Billionaire BWWM Romance 1: The Billionaire's Arranged Marriage (7 page)

Read Billionaire BWWM Romance 1: The Billionaire's Arranged Marriage Online

Authors: Cj Howard

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Women's Fiction, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial

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He shoved himself as far as he could into her hot body and came in an explosion of overwhelming pleasure. It stiffened him from head to toe, it stole his breath away, and then it weakened him to the point that he collapsed on top of her and thought the world might well have ended.


“Oh my god, baby. That was amazing. It’s never been like that. Ever. I can’t even count how many times we’ve screwed and you’ve never been like that with me.” Daisy covered his forehead and his cheeks in kisses. “God that was incredible!” she gushed happily and held him close.


Reality came rushing back in and he opened his eyes and looked up at Daisy. “Well,” he said quietly, “I do what I can.”


She kissed his mouth full and hard, and then he lowered his head and rested it on her breasts. He couldn’t believe he had imagined Jillian. He was screwing Daisy, and she was easily one of the hottest women he knew. How could he imagine another woman in her place? How could he imagine a woman that hated him? It was astounding to him for a few long moments but then he reasoned that he was because he was so angry with her and he knew that she was going to cost him his entire life, and this was nothing more than a way of mentally gaining control over her.


That’s all it was. A method of control. Making the one girl who didn’t want him at all suddenly need him and desire him so much that she was completely under his control and he was screwing her; making her come, making her kiss him and ache for him. That had to be about control.


He thought about it too much and before he knew it he was hard as a rock again. Daisy giggled and reached her hand down to rub his erection. “Do you want to do that again, baby? I’m all for it,” she said with a grin. No, he thought. He didn’t want to do that again. He couldn’t stand the idea of coming that hard again because he was imagining that woman.


“No. Come down here and take care of me, Daisy. Make me feel better,” he said lazily.


She shrugged and moved down the bed, straddling his legs and leaning over him until her face was beside his groin. “You know, I can’t believe you finally came inside me. You never do that,” she said without a care, but with no small amount of surprise.


He hadn’t thought about it, but as she said it, he realized she was right. It was a cardinal rule of his never to ejaculate inside a woman. Any woman. It was how he helped to insure that there would be no children, and though he knew it wasn’t a foolproof plan, he followed it religiously. His eyes flew wide open and he picked his head up and stared at her in horror. She smiled at him. “Don’t worry, baby.” She kissed the tip of his erection gently. “I’m on birth control. We’re safe.”


He gazed at her for a moment and then propped the pillows up behind his head so he could watch her as she licked and sucked him, rubbed her fingers over him and aroused him to the point that he twisted his fingers into her blonde curls and began to pump himself into her mouth in a frenzy until he came again, and then he passed out from a mixture of exhaustion, sadness and booze.



Jillian stayed in her bed as long as she could the next morning, but she knew she would have to get up and face her mother at some point, so she finally did. She dressed nicely and walked out to the kitchen. Her mother was sipping tea and reading the newspaper.


“Good morning, Mother,” she said quietly, pulling her hair up into a loose bun.


“It is a good morning,” Kimiko responded. “How was your date last night?” she asked without hesitation.


Jillian was ready for her. “We went to dinner, then he drove me up into the hills to see the sunset, and then he brought me home.”


Her mother looked at her intensely. “How was the date?” she repeated.


Jillian shrugged and focused on the teapot in front of her. She didn’t want her mother to see her eyes, puffy from tears the night before. “The restaurant was really nice and the food was good. The sunset was lovely.”


Kimiko set her tea cup down and smacked the newspaper down on the table. “Come here.” 


Jillian sighed and turned toward her mother, walking over to the table and sitting across from her. “Yes, Mother?”


“Did you show Reed a nice time? Was he happy with you? Will there be another date?” she leaned forward and pierced her daughter with her gaze.


“Reed liked me quite a bit. I don’t know if there will be another date.”


“He didn’t ask you for another date before he left?” Kimiko pushed.


“No,” Jillian said shortly.


Kimiko snorted and sat back in her chair. “Well, there’s more to discuss,” she said and sipped her tea again.


Jillian looked up at her. “What?”


“Your father is on his way to your uncles in Japan. I’ve talked with them and discussed this situation of yours with them and it has been decided that you will marry Reed if he asks you to be his wife.”


Jillian dropped her tea cup and it hit the table but didn’t break. “
” she asked in shock.


“You will marry him if he asks you to. It has all been arranged,” her mother answered her.


“Mother, no! I can’t marry him! I just met him and I don’t know him at all! He’s atrocious and has absolutely no respect and no manners! I can’t!” Panic and anger flashed up inside Jillian and her heart leaped into her throat.


Her mother looked at her calmly. “It has been decided. You will marry him. This is not an option for you; you have no choice in the matter.”


Jillian felt like her whole world was turning inside out. She was going to be made to leave her home and her family and marry a man she never wanted to see again. It was the worst possible turn of events in her life. Her mind went to Wilson and her heart ached for the man she had wanted to marry, the man who had lied to her and told her he loved her, and then gone behind her back to marry someone else. Now she was being forced to marry a man who could not have less respect for her. Her life would be a never ending nightmare.


“Mother, no! I can’t! Please don’t make me go through this, please reconsider and listen to me! I don’t want him!” she begged and pleaded.


