Airbags? Chachas? Jugs?”

!” Shannon poked her head out of the dressing room. “Besides, I thought you didn’t like boobs.”

“Your milkshake brings
the boys to the yard,” Jason said solemnly. “Even the gay ones.”

“Oh hush,” Shannon said, giggling. “I can’t have my ta-tas popping out at a rock concert.”

“Why not? I think it’s a good look for you.”

“Are there any dresses I haven’t tried?”

“I think there might be more on the clearance rack,” Jason said. “Want me to go get them?”

“Yes please,” Shannon said. She sighed. “I’m sorry you have to put up with all this.”

“Girl, shopping with you is not something to put up with.” Jason leaned down and kissed her on the nose. “Stop being so down on your fine self.”

“Thanks, Jason.” Shannon closed the dressing room door to wait for him. She stuck her tongue out at the mirror. If they didn’t find anything that fit her, she would just have to go to the concert naked.
would get Alex Wilder’s attention. She laughed at the thought.

“Here you go,” Jason said, throwing a dress over the dressing room door. “One left in your size.”

Only one in her size. Of course. Frowning, Shannon pulled the black dress off of the hanger.

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