Billionaire BWWM Romance 1: The Billionaire's Arranged Marriage (8 page)

Read Billionaire BWWM Romance 1: The Billionaire's Arranged Marriage Online

Authors: Cj Howard

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Women's Fiction, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Billionaire BWWM Romance 1: The Billionaire's Arranged Marriage
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His hands closed firmly on her breasts and he bent and covered her nipples with his mouth, sucking at her with an insatiable hunger for her flesh. He told himself it would only be once more. He told himself that this would be the only other time he would do it.


He closed his eyes and the nipple in his mouth became dark and hard, her breast became black, as did the rest of her body, and in his mind, her hair turned from golden curls to a long straight glossy black curtain. He moaned again with desperate need and Daisy gasped beneath his mouth as it ravenously devoured her flesh. He leaned up and kissed her mouth again, hard and anxiously, needing… wishing…


“Turn around,” he whispered hoarsely, grabbing her waist and turning her in his arms. He bent her over and touched her core, softly at first, and then as his need grew irrepressible, he slid his fingers in and out of her, drawing the heat and moisture in her out until his hand was soaked. He grasped her waist and thrust himself inside of her, imagining that the woman he was burying himself so deeply in was Jillian.


He had no idea why he wanted to imagine it so desperately, why she turned him on this way as no other woman ever had, why he needed to pretend that it was her, but the fantasy was like oxygen to him just then, and he felt as though he needed nothing more than that with her.


He held tightly to Daisy’s hips and pushed himself into her over and over, crying out loudly with pleasure as he planted himself so deeply into her body, eyes closed, pretending. His orgasm was going to be strong, perhaps even stronger and harder than the first one. He could feel it culminating, the pleasure, her exotic beauty, he was intoxicated with the fantasy of being inside her, and then he heard something that turned him ice cold all the way to his soul.


“Reed!” she cried out.


He opened his eyes and saw Jillian standing before him in the doorway of the pool house, and everything in the universe came to a grinding halt. Her mouth was open in shock and horror as she took in the scene before her. Reed was standing nude behind a blonde woman, who was bent over as Reed had intercourse with her from behind her.


Jillian had started at the front door of the house and Reed’s brother Anderson had opened the door to her, smiling and chuckling when he saw her. He introduced himself and told her that Reed was in the pool house waiting for her and she should head into the back garden and go see him.


She hadn’t understood why that was humorous to him, but he had led her right to the pool and pointed to the door of the pool house, telling her to walk right in.


She hadn’t expected to find what she was looking at now. She had thought she couldn’t possibly be more disgusted by Reed, but she had been wrong. She turned her head away and closed her eyes, feeling as though she might vomit right there if she had to look on the scene even a moment longer.


“Reed!” she repeated, her stomach in her throat, “How could you!” she cried out, sickened.


He felt just as sickened as she was. He was horrified that she had caught him as she had. He mentally berated himself for his weaknesses and condemned his desires. If he lost his inheritance, his home, his family, his whole life because he was screwing Daisy while imagining it was the woman he was supposed to marry, he would never forgive himself.


Everyone seemed frozen for a moment, but then Jillian turned and walked out of the door, slamming it behind her and Reed pulled himself from Daisy who was silent with shock and curiosity as to who the woman was who had just left them. Reed reached to the floor and grabbed Daisy’s robe, pulled it on over his body and ran as fast as he could out the door after Jillian.


Anderson waved to him from the back door of the house and then smiled and walked back inside. Reed growled under his breath and saw Jillian a short way ahead of him; she was running through the garden. He chased after her, calling her name loudly, and finally, she stopped and a minute later, he caught up with her.


She kept her back to him, but he walked up close behind her. “Jillian, I am so sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am. That was a mistake, and that woman means nothing to me, truly. Listen, you can’t be upset about that, I know you were seeing that guy Wilson and you wanted to be with him. Don’t act like your heart is hurt or anything.”


She gasped at the sound of Wilson’s name and he knew he had hit a soft spot with her.


He reached his hand out and gently laid his fingertips on her shoulder. “Please, Jillian, please turn around. We have to talk,” he pleaded softly and waited for her.

She knew she had no choice. She turned slowly and looked at his chest, not wanting to look into his eyes.


He dropped his hand from her and stood before her, mostly covered in Daisy’s thick white pool robe. “Listen, I’m so sorry that you just walked in on that. That wasn’t supposed to happen, not ever. It just… kind of…” he stammered.


She closed her eyes trying to erase the image of him with the blonde from her mind. “You disgust me,” she said quietly.


