Billionaire BWWM Romance 1: The Billionaire's Arranged Marriage (2 page)

Read Billionaire BWWM Romance 1: The Billionaire's Arranged Marriage Online

Authors: Cj Howard

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Women's Fiction, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Billionaire BWWM Romance 1: The Billionaire's Arranged Marriage
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“I’ve missed you, Reed. It’s so good to see you. Come on, let’s get out of here.” She winked at  him and took  his hand. He let her lead him out to the front of the hotel where her car was parked and he climbed into the passenger seat. She closed the driver side door and looked at him. “Where are we going?” she asked.


“I need to head to my place,” he said with a note of disappointment.


She heard it and grinned at him, sliding her sunglasses on. “Well then, we’ll just have to make a stop along the way,” she said, with a sassy toss of her blonde curls. She drove away from the hotel and Reed looked out of the window for a little while, but Daisy was singing and dancing around her in seat, shaking her head of curls and her loose breasts under her dress, and Reed’s attention was soon focused solely on her.


“How do you live like that?” he asked, enthralled with her wild, free spirit.


She flashed her wide smile at him. “Life is too short to care about the inconsequential negative crap.”  The wind coming into the jeep played havoc with her blonde curls, twisting them and tugging at them.


Reed reached his hand over to her thigh and slid his fingers up underneath her short dress until he felt the soft blonde hair between her legs. His eyebrows went up in surprise. “No panties, Daisy?” he asked.


She shook her blonde curls. “Not when I’m going to see you. Do you know how many pairs of really great panties I’ve lost because you’ve ripped them off of me in a moment of passion? Too many. I’m just practicing a little loss prevention here, that’s all,” she said, shaking her head.


His fingers caressed her softness and then found warmth and moisture and he began to massage her. She gasped and clenched the steering wheel. “Not while I’m driving! That’s unsafe! You’ll make me wreck!” She swatted  at his arm.


He didn’t listen. His fingers pressed more firmly against her, slipping into her slightly, and he leaned over and kissed her bare shoulder. She pulled his hand from between her thighs and pushed him away. “Wait till we get there!”


He cocked one eyebrow at her. “Get where?” He reached his hand over and began running the tip of his finger over her hard nipple as it pressed against the thin blue silk of her dress.


She let out a long breath, trying to focus on the road. “The beach.”


He blinked at her. “I thought you were taking me home.”


Daisy turned her head slightly and looked over the rim of her sunglasses at him. “I’m gonna have some fun with you before I let you go. I don’t get to see you as often as I want to. I have to make the most of it when opportunity knocks and you actually call me back. Don’t worry, baby, you’ll love it.” She blew him an air kiss and his hand cupped her breast firmly.


“Then get there fast already.”  He massaged her breast and she laughed at him.


“If I go any faster, I might get pulled over. Then I’ll have to work my way out of a ticket with the cop. You don’t want me to have to do that, do you?” she asked in a playfully warning voice, giving him a sidelong glance.


He shook his head and smiled. “No, I guess not.”


Reed teased her body and aroused them both to the point that by the time she pulled in to a secluded area of dunes and trees on the quiet beach, they were both more than ready for each other.


She turned the jeep off and he laid his seat back a bit. She crawled over to him and opened his pants, pulling them down to his knees before straddling him lightly and leaning over to kiss him breathlessly.


Reed’s hands moved up her bare thighs and closed over her hips, pulling her to his crotch, but she resisted slightly, running her tongue over his and kissing him deeply. She leaned up a little and looked at him, her green eyes bright with excitement.


“What do you want today, Reed?” she asked, her sweet sexy smile curving her lips.


He was so hungry for her at that point that he could barely speak to her. “I want to screw you until I can’t move,” he said in a hoarse whisper, looking up at her lovely face and squeezing his fingers into her flesh.


“You got it, baby,” she  said softly, lowering her body down over him and sliding his erection into her until there was nothing between them. He closed his eyes and began moving his hips, pumping them into her slowly at first, and then gaining momentum as his excitement caught fire, then he opened his eyes and pulled her face down to his to kiss her hard and fervently.


He reached one hand up to her shoulders and pulled at the thin straps of her dress until it fell from her and her perky rounded breasts were bouncing in his face. He groaned and closed his mouth around one of her nipples, sucking and biting at it, twirling the tip of his tongue over it, while his hands moved over her hips and her back. She just looked down at him the whole time, never taking her eyes from him as she rode him hard and fast.


Just as he was going to climax, he threw his head back and closed his eyes, gasping. “Now!” he called out and she lifted herself from his body and lowered her face into his crotch, sliding his erection past her lips and into her mouth.


Reed cried out in immense pleasure and both his hands twisted into her thick blonde curls as his hands closed around the back of her head and he began pushing himself further and further into her mouth and down her throat. “Oh! Baby!” he cried out, thrusting his pelvis hard toward her face and pulling her to him urgently. “That’s it! That’s my girl…. That’s… ahhhh!” he cried out as he ejaculated with terrific force into her hot mouth and down her throat.


His wave of pleasure subsided slowly and she withdrew him slowly from her soft pink lips and smiled up at him, kissing his thighs before she sat back up and pulled her dress back on.


He sighed deeply, satisfied and turned his head over to her. “What are you doing now?” he asked as she straightened her hair in the mirror.


“I’m going to take you home. Isn’t that what you wanted?” she asked with a sly smile.


