Big Girl Backstage Pass (Rock Star BBW Erotic Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Big Girl Backstage Pass (Rock Star BBW Erotic Romance)
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Shannon let out a laugh that seemed forced to her ears.

“They weren’t the nicest girls,” she admitted. Julian frowned, and Shannon mentally kicked herself. “I mean, they were nice enough, I guess—”

“Did they say something to you?” Julian asked.  His voice was full of concern, and Shannon found her eyes filling with tears involuntarily.

“It’s just—” Shannon’s voice cracked, and she tilted her head down quickly so that Julian wouldn’t see.
Deep breath, Shannon. Come on.
Then she felt Julian’s arm come around her shoulder and give her a gentle hug. It was the most comforting gesture, and it made her tear up even more. He was so generous, even to a stupid blubbery fan like her.

“Well, I can’t say I blame you. They seemed like total bitches to me.”

Shannon looked up in surprise to see Julian grinning down at her. He gave her another squeeze around the waist and she felt a rush of relief pass through her body.

total bitches!” she cried out, laughing through her tears.

Julian laughed with her.

“Come on then. Let’s blow this popsicle stand,” he said jokingly. He tilted his head towards the fans. “Otherwise I think I’m going to have to sign a million more autographs.”

Shannon wiped her face, sniffing just a bit. He still wanted her to come with him. She felt buoyant, her spirits completely lifted. She hoped her mascara wasn’t running.

“Alright,” she said, trying her hardest to lighten up. “Let’s make like a tree and
get out of here

Julian chuckled. As his hand circled her waist, she sucked in her stomach automatically. They walked towards the entryway and outside to the top of the stairs, where hundreds of fans immediately surged toward them. There were guardrails along the walkway, with security guards posted along the side, and everyone was leaning forward, their arms outstretched toward Julian.

Shannon paused at the top of the stairway, the flashes of cameras blinding her. She tensed up, readying herself for Julian to let go, but he never did. She swallowed hard, looking around at the throngs of people screaming at them. It was overwhelming.

Julian squeezed her, and she felt the reassuring pressure of his hand through the thin fabric of her dress.

“Ready?” he whispered in her ear. She noticed for the first time the limo waiting for them at the bottom of the walkway.

As they walked through the crowd, Julian waved at all of his fans. Shannon tried to smile, her attention mostly focused on not falling over in her high heels. Everybody was looking at them, screaming and trying to get Julian’s attention. Shannon felt dizzy with giddiness. She was the one who was walking with him, and she held her chin up proudly, shaking her red hair out behind her.

They reached the limo, and Julian opened the door for her, holding her hand as she got in carefully. He climbed in after her, waving one last time to the crowd before closing the car door. Shannon could still see the cameras flashing through the tinted windows as the limo pulled away. The divider was up and they could not see the limo driver. Shannon looked around. There was a bar installed on one side of the limo, and red-tinted LED lights lit the interior dimly. Wow.

Julian poured himself a gin and tonic from the side bar, light on the tonic.

“Want something?” he asked. Shannon shook her head. She could stick her foot in her mouth well enough without being drunk; she didn’t need any alcohol to make her dizzier than she already was. Julian shrugged, gulping the entire contents down in two swallows.

“Whew,” Julian said, leaning back into the leather seat. He yawned, stretching his arm around her shoulder mischievously as he did.

“It must be exhausting to do a show like that every night,” Shannon said.

“Not the show,” Julian said, turning to her. “The show gives me energy. Playing music...”

His eyes glazed over distantly, and he smiled with a faraway look on his face.

“It’s something else,” he said. “It’s the only thing that wakes me up.”

Shannon felt his arm tighten around her, and she leaned back into his embrace as the limo rounded a corner. She was nervous. He hadn’t done anything else but hold her, and she wondered why he had brought her here.

“So it’s the other stuff that makes you tired?”

“Yeah,” he said. “God, I thought I was going to have to talk about Fiji for another hour with those girls.”

Shannon giggled.

“Well, when
went to Fiji on my third favorite yacht I found the five-star dining simply
,” she said.

“Did you now?” he said, playing along. “But the walk from the clubhouse to the cabana is just so

“Oh, I just have my poolboys carry me on my chaise lounge from place to place,” Shannon said, waving her hand in the air elegantly. Her nerves were starting to dis
sipate. “That way I don’t have to worry about spilling my margarita on the way over.”

“What a brilliant idea.”

“But don’t get me started on the
way they treat you at the beach resorts. When I asked for a personal scuba team to bring me a school of manta rays to swim with, do you know what happened?”

“What on earth happened?” Julian rested his chin in his palm.

“They could only find TWO manta rays,” Shannon said. “Is that a
? I don’t think that’s a school.”

“Not even close. What terrible service.”

“I’m never going to Fiji again. At least in Rio they try to make you happy on vacation. My

They both cracked up, and Shannon felt herself relax. She was caught off guard when Julian pulled her into a kiss, his lips pressing hard against hers.

She felt his hand slide up her waist, and she let out a small gasp. Julian’s face was inches from hers, his nose grazing her cheek.

“So you’ve got a sense of humor,” he said. “I like that.”

“It’s all I’ve got,” she said, blushing. It was true. She had never been popular because of her weight, so she had learned to make people laugh. Boys never liked her, but at least she hadn’t been reviled.

“That’s not all you’ve got,” Julian said. He kissed her cheek, letting his lips flutter over her skin. She felt her entire body respond to his touch, her heart leaping as his mouth moved over her neck and breathed close to her ear.

“Seems to me you’ve got quite a lot more,” he whispered. His arms were around her and his hands were pressing against her waist. She flushed harder.