He stared at her. “I don’t doubt it,” he said softly. “Quite frankly, I disgust myself, most of the time, but nobody cares enough for me to change it, least of all me.”


She looked up at him and narrowed her eyes. He looked absolutely beautiful standing there in the white robe with his black hair tousled and wet, hanging down and framing his bright blue anxious eyes.


“What do you want to talk with me about? Why am I here?” she asked, wishing she could get it over with quickly and be gone.


“I have to talk with you… to… ask you… I… um…” he stopped short and looked around them. “We’re in the atrium…” he said in disbelief. He pointed to one of the stones in the path; the corner of it was raised slightly higher than the rest of the path. “I tripped on that stone and lost your bracelet here. I’m so sorry about that, too, Jillian.


“Listen, um… I… god, I feel like all I’ve done is apologize to you over and over for all the mistakes I keep making.” He ran his hand through his wet hair and looked away from her, a strange look of something like desperation came over his eyes and he looked back at her.


“Jillian, look, I know you have no reason to like me, or even to talk to me. You said you never wanted to see me again, and I believe you. I’m not sure I ever want to see myself again…” he almost laughed, but he wasn’t really joking. “This might seem way out in left field, but… uh….” He stopped and looked at her and then lowered himself awkwardly to one knee and looked up at her.


She knew it was coming then. She didn’t know how on earth it was even happening, but it was coming straight for her like a freight train. She closed her eyes and looked away, swallowing her grief and despair.


“Will you marry me, please?” he asked, his whole life was resting in her hands and he felt ridiculous, but he had to take the chance because he couldn’t risk the possibility that she might say…


“Yes,” she said in a low, tired voice.


Everything in him stopped. He blinked. “What?” he asked, looking up at her. Her head was turned away from him and her eyes were closed. She couldn’t have said what he thought he had heard her say. She turned her head slowly to him and opened her eyes.


“I said, yes,” she repeated.


He felt relief wash over him like a maverick wave, and the sun shone on him again as though it was his birthday, Christmas, New Year, and he was the winner of the gold at the Olympics, all at once. He stood up slowly and stared at her as a smile grew wide over his face.


“Why?” he asked. He couldn’t help himself.


“Because I have to,” she said quietly. “My parents have given me no other choice.”


He nodded solemnly. “That’s fair,” he replied.


She looked up at him and said, “Why did you ask me?”


He let a little smile cross his face. “Because my father gave me no other choice.” He looked down at her and he tilted his head a little. “Thank you, Jillian, you’ve really saved me.”


She shook her head and closed her eyes, biting her lip to keep from crying and then she said quietly, “Well, at least one of us got saved by it.” Then she turned and began to walk away from him.


“Wait! Um… where are you going?” he asked, catching up to her.


“To tell my mother she has a wedding to plan,” Jillian said in her monotone voice.


“Jillian…” he spoke gently to her and she looked up at him, caught up momentarily in his bright blue eyes. “You won’t regret this. I promise. I won’t make you regret this, not for a single day.”


“I hope not,” she said, and walked away.





When Jillian told her mother that she and Reed had become engaged, Kimiko was beyond pleased, and immediately went into her office to phone her family in Japan and Jillian’s father, Samson, as well as Reed’s father, Carter. Carter and Kimiko began to discuss engagement parties and wedding plans and hinted at discussing business plans shortly after the wedding.


Jillian and Reed saw each other in the company of their parents several times over the course of two weeks, and each time she was quiet and withdrawn, having almost nothing but greetings to say to him. Each time Reed saw her, he grew increasingly fascinated by her and equally nervous about what they were committing to. He stole moments when no one was watching him, staring at her body, her hair, her skin, wondering about her, and being simultaneously intrigued by her, and put off by the indifferent manner she had toward him. No woman he had ever met since puberty had been indifferent to him. Not one, until Jillian.


Carter was a billionaire with two sons; Reed, the oldest, a partying playboy of the first order and who had done nothing but bring shame and embarrassment to his family and their businesses, and Anderson, the younger son, who worked tirelessly to build the business up, bring in new deals, make money and go along behind Reed, cleaning up his messes and paying small fortunes to compensate for the damage Reed left in his wake.


Carter had demanded that Reed either marry Kimiko’s daughter Jillian, or be disinherited and evicted from the family home and the family, because he had gone too far with his unadulterated, wild lifestyle. After much consternation and one date gone very wrong, he was told he had to propose to Jillian.


Jillian was under her mother’s thumb, ruled by a traditional Japanese heritage, though she felt much more connected to her African American father and identified much more with being black than Asian.