He stared at her for a long moment, wanting something else entirely. “No, I want to spend the day inside you, but I guess if I have to go, I have to go. Carter is insisting on it.” He grumbled, leaning over and slipping the strap of her dress off of her shoulder. He kissed her tanned skin and then pulled her dress down until her breast came loose and he closed his mouth around her nipple, sucking gently at first and then harder as he pushed his hand back between her thighs and slid his fingertips into her, rubbing her body swiftly until she closed her eyes and pushed her head back against her seat, crying out as she arched her back and her orgasm swept over her, making her shudder, and making Reed hungry for her again.


She pushed his hand away and pulled her dress strap back up over her shoulder. “It’s time to take you to him,” she  said quietly as she pulled her seatbelt on and backed the jeep out of its hidden spot in the beach dunes.


Reed frowned and turned his head to look out of the window. “I guess,” he said quietly.


They were a short distance down the road when she looked at him and asked, “Why don’t you ever come in me? Why do you always want to come in my mouth?”


He shook his head. “I don’t want to have a kid. I’m just practicing a little loss prevention.” He tossed her words back at her and laughed. She smiled at him and took his hand in hers, raising it to her lips and kissing it before letting it go and driving him home.


She turned off the main road and slowed her jeep down as it made the long rounding curve toward the enormous mansion at the end of the drive. She shook her head. “No matter how many times I’ve seen this place, it always intimidates the hell out of me. No one should live in a place that big. Seriously. It’s just you, your dad and your brother. What do three guys need with that much room?”


Reed shrugged and sighed. “I have no idea. I’m never here.” Then he looked around and saw that his car was parked near the garage where his father’s cars were kept. “Wait!” he said sharply. “What’s my car doing here? I thought it was stolen!”


Confusion rushed through his mind. He furrowed his brow and tried to remember if he had somehow brought it home, but he knew he couldn’t have. He’d been at the hotel for three days and even the valet manager said that his car was there for both days until it had disappeared that morning, and he knew he hadn’t driven it home.


He was at a loss.


Daisy leaned over and kissed him deeply, holding him close to her as long as she could, before he pulled away from her and waved her away, heading into the house, and in his mind, into the lion’s den.


Carter was sitting as his massive mahogany desk in his large and stately office, working on his computer, when Reed walked in. Carter did not stop working to look up at him, but kept on typing while he greeted his son in a stern tone.


“It’s about time you showed up. Sit down.”


Reed sat down, his hangover still wreaking havoc with his body. He waited quietly for his father to finish what he was doing and turn toward him. It was a full five minute wait before Carter closed the screen of his laptop and turned to look at his son.


“You have truly hit the bottom of the barrel, young man. I’ve talked with you several times about your wild partying and carousing. We’ve discussed the damage your actions and debauchery have done to tarnish the public image of our family and our business, and no amount of my intervention has made a difference to you.


“I can no longer give you a mere lecture or occasionally turn a blind eye. I can no longer leave it in your incapable hands to correct your errant behaviors. I can no longer continue to let our attorneys clean up your legal messes or produce the funds to repair the aftermath of destruction that you leave in your wake; particularly in the form of monetary settlements for both people and property. You are old enough to know and do much better than you’ve wasted your youth doing.”


He stood up and walked around his desk, his eyes sharp and piercing as they held Reed’s in a steady gaze.


“Have you seen the news today?” His father leaned against his desk and folded his hands in front of him.


Reed shook his head silently.


Without looking away from Reed, Carter reached back onto his desk and grabbed a stack of newspapers, which he tossed in Reed’s lap.


“You’ve managed to expand your reach beyond the society pages and land on both the business and front pages,”  Carter said with quiet anger.


Reed looked down and picked up the stack of papers he was sitting beneath. There he was, staring at photos of himself. He was drunk in a fountain in one, dancing nude with the redhead and the blonde in a private club in another, hanging out of his car and vomiting in one, and making out heavily with both girls in a corner booth at a swanky restaurant.


They were clear pictures of what his last few days had been like, and he couldn’t remember doing any of the things he was seeing in print. 


He realized he should feel shame; that he should be remorseful, but he only felt like a hollow shell as he sat there silently beneath his father’s reproachful eyes.


“Have you nothing to say to me?” Carter asked, his eyes penetrating his son as though he might find the answers he sought if he only looked hard enough.


“Nothing, sir,” was Reed’s reply.


“Well, Reed, I have something to say to you,” Carter said, sliding his hands into his pockets. “There’s a girl I want you to meet.” His tone remained quite serious. Reed blinked in complete surprise. He’d been expecting another lecture, but nothing like what his father had just said, and certainly not what followed. “Actually, you’ve already met her, but you haven’t seen her since you were children. Her name is Jillian. Her mother is one of my oldest business acquaintances and her family has considerable control over some of the largest technology companies in Japan.”


     Reed felt his memories sifting slowly through his mind, like sand in an hour glass, one by one, bit by bit, until finally the distant faded memory began to come back to him slowly.


There was a girl named Jillian. Her mother was Asian and her father was African-American. She was very different looking than other children he had known. He was a few years older than her, and when they met, he’d been fascinated with her. Reed remembered his father suggesting that he show her the gardens on the grounds behind the home, and he led her outside. She was quiet and shy, quite a bit smaller than him, and hesitant to follow him.

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