“Jillian, you will marry him if he asks you to,” Kimiko said sternly and resolutely.


“But I don’t love him! How can you even think of making me marry a man I don’t love? Please, Mother!” Tears ran in rivulets from her eyes down her cheeks, but her mother looked at her with a stony expression and raised her voice.


“The decision is made and the discussion is over! You may go!” Kimiko made it clear that she wanted her daughter to leave the room, and Jillian jumped up and ran first to her own room, but she paused at the door. She would find no solace in there and she knew it.


She needed her daddy. She ran to his dojo, knowing he wasn’t there, but craving as much of his presence as she could find, and there was no place in their home where he was more present than in his dojo. She spent the day in there, weeping until she fell asleep and wrestled with nightmares.



Reed woke up the next day and discovered he had passed out in the pool house beside the swimming pool at his home. He couldn’t remember getting there from the yacht. He looked over and saw that Daisy was curled up at his side, clinging to him. She must have driven him home. He peeled himself from her and covered her nude body with the sheet, then walked out of the sliding glass doors to the deck off the guest room in the pool house.


It had already been two days. He would have to get in touch with Jillian; she was his only chance. She hated him, and she never wanted to see him again, but he wasn’t going to let the week run out without at least trying to change her mind.


He called her cell phone number and it rang a few times and then she answered it. He was incredulous. He hadn’t expected her to do that. He thought perhaps she didn’t know who it was.


“Hello,” she said quietly. She knew.


“Hi, Jillian, this is Reed.”


“Yes,” she replied.


“I wanted to apologize for my behavior, I feel really bad about it. I had no business treating you that way, as you said, and I’m really sorry about it.” It wasn’t entirely a lie, he did regret it, but he wasn’t sorry at all that he had gotten to kiss her and hold her. He pushed the thoughts from his mind and focused on the phone call.


“Okay,” she said in a monotone voice.


“I was hoping I could talk with you today. Right away, actually. There’s uh… there’s something kind of imperative that I need to discuss with you. Ask you. Talk with you about…” he began to stammer. “Um, could you just please come over as soon as you are able to? I’m at my house.” He felt like he was begging, and he didn’t want to sound desperate, but he did want her to understand just how important this was to him.


“Fine. I’ll be there when I can.” She hung up the phone and buried her head in her pillow.


She knew that she was going to have to say yes to him if he asked her, and she knew there was no way out of it. She had cried so much in her father’s dojo the day before that she was all cried out and she had resigned herself to her fate. She rose up from her bed and pulled a sundress on, then tied her hair up in a loose bun. There was no sense in putting off the inevitable. She picked up a pair of sandals and walked barefoot to the front door.


Kimiko emerged from her office and looked at her daughter with questioning eyes. “Where are you going?” she asked.


Jillian turned and looked directly at her mother, and with an unfeeling monotone, replied, “I’m going to see Reed.”


Her mother handed her a set of keys. “Take my car. If he asks you, you say yes.”

Jillian nodded, pulled her sandals on and walked out the door.


Reed hung up and placed his hands on the railing of the deck. How on earth was he going to ever get her to agree to marry him? He considered begging and pleading, he thought momentarily of trying to romance her, but she seemed impervious to his romantic talents. She was the only woman on the planet who seemed to be immune to his charm.


He sighed and looked down. Bare hands began to rub his back and shoulders, and then reached around from behind him to massage his chest. “What’s the matter with my baby?” Daisy cooed at him, laying her head on his back. She slipped her hands into his shorts and began to rub his groin. “Want me to make you feel better?” she smiled and kissed his back.


“Not now, Daisy. I can’t. I’m sorry,” he said, pulling her hands from him and walking back into the pool house. He passed a mirror and realized that he hadn’t showered in two days and he looked like it. If he was going to convince Jillian to marry him, he should at least look the part of the billionaire fiancé. He pulled off his shorts, stepped into the shower and lost himself in the steam.


It was the best he had felt since his orgasm into Daisy when he had imagined she was Jillian. He let the hot water run over his face and wished that it would wash the thoughts of her from his mind. He couldn’t believe he had let himself imagine her as he had, naked, laid out beneath him, clinging to him, kissing him, crying out in pleasure for him.


He couldn’t believe he had imagined himself inside of her, moving in her, feeling her hot body squeezing his erection, his mouth on her black breasts, his hands all over her body, feeling her curves, his tongue entwined with hers and then finally coming harder and deeper than he had ever orgasmed in his life, and inside of Daisy! What had he been thinking?


He realized he had been thinking about it too much again, because he was rock hard and desperate for release. He stepped from the shower and walked out into the pool house nude and dripping wet, stiff with desire. His bright blue eyes scanned the room. “Daisy!” he yelled. She came in right away, emerging from the bedroom and grinning when she saw him.


“Hey baby!” she said, walking up to him and wrapping her arms around his waist. “You look like you’re ready for some fun. Do you want to go into the bedroom?” she asked with a grin.


“No,” he said, almost gruffly. He grabbed her face in his hands and kissed her hard, moaning loudly with urgent need, and then he lifted his face from hers, leaving her breathless and he looked down at her. “I need you. I need you now.” He reached beneath her chin and grabbed the edges of her robe, pulling it open and then he dropped it unceremoniously to the floor.

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