Their home was designed entirely around Japanese culture, as were their lifestyles. Her mother’s three brothers, who lived in Japan and operated technology companies there that were the cornerstone of the tech industry, had mandated that Jillian marry Reed, as they considered it a perfect opportunity to expand throughout the United States through Carter’s wealth and connections.


It was a business marriage right from the start, and while both Reed and Jillian had objected to it from the very beginning, Jillian more so, they both knew they had no real choice; Reed would be alone and broke, and Jillian was being forced by the sheer power of her mother and uncles. She had no alternative.


     The news of their engagement brought a great deal of pleasure to their parents, but when Carter told his younger son, Anderson, Anderson was not happy at all to hear about it. Anderson was quite certain that Reed would fail at an epic level and be pushed out of their lives, and then he would never have to clean up his brother’s public scandal messes again, and he would inherit the family money, businesses, houses, cars, the yacht, and the rest of it.


He would be the one in control, and would finally have all the benefit for the work he had done over the years. The news of their engagement meant that Reed would be inheriting everything, and Anderson would be his second.


Anderson entered Reed’s room an hour after Carter had told him the news.


“Reed! You old dog. Get up! I’ve got a surprise for you,” Anderson said with a wry smile.


Reed opened his eyes as his brother pressed the window shade button and the blinds opened, letting in brilliant shafts of sunlight. He closed his eyes and groaned.


“Hung over, brother? It’s noon. It’s time you got out of bed. Besides, you’ll want to get up when you hear what I’ve got to tell you.” Anderson walked into Reed’s closet and kept talking, though the sound was muffled.


“Dad told me that you and Jillian got engaged. I didn’t think you would be able to go through with it. Especially after she caught you red handed with Daisy. You really do amaze me sometimes, Reed. The only woman in the world who doesn’t want you and you still get her to say yes to a marriage proposal minutes after she caught you screwing a stripper.


“It boggles the mind. Not that I blame you for screwing that stripper, mind you, Daisy is one hot little number. I wouldn’t mind screwing her myself, truth be told, but I would have bet the inheritance that you wouldn’t have gotten Jillian to marry you, and now, look at you. I guess it’s a good thing I’m not always a betting man.”


He walked out of the closet with a packed bag. “I’m going to bet, though, that you have a real good time for the next few days, because brother, I am sending you off to Vegas. Congratulations on your engagement. Now, don’t worry about feeling lonely, I’ve made sure you’ll have some company along the way. Daisy is going to go with you.”


Reed climbed out of bed, fully nude, and walked to his bathroom. Anderson turned his head away from his brother. In the grand genetic scheme of things, Anderson got good business sense; he had brains enough for two people, but Reed got all the good looks. Reed had the chiseled body of a Greek god, as well as stunning looks, with his black tousled hair, bright blue eyes and winning smile. Anderson disliked being reminded of it and seeing his brother walk across a room nude was as blatant a reminder as there could be. Anderson waited for Reed to come back in to him, and he noticed with gratitude that Reed was getting dressed.


“I can’t go to Vegas, I have to meet with Jillian’s parents,” he said morosely.


Anderson smiled at his brother and patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t you worry about that! I’ll explain that you had to take a business trip for me. No problem. This is my gift to you, so you can’t turn it down. Happy bachelor party, brother.”


Reed looked right at him, a smile creeping over his face, his eyes lighting up. “Really? You’ll take care of everything with Jillian for me and I can get the hell out of here?”


Anderson nodded. “Nothing would make me happier than taking care of the Jillian situation for you, brother. Now, your bag is packed, the private jet is waiting at the airport for you, and I’m having the car pick Daisy up on the way. Go have a good time.”


Reed didn’t have to be told twice. He hugged his brother, grabbed his bag and was on the way to Daisy’s within fifteen minutes. Anderson went back to his office. He had a lot of work to do.


Daisy climbed into the car in a short shiny little skintight dress and high heels. She squealed when she saw Reed.


“I’m so excited to see you and go on this trip! I couldn’t believe it when your brother called me. I didn’t even know he had my number, but he called and asked if I wanted to go on a little trip with you to Vegas!


“My boss is super pissed at me, but I don’t care. I told him my mom was sick and I had to go help her, and he believed me. I think. I’m just so excited to see you!” She crawled onto his lap, facing him, and proceeded to kiss him sensually as she ran her hands over his chest.


“We’re going to have such a good time, baby. Thank you.” She hugged his neck and then sat beside him and he looked at her with a grin and popped open a bottle of champagne.


“Here’s one for you…” he said, handing her the bottle. Then he poured himself a full glass of scotch.  “…and one for me.”