“A lot more in the hips, maybe,” she said, biting down on the words.

Julian pulled back, and she ached for the touch of his embrace. She was always saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
God, Shannon, you’re such an idiot.

“Hey,” Julian said. Shannon couldn’t speak. Julian’s hand caressed her cheek, moving down over her shoulder. “Don’t talk like that.”

Shannon opened her mouth to reply, but there was a lump in her throat and she felt her eyes welling up with tears for the second time that night. He would think she was just a big fat crybaby. It was so stupid. She had a chance with the sexiest rock star ever, and she was blowing it bit by bit.

“I just—” She choked up.

“What is it?”

“I just don’t know why you wanted me to come with you.”

There. There it was. There was no reason for him to have picked her over anybody else, and she knew it.

“Well,” he said, “you mean beside the fact that you’re sexy as hell in that dress?”

She forced out a grim chuckle.

“Or beside the fact that I have a thing for gorgeous redheads who can make me crack a smile?”

She shook her head.

“You’re surrounded by like, supermodels, all the time,” Shannon said. “I’m—” She couldn’t finish the sentence.
I’m fat. I’m lumpy.

“You were the most beautiful woman there, and you’re here with me now.” Julian’s voice was firm. He pulled her into another kiss and this time she arched herself into it. His hands moved over her curves possessively, and she felt herself relaxing, letting go at his command. He wanted her, didn’t he? Why else would he have brought her here, into his limo? He could have had any girl at that show, any girl at all. But he picked her.

Julian’s lips moved ardently, sending little electric shocks of pleasure down her spine. He sucked on her bottom lip, teasing her with his tongue. His hand moved to her knee, his warm fingers sliding up underneath her tight dress between her thighs. She moaned softly, her fingers splayed across his chest in a show of sweet reluctance.

“Shannon,” Julian whispered. “Let me...”

She would have let him do anything. Most guys who came on to her wanted her to suck them off, or wanted to fuck her from behind. Right now she would have done anything, all of it, all for him. He was so perfect. And so kind.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked. Instead of answering, his hand slid farther up between her legs, and she felt his fingers stroking her there, through her underwear. She gasped.

“I want you to sit right there,” Julian said, “and enjoy every second of this.” He pressed his thumb firmly against her, sending her arching back against the leather seat with pleasure. She was suddenly wet, her clit responding to the massaging thumb with complete abandon despite her own mental reluctance.

“Oh... my... god.” She managed to force out the words as he continued to stroke her with his fingertips. This couldn’t be happening. Julian Bremmer, rock god, was sending her into paroxysms of pleasure just by the slow movements of his fingers. And what’s more, he seemed to be enjoying himself.

Then he pulled his hand slightly back, and she whimpered, her body aching for his touch. Of course he would want something. She would suck him off, give him the best blowjob of his life. Yes, yes, that’s what she would do.

“Ohhh,” she said. Her fingers scrambled towards his zipper, but he took her hand in his.

“Not yet,” he said. “First you.”

He reached around her back and unzipped her dress only just enough to pull one of the straps over her shoulder. Her bra strap came along with it, exposing her chest. In the cool air inside the limo, her nipples perked up.

Julian ran one strong hand under her left breast, cupping it and rubbing his thumb over the nipple. It was the hand that had been stroking her, and she flushed to feel the slippery moisture of her own juices being rubbed into her skin.

Then he bent his head and took the nipple into his mouth, and she could not help the shudders of bliss that ran through her whole body from head to toe. Her pussy was wet and aching, and as his hand slid back between her legs she groaned with anticipation, twisting to meet him. He came back up to meet her in a kiss, his free hand entwining itself in her hair.

“Do you want this?” he whispered into her ear. It was the most delicious teasing, the agony of denial running through her body.

“Oh yes,” she cried softly. “Yes, yes, I want it. I want you.”

His fingers nimbly pushed her panties aside and she let out a gasp of pleasure as he slid two fingers inside of her. She clenched down onto him, trying not to scream with delight.

“God, you’re tight,” he said, a smile on his face.  “And it’s alright, you can make noises. I’m sure the limo driver won’t mind.”

Shannon blushed, but her embarrassment didn’t last long as Julian pressed his thumb against her clit, rubbing slowly and surely against her most sensitive spot. She shivered with excitement. He slid his fingers out and she whimpered at the loss of pressure.

“Nice and slow,” Julian murmured in her ear. With one hand he was stroking her hair, his fingers caressing her scalp and sending tingles down her spine. With the other—


Shannon choked out a cry as Julian plunged his fingers back, deeper into her dripping wet slit. She tightened and relaxed, tightened and relaxed, as he worked his way farther into her. She felt herself opening up to him, her body beginning to rock forward in a rhythm that propelled her towards orgasm.

It had been forever since she had orgasmed with a man, and now she felt herself begin to tense up. She didn’t want to embarrass herself, after all, but it was impossible to hide her pleasure. This had never happened to her – she had never been the one heading to climax on her own. It had always been about getting the guy off, no matter what. Shannon remembered all of the times that she had sacrificed her own happiness, and it made her slow down with the memory of pain.

“It’s okay,” Julian said, as though reading her thoughts. “Use me. I only want to make you happy.”

Then he bent down and took her nipple back into his mouth, sucking hard. At the same time he slid another finger inside of her, forcing her wider. She writhed with uncontrollable pleasure, rocking against his hand in a rhythm that moved faster, faster still, sending waves of terrible aching pleasure rolling through her body. Her breath was ragged with desire.

As she rocked toward her climax, she felt Julian’s tongue swirl around her nipple, and his thumb matched the pattern, circling over her clit in a steady pressure.

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