He toasted her and they started drinking and kissing, making out a little bit, and talking about what they wanted to do on their trip.


By the time they got to the plane, Daisy had polished off her second bottle of champagne and she headed straight for the bedroom at the back of the plane. She and Reed started to make out and she got as far as pulling his shirt off him before she passed out on the bed and he was laying there beside her with his pants still on, looking disappointed and bored.

He stood up and walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him and lowering himself into one of the recliner seats in the cabin. Almost immediately, their flight attendant appeared at his side with a wide smile on her face.


“Hi, Reed.” She grinned at him. “I’m so glad to see you; it’s been forever since you were on a flight. Usually it’s your father and brother who take the plane. Can I get you anything?”


He looked up at her and smiled back. “Hey Gina, you look as lovely as ever.” He winked at her. “Yeah, would you bring me a bottle of scotch, please?”


She disappeared and was back in no time with a full bottle of scotch. She opened it for him and he took a long pull off it and then looked up at her. She reached her hand over and slipped her fingers through his tousled dark hair and said softly, “Is there anything else I can do for you…” she trailed her fingertip down the side of his cheek and along his jaw, “…to make you more comfortable?”


His mouth curved up into a sly smile and he reached over to her leg and slid his hand up underneath her skirt, moving his fingertips up her thigh slowly. “What did you have in mind?” he asked.


“Oh Reed,” she said softly, and bent over near his face, running her hand over his bare chest and pressing her lips to it softly, looking up at him with hungry blue eyes, “when it comes to you, I always have everything…” she kissed his chest again, slowly and softly, “…in mind.”


“That’s my girl, Gina.” A smile was spreading over his face. He moved his hand up her thigh until he reached her panties. He slid them aside and began to rub his fingertips over her, massaging and stimulating her as she closed her eyes and gasped.


She stretched one leg over him, straddling his lap, and she unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it off, throwing it on the floor along with her bra. He grinned and while his hand was still bringing her enormous pleasure between her thighs, his other hand moved behind her back and pulled her toward him. She grew more excited as he licked and sucked at her small perky breasts and moved his fingers further inside her, manipulating her internally. 


She lowered her face to meet his and leaned in to kiss him long and sensually, running her tongue slowly over his and sucking gently on the tip of it. Reed kissed her back, nibbling at her a bit, and then turned his attention to her pointed nipples, sucking hard at them, and she let a little moan escape her lips.


“It’s been ages since you were here,” she said longingly. His fingers danced inside of her nimbly and in no time, she was crying out softly as orgasm after orgasm stole away her breath and she clung to his head, holding it to her breasts. Finally, she sighed happily and kissed his lips softly and seductively again, and then Gina lowered her mouth to his chest and one slow, wet, lingering kiss at a time, she made her way down his chest to his waist. Then she opened his pants and slid them down a bit. She gasped and giggled. “I love it that you almost never wear anything under your pants.”


Her kisses moved to his thighs and to where he was stiff with desire. She fondled him and kissed him, running her hot tongue slowly up and down his shaft, looking up at him as though she was playing with something that she had finally caught.


Her lips slid over the tip of him and he took a huge swig of his bottle just as she began to suck on him. Reed closed his eyes and reveled in the absolute pleasure he was feeling. He had done just about everything with Gina at one point or another, every time he was on the plane, but her favorite, and his when he was with her, was what she was doing with him just then.


He pulled the pins from the bun in Gina’s hair and her wavy brown hair fell over his thighs. He loved the tickle of it. She began to suck on his erection more intensely and he pushed his hips forward toward her, groaning happily and sliding his hands through her hair to the back of her head, pulling her face closer to his groin and pushing himself further into her hot, wet mouth.


Gina had a way of making him feel extraordinarily good without bringing him too close to an orgasm, and it lasted a long while, every time she did it. Her sucking and licking seemed more determined this time, more intense, and finally he could not hold himself back and he grasped the back of her head tightly as he climaxed, buried in her mouth, as the full force of his ejaculation escaped him, and then he sagged back into the depths of his chair.


She played a little, kissing him softly and then looked up at him from his lap.


“Gina…” Reed said softly as he played with her hair. “Do you do this for anyone else in my family?” he asked curiously.


She shook her head and kissed his thigh, then looked back up at him. “No. Your father would never do something like this with me, and Anderson has tried a couple of times but I always tell him no. He knows I do things with you and I think he’s been jealous for a long time, sort of thinking that I would take care of him as well, but I’m just not interested in him. I’m way too taken with you.” She grinned and ran her hand over his chest.

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